The blue fluorescent ball was thrown with a poke ball, and a Shakilas appeared on the field.

Shakiras, with dual attributes of rock and ground, is double restrained by fighting, ground, steel and ice, and quadruple restrained by water and grass. He is the most easily targeted elf in Luo Wenyin's team.Taking it out first might not mean attracting firepower.

"Dance of the Dragon." Luo Wenyin, who had the right to attack first, did not let Shajilas prepare to attack the elf that Qin Ruxue was about to release, but let him accumulate the buff state first.

As Shakiras bounced on the ground like a hard cocoon, his attack and speed rose by a layer.

Qin Ruxue thought for a while, and released the elf she chose when Luo Wenyin gave the order.

It's a water otter.

"Use Qi Gathering." Qin Ruxue gave the order. At this time, Shakilas's dragon dance was ready. Seeing that the otter wanted to use the effect of Qi Gathering and attribute restraint to instantly kill Shakilas, Luo Wenyin would not sit idly by. ignore.

"Rush up, ghost face." Under Luo Wenyin's command, Shakiras somehow jumped up and hit the otter directly, a grimace simulated by energy appeared on his face.

The otter was startled, his speed was slowed down, and his Qi gathering was forcibly interrupted.

"Never mind, let's restrain it! Otter, use the water gun!" After receiving the trainer's order, the otter no longer panicked, and opened its mouth to spit out a stream of water.

"Tch, your water gun is not as strong as the water that I used to bathe Shakiras." Luo Wenyin laughed sarcastically, "Sandstorm."

Yellow dust gradually rose on the field. Shakiras, who has rock attributes, has an additional special defense in the sandstorm. Coupled with the level advantage, the water otter's water gun hits Shakiras. Does it hurt.

"Change move, Quicksand Hell · Puncture!" Luo Wenyin raised her hand and blessed Shakilas with a layer of blue waveguide to help him better control the shape of his skills.

Under the control of Shakilas, the overwhelming sand and dust gathered in front of him and spun rapidly, falling on the water otter extremely quickly like a spear. In addition, it was hard to defend against the sandstorm environment. The physical strength of otters is also consumed by sandstorms.

Quicksand Hell is a ground-based skill. After using the rock-based skill Sandstorm, the attack faintly carries the energy of two attributes.

As the attacked party, the water-type otter has no restraint or resistance to rock-type skills or ground-type skills. With just this move, Qin Ruxue's water otter was directly defeated.

"Did you just fall down like this? I gave you a chance and you're useless." Luo Wenyin curled her lips and returned to the team after the battle was over.

Although in the eyes of discerning people, Luo Wenyin won easily, just set up the buff, and the opponent was already on his knees with just one move, but the momentum of the unstoppable skills is huge, and the audience may not understand the battle between elves, but as long as It seems that the special effects explode and they think it looks good.

Qin Ruxue returned to the team in a daze, and Li Ming couldn't blame her for anything. With her strength, it was already a great honor for the match to kill the eldest princess in seconds before she came up.

He just felt the eyes of other teams looking at him like a persimmon. He knew that this year's game would be difficult for them.

Next came the opening match of the guests. Ning Qiong and Jun Peijiu were invited to perform a duel with more explosive special effects, and fooled the past with a draw.

Ningqiong played her Snow Demon Girl, while Jun Peijiu released a Pixie, one of the signature elves of both sides.

The two opening games are over, and today's opening ceremony is drawing to a close.The person in charge of the league also announced at this time that some changes have taken place in the competition system of this freshman league.

"We have prepared a safe secret realm as the venue for the first event. At that time, the screen here will broadcast the changes in the secret realm. In addition to our director, our audience can also use the illustration book to choose their favorite. Watch from the trainer's perspective."

"The new project is a point competition, which lasts for three days. Each contestant has 10 points initially, and half of them will be taken away after being defeated. Eligibility to fight against elves."

"Then next, positioning camera watches will be issued to all players."

A group of staff distributed the wristwatches to the students of each team. This kind of thing is nothing more than the function of compressing the camera compared to the wristwatches used before. The compression technology is still taken from the poke ball.

After confirming that everyone wore their watches, another group of people carried a door-like device on the ground, and opened a door that looked like a whirlpool with the color of the starry sky.

This is the first time many people have seen the gate of the secret realm. It is not mysterious. As long as the coordinates are obtained and the anchor point is used to locate it, the portal technology also taken from the secret realm world can be used to connect reality and the secret realm.This kind of technology cannot be fully analyzed with the current ability, otherwise this kind of portal can be applied in all aspects.

