There was no screaming, because the audience was silent.

There is no struggle because there is no way to struggle.

The floor that was filled with blood and colorful patterns was removed, and the ink color faded to return to the original golden color.

The light people left one after another, the planetarium took away the floor, but the lady in the foreign dress walked up the stairs on both sides.

"There's no need to hide," the lady in the foreign dress glanced at the empty room, and tapped the air a few times.

[@You are Diva]

[Don't pretend to be open (Ye Zhenzhen):?This chat group is going crazy again]

Le Zhengqinghe came out from behind the curtain where he was hiding, and still looked suspiciously at the lady in the foreign dress: "Are you a chat group?"

"Isn't the truth right in front of your eyes? Why don't you choose to believe it?" The lady in the foreign dress covered her mouth with a fan and smiled lightly.

Just now he didn't look carefully, but now standing in front of him, Le Zhengqing and Cai carefully sized each other up.

The dress covered by golden light has complex lines. Although the style of the dress is Colombian, the main body is the serious Elizabethan style. The bright colors are covered with gold, which looks gorgeous and solemn.

The spirally curled tails of hair hang down from the top hat, the feather fan in the hand always covers the mouth, and the face is also obscured by the golden light and the gauze under the top hat.

"You brought me here? What exactly is this place?" Le Zhengqinghe asked.

"World Tribunal," said the lady in the foreign dress, sitting down on the retro-style sofa, and the teapot on the table began to pour tea automatically. "As the name suggests, it is specially used to judge the world consciousness that has made mistakes and been replaced."

The action of the noble lady in the foreign dress seemed to glance at Le Zhengqinghe, because there were no eyes, it was hard to fathom his expression.

"As the main victim this time, the trial trial is both your compensation and a warning to you. You must know that the guy has eight arms, and four of them were torn off by the two dragons protecting you."

"The compensation is just this?" From the tone of the lady in the foreign dress, Le Zhengqing could hear that there was room for it.

"Originally, you were charged with harming other worlds, but since you are a victim and a first-time offender, you will not be pursued in the end." The lady in the foreign skirt fanned her feather fan slowly, "However, I still do it for you." Get compensation."

The lady in the foreign dress closed the feather fan, opened it again, and took out a stone slab from it.Except for the texture, the rest is the same as the stone slab watered by the blood of the four-handed meat ball just now.

"This is..." Le Zhengqing and he were not sure whether to play such a big game.

"After absorbing the world slate, it can not only improve the life status, but also get the favor of the corresponding world, which is equivalent to being treated like destiny." The lady in the foreign dress showed a faint smile, and the golden pearls on the earrings followed his movements. Shake gently.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, this is the condensed world consciousness of your world." The noble lady in the foreign dress looked at Le Zhengqing He with a shocked expression and smiled like a little girl who got a doll.

"Otherwise, why do you think that you killed the Son of Destiny in your world without any punishment? The Dark Moon Empty Mountain in the Requiem world can't block the detection of the world consciousness." The lady in the foreign dress covered her mouth again, "Still Don't say thank you to the chat group?"

"...Thank you for the chat group."

"You still call me a profiteer?"

"Even if I starve to death, die outside, and be nailed to death in a coffin, I still have to shout out with a rotten voice: dog profiteer!"

"..." The lady in the foreign dress pinched the bridge of her nose with a headache, "Get out, bring me the slate and get out."

"...How to get there?" Le Zhengqing and Bei were speechless, "This seems to be my consciousness, right?"

"...Indeed," the lady in the foreign dress waved her hand, and Le Zhengqinghe felt dazed for a while, and after the dizziness passed, he found himself lying in a simple hut in the paradise.

"Qinghe, you're awake." Christa quickly put down the basin in her hand, and helped Le Zhengqinghe to sit up.

"Hrista..." Le Zhengqing put his arms around the little angel's waist, rubbing against the little angel's soft breasts on his head, as if cute.

