Journey to the witch world

Chapter 574 Bombardment by Giant Cannon

Under the crazy firepower, even the huge mammoth fell down in the end.

The Starscream organization seemed to realize that there were no flying soldiers in the Evil Ghost army, so it sent thousands of fighter jets to use air superiority to massacre the Evil Ghost soldiers and those evil beasts.

"That's quite an oversight."

In the tower, Enzo shook his head. The lack of air power meant that the evil ghost army could only be passively massacred when facing fighter jets. It was meaningless to continue this battle.

So Enzo gave the order to retreat.

But the Starscream organization was obviously not willing to do this. The fighter jets chased behind them and continued to shoot. It was not until the Evil Ghost Clan army all left the range of the Mogu Forest that the fighter jets gradually returned.

After a war, out of 300,000 evil ghosts, only less than 50,000 remained.

The war between the two worlds was so cruel. The evil ghost soldiers who were not afraid of death fought against the Starscream organization. The army seemed to be just a number, leaving countless corpses in a matter of seconds.

"It seems that we have to recruit some flying evil beasts from the war ghost world."

Enzo thought for a moment. The short war before had exposed many problems. The Evil Ghost clan relied too much on physical combat and did not have the ability to fly. If the Starscream organization used air superiority, then the Evil Ghost clan would be too passive.

Currently, there are less than 100,000 flying evil beasts in the army teleported from the War Ghost World to the Aquamarine World. If faced with the coming war, this is obviously not enough, so Enzo decided to sign some flying evil beasts from the War Ghost World. .

As for the casualties of the evil ghost army, Enzo didn't care at all.

For Enzo, the war ghost world is essentially a war fortress. The existence of the entire evil ghost clan is born for war. They don't have much concept of death itself, and they are just a group of war weapons.

Therefore, as long as the Sea Blue World can be conquered, even if it means sacrificing 100 million evil ghost soldiers, it is still very worthwhile for Enzo. At most, it may cause the evil ghost tribe to fall into a period of weakness, and they can recover after a period of cultivation.

"The battle to conquer the Aquamarine World should ideally end within ten years."

Enzo murmured to himself, although the rules of the Ocean Blue World are not too strong, the evil ghosts are after all extraterrestrial creatures. Not only are they unable to use magic abilities here, but more importantly, their life span will be greatly reduced.

The normal lifespan of evil ghosts is about thirty years, but in the sea blue world, the lifespan of evil ghosts can last up to ten years. There are rules in this, and damage caused by radiation is also one of the factors.

"Next, just wait for the army to arrive and launch a full-scale attack."

Enzo took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with luster. Although the war just now was a complete failure, he was not discouraged. The three hundred thousand evil ghosts were originally the vanguard of the Mogu Forest.

The real main force will take ten days to arrive!

Five million evil ghost troops would have a chance to annihilate the Mogu Forest, destroy the base of the Starscream organization, and seize the core of Orain inside.

Aquamarine World, the other side.

There is a red floating city floating in the sky, which looks like flames from a distance. The ground is also blood red. Millions of zombies are besieging a fortress-like base.

Red stone floating city!

It is hoped that one of the only thirty floating cities left by the government can accommodate 100,000 survivors. Since the Starscream organization has been pressing closer, there is not only a floating city here, but also a red stone base on the ground.

Compared to the floating city, the base can accommodate more survivors.

There are millions of wastelanders in the entire Redstone base, but they seem to have no power to resist the zombie ocean offensive organized by Starscream, and can only rely on the walls of the fortress for defense.

In the sky, mechas were flying one after another.

As the top combat power of mankind, mecha warriors can fight against zombies and mutant beasts, but facing such a large number of zombies, even mecha warriors feel numb and dare not approach them at all.

"City Lord, use the Giant Plan!"

In the lobby of the Red Stone Floating City, the senior management looked at a screen that was playing the war in the wasteland. Seeing that the zombies had almost broken through the first wall, a councilman couldn't help but say.

The leader of the Red Stone Floating City is a bald middle-aged man.

