Uriah and others' hearts sank.

Although I had already had a premonition before that the process of competing for the power of destiny between the children of destiny would never be too gentle, but now it has been confirmed.

"Killing each other...human beings?"

Reiner murmured to himself, his face becoming a little gloomy. The armored giant who was a soldier was never afraid of fighting.

Even if the enemy's Starscream, Reiner would even sacrifice his life for victory in the war!

But if he was asked to attack the same human beings, Reiner would hesitate. The reason was simple. In today's Aquamarine World, under the invasion of the doomsday, the number of human beings has become smaller and smaller.

In Reiner's inner understanding, even though he already belongs to Bloodfire City, he still belongs to the human side. Even if he does not become an ally with the Hope Government, he should not become an enemy.

"Okay, you go down first."

Then, Enzo waved his hand and recalled the four ace giants to Bloodfire City, mainly to prepare for the next government raid.

Enzo did not expect that the four ace giants of Bloodfire City would play a big role in the coming battle.

However, at least they are ace giants with the ability to absorb the power of fate.

Then, the four turned and left.

Accepting too much news at once caused waves in the hearts of the four of them. Hillary and Buck were both in a state of confusion, and even Reiner, who had always had a tenacious personality, fell into hesitation and entanglement.

Only Uriah acted the calmest.

As an ace giant born in the wasteland, Uriah's birth was an acquired creation and was not favored by the will of the world. Instead, Enzo forcibly injected him with the potion of destiny.

Having followed Enzo for many years, Uriah has never been a mediocre person. He is full of ambition, so he will not let go of any opportunity to become stronger.

Uriah didn't have much burden in his heart about plundering the power of destiny. It was this mentality that made Enzo decide to train Uriah with all his strength.

The end of Aquamarine World is coming to an end.

The emergence of the Giant Potion is destined to usher in the Age of Giants. Since Enzo is ready to conquer the world, he must cultivate a spokesperson as a ruler after everything is over.

For example, in the world of war ghosts, the child born to Enzo and Wendy, Zoffie, the king of evil ghosts, is the ruler of the world.

Although he is currently only a third-level life form, as the true spirit reincarnation of the God of Disaster, as long as he continues to grow, he is destined to become a fourth-level god, or even a higher level.

Although the situation in Aquamarine World is different in detail, it is essentially very similar.

Uriah is the ruler recognized by Enzo.

After absorbing the power of destiny, he has become an ace giant. As long as he continues to absorb the power of destiny, his potential will naturally further increase, and even touch the threshold of a fourth-level life form.

"Ulea, the giant god?"

Looking at the four ace giants' retreating figures, a smile appeared on Enzo's face and he murmured softly.

"Next, get ready to start a new round of war!"

Enzo's eyes flickered and his expression was firm.

According to his original plan, after the construction of the Bloodfire City portal is completed, he will go into full-scale war with Starscream to weaken the opponent's foundation as much as possible.

As for the Hope Government, Enzo didn't take it too seriously.

Even though they possess a large number of Orain cores and are also the rulers of the Aquamarine World, due to the low level of technology and the lack of information, they cannot compare with Starscream at all.

The apocalypse has been going on for more than a hundred years, and the confrontation between the Hope Government and Starscream has even been going on for decades.

Until now, however, Hope's government didn't even know who Starscream was, nor did they know the location of Starscream's base.

In the face of Starscream's attack, I hope the government will just passively let it go. Even under such circumstances, the top officials within the government have not yet unanimously spoken out to the outside world, and there are constant overt and covert fights among themselves.

Is there really hope for such a hopeful government?

If it weren't for the favor of the world's will and the emergence of the Giant Potion, Starscream would have completely defeated the Hope Government long ago.

And now, the Hope Government, which is at war with Starscream, has actually attracted the attention of Bloodfire City, although the main reason is that the fanatical potion in Bloodfire City is the key to opening the Age of Giants.

But in any case, it is undoubtedly foolish to rashly launch a war before knowing the true strength of Bloodfire City.