Christa's face turned red all of a sudden, she gently put her hands on the top of Le Zhengqing's hair, and touched his ears gently with her small hands.

"It's so cute..." Christa felt as if a deer had been bumped to death in her heart.

"Bang!" The dull sound interrupted the sticking between the two. Christa picked up the stone slab that fell on the ground and put it back in Le Zhengqinghe's hand.

"This is Qinghe's thing, right? Keep it safe next time."

Le Zhengqing and nodded, trying to use the function of chat and group to identify this stone slab.

[Mysterious slate:? ? ?

Absorption method: Swallow (cross out) smash (cross out) with the head (a large group of graffiti) cover the pattern with your own blood, and then drink all the liquid]

Le Zhengqing and Le Zhengqing left the Paradise area belonging to Christa on the grounds that they had finished their recuperation. After returning to their own area, they cut open their arms with a knife and wiped the blood on the surface of the slate.

The stone slab is not big, but it has many patterns. Fortunately, Le Zhengqing and his physique are beyond ordinary people. About 1000cc of blood just completely covered the golden pattern.

Asking Miss Qun'er to treat the wound for herself, Le Zhengqinghe took a basin and placed it under the stone slab, and golden blood began to flow in the gap.

The golden and red blood flowed into the basin unhindered along the lines, gradually began to fuse, and finally turned into a small basin of thick golden liquid.

I sniffed it close to my nose. There was no particularly strong smell, nor the bloody smell that normal blood should have. Instead, it exuded bursts of soothing fragrance.

Le Zhengqing raised his neck and opened his mouth directly, golden blood flowed down his throat, and the slightly sticky taste was uncomfortable.

As soon as the blood passed through his throat, it melted in Lezheng Qinghe's body and merged into every part of his body, violently and rapidly elevating his body and soul.

The blood in the whole body seemed to be boiled, and the itching of the bones made Lezheng Qinghe feel that there was sackcloth crawling on his body, and the flames and lightning that had been absorbed and had not had time to fuse together seemed to be conscious, and they also joined together, making Lezheng Qinghe feel like a piece Steel is constantly tempered.

I don't know how long it took before Le Zhengqing woke up from the pain. His whole body was soaked, his body was covered with pale dead skin and black blood, and he didn't even have the strength to lift his fingers.

But just as quickly as a young man attacked Master Ma, an unprecedented sense of strength and vitality appeared in Lezheng Qinghe's body, and even the strength of his Peripheral Power also made a big leap.

This is not a transformation, but an improvement. The current Lezheng Qinghe, if he meets GS123's four-handed meatball again, he doesn't even need to wait for Reshiram and Zekrom to appear... Then he should be counseled or should be counseled.

Now he is like a legendary creature in its infancy. Although the upper limit is high, it still needs time to accumulate strength. Perhaps one or two suitable props can help him shorten this process.


The one hundred and fifth ball: Le Zhengqing and the special way to wake up the elves "Back to their own world, Le Zhengqing and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Glancing at the wall clock on the wall, it was only four hours since he set off. In the room without a door, Lin Youyou was still sleeping late with the quilt between her thighs.

It's just... Lezheng Qinghe twirled his messy yin and yang hair that had grown longer, it's hard to explain.

Leaning against the curtain and watching, confirming that Lin Youyou will not wake up in a short time, Le Zhengqinghe came to the guest room at the other end and released all the elves.

Since he slept with Lin Youyou last night, the elves slept in the spare nest in the guest room in order not to be disturbed.

Knowing that they were safe and sound in the Paradise, the elves fell into a deep sleep, and they also fell into the rare rest after the bitter battle when Le Zhengqing was in a coma.Calculating the time, I slept for a full day and night. After being treated with the power of Chang Pan, the physique of an elf has already recovered.

After Yue Zhengqing released the elves one by one, they were all in a peaceful dream.

Le Zhengqinghe locked the door, and changed out of his ripped clothes.

