Then the next second, Yukiko flicked the center of his eyebrows and let out a PIAJI sound.

"Naro, I think you are bigger than me! Please tell me honestly why I came to see you. Don't blame my sister for not warning me in advance. The Suzuki Foundation is the second largest consortium in Japan, and if I remember correctly, I came to see you today." That child of Sonoko is currently the only heir of the Suzuki Consortium. If you defraud the only remaining second lady, be careful that the Suzuki Consortium will hunt you down all over the world."

"When have I ever done that kind of thing..."

Serabel felt like she was lying innocently.

If you really think about it, he and Yuanzi are just ordinary friends at best, and they are not even very close to each other. What's more, he has never taken the initiative to seduce the eldest lady of Renzi Yuanzi.

"You dare to say that you don't have any at all?"

Yukiko raised her eyes and squinted and complained.

Recalling that she went to New York with him half a month ago just because she wanted to verify it in person, but they ended up going together in New York.

Thinking about it now is like a dream.

Hmm, it feels like having an X dream...

Just as the older girl was thinking secretly, two pieces of paper were quietly handed to her.

An invitation letter and a notice letter.

The simple drawing of Kidd's evil smile at the signature of the notice came into view, accompanied by Serabel's voice.

"Actually, Mrs. Suzuki took the initiative to invite me. It seems that Kidd is targeting their family again this time."

"Stop, stop, Mrs. Suzuki invites you? Couldn't you..."

Yukiko gasped, her expression a bit like Tom in Tom and Jerry, scratching his chin and looking "scared.JPG".

Based on the above, Serabel could probably guess what she was thinking about, so in order to avoid further misunderstanding, she simply kept her words concise and to the point.

"The last time, it was also about Ji De. I helped the Suzuki family get back their heirloom - the Dark Night Star."

Having said that, to this day Serabel still doesn't know whether the black pearl is really a heirloom to the Suzuki family.

No, after discovering that the Dark Star had been stolen, Suzuki Tomoko's reaction was obviously extremely panicked, almost to the point of losing her mind.

But you have to say that, knowing that Kaitou Kidd is eyeing his family heirloom, he still doesn't restrain himself, and he is not afraid at all.

Exhibition, just exhibition.

"That's it, it's alright."

When she heard that it was not what she imagined, Yukiko immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did she turn her eyes to the invitation in Serabel's hand, and then let out a light sigh.

"The location is in Osaka?"

"Uh, yes..."

The invitation letter that Sonoko brought over actually included a ticket. It was a ticket to the Suzuki Museum of Art in Osaka, where the secret treasure of the Czar was to be exhibited later.

Of course, it is said that there is only one ticket, but this ticket is essentially a paper navigation, which uses clear text and map screenshots to name the location of the art museum, which looks more concise, clear and intuitive.

If you really want to get in, just this invitation letter is enough. It has Mrs. Suzuki's autograph on it.

"By the way, Yukiko-sama, do you want to go with us? After it's over, we can go shopping in Kyoto next door."

Serabel has not forgotten that Yukiko told him on the phone that she wanted to go on a trip together.

However, what he didn't expect was that the latter refused very simply.

"Forget it, let's do it next time."


"Just think about it and you will know. If you are going to Osaka, you must tell your sister when you return. It is still summer vacation, and she will most likely go with you. Even if you transfer to Kyoto after the end, you can't let her go. Will your sister go back to Tokyo alone first?"

Yukiko's analysis is reasonable and well-founded.

"Besides, dear brother, have you ever seen a boy traveling with someone of the opposite sex and taking his sister with him?"

Oh, I have actually seen this, right here in Izu, but it turned out that my sister almost stabbed her sister-in-law... Sera Belle said in her heart.

"So let's do it next time. Then it will be just the two of us."

Yukiko lowered her head again as she said this, her lips and teeth entangled for a long time before they separated. A strand of silver thread was stretched in the air until it fell.

Moments before pulling the door handle, she pinched Serabel's cheek again.

"Okay, sister, it's time to go back for dinner. Let's do this for today."

“What about these sun shields?”

Serabel was startled and looked around the car at the six sunscreens that were tightly attached to every window, including the front and rear windshields.

"Well, let's just put it in your car first." Yukiko nodded and thought for a moment, then winked playfully, "Remember to hide it well so your sister Mary doesn't find it~"

You put such a big pile of things in the car, I think you just want to be discovered...

Serabel was helpless.

But Yukiko had already left happily humming a little tune.

Half an hour later, when Serabel returned to the Cupido Hotel, dinner was almost finished.

The first thing Akai Marie said when they met her was that she came out of the kitchen carrying a pot of beef brisket.

"Is there a traffic jam on the road?"

"Uh, a little bit, okay..."

Serabel replied subconsciously.

It wasn't until he finished speaking that he realized that Mary was asking about whether there was a traffic jam on the road.

Fortunately, the latter didn't worry too much. He just said "That's it" and then turned back to the kitchen.

Serabel quickly caught up and briefly told Mrs. Suzuki about her invitation to Osaka.

Sera Masumi, who was in charge of helping out in the kitchen, was also there. After hearing this, Akai Mari thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

"just go."

Then she looked at her daughter.

"It just so happens that it's summer vacation at that time, Zhenzumi, do you want to go too?"


The Huya girl hesitated for a moment and finally shook her head.

"I still can't do it."?

Chapter 128 Something, But Not Much

Location: Suzuki Museum of Modern Art, Osaka.

As the saying goes, summer is scorching hot, and Dog Day is the hottest time of the year.

