Journey to the witch world

Chapter 735 Awakening and Plan

The scene in front of me turned into smoke and disappeared.

On the spot, Enzo's face became more serious. Although he had recovered his state by relying on the original power deep in his soul, after Ms. Yue was reincarnated and revived, his strength was also improving all the time.

Under the circumstances, Enzo did not even have an advantage.

"I hope the demigods of the Scarlet World can persist a little longer."

Enzo shook his head, with a trace of helplessness flashing in his eyes. The best way for Ms. Yue to reincarnate and regain her strength is to devour the demigods in the scarlet world and absorb their power to restore herself.

In fact, Ms. Yue did exactly that.

Ever since the battle with the Scarlet Will, Ms. Yue started her own plan. The silent demigods of the main continent of the Scarlet World have suffered a disaster. In just one month, they fell one after another.

However, this is just the beginning.

If Ms. Yue wants to truly regain her strength, swallowing the entire scarlet world is not enough. She is now devouring demigods as much as possible in order to improve her own strength and use it to deal with the awakened scarlet will.

"The current Ms. Yue's strength may not have broken through to the fifth level."

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face, and he muttered to himself: "The scarlet world is just a small plane. Under the restrictions of the rules, it is difficult to give birth to a fifth-level life form. Unless Ms. Yue defeats the scarlet will and devours the entire world, it will be almost impossible." It is possible to break through the boundaries of fifth-level life forms.”

"It seems that I have to move faster!"

Enzo took a deep breath, then turned into a shadow and disappeared from the place. In the blink of an eye, he had arrived outside a small village.

Scarlet World, Xingtong Kingdom.

The Xingtong Kingdom, one of the major kingdoms on the mainland, is adjacent to the Tucker Kingdom. This unnamed village is located on the border of the kingdom. In the early years, there were frequent conflicts with the Tucker Kingdom, and the people of the two countries also hated each other.

Recently, the Tucker Kingdom has fallen into chaos.

The sudden death of the old king Andel plunged the Tucker Kingdom into disputes. The Xingtong Kingdom should have taken advantage of the situation to attack, but due to the indecisiveness of the contemporary Xingtong King, it was slow to take action.

But even if King Xingtong decided to stay out of the matter, the chaos in Tucker Kingdom still had a great impact on Xingtong Kingdom. For example, because Tucker Kingdom fell into war, a large number of bandits appeared.

Those gangsters are not only in the Tucker Kingdom, some of them have even flown into the Xingtong Kingdom, causing a great impact on the civilians.

In place, Enzo appeared like a black mist.

"This is it!"

Enzo looked into the distance, and saw the smoke of a peaceful little village. A young man was working hard in the fields, but he didn't know that danger was quietly approaching and his destiny was about to change.

"Wizard of All Souls, Rex!"

Enzo arrived outside the small village, but he did not show up rashly. Instead, he turned into a crow and landed on the treetops, watching the young people working in the fields.

According to Enzo's secret technique, this boy is Rex, one of the twelve all-spiritual wizards who came to the scarlet world.

As a veteran wizard of all spirits, Rex once had an extremely prominent reputation in the Northern Continent. He was even the founder of Crow Phantom Academy and was a transcendent at the same time.

But now, the other party is trapped in the scarlet world.

Because of Ms. Yue's methods, Wizard Rex even forgot everything, and his soul sank in endless reincarnations. In his boring and boring life, only a few broken memories flashed through his mind for a few moments.

Villages, fields.

Rex, who was working hard, suddenly frowned, with a painful expression on his face. He couldn't help but cover his head, and his chest heaved up and down, as if he was experiencing great pain.

"What's wrong? Rex!"

At this time, an anxious voice suddenly sounded, and not far away, a young and beautiful girl ran quickly, hugged the reincarnation of Rex, and said comfortingly, "Do you have a headache again?"

"It's okay, Shirley."

Rex shook his head, but a trace of paleness appeared on his face, and he smiled bitterly and said, "My problem doesn't last for a day or two. Although it may be uncomfortable sometimes, it won't affect anything."