"It's almost time to rest, and I, as a trainer, will wake you up. Next time it will be your turn to wake me up." Le Zhengqing played with the elves and made them lie side by side.

"Let's be more formal this time, let's open the buds for you first." Le Zhengqing and Ai Guanshi, who was sitting on the farthest side, put their hands on her stomach and pressed it.

Compared with the body shape, the plump and soft abdomen is not only like the bustle of a maid's long skirt, but also like the pregnant belly of a pregnant woman. It has an excellent cushioning effect, and the touch when pressed is not inferior to the plump and tender breasts.

He spread Ai Guanshi's legs apart, revealing a light pink gap under the dark purple skin.

Stretch out your hand to open the gap, and you can see that it is full of irritating meat grains and spirals. You can imagine how much stimulation it can bring.

I put my fingers in and explored it, but it was still very dry inside.Le Zhengqing put his fingers into Ai Guanshi's mouth and played with her tongue for a while, and then smeared the saliva secreted by Ai Guanshi on the edge of the gap and the edge of his magic sword that was eager to drink blood.

Pressing the hard blade of the sword, he inserted the edge of the sword along the gap. As soon as he entered, he could feel Ai Guanshi's body trembling, and then slippery mucus began to secrete from the gap.

This blunt-edged magic sword with a cylindrical blade once thirsted for the blood of several people, and today it will kill and drink.

Lezheng Qinghe pushed hard along the smoothed edge, the magic sword broke through the thick barrier and went straight to the end, the particles in the body gave Lezheng Qinghe the pleasure of being squeezed in the thrusting and friction.

"Hey!" Ai Guan waiter was woken up by the severe pain, and when he opened his eyes, he saw his dearest trainer fucking him like he did to Zoroya that day, a wonderful feeling came from the bottom of his heart .

Two stubby little legs kicked indiscriminately, Le Zheng Qinghe's upper body was pressing on Ai Guan Shi's belly, and he grabbed Ai Guan Shi's feet with both hands.

The female Ai Guan Shi is a Pokémon who can do everything for the gratitude of the master. Through the two horns, she is sensitive to Le Zhengqing's peaceful mind, and Ai Guan Shi responds indifferently.

It's just that the things in her body are too thick, pushing against her deepest part one after another makes her enjoy the joy of serving her master but also feels powerless all over her body.

Le Zhengqinghe stopped, stroked the corner of Ai Guanshi: "We will continue later."

Ai Guanshi collapsed on the bed and gasped for breath, the gap under his body was slowly closing as Le Zhengqinghe retreated, but it was difficult to recover for a while, the sticky transparent body fluid was pulled out by the dilated hole Come on, a little bit of light purple blood trickled down, staining the sheets.

Ai Guan waiter tilted his head to follow Le Zheng Qinghe's direction, lying next to her was the head of the long-eared rabbit who taught her trainer's preferences.

She saw Le Zhengqing holding the long-eared rabbit's ankles with one hand, making the steamed buns under her look fatter and tighter.

The long-eared rabbit's body was already in the shape of Le Zheng Qing He, and he didn't even need any foreplay. He just rubbed the edge of his sword between the lips of his lower body, and then slid in smoothly, taking Le Zheng Qing He's magic sword Swallow it down.

Le Zhengqinghe just held the long-eared rabbit's legs with one hand, and reached into her chest with the other to play with the pair of small rabbit breasts.The thumb and the closed index finger and middle finger stretched to press the two sides of the pair of pepper milk and squeezed inward. The perfect elasticity and soft breasts make the pair of rabbit breasts look like waves of meat that are constantly opening and closing, except for the long-eared skin. The body color of a rabbit, this pair of pepper milk is exactly the same as that of a human, even more pink.

Although the body is already in a happy and peaceful shape, there is still a big difference between emptiness and the sense of fullness from time to time. The long-eared rabbit opened a pair of charming rabbit eyes, and after realizing the current situation, he quickly covered himself with one hand mouth to prevent myself from screaming.