His face was serious, but his eyes flickered slightly. If the Red Stone Base was breached by the zombies, then what awaited the Floating City would be a full-scale attack by the Starscream organization.

The current situation seems to be irreversible.

The number of hunters in the Redstone Base is extremely limited. Even if all of them participate in the battle, it is impossible to resist the zombie attack, not to mention that the Starscream Organization has sent a large number of mechanical soldiers.

The bald city lord looked hesitant and his eyes were unusually tangled.

Using the Titan plan seems to be the only chance, but once it is done, the Starscream organization may be defeated, but the out-of-control Titan will also cause terrible damage to the wastelanders in the Redstone base.

The last scene where the giant lost control was still vivid in the mind of the bald city lord.

Just as the bald city lord hesitated, a beam of light suddenly shot straight into the sky.

"What's going on?" The bald city lord was surprised.

"It's Lord Henry, who jumped off the floating city!" At this time, a soldier rushed into the hall and reported to the city lord.

"Damn it, this is nonsense!" The bald city lord was furious.

Golden Hunter Henry is a mecha controller, but he also participates in the Giant Potion Project. As an extremely rare rational giant, he has always been regarded as a trump card by the Red Stone Floating City.

But now, the other party acted rashly.

Above the wasteland, as golden light beams soared into the sky, a thirty-meter-tall giant also appeared on the earth. His whole body was covered with snake-like scales, his limbs were slender and soft, and in a pair of black vertical pupils, flashing lights The sheen of sanity.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as he landed on the ground, Giant Henry ran up. Against the bullets from all around him, he raised his arms and destroyed three Destroyer robots with one slap, and at the same time kicked two armored vehicles away.

After several hours of fighting, the Red Stone Base finally began to fight back.

The soldiers fighting on the wall cheered and cheered, as if the suppressed fear was temporarily released, but the next moment, tens of thousands of zombies all surrounded the giant Henry.

Bang bang bang!

Violent explosions continued to sound, and the zombies launched a self-destruction attack. Although the giant Henry had scales to protect his body, he also suffered a lot of damage and let out a painful scream. His legs were seriously injured.


In the floating city hall, after seeing the scene in front of him, the bald city lord couldn't help but cursed. Although he was dissatisfied with Henry's unauthorized actions, he couldn't just watch a rational giant die.

"Start Project Titan!"

"All the rational giants will attack, with the mecha warriors assisting from the side, and they will repel the Starscream organization!" the bald city lord gave the order.

Suddenly, the Giant Plan was launched.

From the floating city, soldiers who were injected with the giant potion were thrown into the mainland one after another, turning into ten-meter-tall giant forms. However, because they could not control themselves, the giants quickly went crazy.

"Brother Henry, we are here!"

In a helicopter, the short Peter also injected himself with the giant potion and jumped directly from the sky. As the dazzling light flashed, he also transformed into a thirty-meter-tall giant form.

The giant transformed by Peter has extremely strong lower limbs.

Moreover, the head is covered with an armor object, which can withstand the bombardment of artillery shells. It is agile and fast. After landing, it rushed towards Pete as soon as possible, blocking him from the self-destruction attacks of several zombies.

"Careful, Pete!"

At this time, another voice also came. The female giant who was fifty meters tall attracted everyone's attention. Compared with other rational giants, the female giant was not unique, but her huge size was already. is an advantage.

"Kill all these damn zombies!"

The dull sound was like thunder. Next to the giantess, there was still a thirty-meter-tall giant. His whole body was covered with armor, and something like a shield grew on the side of his arms. While he had strong defense, he was also very mobile. But it weakened, and even movement was very difficult.

There are a total of five rational giants in the Red Stone Floating City.

But this time, four sane giants had appeared, temporarily turning the situation on the battlefield and quickly clearing away the zombies around the Red Stone Base.

"Too many!"

Henry's tone was solemn. Although the four rational giants were powerful in combat, there were too many zombies around them, as if they couldn't be cleared away. Moreover, they self-destructed crazily, causing the rational giants to be severely damaged.