Teams walked in, and everyone was randomly teleported to different locations.As they entered, the high-hanging electronic screens gradually switched to the perspective of the players. The largest screen was the secret map temporarily cut out by the director.

It was also the first time for Le Zhengqinghe to step into the gate of the secret realm. The starry sky in front of him receded behind him like a vortex, followed by a dazzling white light.

How to describe this feeling... It's like you clicked on the door of the original God login interface in a completely pitch-black room with the maximum brightness turned on.

Four Balls: Isn’t this just eating chicken?


The white sand beach with the waves is shimmering with gravel, and the chirping of a few long-billed gulls makes the island a little more lively.

It was clearly noon outside the secret place, but there was already a coconut grove inside the setting sun, and the whole sky looked dim.

Le Zhengqing looked around, wondering if the island-like secret place was big enough or his luck was bad enough, there was no one around except him.

Call up the map stored in the watch, the island is shaped like the shell of a water arrow turtle, and he is now at the muzzle on one side.

According to the rules, survival materials and some elves are placed in the secret territory, and the contestants need to try their best to reunite with their teammates while gaining enough points.

A camera like an eye dangled in front of Le Zhengqinghe, and mimic aircraft like dragonfly wings fluttered to the ground on both sides.

Le Zhengqinghe glanced at the camera and ignored it.The most urgent task now is to find a place to spend the night. This is also the first test that the contestants face. In addition, there is also the problem of satisfying hunger.

Many elves can become particularly aggressive at night, and this is a factor that has to be taken into consideration.

Because it was a competition, Le Zhengqinghe didn't bring his skates but wore the matching boots of his school uniform, and he could only look at the hard coconuts on the tree and sigh.

There is only one elf that can be used in the competition, Le Zhengqinghe thought about it, and released Miss Qun'er.

After communicating with Ms. Qun'er with the power of Chang Pan, Ms. Qun'er used the induction of the grass-type elves to lead Le Zhengqing and explore the woods inside the island.

According to Miss Qun'er's induction, I picked some edible fungi, found a flat stone slab, dried both sides with a flame, and barely dealt with it as a chopping board.

Miss Qun'er searched around while Le Zhengqing and He were eating, but couldn't find a place to rest.

Le Zhengqing and He didn't care, and touched the petals on the top of Miss Qun'er's head, one person and one elf continued to go deep inside.

On the way, I encountered some weak elves. After defeating them, the prompt points increased, but I still didn't see any people.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and the surroundings were pitch black, it was not suitable for traveling, so Le Zhengqinghe had to ask Miss Qun'er to knock down a passing Otachi with parasitic seeds and then pull out the vines protruding from the parasitic seeds. Launching energy will not actively absorb stamina.

He tied himself to a thick branch with vines and dealt with it all night. When he woke up in the morning, the Oli he had healed had already run away without a trace.

At this time, the camera flew to Lezheng Qinghe and started playing the pre-recorded audio.

"Congratulations to the players who survived the first night. In the next day and night, you need to try your best to get to the center of the island to meet your teammates. Please always pay attention to your points. Once the points are lower than 5, you will be eliminated directly. "

After receiving the news, Le Zhengqing and naturally would not continue to stay on the periphery. He asked Miss Qun'er to open the way in front and started running to the center of the "turtle shell" along the map's instructions.

On the way, they met a few students who were also following or riding elves. Le Zhengqing and he didn't do anything extra, and let Miss Qun'er use hypnotic powder to knock down their elves and take away the points.

The amount of hypnotic powder is also not used much, and I can wake up after sleeping for an hour or two at most.But these few students are destined to be on tenterhooks for a while.

This Blastoise island is indeed very vast. Even with Le Zhengqing and Chang Pan's power all the way to replenish their strength, they still didn't reach a quarter of the scheduled distance in one morning.

At noon, when the sun was shining brightly, Le Zhengqing and his luck found some tree fruits in a small lair of a serpentine bear. They took a few pomelo and melon fruits to satisfy their hunger, and left two energy cubes as exchange.

At this time, the camera jumped out again to act as a demon.

The small eyes of the camera projected a screen with a bird's-eye view of the island, and a circle of red light and shadow flickered, as if reminding something.

"The flame vortex is encircling the island from the periphery. If it is within the range, the protection device will be automatically activated and the points will be gradually emptied. Players are requested to stay away from the periphery as soon as possible. The flame vortex will advance substantially once in the next five hours."

