Serabel continued: "My sister's name is Miyano Akemi, my sister's name is Miyano Shiho, and Miyano Hiroshi and Miyano Elena's couple passed away many years ago according to my sister."

"What's the cause of death?" Akai Marie asked.

"It is said that there was a fire in the laboratory." Serabel did not hide anything.



The sisters had been separated for decades, but they never expected that when they wanted to meet again, they would be separated forever.

After a few seconds of silence, Akai Marie asked the next question.

"Where is Miyano Akemi... where is she now?"

"Currently, I have arranged to stay in another hotel in Tokyo." Serabel said, "It's quite close to the Metropolitan Police Department, so it's relatively safe for now. But I'll only stay here for one night. I'll take her to move there tomorrow." position."

After that, he told Akai Marie in detail that Conan was actually Kudo Shinichi, who Kudo Shinichi was, and who Dr. Agasa was Kudo Shinichi, including Miyano Akemi's upcoming moving plan. Again.

Due to the large amount of information, Sera Masaki was a little confused.

Fortunately, Akai Marie understood it once and nodded immediately.

"The right choice. After all, the time we have been in contact with the other party is still short, and we have not been able to fully understand her true thoughts. It is necessary to isolate the risk and observe at a distance for the time being, but -"

She lowered her eyes slightly and kicked the large suitcase filled with banknotes on the floor.

"When the time comes, let's bring some of this over too. You don't have to bring them all at once. You can do it in batches. Just treat it as paying rent and living expenses. If you are targeted by that organization, even finding a job will be a very dangerous thing."


Serabel agreed immediately. In fact, even if Akai Marie didn't say so, he would still do it.

"there's one more thing."

Akai Marie stopped him, with a hint of hesitation on her face.

"...If you can, help me take care of her as much as possible."?

Chapter 40 ~ Shirley

At the same time, within Tokyo, in an industrial park in the suburbs more than ten kilometers away from Mihua Town, a black Porsche 356A galloped through the potholed dirt road with its headlights on. Obviously has quite good shock absorption performance.

To be honest, this picture is really weird.

Because this is a nearly abandoned industrial park. Unlike the dock warehouse mentioned before, the reason why this place was abandoned is not because the land is not good or anything, but simply because the owner of this industrial park... is too stingy.

While other industrial parks have long since stepped into the modern era and paved all their garden roads into clean, tidy and durable asphalt pavements, the industrial parks here still use the most primitive dirt roads.

It's fine on a sunny day. Apart from a little more potholes, it can still be used normally. Anyway, the huge dump truck doesn't care about bumps.

But on rainy days, the ground is full of mud. Sometimes even the slag truck can't get in, so the goods that were originally scheduled to be sent out that day have to be stored.

In short, it is all kinds of inconvenience.

Over time, except for the few remaining small factories that were eager to get cheaper rents, the rest of the manufacturers moved out here one after another.

To see a classic sports car like the Porsche 356A passing by in such a dilapidated place is like a rich man wearing customized Armani running into a dark and unlicensed shop with questionable sanitary conditions that even poor men are reluctant to go to. Inside, he sat down on a small bench that might still have brine dripping from it, and began to immerse himself in the pig food bucket and show off nine turns of his large intestine.

It's so evil in every sense of the word.

Passing an exit again, the Porsche turned left, and a bunch of white light instantly illuminated the road ahead.

In contrast, the street lights that are on and off along both sides cannot be said to have no effect at all. It can only be said to be better than nothing.


Holding the steering wheel with one hand as usual, Gin said emotionlessly, ignoring his right hand that was still dripping blood.

He is definitely the kind of person who speaks his mind in the organization. Those who once dared to ignore him or look down on him have long since gone to bed.

But this time it had been more than five seconds since the words fell, and there was still no response from the car.

Gin glanced sideways at the co-pilot, and saw that Vodka, who had been able to speak normally when he got in the car, had lost consciousness at some point. Now he could only lean his head against the window and open his big chin slightly. A thin silver line dragged down from the corner of his mouth, making him look like Abba Ababa. It was probably because the anesthetic had spread throughout his body.

Tsk, this shameful thing...

Gin, who used bloodletting to relieve the symptoms of anesthesia, couldn't help but mutter in his heart. He endured the lag caused by the anesthetic and slowly stepped on the brakes.