"Find the leader of the zombie horde and destroy it!"

At this time, the four rational giants all heard the bald city lord's order and immediately looked into the distance. Although the zombie army could be controlled remotely, the distance was also limited.

Every time the Starscream organization attacks the floating city, a command team will be sent out.

After receiving the order, the four rational giants immediately launched a charge, preparing to go to the rear of the zombie army to find the command group.

However, at this moment.

On the ground in the distance, there was a sudden roar, and an extremely huge metal cannon barrel slowly appeared, aiming in the direction of the floating city.

The four rational giants all felt that something was wrong.

The next moment, a sound that seemed to shake the world was heard. The violent energy was blasted directly from the giant cannon. The energy beam instantly penetrated the red stone floating city, causing the floating city to become crumbling.

"No!!" Henry was stunned.

The floating city, penetrated by the giant cannon, began to crash towards the earth without stopping. In just a moment, the red stone floating city fell to the earth, and the violent movement made the earth tremble.

"The floating city... fell?"

Peter seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He stared blankly in the direction of the crash of the floating city. The world seemed to have stopped. The Starscream organization had been fighting against the Hope government for many years, but this was the first time that it had used such horrific means.

Magic cannon!

The technological weapons of the goblin civilization used to be. It is said that to make such a giant cannon, you need to extract the energy from the heart of the world. The top-level magic energy cannon can even destroy a small plane with one strike.

Of course, the magic cannon in front of me is just an imitation.

After the goblin civilization was destroyed, most of the real magic cannons were destroyed in the war. The only three remaining magic cannons were also collected by the wizard civilization. Although the cannons of the Starscream organization were imitations, Its power is equally astonishing.

The power of one blow destroyed a floating city.

The original Starscream organization never thought of using such a powerful method to bombard the floating city, but as the evil ghost army was constantly being transported to the sea blue world, the threat they felt became more and more intense, so they decided to Seize all remaining Orain Cores in a short period of time.

Because only in this way can Starscream truly control the world.

As the floating city fell, almost all of the 100,000 survivors above were killed. Only a few lucky mecha warriors escaped in time, but the number was less than a hundred. The red stone floating city ended itself in the most tragic situation. duty of.

"Starscream!!" Peter roared angrily.

The Red Stone Floating City was his home, and his family and friends were all there. Now they all died in an instant, which meant that Pete also lost everything. In rage, he gradually lost his mind and ran towards the cannon.

"Come back, Peter!" Henry said quickly.

The power of the giant cannon just now made him feel a little scared. If Peter rushed up, the outcome would inevitably be death, so Henry wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Pete rushed towards the cannon with all his might.

But unlike Henry's imagination, the giant cannon did not attack Pete after blasting the floating city, and nothing happened after that, just zombies blocking Pete's path.

"After an energy burst, does it need a period of cooling down?"

Henry's eyes flashed, and he seemed to understand something in his heart. Looking at the huge cannon with amazing energy, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"If we hope that the government can also master such a powerful weapon, maybe it can fight against the Starscream organization, right?"

Hunter's eyes flashed and he also rushed towards the cannon.

The fall of the Red Stone Floating City has become an unchangeable fact, so the survivors must make a choice, whether to surrender to Starscream or continue to fight against it.

There is no doubt that Henry chose the former.

At the same time, in the Red Stone Base, after witnessing the crash of the Floating City, many Wastelanders also fell into madness, and their hatred for Starscream reached an unprecedented level.

"Power! I want power!"

"Dammit Starscream, die!"

The people of the wasteland screamed in despair. In order to obtain the power of revenge, they injected themselves with the giant potion one after another. Driven by the drug, they transformed into giant forms, but they also lost their minds.

For a time, the war became chaotic.

The out-of-control giant began to destroy indiscriminately, and was not afraid at all in the face of the self-destruction offensive of zombies. The wall of the red stone base collapsed, and the survivors cried helplessly, creating a purgatory-like scene.

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