It's quite strange. Serabel originally thought that the police, an official agency, would have a condescending attitude towards private detectives, similar to - alas, you guys have neither equipment nor official identity certification, and even kung fu is wild. Can you please stay away from those who come out of the road, so as not to hinder our police's handling of the case?

But the fact is that he is not, and he seems to be quite popular, which is strange.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

After entering the museum gate, Serabel didn't pay attention to the many exhibits being installed in the venue, and took the elevator all the way to the third floor of the art museum.

Police from the Metropolitan Police Department can be seen everywhere in the entire art museum. It is very troublesome to open and close doors coming and going, so the door of the conference room on the third floor is left open.

Serabel was also honest and walked straight in.

The decoration of the conference hall is quite luxurious, and all the outer walls are replaced by transparent floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking out from the inside, you can also see the river running through downtown Tokyo next to the museum.

There were many people at the scene. In addition to the police personnel, he saw that Kogoro Mori was also there, followed by Conan and Xiaolan.

Of course, there is also Miss Sonoko who is the host.

Sonoko has sharp eyes, maybe it's also possible that she has been paying attention to the movement at the door, and when she saw Serabel appear, she immediately turned around and waved.

"Saira-kun, this way!"

"Oh come on... uh..."

Serabel had actually seen her and was about to walk over, but Sonoko seemed to think he was walking slowly, so she quickly approached her, took her arm, and went straight to where she was standing before.

There was also a middle-aged couple there.

The man among them is a fat, middle-aged man with a rather kind face. Like Dr. Ali, he wears a pair of round-rimmed glasses and has two carefully trimmed Polo-style mustaches above his lips. He has a standard image of a rich man.

The woman is a very well-maintained beauty. Even if she is wearing a dignified kimono, it is not difficult to see her slim curves. She has short black hair with slightly curled tips. Her delicate features are dotted with a star in the left corner of her eye. Tear nevus.

"Dad, Mom! This is the Sera-kun I mentioned to you. He is the older brother of my classmate Sera!"

"Oh, hello, Sera-kun, my daughter Sonoko has been mentioning you to me a lot lately."

Hearing his daughter's voice behind him, Suzuki Shiro immediately turned around and spoke gently.

Although Tomoko Suzuki didn't speak, she smiled politely, and when she pursed her lips slightly, she felt a bit like Tomie.

"Hello hello~"

Since the other party didn't make it too formal, Serabel just said hello casually.

Then he turned to the garden beside him.

"By the way, Masumi said she met her classmate on the way to buy a drink, so she had to come over later."

"Oh it's all right..."

Yuanzi said subconsciously, and it wasn't until three seconds passed that he suddenly realized that he really didn't see the other party. He couldn't help but look around Serabel twice.

"Hey, is it true that Masumi-kun isn't here?"


So you didn't notice it at all? ?

Chapter 49: To the radio waves, right?

"Didn't I tell you before! You must pay attention to the river, the river!"

Still in the conference room, a sudden voice from not far away interrupted the conversation.

The person who was talking loudly was a tall man from the Metropolitan Police Department. Judging from the brown suit that was completely different from the uniforms of other ordinary police officers, he should be regarded as the person in charge or the commander-in-chief. He was constantly giving orders to other police subordinates in the conference room.

"All of you, go and guard the river. You must keep an eye on the river! Remember, Phantom Thief No. 1412 basically wants to invade the museum from the Tsumuzu River on the side, do you understand?"

A loud voice filled the conference room and attracted everyone's attention.

After hearing the second half of the sentence, Suzuki Shiro even turned his gaze and walked over quickly, with a rather happy expression on his face.

"Sir, police officer, does that mean the code has been solved?"

"Ah, that's right!"

Ochagi Jintaro, who was scolding his subordinates just a second ago, turned around and said.

"According to what was said in the notice letter, the 'invitation with the waves' is undoubtedly referring to the Tsumuzu River next to the museum. After all, there is no other place that can be called a river in this area except the Tsumuzu River. !”