After the long-eared rabbit woke up, Le Zhengqing said the same thing to her as he had said to Ai Guanshi, the long-eared rabbit nodded, turned his head and jokingly rubbed Ai Guanshi's stomach.

On the other side of the long-eared rabbit is the flowery sea lion. Le Zhengqing stroked the tail of the fish, and pulled back the skirt of the little sea lion's lower body. Sure enough, he saw the sweet spring full of water that he once drank.

Peeling off the white and tender protruding lips reveals the pink meat inside, but just as soon as you peel it off, you can see that it is already full of water.

Le Zhengqing didn't even need lubrication, he directly poked the closed tender meat inside the blooming sea lion.

Unlike the humanoid elves, there is no membrane representing the chaste body in the flowering sea lion's body, but there are two tightly closed pieces of tender meat ten centimeters inside the hole, which means that no foreign object has ever knocked on this door.Once this door is opened, it can't be closed normally, only when you enter again, you can feel that these two pieces of tender meat will actively suck and bite the skin, bringing an indescribable pleasure.

But now, Le Zhengqinghe easily poked open the meat door, and the shell-like tender meat with a shape and curvature stuck to the inner wall, sucking and loosening towards the moving sword body as the magic sword came in and out.

The road in the body of the flowering sea lion is winding upwards, and the too long passage is doomed that nothing can reach the deepest point, but this kind of pain that is not up and down and as hot as a soldering iron still wakes up the flowering sea lion.

The fish tail of the flowery sea lion subconsciously stuck to Le Zheng Qinghe's legs, and finally let go after being comforted by Le Zhengqing and a few words.

One step away from the flowery sea lion was Soroya, Le Zhengqing and he directly inserted the wet water from the flowery sea lion into Soroya's body, and the little fox was stabbed to the end in a short passage.

The familiar feeling made Sorolla open his eyes, and spread his legs further apart.She knew that she was small, so she offered to help Le Zhengqing and make it more convenient.

After comforting Soroya, Le Zhengqing lifted up Miss Qun'er's tutu skirt, and pulled the two thick legs in front of him.

The sword edge soaked in several kinds of liquids is already invincible, no matter how narrow the gap is, it can quickly penetrate it, and quickly expand it with the thick sword body.

Miss Qun'er's inverted triangular golden pistil-shaped hairs grow just two centimeters above the hillock, short and fluffy.Le Zhengqing felt a coolness different from other elves as soon as he stabbed in.

Miss Qun'er's body is like a cool spot, where the sword-bearer Le Zhengqinghe, who has endured the heat and floods for a long time, can rest.

Even so, with the gradual increase in movement and speed, the cool feeling faded away like a flood. Miss Qun'er, who woke up, had long expected such a day would come, so she grabbed the hem of the skirt with both hands and let you pick it.

After pinching Miss Qun'er's little face, Le Zhengqing and He had already walked from one end of the bed to the other.

Also lifted up Kirulian's skirt, and due to the flash of different colors, Kirulian's lower body was also white and milky white, and the two tender flesh stretched out slightly thin lips like a butterfly wearing a flower.

Jianfeng rubbed against the door, parted two pieces of tender meat and held Jianfeng, Le Zhengqing and rushed forward, the thick and long blade entered into the weak body, stretching Kirulian's belly into a terrifying outline.

Super elves are the most sensitive to their own bodies. When Le Zhengqing rubbed Kirulian's acupuncture point, she was already waking up. It was just that Le Zhengqing and the sudden attack caught Kirulian by surprise. The blood slowly oozes out.But soon, Kirulian got used to the frequency and depth of Lezheng Qinghe.

But when she got used to it, Le Zhengqinghe withdrew from her body again, inserted into Ai Guanshi's not completely closed meat hole, and expanded it again.

In this way, after Yue Zhengqing woke up the elves with the magic sword, he started to shoot them in a row to play games, playing with this one for a while, and with that cloud and rain for a while, attacking them one by one, and finally in Miss Qun'er's cool body Big projects worth at least hundreds of millions of dollars were sold.


