"One cup at a time?"

"How is it possible? There is nothing..."

"Forget it, Zhenchun, just drink my cup and give me your American cup."

Serabel put down the cappuccino she had just taken a sip from, reached out to push the cup and saucer over, and when she retracted her hand, she took her glass of iced Americano from Masumi Sera.

After taking a small sip, the taste in the mouth is only bitter, and it is difficult to even taste the coffee flavor. It feels like drinking a cup of bitter water brewed from plant ash.

"How's it going? Does it taste bad?" Sera Masaki felt a little sorry.

"It's okay." Serabel smacked her lips.

He has also drunk a lot of things that taste much worse than this. In comparison, American coffee is still acceptable among drinks.

Having said this, it would be too pretentious to shirk it any more, so Sera Masazumi stopped talking and took a sip of cappuccino, and immediately showed a satisfied expression on his face.

"Well, this is good! This is good..."

“I want some coffee, didn’t you hear me!!!”

Before he finished speaking, an extremely irritable female voice sounded through the coffee shop without warning. The sound was so loud that it suddenly attracted the attention of everyone in the store.

Sera Masumi was still immersed in the beauty of cappuccino. She was caught off guard and was slightly startled, and the coffee in her hand spilled out.

Looking around, the person who was yelling at the clerk was a mean-looking young woman wearing sunglasses, while the scolded clerk looked aggrieved and scared.

"What are you doing, that fierce aunt?" Sera Masaki frowned slightly.

Although the business of this coffee shop is quite good, the number of clerks is not many. For all the customers here, almost all the clerks are responsible for taking orders.

There was nothing wrong with everyone, but something went wrong when she came to her place, and everyone understood it.

"Forget it, don't worry about her."

Serabel, who was well aware of the entire incident, spoke out to draw the Huya Girl's attention back.

"As for what Sister Mary said about being a detective, I currently have a plan that can be implemented. One is slower but relatively reliable, and the other is faster but has more stringent prerequisites."

"Hey, what about, for example?"

"The former is to print a lot of posters and put them up everywhere. The advantage of this method is that it can be done immediately and in real time, but the disadvantage is that it can only win by quantity, and even if you can get orders in the early stage, they are just to help find cats and dogs."

"Indeed, after all, if you are a little-known detective, it is unlikely that others will trust you with a serious case." Sera Masumi nodded in agreement while holding her chin, and asked, "Then second What’s the plan?”

"The second option -"

Serabel's words had just left her mouth when at the same time, someone walked in at the door of the coffee shop again.

It was a rather handsome young man with long flowing hair. After entering the door and saying a few words to the clerk, he casually found an empty seat and sat down, and started chatting on the phone.

"Hello, hello, this is Prince Ruo... What, it turns out to be you, a good man... I made an appointment with a girl today, don't disturb me by causing trouble... Huh? Who are you asking? It was the last time Among the girls who went to the TV station for internship, one of them was quite good-looking. There are not many girls who are so innocent nowadays. Women are emotional creatures. As long as you say a few sweet words to her, you can easily catch her. Already? Hahahaha!"

After saying that, he laughed loudly as if no one else was watching, causing the people around him to look at him sideways.

"This is all bullshit and scumbag." The tiger-toothed girl's fists became hardened after hearing this.

Serabel: "..."

"Oh, my, my, my, Berni-chan continued, what did you just say, what is the second plan?"

Realizing that her attention had been distracted thousands of miles away, Sera Masumi hurriedly clapped her hands together to apologize.

Naturally, Serabel couldn't care about such a trivial matter with her, so she coughed lightly.

"The second option is to encounter the murder scene by chance and solve the case in public. In this way, it should not take a few times to establish a reputation. However, the shortcomings of this method are also obvious."

"This is too much luck. It's not like the traffic police is issuing tickets, so how could you encounter one while walking on the road." Sera Masumi couldn't help complaining.

"So it would be great if a case could happen right now."

"...Don't say such horrible things with a calm face!"

After a while, the phone calls in the coffee shop finally stopped.

The long-haired scumbag who had openly talked about the "Secrets of Hunting Women" tied up his hair with a hair tie. Shi Shiran got up from the booth, asked the cafe owner behind the counter at the door for the location of the restroom and was told that it was "for men and women." After answering, he turned around and walked towards the toilet.

Open the door, enter the door and close the door, all in one go.

Two seconds later, a scream full of horror came from inside the door.

"There is, there is blood!!!"

After hearing this, Serabel, who was sitting still in the booth just a moment ago, suddenly put down her cup and stood up, her eyes shining brightly on her calm face.

"Great, where is it?"?

Chapter 7 There is an old saying in China...

There is a saying in China, "The one who misses the West"...

No, it's not that sentence, it should be saying that Cao Cao is about to arrive, so Cao Cao is also known as the fastest man in the world.

Just now, Serabel seemed to have mastered this similar power of law.

One second he was saying that it would be great if a case happened, but the next second the case really happened.

Perfect Compo.

Sera Masumi's reaction was extremely fast. She realized something was wrong the moment the scream came. While others in the cafe were still stunned, they had already stood up and turned to look towards the bathroom.

At the same time, Serabel passed her by, as if the female gunner had turned on the full level W and strode straight to the bathroom.

However, there are still people who move faster.

That was Conan, the little boy with glasses who was sitting on the side of the floor-to-ceiling window of the cafe near the road, leaning on a certain unicorn JK and shouting that he wanted to see Shinichi's brother.

I saw him jumping down from his seat, struggling to move his short legs and running towards the bathroom, actually catching up with Sera Bell in terms of distance.

Just...if Serabel heard the story about the market-going aunt who would get eggs for free as long as she attended the lecture, then the version heard by the former probably had to add a few more words.