Well, at first glance it sounds very reasonable and convincing.

Serabel nodded secretly in her mind. If you ignore the "celebrate April Fool's Day in advance" at the beginning of the notice letter, normal people's first reaction when seeing this sentence would be to think that they are going to invade by water.

Of course, this is just logical.

But if you look at it from a practical point of view, you will find that... well, my dear, it is completely nonsense.

Not to mention that almost all security systems in a place like a museum have been strengthened and upgraded, and the iron fence at the drainage outlet is not as easy to cut through as it is at the Humane Laboratory in Los Santos.

Just for walking by water, you have to come up from the water. There are so many police officers responsible for security walking around the venue, carrying such a strong smell from the drainage pipes, do you think others can't smell it?

"Hee...poof, hahahaha!"

As if he and Serabel were thinking together, Mouri Kogoro bulged his cheeks when he heard Chagi's alert analysis, opened his mouth and burst into laughter, and the laughter was full of mockery that could not be concealed.

After all, Ochagi Jintaro is a vigilant person and he also wants to save face. When he realized that someone was openly laughing at him, his face turned pale and he looked around unconvinced. When he saw his face clearly, he was stunned for a moment and said a little uncertainly.

"You...I remember you were Maori who was in the first class before?"

"You're too naive, sir."

Mouri Kogoro approached step by step. He ignored Ochagi Shintaro's questioning eyes, turned around and pointed at Serabel beside Sonoko.

"Hey, detective boy over there! Aren't you very powerful? How much have you deduced about that notice letter?"

"Unfortunately, I have no clue."

Serabel confessed frankly that although he now knew the meaning of the first sentence, it was deduced by Akai Marie, so it could not be counted in his reasoning.

"But since Detective Mori said that, he must have already figured it out?"

"That's natural!"

Feeling that he had whetted everyone's appetite and became the focus of the audience, Mouri Kogoro puffed his chest out a little proudly.

"Don't you understand? Waves refer to the ocean. When you mention the ocean, you think of the wilderness, and then the star refers to the star, which refers to the idol star who will hold a live concert at the nearby Rice Flower Hall tonight - Okino Yoko! "


A question mark slowly rose above Serabel's head.

He did know Okino Yoko, she was a very beautiful and popular female idol star with long wavy brown hair.

Mainly, there's no way I can't help but recognize her. As the saying goes, popularity means huge traffic. At least everywhere you go in central Tokyo, you can see advertisements she endorses being played on large outdoor screens in shopping malls.

But why can the ocean be associated with the wilderness?Also, the dark star mentioned in the teaser letter is not the name of Suzuki's family heirloom. What does it have to do with the star of an idol star?

Excuse me?

It wasn't just Serabel, but everyone in the conference hall, including Conan next to him, was stunned for a moment.

Mouri Kogoro continued: "Also, the last song performed by Ms. Okino Yoko tonight has been confirmed to be Moonlight Girl, which is a sentence that implies that the moon separates the two! In summary, it is Phantom Thief Kidd will appear from the Popcorn Guild Hall at the end of the concert at nine o'clock tonight, and then come to the Popcorn Museum to commit this theft!"




Everyone was shocked by the words, and there was an instant silence in the conference hall.

Serabel also stayed for two or three seconds before reacting: "Yoko Okino pushed someone alone?"

"Yes! I am Miss Yoko's biggest fan!"

Mori Kogoro raised his chest for the second time, even the tip of his nose was raised higher, the main point was his pride.

"So Detective Maori, are you sure this is really about inference and riddle solving, and not about radio waves?" Serabel said hesitantly.

"What do you mean?"

Realizing that he was being questioned just like Ochagi Jintaro half a minute ago, Mouri Kogoro suddenly became a little unhappy.

"What I mean is-" Serabel tried her best to sound as tactful as possible, "If you weren't a die-hard fan of Ms. Okino Yoko, it would be impossible for you to know the last piece of tonight's performance so clearly. What is it, but if it is really what you said, Detective Mori, it means that Kaitou Kidd is actually a die-hard fan of Miss Okino Yoko?"