"Isn't this the poisonous circle? Surrounding the entire island with a vortex of flames, this is at least a heavenly king..." Le Zhengqinghe sighed, he is now far away from the outer circle, but no one knows that the five hours Where will the flame vortex go, I can only try my best to hurry.

Le Zhengqinghe continued to rush towards the interior, and as time approached, he was getting closer to the target.

It's just... Le Zhengqinghe glanced at the enlarged three-dimensional map. Originally, there was a stone bridge here, but now it was blocked by several pieces of trees.

Le Zhengqinghe wanted to take a detour, but the surroundings were full of fast-flowing water, and this big river slanting across the island was only accessible by the stone bridge in front of him.

He saw the same group of people waiting in front of the stone bridge. It seemed that someone was eager to climb over the tall crossbars and boulders blocking the ground. He didn't show up right away, but hid in the bushes with Miss Qun'er.

It was a boy wearing an unknown school uniform in the crowd, and when he was about to turn over the roadblock with his Kentaro, a toucan and a Haoli suddenly appeared behind the roadblock and attacked him with their skills. Kentaro directly knocked it off the patchwork of roadblocks.

"I'm sorry everyone," the captain of Shanghai University led the team members to stand on the roadblock, "We at Shanghai University really need the opportunity of this competition, please hand over the passing points, as long as you hand in the points, we will not embarrassing everyone."

The students who were worried about fraud found that there was indeed a fraud, and they would encounter people blocking the bridge here, and they were excited to fight.

"Everyone, if you limit the elves to be defeated, points will be deducted, and you have to suffer for nothing. Is it worth it?" How far can you go? Don’t forget, you can’t carry any props in this game except for the official box of energy cubes.”

"It's really despicable. Is this the style of the Magic City Academy? Thanks to you, you are still the runner-up of the previous year!" Someone below shouted with righteous indignation.

The captain of Modu University also sighed in his heart, if they were strong enough this year, would he do this to smash his own brand?

There is no restriction on such practices in the competition system, but it is easy to lose popularity, but as long as you can stay until the end, who cares how your qualifications come from?

"Captain Li," Qin Ruxue, who was standing at the back of the team, said coquettishly, "Why don't we just let them go, isn't it good for us to do this? It's just points, there's no need to hurt your friendship."

The captain of Modu University glanced at her and remained silent.

Luckily for them, the four of them were all at the other muzzle of the "Water Arrow Turtle", and they quickly gathered together to seize this place with the captain's wind speed dog, just to get more points and ensure that they entered the front row.

Didn't she have to stop and rest after not taking a few steps along the way?Why do they have to surround her for a sense of security, or they won't leave?

The team members would have been eliminated if they hadn't all joined together. Qin Ruxue's behavior caused them to get pitifully few points for "protecting" her along the way. If she wasn't a girl, the captain would have thrown her down long ago.

Moreover, she was also the one who came up with the idea of ​​blocking the bridge, and her otters cut down these trees. Now it is unreasonable to pretend to be weak and good in front of the public.

Five balls: You can't hide the eyes of a person who wants to knife


After seeing what happened, Le Zhengqinghe stopped hiding.

He was originally afraid that the people blocking this place would be strong, and he would be powerless if he could only use one elf.

But if it's that kind of thing, then it's fine.

The appearance of Le Zhengqing and the students present were silent for a while, they exchanged glances one after another, and suddenly everyone attacked Le Zhengqing and Miss Qu'er beside him.

If the team is not full, it is considered eliminated. Even if they lose in the end, they can go out and brag that they eliminated the previous champions.

"Tsk, figure out your position first..." Le Zhengqing twitched the corners of his lips impatiently in the face of the siege of this group of students. Fly to their elves.

The seemingly harmless petals fell on the elves, but they couldn't bear the pain, and they flew backwards with the force of the petal rain.

Le Zhengqing and Yue jumped in the air, stepped on the flying petals lightly a few times, and stood on the top of the barricade, shocking the members of Shanghai University who wanted to watch a good show.

"Damn it, he can fly?" A person stared blankly at Le Zhengqing and Qingling's movements, and spoke their minds.

Then he kicked all four of them off with one kick.

Fortunately, the roadblock is not high, even if it falls, it will only cause scratches.Le Zhengqing and took Miss Qun'er back with the elf ball and released it by his side, and simply sat on the ready-made roadblock.

"Do you want to keep your points, or do you want to be eliminated?" He crossed his legs and looked down at the two groups of people who were supposed to be hostile.