"After this incident is over, the era of giants will truly begin." Enzo murmured to himself.

The Hope Government's plan to raid the Bloodfire City is destined to end in failure, and after losing a thousand ace giants, the Hope Government's last trump card will completely cease to exist.

Tap tap tap!

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and several three-meter-tall evil ghosts walked into the hall and knelt down in front of Enzo.

"Sir, the preparations for the nine million evil ghosts are complete!"

Several evil ghost clans are all ghost kings, equivalent to third-order life forms in the multiverse. When fighting in the ghost world, they are not only the monarchs of a country, but also existences such as dukes.

But now, Quan was summoned to the Aquamarine World by Enzo.

"Is everything ready?" Enzo asked.

"Yes, my lord."

A ghost king raised his head and said in a deep voice: "The nine million evil ghosts summoned this time are all elites in the clan. They have been divided into nine legions. Each legion has one million elite evil ghosts and is led by the ghost king. .

"At the same time, the flying evil beasts recruited from the War Ghost World are also ready. As long as the time is right, they can launch an attack on the Hope Government at any time!"

Enzo's eyes flashed and he nodded slightly.

The Hope Government plans to raid Bloodfire City, but they don't know that Enzo has the same plan. A thousand ace giants are dispatched, so the Floating City under the Hope Government is naturally in its weakest state.

The portal of Bloodfire City has recently summoned a large number of flying evil beasts, enough to carry nine million evil ghost tribes to launch an attack on the floating city under the Hope Government.

As long as a thousand ace giants appear on the Black Blood Plains, Enzo's actions will begin immediately. Not only will the plan of the Hope government be killed, but the remaining twenty-three floating cities in the sea blue world will also fall into Enzo's hands. Zuo is in control.

"By the way, how long will it take for the war in the Harar Desert to end?" At this time, Enzo asked the Ghost King again.

"About a month."

The Ghost King pondered for a moment and said, "The army in the Harar Desert has surrounded the fourth base, but it will take some time to capture it."

"After all, Starscream's fourth base has twenty Orain cores as energy support, and its defense system is not weak."

Enzo frowned slightly.

Compared to the Hope Government, for Enzo, the biggest enemy in conquering the Aquamarine World is the Starscream Organization.

Starscream has been setting out in the Aquamarine World for many years. Even if Enzo has the support of the War Ghost World, it will not be easy to completely defeat them.

Fortunately, Enzo did not lack time.

The heart of the war ghost world is merging with Enzo. As long as the matter there is over, Enzo can be promoted to a fourth-level wizard.

Such power can be considered a powerful class in the multiverse, especially wizards, who are recognized as the top combat power in the multiverse.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed.

Above the Black Blood Plain, gray mist fills the air, and dark clouds roll in the sky. Since the end of the sea blue world, normal weather is almost non-existent.


In the distance, giant steel trucks were speeding across the rugged plains, their huge wheels crushing the dirt and leaving long ruts.

In the sky, mechas soared.

With the advent of the Age of Giants, traditional mechas seem destined to be eliminated, but for the Hope government, mecha warriors are still a powerful force.

"The City of Blood and Fire is ahead!"

Leylin, the representative of Lunt Floating City, was sitting in the passenger seat of a truck. He looked ahead with a serious face and took a deep breath.

"Success or failure depends on this!"

Leylin's eyes shone with determination, hoping that the government's attitude towards Bloodfire City would be mainly divided into hawks and doves.

Among them, Leylin is the representative of the hawks.

He always believes that the Hope Government is the controller of the Ocean Blue World, and should not surrender to aliens under any circumstances.

Especially when you still have a trump card.

For Leylin, today's mission is related to the hope of the government and even the future of mankind. No accidents are allowed, even if it costs his own life.

"Speed ​​up!"

The City of Blood and Fire was already close at hand, and Leylin ordered everyone to speed up. Trucks carrying the Ace Giant Team quickly drove forward.

Not long after, the Hope Government's truck stopped outside Bloodfire City, and the mecha warriors landed one after another and jumped out of the cockpit.

