"It's so boring... No, let's send a message to harass Sera-kun..."?

Chapter 118 Yukiko has won too much

I never expected that a creature like a sea snake would appear on the beach where people gathered.

Hearing Xiaolan's voice from behind, Matsuzaki Masahiko, who was walking in front and was carrying his fiancée on his back to go back to the hotel to rest, was stunned for a moment.

That is something that all diving enthusiasts know, that is, almost most of the species of sea snakes are highly venomous.

Realizing this, Matsuzaki Masahiko immediately stopped and turned around to look.

I saw that my fiancée, who could barely smile and talk to me just now, turned pale at some point, her eyes were closed tightly and she was breathing hard and short, and her forehead and the tip of her nose were covered with beads of sweat.

This should never be the behavior after simply choking on water!

"Kiwako? Kiwako? Cheer up, Kiwako!"

"Stop shouting. Instead of having this time, it is better to put her down first and call the emergency phone. And quickly find the wound bitten by the sea snake, and then use a frenulum to tie the area to slow down the spread of the poison."

Sera Bell, who happened to be pulling Sera Masumi ashore at this time, came from behind and said, then he looked around and his eyes swept across the faces of the people present.

"Then one of you has to suck out the snake venom with his mouth. I'm going to get some black tea now. After sucking the snake venom, remember to rinse the wound with black tea... Of course, the person responsible for sucking the snake venom also has to rinse his mouth with black tea. If you don't want to If you are also poisoned."

"oh oh."

After being given the most precise instructions by a boy who was several years younger than him in a tone that was so calm that it was almost irrelevant, several college students quickly calmed down and started looking for wounds step by step and making emergency calls.

As for Serabel, she continued to drag Sera Masumi toward the beachside restaurant where she had dined previously.

After walking a little distance, the Huya girl asked curiously.

"By the way, brother, why do you let them use black tea to wash the wounds? Can black tea detoxify?"

Serabel shook her head: "It's not that easy to use. It can only be regarded as a delaying measure. Black tea contains tannic acid. Tannic acid can neutralize snake venom, but it only neutralizes it, making it easier for the injured to support them until medical care arrives."

"Brother, do you know all about this?" Shiliang Zhenzhen exclaimed.

"Just basic common sense."

Serabel said with a little confusion on her face.

"But what I'm more curious about than this is another thing, which is that if not all sea snakes, almost most of them will not attack humans actively. Even the snakes that can fight back are only a very small number. Most sea snakes will just run away when they encounter humans."

"Then maybe Miss Kiwako encountered a sea snake that can attack people?" Huya girl guessed.

"Then the hotels here are probably going to be ready to close."

Serabel shrugged.

"Well, it's possible, but it's theoretically impossible, but just in case."

While they were talking, the two of them had already returned to the door of the restaurant one after another. At the originally full table, only Mouri Kogoro was left, holding a cup of black tea with a confused look on his face.

"What's the situation? What happened? Didn't you say you were drowning? Why did you suddenly start giving first aid?"

"Not only did she drown, Miss Toda was also bitten by a sea snake."

Serabel briefly explained the following situation, and then unceremoniously reached out to the black tea cup in Kogoro Mouri's hand.

"Compared to this, I have to borrow Uncle Maori's black tea."

"Eh... ehhh?"

Mouri Kogoro was a little slow to react. When he came to his senses, the black tea had already disappeared. What appeared in his hand instead was a bamboo stick that had eaten the squid tentacles. He was so angry that he threw the bamboo stick on the ground. .

"Forget it about you kid taking my black tea, why don't you throw the bamboo stick to me!"

"Since I can't help you with anything else, you can always throw away the garbage, right?"


A familiar voice came from behind, and Mouri Kogoro subconsciously turned his head to look.

At the same time, the slim figure of a female lawyer walked past him and continued walking forward without looking back.

It was as if what he just said was just spoken to the air.

"...What, it's so stinky..."

Mouri Kogoro muttered unhappily.


The perspective changed. When Serabel returned to the beach with black tea, Toda Kikako's wounds had been almost treated. All the poisonous blood that could be sucked out was sucked out, and her wrists were tied tightly with ties. It compresses the blood vessels and prevents the poisonous blood entering the body from flowing too fast.

The person responsible for handling this is another man who came with Matsuzaki Masahiko and others. He has a tall build, wheat-colored skin and refreshing short hair, giving people the feeling of a reliable big brother. It is said that he is Matsuzaki Masahiko and Toda Takashi. The child of Kazuko and Haru Matsuzaki was named Itoyo.

He was the one who was responsible for holding the head of Takawako Uda out of the water before.

Seeing Serabel bring the black tea, he reached out to take it familiarly, took a sip, gargled it in his mouth and spat it out, and then poured the rest on the bitten spot on Toda Kikako's hand.

On the other side, Matsuzaki Masahiko, who went to call an ambulance, also came back and reported the report on his mobile phone.

"The bus has already departed from the hospital, and it will arrive in three minutes at most."

Yi Dongyang looked back at him, nodded and said: "Okay, then Yayan, see if you can find a parasol nearby. The sun is too strong at noon, and if the temperature is high, it will easily accelerate the blood flow."

"I-I know..."

Matsuzaki Masahiko agreed, turned around and ran to find a parasol.