Ahead and to the left is a factory building that looks quite dilapidated like the surrounding scenery.

The car slowed down and turned straight in without turning on the turn signal. The door of the factory was open. Looking in from the outside, there were dozens of sewing machines neatly arranged inside. It felt like a textile factory.

There are several large characters painted on the top of the factory building. After years of wind and rain erosion, they have long been blurred, but at the beginning, you can vaguely see Karasuma.

There is a building at the back, which used to be an area divided into employee dormitories and restaurants, but the building is now empty. The windows in the dormitory hall on the first floor are broken, and the ground is covered with dust, with glass fragments and Some abandoned wooden boards.

Porsche walked around the factory and stopped in front of the building.

Gin turned off the engine and put on the handbrake, lowered the car window a little to allow a certain amount of air circulation, then took out the car keys and threw them on the dashboard, then opened the door and got up to leave the car.

Climbing the steps and entering the lobby on the first floor of the building, there was only a glimmer of light on the wall in the dark space.

That's the control panel for the accessible elevator.

It's hard to imagine that there is still electricity in such an uninhabited building that has been abandoned for who knows how many years. No... it should be said that there are actually intact elevators that can operate normally.

This is something even more unbelievable than sitting in a dark shop with a rich man showing off his nine-turn gut in a Porsche mud-terrain Benz.

But Gin seemed to be used to it, pressing the button to call the elevator up, waiting for the elevator to descend, open the door, enter, and then close the elevator door.

Half a minute later, with a crisp ding, the elevator arriving at the fourth floor of the building slowly stopped.

The elevator door opened, and bright light shone into the small, square metal space from outside.

Gin narrowed his eyes slightly, and what appeared in front of him was a scene that other factories in the entire industrial park could not even imagine.

Several researchers in white coats were walking quickly outside the elevator door, each holding a freshly printed paper report that smelled of ink.

Blocks of glass screens on the ceiling and floor form offices, dividing the space on the entire floor.

Each office is equipped with a variety of scientific research instruments, as well as at least two computers with bright screens, and constant temperature and moisturizing equipment are running stably.

Everyone performs their own duties, some are responsible for conducting experiments, some are responsible for recording data, and some are responsible for summarizing the data for submission.

Gin was too lazy to pay attention to this. He was not from the Scientific Research Department, nor was he responsible for managing the progress of the Scientific Research Department. He came here just to bandage his wounds in the infirmary.

But just as he walked out of the elevator and left in the opposite direction of the several staff members who had passed by the elevator entrance before, several low exclamations suddenly came from behind him, accompanied by the sound of the office door being opened and then being slammed hard.

Then there was a burst of rapid footsteps of high-heeled shoes stepping hard on the ground, from far to near, carrying strong personal emotions and purpose.

It's for me.

Gin sneered slightly in his heart, stopped and turned back.

The person who pushed aside several scientific researchers in the corridor and walked toward him was a quite young woman, who could even be called a girl. Her beautiful face looked unattractive even under the slightly mature brown wavy short hair. He must be over 20 years old. He is wearing a red knitted long-sleeve pullover. His slim figure is vaguely visible even under the white coat that hides his figure. His facial features are exquisite, but he contains an undisguised murderous look. meaning.

"Sister, where is she now!?"

He opened his mouth with a question that went straight to the point.

"You should ask her yourself about your sister. How could I know." Gin twitched the corners of his mouth without emotion.

"You dare to say you don't know?!" The girl with brown hair took out her mobile phone and showed the content of the text message, "Sister, she sent me a text message at six o'clock in the afternoon and said she would make an appointment to meet you and negotiate with you... and The wound on your arm must be a gunshot wound, what on earth did you do to your sister!!!"

"Hehehe, don't look like that. Shirley, I didn't do anything. I just met with her according to her wish and refused her request. It's just that there was a little accident during the meeting. As for her, I can’t say whether he’s still alive or not.”

It was rare for Gin to speak such a long sentence, so he glanced at the brown-haired girl one last time.

"Well, it's your freedom to think what you want. I've told you the facts, but if you have any second thoughts about the organization, then I don't mind sending you down to reunite with your sister."?

Chapter 41 Simple Shirley

The gin left quickly.

After simply treating the wound, he left the R&D department without looking back. The whole process came and went with ease. He also gave random instructions to the medical staff in the health room. He had no intention of saying hello to the people in charge here. His arrogant attitude remained the same as before. .