"Leylin, on behalf of Lunt Floating City, wants to see the master of Bloodfire City!" Leylin said loudly.

Before the truck team set off, Lunt Floating City had already contacted Bloodfire City and expressed its willingness to agree to Bloodfire City's surrender conditions.

So today is the day to work out the specific details.

In fact, Lunt Floating City was ready for a raid, and all the ace giants of the entire Hope Government were sent to the Black Blood Plains.

Now, together with Leylin, there are only a hundred ace giants transported by trucks, and the remaining ace giants are hidden on the outskirts of the Black Blood Plains.

As long as Leylin and the other one hundred ace giants enter the Bloodfire City and start causing chaos, the remaining nine hundred ace giants will immediately break out and launch an attack on the Bloodfire City.

A thousand ace giants!

This is already the most powerful armed force of the Hope Government. Even in the face of the threat of Starscream, the Hope Government has not sent them all to the battlefield until the current situation has forced it.

The Zealot Potion is the key to opening the Age of Giants!

Therefore, we hope that the government will definitely succeed in this and will never allow any surprises.

Ahead, the gate of Bloodfire City opened.

Leylin breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Bloodfire City did not notice anything unusual. He immediately waved his hand and signaled the truck to drive into Bloodfire City.

The extremely spacious avenue comes into view, and entering the Bloodfire City is the first area. The layout here has a very strong military style, and the entire city is like a huge arsenal.

And in fact, it is indeed the case.

The twelve districts of Bloodfire City, from the first to the eighth district, are all residential areas for the evil ghost army.

The evil ghosts are different from the wasteland people. They have rigid thinking and don't have many desires. They were created to be used as war weapons, so they don't need to think about things other than fighting.

It is precisely for this reason that the architectural style of the Evil Ghost Army's garrison is simple and straightforward. Living here for a long time will inevitably make people feel depressed.

As for the ninth to twelfth districts where the wastelanders live, it is a completely different situation. Although the wastelanders are struggling after the end of the world, after joining the Blood and Fire City, they no longer have to pay for food every day. A bumpy stomach.

After being materially satisfied, the Wastelanders began to pursue spiritual enjoyment. At the same time, in order to stimulate the Wastelanders' enthusiasm on the battlefield, Enzo established a large number of entertainment venues in the Wastelanders' living areas.

In this polarized situation, the area leading to Bloodfire City was almost divided into two completely different scenes.


The truck was driving on the spacious road. Leylin was sitting in the passenger seat, looking around all the time, the luster in his eyes flickering slightly.

"Lord Leylin, something seems wrong."

As the truck continued to move forward, the surrounding environment became quieter and quieter. The driver of the truck felt faintly uneasy.

When Yorick went to Bloodfire City before, this driver served as a guard. What's more, he is also an ace giant with the strength of a silver hunter, so he is very sensitive to the environment.

The driver remembered clearly that the last time he came to Bloodfire City, the surroundings were definitely not like this. This road was not filled with the same high towers at all.

Leylin's heart sank and he quickly opened the car window.

With the acumen of a gold-level wilderness hunter, Leylin immediately noticed that there were a large number of alien races hiding around this area, and they seemed to be ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

"not good!"

Leylin secretly thought that something was wrong, and quickly waved his hand to signal the truck behind him to stop. But at this moment, strange-shaped firearms were exposed from the surrounding buildings.

Bang, bang, bang!

At the same time, items similar to cans were thrown out, and gray-white smoke suddenly began to fill the air.

Leylin was in a trance.

Immediately afterwards, squads of evil ghosts rushed out from around the corner of the street. Everyone was fully armed, and they obviously had evil intentions.

"Do it!!"

Leylin's mind was shocked and he quickly bit his tongue to regain some consciousness and let out an angry roar to warn others.


Gunshots rang out, the truck's windshield shattered, and a strange-shaped anesthetic needle was shot into Leylin's neck, and the liquid inside was quickly injected into his blood.

Leylin's face was pale, and his double eyelids seemed as heavy as mountains.

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