Mouri Kogoro paused, his face showed a little embarrassment for a moment, but then he became confident again.

"Then this is normal, right? Miss Yoko is so famous, even the famous Kaitou Kidd might be impressed by her charm, right?"

It's okay to forcefully justify yourself...

Serabel mentally raised his forehead. He no longer wanted to discuss this with this sloppy uncle who was responsible for making jokes.

"Well~ Actually, what Mr. Mori said is not unreasonable. Everything is possible. It's always good to be prepared..."

Suzuki Shiro still wanted to come up to smooth things over at this time, but was interrupted by his wife's hand gesture, so he could only shrug his shoulders and wait aside.

Tomoko Suzuki stepped in front of her husband, and without turning her gaze across Kogoro Mouri, she landed on the police station of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Everyone from the Metropolitan Police Department, I leave the security of the museum exhibition to you tonight."

"Understood, I should do my best!"

Of course Ochagi Jintaro can be a vigilant, so he cannot be a pure idiot. As soon as he heard it, he knew that Mouri Kogoro's reasoning could not stand the analysis at all, so he immediately continued to arrange his men and defend according to his previous plan.

After all, their mission goal today is to help the Suzuki Consortium guard the Dark Star, not to capture Kidd and use the Dark Star as a bet to stud.

The unexpected episode passed, and the conference hall returned to its previous appearance, with everyone busy doing their own thing.

Serabel took advantage of this time to come to Conan's side, and glanced at Xiaolan not far away who complained that her old father was ashamed of talking nonsense in public.

"How about it? Have you untied that notice letter?"?

Chapter 50 Oil and salt do not enter Serabel

"No, I can't figure it out at all."

Very rarely, Conan, who had always regarded himself as the best high school detective in Kanto, also showed a helpless expression this time.

There is no way, I really can't figure it out.

"As you said, this type of code is completely against the radio waves. It is impossible to decipher it until the radio waves are matched."

"Since it's all about radio waves, is it correct to say that the Maori detective is not good?" Serabel teased.

"...If he can guess correctly with his solution, I won't be a detective anymore."


One thing to say, indeed.

The two of them were still whispering in the corner. On the other side, Sonoko wanted to talk to Sera Bell, but when he turned around, he found that everyone was gone. When he turned around, he saw that the latter had squatted with a certain brat with glasses. When they got together, I didn't know what they were talking about, so I couldn't help but quickly walked behind the two of them, pouted, and put my hands on my hips in displeasure.

"Really, what are you talking about, let me listen too?"


Conan's head shrank slightly, and when he raised his head and looked up, he saw Sonoko standing condescendingly behind him. Seeing this, he wanted to question him, so he immediately waved his hands in a hurry and decisively switched to a child's tone.

"No, it's's nothing. I'm just discussing with Brother Sera whether we should go somewhere to eat something later. After all, Brother Sera has only arrived in Japan not long ago. There must be a lot of delicious food here in Tokyo. You have eaten it, right...haha..."

After listening to this, Yuanzi thought about it and nodded in agreement: "Yes, indeed, what you little devil said does make some sense."

Then she stood up and turned to her best friend Xiaolan, who was not far away beside her old father Kogoro Mori. She raised her voice slightly and waved.

"Lan~ I'll leave this to Uncle Maori and the police. It's almost 02:30. Do you want to go out for something to eat?"



The words that came out of his mouth not long ago passed through his mind like a weak electric dragon. Conan, who was scratching his head and pretending to be stupid a second ago, suddenly changed his expression.

He walked past Serabel and Sonoko with his short legs, and went straight to the floor-to-ceiling window of the conference room, opened the window and looked out. Then he raised his wrist, pointed the hour hand of his watch at the sun, and slowly adjusted his direction.

"...Are you confirming the direction?"

Serabel walked up with her hands in her pockets, stuck her head out from behind and took a curious look and asked.

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