At the same time, it was still the corridor on the R&D department floor.

"Director Xue, forget it, forget it..."

"Yeah, there's no point in quarreling with that Gin guy. Everyone in the entire organization doesn't know that he's the craziest dog in the execution department, and he'll bite everyone he meets."

"Yeah yeah."

Hearing the flattery coming from subordinates who were more arrogant just now and were now more eloquent than the same enemy, the brown-haired girl became more and more irritable.

It is true that those who can be recruited by the organization are all people with something, but this something can also be divided into more and less.

The strength of ability is relative. The same ability may be overwhelming in a small private company, but no one can surpass it, but in the world's top [-] companies, it may just pass the passing threshold.

That’s why the saying “I’d rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail” comes up.

But what should you do if your abilities are not outstanding in the environment you are in, but you do not plan to change the environment and still want to be promoted?

Of course it's flattery.

After all, even in the rigorous scientific world, toasting to leaders is still an elective course with a large proportion, even comparable to some required courses.

But now these guys are obviously the kind who took electives but didn't study well.

"To shut up."

The cool low voice made the subordinates behind him shut up instantly. Miyano Shiho suppressed all the emotions in his heart and frowned.

"Go and do your own thing, and don't bother me if there's nothing to do at work."

"……Yes Yes."

Realizing that their flattery was on the horse's feet, the several scientific researchers following behind immediately fell silent, looked at each other, made an international friendly gesture with their eyes, and then silently shut their mouths.

Miyano Shiho had a cold personality and didn't like to talk nonsense with people every day. He simply didn't bother to argue with them. He grabbed the research report from one of them, turned around, opened the office door and walked in.

As the general person in charge of the scientific research department of the organization's Japanese branch, her office is naturally different from that of other ordinary scientific researchers.

In addition to newer and more advanced devices, the most important point is privacy.

After entering the office and slamming the door behind him, Miyano Shiho tapped a few times on the control panel next to the door frame.

"Privacy Mode" is turned on. As the glass walls around the office are rapidly heated by the heating wires hidden in them, the color of the glass quickly changes from colorless and transparent to black, blocking all sightlines from the outside.

After doing all this, the girl came to her desk where various reports and comparative data were piled, and sighed softly.


The next second, she seemed to have lost all her strength. Without warning, her body softened and she fell into the office chair behind her.

The girl's body was light and she could easily be lifted up even if it wasn't a reinforced office chair for obese people, so she just slid back a short distance and then stopped.

"elder sister……"

Raising his arm to rest on his forehead to block the light from the ceiling, Miyano Shiho muttered the title he had been closest to since childhood.

Because her parents passed away very early, it is not an exaggeration to say that she grew up dependent on Miyano Akemi. But now the only person she can rely on in this world is still alive and dead, and huge panic and annoyance fill the girl's heart. .

Even research reports that used to last a whole day with a cup of coffee now seemed so unsightly that I couldn't even read a title, a word, or a punctuation mark.

However, Miyano Shiho is not stupid. Living in the shadow of the organization since she was a child has made her mature and understand many things from a very young age.

Gin is... a guy who is more loyal than anyone in the organization. Although he has a bad temper and personality, and his behavior and bottom line are so terrible, even a child can do it as long as there are mission indicators above. kind.

However, he only has one advantage, and that is honesty.

Oh no, it's not honesty to be precise, it's just a simple disdain for lying.

Although the news about Akemi's unknown life and death made her very anxious, Miyano Shiho still had some clues about the previous conversation with Gin.

That is, the former did meet with Mingmei and negotiated, but this negotiation, which was doomed to fail, was interrupted by some external factors in the middle.

With Gin's character, he naturally launched a counterattack immediately, but was wounded in turn and had to return home defeated.

At the same time, his sister Mingmei probably did not die directly in this conflict. Maybe she ran away, maybe she was captured by a third party who disrupted the situation.

In short, there is still a possibility of living, and this possibility is not small.

In this case, he only needs to apply to use the power of the Organizational Execution Department to conduct a search, and he should be able to find it by then.

In exchange, promise that you will develop that dreamy drug as quickly as possible.

As long as I can get my sister back, everything is worth it...

In the office, the genius girl still named Miyano Shiho thought so innocently.

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