After hearing Rex's words, Shirley still had a trace of worry on her face.

As the girl who was Rex's childhood sweetheart, although the two were not married, in Shirley's heart, she had already regarded Rex as her man. Seeing that he had a headache, Shirley felt very uncomfortable.

"How did that happen?"

Shirley looked troubled and said hesitantly, "How about... let's go to the city to have a look. I heard that the doctor who recently came from Tucker Kingdom is the best at treating headaches. Maybe he can cure your disease."

"No need."

Rex shook his head and said softly, "After all these years, have I seen less doctors? Anyway, this disease can't kill me. Let it go. It's just a headache."

"But..." Shirley looked hesitant.

"Okay, Shirley."

At this time, Rex interrupted her and reassured her, "I'm fine. I'll just rest for a while."

After that, Rex put down his farm work and came to rest outside the field.

As a childhood sweetheart, Shirley could only nod slightly and obediently accompany the other party to rest under a tree.

"Huh? Crow."

Suddenly, Shirley raised her head and saw a crow on the treetop staring in her direction. She couldn't help but frowned and said, "It's really annoying."

"Don't say that."

Rex chuckled and shook his head. He looked up at the crow on the treetop and suddenly frowned. He didn't know why. When he saw the crow, he always felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

It was as if this crow was his own kind, and there was a feeling of soul connection between the two.


Rex murmured to himself, raising his hand and waving at the crow, as if he wanted it to fall into his palm.

However, the crow was unmoved.

Seeing this, Rex could only shake his head, closed his eyes and leaned against the tree trunk, but some pictures kept flashing in his mind.

"The frequency of attacks has become more and more frequent recently."

Rex thought about the recent frequent headaches, and he couldn't help but feel a haze in his heart. He had been suffering from the disease since he was a child, but most of the images that flashed through his mind at that time appeared in the form of dreams.

But now, Rex often has headaches even during the day.

Every time he had a headache, some pictures appeared. In the broken pictures, Rex saw himself like a star falling on the earth, and the sky was ruled by a blood moon.

"Could it be related to the recent blood moon?"

Suddenly, Rex thought that a month ago, a strange phenomenon occurred in the Tucker Kingdom. The sky was occupied by a blood moon, and a black river appeared.

This incident caused a huge sensation in the entire scarlet world.

For people in the scarlet world, both the blood moon and the black river seem to symbolize some ominous omen. Some even say that this is a precursor to the end of the world, causing panic among the civilians.

Many of the people who witnessed the blood moon became frightened.

Even today's Xingtong Kingdom is dominated by doomsday rhetoric. Both nobles and commoners are praying for the truth, and various cults have even emerged because of this.

Rex didn't believe the words about the end of the world at all.

But when he had a headache, the blood moon scene often appeared in his mind, which made Rex confused as to what it meant.

"Next week, please accompany me back to my grandmother's house."

Shirley, who was lying in Rex's arms, suddenly said, "The situation in Tucker Kingdom is chaotic recently. There are gangsters and refugees everywhere. Many people in the village have left. Let's go to grandma's house to take refuge."

After hearing Shirley's words, a look of ugliness appeared on Rex's face.

Recently, due to the chaos in the Tucker Kingdom, the Xingtong Kingdom has been affected. Bandits spawned by the war are burning, killing and looting everywhere. The small villages on the border are unbearable, and people have no choice but to flee their hometowns.

The small village where Rex is located was attacked by a group of gangs not long ago.

However, there were only a dozen people in that gang. They took advantage of the night to burn, kill, and loot in the village, but they were caught by the villagers. After being punished, they were sent to the prison in the city.

However, although the last attack was resolved by a small village, the seeds of fear were sown in people's hearts.

The gangs that spawned from the war in the Tucker Kingdom were not just a group of a dozen people. I heard that recently, a gang from the Tucker Kingdom even burned down the small village where King Xingtong crossed the border.

Rex's parents have passed away long ago. Now, the closest person to him in this world is Shirley. Although the two are not married, they both regard each other as partners. After hearing Shirley's request, Rex He nodded slightly.

