"Sister Sonoko is talking about the determined trainee detective." Conan, who was walking beside Xiaolan with his head in his hands, reminded him casually.

"Oh oh oh, him." A rough image emerged in Xiaolan's mind.

"Look, he's not only a detective, but he's also British. Don't you think Lan has a sense of déjà vu with these two characteristics?" Sonoko's eyes sparkled.

"Uh, Holmes?"

"Yes, it's Sherlock Holmes!"

As soon as he mentioned his XP, Yuanzi immediately started talking non-stop.

"Imagine that in a dark bedroom late at night, with only a soft bedside lamp on, the great detective Sherlock Holmes is sitting by the bed, holding a book in his hand and reading a love poem to you in a standard London accent..."

"No, the real Sherlock Holmes would just whip half a pig in a room with a whip, and then observe the reaction on the body's surface after the whipping."

"I meant it to me!"

"...Slap you?"

Conan held back a sentence for a long time.

As the saying goes, misfortune comes from the mouth, and the next second after he finished saying this sentence, his head was punched hard by the furious Miss Yuanzi with two fists on the temples, one left and one on the right, causing him to scream in pain.

"You are the only one who talks too much! You are the only one who talks too much! Shut up, little devil!"

After torturing the bespectacled brat, Sonoko angrily let go of her hand, but when she mentioned Serabel again, the slight anger that still remained in her tone disappeared in an instant.

"Well, it's not a big problem. If Shiliang-san is successfully assigned to our class, it will be a waste of time to ask for contact information~"


Fei Yingli, who was walking on the far side with her arms around her, caught the key words and suddenly spoke out.

"Although I may be a bit like beating someone to death with a stick, most detectives in this world are indeed smooth talkers. It is always right to be careful and observe more. Do you understand, Lan?"

"I know, Mom, you are too."

Sighing silently, Xiaolan smiled helplessly.

A problem left over from history.

"By the way, how is an alcoholic uncle in the family doing lately?" Fei Yingli asked casually.

"Ah, mom, you mean dad..."

"Forget it, needless to say, I can probably tell by looking at you like this. I guess you're still the same as before. I don't have any commissions, and I can't make any money. I just drink beer and watch TV in the office every day, haha."

Shaking her head silently, the female lawyer changed the topic, and a smile bloomed again on her mature and beautiful face.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. We have lunch soon. What do you want to eat? Auntie is treating you today."


Meanwhile, on the other side.

Sera Bell and Sera Majun were walking back to the hotel.

The tiger-toothed girl put her hands in her pockets, held her head high, and hummed a ditty triumphantly, but unfortunately she still couldn't stand up at all.

"How about it? My performance today was pretty good, but I helped you get a huge potential customer, Berni-chan?"

"Big client? Are you talking about the police department?" Serabel couldn't comment.

If he could establish a more reliable cooperative relationship with the Japanese police, it would also be of considerable help to him in finding and solving the case.

"Police department?" The tiger-toothed girl was stunned for a moment, then placed a gentle palm on the former's shoulder, "Of course not, I mean Suzuki-san, the two girls who just chatted with us, the one with the hairband exposed On the forehead.”

"Oh, her, what's the matter?"

"Uh, no, right? Serani-chan, don't you know which is the largest consortium in Japan?"

Japan’s largest consortium?

Serabel hesitated for a moment. This question touched on his knowledge blind spot, but he still followed the girl's train of thought.

"...Suzuki Consortium?"

"No, no, no, the largest consortium is the Karasuma Group."

Sera Masumi shook her index finger: "The second largest consortium is the Suzuki Consortium. Currently, the eldest daughter of the Suzuki Consortium, Suzuki Ayako, is already engaged to a son from another consortium, while the second daughter is still single, and her name is Suzuki Sonoko. "


Chapter 15 "Zhenchun has fallen asleep"

By the time Serabel and Sera Masumi returned to their residence, it was already half an hour later.

They walked back to the Aipado Hotel in Aipado Town, next to Yoneka Town. It was not close but not too far.

Like the UK, taxi prices in Japan are quite expensive, so most people will have a private car at home, and if there is no private car, the distance will usually be covered by bus.

But Serabel and Sera Masumi also arrived in Miwa Town today, and they didn’t even know how much it cost to take the bus, let alone take the bus.

Then I might as well just go all the way to Hokkaido.

Of course, this is an exaggeration, but that’s roughly what it means.

The scene switched. In the double suite of the Cupido Hotel, three people were sitting at the dining table in the living room of the suite. On the dining table were three boxed lunches that were still radiating heat.

This is the room of Akai Marie and Sera Masumi.

Serabel's room is separated from them by a corridor and is a single room opposite the door.

Although from an economical point of view, it is more economical and effective to open a triple room, but after all, there is a mother and daughter here.

Just like mothers and children sleep in separate rooms as they get older to avoid suspicion, what's more, Serabel and Akai Marie are not at all in a mother-child relationship.

If you really want to say it, it is actually more similar to the male protagonist Yuji Kazami and his master Asako Kusakabe in the Gray series. Although the process and details are slightly different, the final result is the same goal.

——They all went to bed.

Closer to home, Akai Marie was eating in the living room of the suite while listening to the two of them describe a series of things that happened in the cafe in the morning.

"I see. I didn't expect you guys to encounter so many things this morning. Although it would be a bit unpleasant to encounter a murder while drinking coffee, it doesn't mean it's a bad thing."