While the two were talking, Serabel leaned over Toda Kikako and looked at the place where the sea snake had bitten her on the back of her hand, and then softly let out a raised voice.

Without thinking, he decisively took out his phone and turned on the camera function, pointed it at the latter's hand and clicked two photos.

"...Any new discoveries?"


The sudden female voice came from her ears, startling Sera Bell who had just taken the photo, and the things in her hand almost flew away.

Looking back, it was Fei Yingli.

For some reason, she did not continue to sit at the table, but came here, looking over Serabel's shoulder curiously at the mobile phone in his hand.

And not far behind, a certain blond British girl also walked slowly over, followed by Sera Masumi, she raised her delicate face lightly.

"Is something wrong?"


Serabel hesitated for a moment, then gestured to them to follow her.

Returning to the table in the store, he called up the photo album function of his phone, clicked on the photo he had just taken, and placed the phone flat on the table for everyone to see.

Serabel's index finger pointed at the upper edge of the screen... Due to time constraints, the photo he took was slightly skewed, but it could still be seen that it was the back of Toda Kiwako's hand.

And on the back of the latter's hand, about two or three centimeters upward along the middle finger, there were two small holes printed in parallel, which were the places where he was bitten by a sea snake.

However, these two small holes were blocked by a message notification dropped from the top of the screen in the next second.

That was a text message.

[Yukiko: Hohoho, what are you doing? 】


The timing was so coincidental that four pairs of eyes and eight eyes were focused on this message banner.


Sera Masumi tilted her head.

Fei Yingli looked surprised.

Akai Marie's eyes were sharp.

Only Serabel's fingertips trembled slightly.

You have to choose this time to post it, right? ?

Chapter 119 The murderer must be Rayquaza!

Let’s not talk about Yukiko’s sudden message and a perfectly timed gank...

A tourist was bitten by a sea snake at a beach. This is obviously not a trivial matter comparable to accidentally slipping and breaking his skin while climbing a mountain.

Especially under the premise that this beach still belongs to the convention of the beach hotel next to it.

After all, if word spreads, no matter how beautiful and famous this beach is, it is unlikely that anyone will come here in the future.

So the hotel manager also came, arriving almost at the same time as the ambulance roaring all the way.

Under the scorching sun on the beach, the rear door of the ambulance opened to both sides, and three medical staff jumped out of the car carrying a stretcher.

Two of them carried Takako Toda, who was almost unconscious, onto a stretcher, and the other one used a prop similar to a blood pressure monitor to reinforce the latter's arm to further prevent the spread of toxins.

Every link was arranged so neatly and the whole process took less than 20 seconds.

"Have any of you seen what a sea snake looks like? What species is it?"

Waving to indicate that the other two people could carry the patient into the ambulance, the medical staff responsible for strengthening the arms raised their heads and asked.

Hearing this question, everyone present turned their attention to Xiaolan, who had been waiting outside with Conan, waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

The unicorn girl clasped her hands in front of her chest and took a step forward: "I did see it and remember its appearance, but the specific species..."

"It doesn't matter, we have a complete illustration of sea snakes in the hotel, just remember what they look like!"

At this time, I couldn't find a suitable manager to restore the hotel's reputation for a while.

The medical staff accompanying the car glanced at him and nodded.

"Okay, then we will take the patient back to the hospital first, and you will call immediately after confirming the species of sea snake."

Matsuzaki Masahiko, who was concerned about his fiancée, raised his hand: "I am the fiancé of the patient. Can I get in the car with you?"

"Okay, come on up."

Without any unnecessary nonsense, the medical staff turned around and got into the car.

Then the door closed and the ambulance sped away in a puff of dust.

At the same time, Serabel, who had left the beach and ran to the restaurant, turned back, followed by Akai Mari, Sera Masumi and Fei Eri.

"What do you mean, it's done?"

the guy asked as he took a bite of grilled squid tentacles.

Conan turned around and said, "Not yet. The hospital doesn't know the type of sea snake yet, but Sister Xiaolan remembers the appearance of the sea snake, so next we have to go to the hotel to confirm it through the illustrated book... uh, your hand What's that?"

Only then did he suddenly realize that Serabel was not only holding a string of squid tentacles in one hand, but also carrying various large and small bags in the other hand.

"This is our lunch meal."

Serabel held up a plastic bag full of food with the restaurant's logo printed on it.

"I guessed that lunch would be impossible after this incident, so I went back just now and asked the waiter to pack all the food in advance. This is called foresight... Okay, let's go, let's go, we don't have to go to the hotel next. ?"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the hotel with a large bag of things.


Conan was stunned and didn't know what to say.

You really should eat and drink as you should, without falling behind at all, right?

And why do I always feel that there is something wrong with this guy compared to before?


Ten minutes later, Serabel and everyone arrived in the hotel collection room.

Of course, it is said to be a collection room, but it is actually an exhibition hall.

Just like many local tourist hotels, this beach hotel next to the beach also has a collection of various local animal specimens from Izu, such as shells, starfish, etc.

Although no one would come to the hotel to see this kind of thing, it is one of the traditional items that can be used but cannot be lived without.

There is also a small compartment in the collection room, similar to the utility room storage room. The hotel manager came out within 2 minutes of entering, with a thick book in his hand.

"Basically all the species of sea snakes in Izu are included in it, please take a look."

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