At the end of the dog days of summer, the blazing sun was scorching the earth like crazy, and the heat waves evaporating on the black asphalt road even caused slight distortions.

The low sound of the engine came from far away, and a black stretched limousine with the logo of the Suzuki Foundation quietly turned around the edge of the lush green belt and drove to the outside of the art museum and stopped in front of the main entrance.

The back seat door opened, and a leg wearing trousers stepped out of the car. The hot heat wave from the ground surged up, penetrated through the socks and penetrated into the skin, which immediately caused a burst of unhappy complaints from Kogoro Mori.

"Really, when will this damn weather get cooler? It feels so hot as soon as I go out."

The next second, the car body stopped and trembled slightly, and with the sound of the handbrake being pulled, the front driver's door opened, and Masato Nishino, who was the driver along the way, stepped out.

Yes, it was the secretary who met Sera Bell at the door of Tomoko Suzuki's office on the cruise ship.

Hearing Moori Kogoro's complaint, he leaned forward slightly and smiled.

"Please don't worry, President Suzuki has arrived here early. The museum uses central air conditioning. It will be cool wherever you go inside the museum."

"Did you hear that? If you want to use the air conditioner, come out quickly..."

Following Nishino Masato's words, Mouri Kogoro turned to look at Conan and others in the car who were still moving their seats one by one to get out of the car.

The back seat of the car is a double-row design, so Serabel actually sat opposite Kogoro Mori on the way from the high-speed rail station to the art museum.

He got out of the car for the second time and said: "I think it's okay, but if you are like Uncle Maori and insist on going out in a suit and shirt, you will still feel very hot even at this time next month."

There was nothing wrong with this in itself, it was quite reasonable, but Kogoro Mouri just snorted in displeasure.

"You kids still don't understand that a suit is a symbol of a mature man and the minimum respect for the work you do."

I think the consciousness of being a social animal is more or less...

Serabel thought.

At this moment, the sound of wind caused by the propeller stirring the air above his head came, and Mouri Kogoro subconsciously raised his head and took a look.

More than three Osaka Metropolitan Police Department helicopters were seen hovering over the museum at the moment, constantly monitoring the surrounding air and ground conditions.

In fact, it’s not just in the sky, but also on the ground.

They just drove all the way here, starting from the street in front of the Suzuki Museum of Art to the main green belt road in front of the main entrance, etc. They almost stood guard every three steps and patrolled every five steps.

The main focus is on omissions but not omissions.

"It's really well-prepared." Mouri Kogoro exclaimed.

"Well, since we are going against Kaitou Kidd, this level of security is normal."

Sonoko, who was the last to get off the car, said with a smile.

"after all……"

As soon as the second half of the sentence was spoken, a voice that looked like Vegeta from Dragon Ball answered in a muffled voice.

"After all, he is an elusive and free-changing Phantom Thief gentleman. No matter how tight the security or the strongest vault, he can miraculously break through it quickly. Even his appearance and voice can be perfectly modeled. He can be said to be a top cross-dressing master."


Just as everyone was leaving with questions on their heads, they saw a person on a motorcycle behind them who arrived almost at the same time as them, taking off his helmet, revealing a young but dark coal-faced face that didn't look Japanese at all. Also sitting was an Osaka girl who looked to be about the age of a high school student.

"We really encountered a difficult target this time, right Kudo?"

He raised his eyebrows at Conan.


When his eyes touched the face as black as the bottom of a pot, Conan's mouth twitched subconsciously.

Before he could say anything, Xiaolan stepped in front of him and said somewhat dissatisfied.

"Really, why does Hattori-kun always call Conan Kudo?"

"Yes, yes, this guy is stupid. He was talking about Kudo coming, Kudo coming early this morning, like a fool."

The Osaka girl sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle also complained.

Serabel took the opportunity to kick Conan's heels, leaned forward and lowered her voice.

"You know him well?"

Conan also lowered his voice and replied: "Well, his name is Hattori Heiji. He is a high school detective like me. My father is the head of the Osaka Police Department and he also knows about me. And sitting in the back seat is his childhood sweetheart. Distant mountains and leaves.”

It turns out that he is still a second-generation official. No wonder no police stopped him all the way here.

"Sorry, sorry, the main thing is that this guy looks a lot like Kudo in terms of tone and eyes." Hattori Heiji explained with a grin while scratching his head.

Now that everyone is here, the next step is to go upstairs. As a secretary, Masato Nishino quickly led Sera Bell and others into the art gallery.

Entering the museum, the security is even tighter, and police patrols can be seen almost everywhere.

This is true on the first floor, and also true on the second floor, but this phenomenon suddenly disappears when you reach the third floor.

Since there is only one office on the third floor, it extends a corridor from the central top floor of the second floor like the boom of a crane, and builds a circular office at the end of the "boom".

Sera Bell couldn't imagine what kind of mental state the designer of this building was in at that time, but he always designed it, and... surprisingly it was quite stable.

Entering the office, there were already people inside. Except for the couple Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Tomoko, the others included but were not limited to - a short, fat antique dealer who looked very mercenary, a burly old man with a deep voice, There are idle photographers who are always taking pictures with their cameras, and beautiful cheongsam beauties with slim waists and long legs.

Yuanzi obviously didn't like these people very much, and stretched out his hand to signal them one by one in the above order.

"First of all, this is Mr. Jiang Yi, an antique dealer."

"Then this is Mr. Siruov Chinnikov, First Secretary of the Russian Embassy."

"Then there is Mr. Samkawa Ryu, a freelance photographer who applied to shoot the material."

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