"Okay, we'll leave in a few days."

Rex stroked Shirley's hair and whispered, "It just so happens that I haven't visited my grandmother for a long time."

"Yeah!" Shirley smiled sweetly, her eyes filled with happiness.

However, at this moment.

A scream suddenly came from the village in the distance. The expressions of Rex and Shirley who were resting under the tree changed. Before they could react, they heard the sound of rapid horse hooves.

"Haha! Look, what is this!"

Several gangsters on horseback were running wildly in the fields. One of the gangsters spotted Rex and Shirley under the tree and smiled wildly.

"A pair of little mandarin ducks!"

While they were talking, several gangsters came on horseback. Shirley looked pale and trembled in Rex's arms.

"Damn it, it's a gang!"

A trace of ugliness flashed in Rex's eyes, and he quickly protected Shirley behind him. Looking at the vicious gangster, he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, but as a man, he gritted his teeth and stood up.

"This little girl looks pretty good."

Several gangsters were riding on horses, looking at the two of them unscrupulously, looking at Shirley and letting out lustful laughter.

"Brothers, let's have a good time!"

Hearing the gangsters' wild laughter, Shirley's face turned even paler, and a trace of anger flashed in Rex's eyes.

"Shirley, run!"

Seeing the gangsters pressing closer, Rex roared angrily, quickly pushed Shirley away, and blocked several gangsters by himself.


Shirley hesitated for a moment, but seeing Rex's determined eyes, she could only grit her teeth and run wildly.

She knew that this was not the time to be indecisive. If she wanted to save Rex from the gangsters, she had to go to the village to find help. The longer the delay, the more dangerous it would be for Rex.

"Haha! Still want to run?"

The gangsters smiled wildly, suddenly threw out the riding whips in their hands, and flew towards Shirley like poisonous snakes.


Rex roared angrily, suddenly picked up a stone on the ground, and slammed it on the head of a gangster. The stone accurately hit the target, knocking the gangster off his horse, and he got up in embarrassment.

"Damn little bastard, you're looking for death!"

After the gangster got up, his expression became extremely ferocious. He drew out the long knife from his waist and rushed straight towards Rex.

Facing the vicious gangsters, Rex looked as pale as paper.

He is just a country boy. He has never practiced breathing techniques since he was a child. Naturally, he is no match for the gangsters. Especially these gangsters are soldiers who escaped from the Tucker Kingdom's army.

"Don't kill this kid so easily!"

After the gangster surrounded Rex, he said with a ferocious smile, "I'm going to let him see with his own eyes how his little lover is being played with by us!"

Rex's expression changed and he rushed towards a gangster.

On the treetop, Enzo turned into a crow, looking at everything below, and couldn't help but shake his head.

"It's really sad that the memory is sealed!"

Enzo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Rex, who had lost his memory, would be bullied by ordinary people. If it were in his heyday, there would only be a few gangsters who wouldn't even be able to look directly at him.

You know, in the multiverse, the strength of the All Souls Wizard is already comparable to that of gods.

Even if it is just an idea, it is not something a mortal can bear.

But now, Rex, who was originally a wizard of all spirits, was easily bullied by a few mortals. Enzo couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart, and at the same time he was glad that he had not lost his memory.

Below, several gangsters have surrounded Rex.

Just like a cat catching a mouse, the gangsters did not kill Rex directly, but punched and kicked him. Without any incident, Rex, as an ordinary person, was quickly knocked to the ground and curled up. His body screamed repeatedly.

However, the gangsters did not let Rex go easily.

"Hey! Boy, look what that is."

The gangsters laughed ferociously, suddenly grabbed Rex's head and looked in one direction. There, Shirley was being dragged back by a gangster. Her clothes were almost torn, and her face looked like pear blossoms. .

"Damn it! Bastard!"

Rex was pinned to the ground by several gangsters, and he roared angrily, "What's wrong with bullying a woman? If you have anything to do with me, come at me. Let me go, Shirley!"

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