——The top three will receive double rewards.

But it turned out that running fast was useless, because just when he was about to reach the bathroom door and press the door handle with his hand, a hand wearing a white disposable glove stretched out from behind and grabbed the back of Destiny's neck. .

Lift gently and lift your feet off the ground.

"Everyone please wait outside for a while. No one is allowed in without my permission."

Serabel held her collar in one hand, her tone was calm and unquestionable, and her whole body exuded the unique aura of the execution department staff, which made other people who came behind stunned. They stopped and nodded in unison.

"Keep an eye on this kid. There should be a female high school student with him who has a hairstyle that looks like a unicorn. She's his sister. I'll leave it to her when people arrive later."

Carelessly handing Conan to a tall, strong man with a simple face behind him, Serabel took out shoe covers and put them on her feet. After all the preparations were completed, she pressed the door handle.


The bathroom door was gently pushed open, and the strong smell of blood hit the face. The first person who appeared behind the door was a handsome man with long hair who called himself Prince Ruo.

But compared to the moment when he first entered the coffee shop, as if a halo spread around him while talking and laughing, and all the female creatures showed love wherever he went, at this moment he has completely lost the unruly feeling he had at that time. He just fell down on the ground, his face was pale, his face was covered with cold sweat, he was trembling, he stretched out his right index finger and pointed forward, and he couldn't even speak coherently.

"Blood, it's blood..."

Since it is for mixed use, the restroom is a standard public women's restroom, with three stalls from right to left, all separated by walls and doors made of synthetic wood to block the view.

Looking in the direction pointed by the long-haired man, I saw pools of blood spreading from the inside out under the farthest compartment door.

"Such a large amount of bleeding..."

Serabel muttered something in a low voice, walked over again, came to the door and tried to press the door handle from the outside and push it.

The door handle was pressed, but the door was not pushed and was blocked from the inside.

After thinking for a moment, he put one hand on the upper edge of the isolation door and pulled himself up with a slight jump.

The probe crossed the gap between the separation wall and the ceiling, and the hellish scene in the compartment below came into view.

"Wow~" Serabel whistled.

I saw that the woman in sunglasses who had been making a fuss with the waiter in the lobby outside with a very bad attitude was now lying in a pool of blood. Her back was arched like a shrimp and she was holding the door. A blood-stained dagger fell down along with other belongings. Next to him, a large amount of blood was pouring out from the pierced heart, with an angry look on his face.

The window behind the toilet facing the green belt was open and swaying slightly in the wind.

It's dead, my friend.

There was no fluctuation in Serabel's heart, but when he was about to retract his head, he inadvertently turned his head and found that there was another person hanging on the upper edge of the wall, staring attentively below. That little figure looked quite familiar.

"...Hey, what's your name?"

"Edogawa Conan."

Answered in a milky voice.

"Okay, little Edogawa kid, have your adults ever told you not to join in the fun when you see the police handling a case?"

"Brother, are you a policeman?"


Serabel was speechless for a moment.

He was used to the way he acted in the UK, where people would shun him as soon as he showed his ID, but now in Japan, the MI6 ID was most likely useless, and it might even cause unnecessary trouble.

Maybe this is the legendary saying that everything is difficult at the beginning.

After a moment of silence, Serabel let go and jumped back, pulling down Conan who was still leaning on the door frame to look at the peep show.

He avoided the blood on the ground and landed firmly. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the strong man at the door who had been entrusted to watch out for a certain kid with glasses also stepped in, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, brother, I just went to talk to the boss, but when I turned around, I found that the child was gone."

"Forget it, it's okay."

"Ah, yes, what happened inside? I seemed to see... uh, is that blood?"

"It's blood, so hurry up and call the police."

Serabel shrugged and let go of the burden in her hands.

"Someone died in the toilet."

"Wha...I understand!"

When he heard that someone was really there, the strong man didn't dare to neglect anymore, turned around and left the bathroom to go out and call the police.

As soon as Serabel returned to the booth, the tiger-toothed girl who couldn't enter the scene of the crime because she didn't have gloves and shoe covers immediately joined her.

"What's going on? I heard someone was really killed?"

"It's true, and the death was extremely tragic."

"Then what should we do now?" Sera Masaki winked and hinted wildly.

Sera Bell ignored her hint and took a sip of the iced American coffee.

"What else can we do? Anyway, let's wait for the police to come. We still have to go through the necessary procedures."

In fact, he still had half a sentence left, just so he could test the capabilities of the Japanese police and see if they were really as incompetent as Sister Mary said.


The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department dispatched personnel quite quickly.

Ten minutes later, as a siren roared from far to near, a Police Department vehicle that was obviously slightly different from an ordinary patrol car parked at the door of the coffee shop, followed closely by another similar vehicle. SUV police vehicle.

A middle-aged male police officer with a belly as round as his face, wearing a round hat and a brown windbreaker stepped out of the car. Behind him were several other police officers, carrying various bags in their hands. record and sample materials, and start various evidence collection and exploration sites.

Sera Bell sat in the booth the whole time, drinking coffee while watching the busy police officers.


This is his assessment.

At least so far, the professionalism displayed by this group of Japanese police officers is worthy of their police skins.

The Fatty Police Department, who was similar to the speaker, came out after a while. He came to the hall and looked around.

"I am Megure from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Who was the first person to discover the body?"

"it's me."

Serabel stood up calmly.

"Who are you?" Memu Police Department turned his eyes to follow the tone and asked directly.

"Serabel, an Englishman, landed in Japan at Haneda Airport at eight o'clock this morning. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing just while drinking coffee." The trainee investigator paused, "At this moment, Let’s just call him a trainee detective.”

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