The [-]th ball: Le Zhengqing and Chao Lin Youyou stir-fry "Let the waking elves move freely, Le Zhengqing and He changed clothes and walked into the bathroom, took a photo in front of the mirror, and uploaded it to the Blue Jay platform.

Attached: [The new changes brought about by the awakening of Viridian Power, it's a pity that I can't dye my hair frequently to match the stage effect in the future]

It is obviously sufficient to use the awakened state of Viridian Power as a cover for the image change.The main reason is that until now, he is the only one in the whole world who has the power of Changpan, and he is not afraid of being exposed by others.Even if there are other people who also obtain the power of Viridian in the future, they can still use the excuse that the other party is not capable enough to block everyone's mouths.

As a coordination trainer, any major changes in image may affect future gorgeous competitions at any time.It is a profession that stands under the spotlight, and there is no privacy other than the cultivation method.

[Ping courtier Tianhai General Manager Ning Ning (IP territory-Izumo): Sihashiha, this collarbone, this tear mole, this white hair and different pupils wwwwww I am Lezheng Qinghe's dog! ]

[The screenwriter of my life is Urobuchi Gen (IP Territory-Izumo): Ah, I am a big deduction from Izumo]

[Chong Erxiu Ying (IP Territory-Apocalypse): @平昭阳大公主(狗头) (Shiba Inu Dog Head)]

[Princess Ping Zhaoyang (IP Territory-Apocalypse):? , Understood, Ben Gong and Ah He will take you to undergo sterilization]

Putting away the illustration book, Le Zhengqinghe came to Lin Youyou's bedside, squatted in front of her, gently pinched the girl's face, leaned close to her ear and exhaled softly: "Ho~ wake up~"

"Well... let me sleep a little longer..." Lin Youyou tucked the quilt on her body, she was naked in the quilt, Le Zhengqing and her fingers with the temperature from the outside world made her feel a chill.

"Some people are woken up at two or three o'clock in the morning, and some people need some little help." Le Zhengqing and reached into the bed, grabbed Lin Youyou's tender breasts, and kneaded the tender nipples However, the person in front of him showed no sign of wanting to get up.

His hand moved to the right, and landed on the juvenile pussy, pinching the swollen little Titi, and poked his fingers into the wet hole.

Lin Youyou still didn't wake up, maybe it was the first day of the holiday, she planned to indulge herself and sleep well.

Then I'll put you to sleep.

Le Zhengqing got into the bed, bent Lin Youyou's legs, and stuffed the cleaned magic sword into her tight and tender acupuncture point, gradually increasing the force from slow to fast, and Lin Youyou's legs followed the movement Subconsciously hugging Le Zheng Qinghe's waist, his face flushed pink, and he murmured unconsciously.

"Ah, ah! (Qinghe) brother is so big, (Qinghe) brother is so powerful, ah~ so cool! (Qinghe) brother's big stick, I'm so full, it's already in the shape of (Qinghe) brother... ...Ah! It's too hard, don't be so fast...Ah! I still have to go to school..."

Lin Youyou has been pushed so hard by Le Zhengqinghe that she can't even utter a coherent sentence. The innocent Luyan looked at Lezheng Qinghe who was leaning over her and was exercising in a daze. He made a sound of "" being pushed deep, and grabbed Le Zheng Qinghe's back with his hands.

Immediately realized that something was wrong, but at this time Lin Youyou couldn't care about anything else, she stuck out her tongue at Le Zhengqing and asked for a kiss, and didn't care that she was messed up by the fuck (cào) now, with a temperature that yearned for Le Zhengqing and peace Warm up your appearance.

Lin Youyou hadn't brushed her teeth yet, Le Zhengqinghe didn't kiss her, but withdrew from under her body, and stuffed the stiff magic sword that was still warm into Lin Youyou's mouth.

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