"It's really despicable. Is this the style of Tianqi Academy? Thanks to you, you are still the champions of the previous year!" It was that person again, with a tone full of righteous indignation, but there were no new words, and it would get tired of hearing too much.

"Ah, yes, yes, just say whether you can pay or not." Le Zhengqing stretched out his little finger to pick out his ears, and blew, "I have already asked Miss Qun'er to release the paralyzing powder, how is it? Does your skin feel a little crispy?" Crunchy? Even if you don’t hand in the points, I can get them myself later.”

"Captain Lezheng," the captain of Modu University glanced at the team members, trying to make peace with Lezhengqing, "The four of us have gained very little along the way, and the total is only 50 points. As long as you let us go, we will You can just keep a guaranteed 20 points, and give you everything else."

"Oh, that's why I said, you have to figure out your position." With a flick of Le Zhengqinghe's hand, a ball of white shadow fell on the captain of Shanghai University, and instantly spread out into a shadow that almost enveloped his whole body. of cocoons.

"You are confused, even if you don't take the initiative to hand it over, it is mine. You are the fish, I am the Daozu, understand?" Le Zhengqing raised his watch and pointed, "Understood, take the initiative, I will I will give you five points, otherwise I will be prepared to stay in the flame vortex."

The group of people looked at each other, then looked at the captain who only showed his face and a hand wearing a watch, and transferred their points over.

When it was Qin Ruxue's turn, she secretly glared at Le Zhengqinghe with hatred, and then twisted and showed a flattering smile, "Captain Lezheng, look at me as a little girl with no ability to resist, can you pity me?" Have pity on me, if you let me go, my points will not be charged?"

The others looked at her suspiciously.

What's the meaning?We've all paid points and you're here?If we really let you go, we will be the first to say no!

"I have pity on you?" Le Zhengqing crossed his fingers and propped his chin. He sat on it and had a clear view of everyone's expressions.

This woman has a trick, but that's all.Le Zhengqinghe has no doubt that if he softened his heart and let her go, the others would definitely turn to deal with him as soon as they got hot blooded because of their psychological imbalance. Make up a reason to get yourself out.

"Then who will pity me?" Le Zhengqinghe's favorite thing to do is to say no to this kind of scheming person in front of him, "Who will pity them? Why don't you give them all your points? How about pity you?"

Qin Ruxue stopped talking this time, stomped her feet angrily, and handed over the points obediently.

If not to mention why this group of people chose to block people, they earned more than 100 points just for this one move, which is four times what Le Zhengqing and he collected all the way.

Le Zhengqing clapped his hands, and Miss Qun'er stopped releasing the paralyzing powder into the air.

"The effect of the paralyzing powder will pass in half an hour, and you will be able to act by yourself. Come back next time, bosses." Le Zhengqing waved his hands and walked away, leaving two groups of people scolding him behind his back.

After that, there was no good thing like harvesting points. Le Zhengqing and Miss Qun'er drove all night, and finally arrived at the center of the island before the third wave of flame vortex.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and a large tent was set up in the center of the island, and the high-hanging street lamps emitted a warm orange light.

Swiping his watch here to confirm that he had registered and the remaining points, Le Zhengqinghe was taken to the tent of Tianqi University.

The tent, which looks dark green on the outside, has space for eight people to rest inside. Moisture-proof mats and sleeping bags are prepared on the ground, and there are standard equipment for men and women.At this time, several people were already resting here in the tent.

"Here we come." Luo Wenyin glanced at Le Zhengqinghe, patted the cushion beside him to signal Le Zhengqinghe to sit over, and sat at the door opposite the two tents with poker in hand to fight the landlord with the other two.

Le Zhengqing sat down beside her with his arms around Luo Wenyin's waist: "Where did you get the poker?"

"It's sold in the camp, and the eldest princess spent two points to buy it." Xiao Jingshu looked at her cards with a bitter face, and explained to Le Zhengqinghe.

"My palace was put here from the beginning, what can I do? Go out to collect points during the day and come back, and at night, I am bored and are not allowed to bring a picture book, so I have to buy something for entertainment." Luo Wenyin shrugged, "Yes ,Do you want?"

"Not only that, you also need to spend points for eating here." Fu Buren also said to Lezheng Qing and Science, "It costs 3 points for a meal, one meal, one soup, one meat and one vegetable. When we first came, we saw big The princess plays cards with herself alone, and plays melodrama with her fingers."

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