She glanced at Serabel, who was working silently with a determined face.

"Bell, do you have any thoughts about the case solved in the coffee shop this morning?"


A trainee prosecutor stopped eating, swallowed hard, opened his eyes, and temporarily returned to his normal look from a face determined to save energy and reduce emissions.

"Well, I just think what you said, Sister Mary, is absolutely correct. The police in Japan are quite incompetent. Even the police department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is only at this level. You can imagine the level of police departments in other regions. .”

"It is true that the level of the Japanese police is terrible, but what I am asking is..." Akai Marie paused and looked directly over, as if she could penetrate her heart, "How do you feel after solving this case?"


Sensing the subtle change in the atmosphere in the living room, Sera Masumi shrank her head weakly.

Her character is basically fearless, but she is only afraid of her mother showing such a look.

Because since childhood, once Akai Marie enters this mode, it usually means that what trouble she has caused has been known, and the only thing she can do next is to honestly admit her mistakes and finally receive the punishment.

It's like the class teacher who has always been strict said coldly before reading out the midterm exam results - How do you think you did in this exam?

Serabel stopped her chopsticks and stared at the ceiling for two seconds, then turned and gave a thumbs up.

"I didn't expect that I have a talent for reasoning."



Sera Masumi's hand holding the bowl trembled slightly.

Did you hear that? These words highlight a sense of self-confidence!

But am I doing something wrong by highlighting my confidence at this time?

Sure enough, after hearing this answer, Akai Marie's already serious face became even more expressionless.

"If, I mean if, the prisoner was not stupid enough to keep the murder weapon on his body, nor did he disguise it as a bandage for wrapping his fingers and show it to everyone, but instead secretly hid it on his body and brought it into the coffee shop. After the murder, if you just find a toilet and throw it in and flush it away, will your body search method still be effective?"


Serabel thought seriously.

There is one saying, and it seems to be true.

"It's gratifying to be successful this time, but I hope you can understand that this method of mobilizing troops can only be used if you are 100% sure that you can determine the outcome with one move."

"It takes countless successes to build a golden brand, but it only takes one small failure to screw up... Zhenchun, this is also true for you."

The female investigator turned to look at her daughter and said calmly.

The tiger-toothed girl was immediately upset.

The topic of the coffee shop case came to an end. Akai Marie paused briefly and then spoke again.

"Then there are the two mentioned methods of accumulating publicity. Bell and I have the same view on these two methods. Solving the case directly is certainly the best shortcut to accumulate a lot of publicity in a short period of time, but it has the disadvantages The reason is that it is unstable, and although publicity through leaflets is slow to achieve results, it is more effective in terms of quantity, so my personal suggestion is that the two methods can be carried out simultaneously.”

"I will be responsible for completing the specific style of the flyer. In order to ensure the best publicity effect and not waste unnecessary money, this may take a long time, but it should be completed by tonight at the latest, and then wait until tomorrow Bell took it to a nearby copy shop to make copies, and tentatively planned to print [-] copies."


Serabel put on her trademark determined face again and said vaguely while cooking.

But there is something strange about Sera Masumi.

She clearly told her mother about her chance encounter with Suzuki Sonoko, but her mother didn't mention it at all and didn't express any opinion at all.

It’s weird.

So from the end of lunch to a few hours after dinner, she was completely focused on the style of the flyer, searching various samples on the Internet and comparing and selecting them repeatedly.

The afternoon passed like this, and night fell quietly.

Since tomorrow is Monday, and since he didn't sleep all night last night, Sera Masumi washed up and went to bed early.

It's quite tragic to say that the originally good weekend was inexplicably wasted by a series of moves and school changes, and even halfway across the world from England to Japan.

What's even worse is that the time in Japan is eight hours ahead of the UK. It's equivalent to school just getting out on Friday, but then you turn around and waste a whole Saturday with a lot of things to do, and then you find that you have to go to school again tomorrow.

What about weekends?What about a weekend when I'm so old?

Pop, gone.

On the other side, Serabel, who had also just taken a shower and was covered in white steam with only a towel around her waist, walked out of the bathroom when she heard a beep sound from the door lock at the entrance next to her.

That's the sound of the door being unlocked.


The next second, the door was pushed open by someone from outside.

Outside the door, a female investigator with a girlish appearance looked calmly holding a laptop bag in one hand and a small paper box in the other hand, with something like 0.01 written on it.

"Go in, Zhenzumi is already asleep."?

Chapter 16 The small umbrella is not enough

There is nothing wrong with doing business first and talking about business later.

Time jumped, and as the quartz clock hand hanging on the wall passed more than one and a half blocks, Serabel, who had taken a bath again in the guest room, sat back on the big bed in the center of the room, leaning against the bedside. backrest.

It's already one o'clock in the morning.

Akai Mari sat on his lap, leaned back in his arms with confidence, put the bed in front of her on the lazy table, and was working on the laptop on the lazy table, with residual residue on her fair cheeks. With some light crimson.

It always takes some time for the aftertaste after a great streak to fade away completely.

I have to say that Aipido Hotel is worthy of being ranked among the top hotels in Tokyo, and the service in this regard is meticulous and meticulous.

Although the single room is already equipped with a desk for using a computer, the hotel still provides lazy tables in the bedside tables, one on each side of the bedside table.

I don’t know why there are two lazy tables in the single room.

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