Journey to the witch world

Chapter 416 Beast Transformation

The low and suppressed murmurs, mixed with the sound of whips, sounded in the silent forest, which seemed particularly weird.

A shadowy crow crouched in a tree, its dark eyes watching everything below.

In the center of the simple camp built by the Red Snake Brigade using carriages and tents, there was a spacious open space, where a group of figures were kneeling.

Going there, Katrina stood on a carriage, holding a soft whip of thorns in her hand, with a serious expression on her face like a queen.

Bang bang bang!

Katrina swung the soft whip, whipping the air with a sound. When the strong wind fell on the figures kneeling on the ground, their skin and flesh were immediately torn apart.

"Is this?" Enzo frowned slightly.

Under night, all the members of the Red Snake Brigade gathered here, including Katrina. Everyone's faces were very serious, as if they were performing some special ceremony.

"Great goddess of weeping, please forgive me for my sins..."

On the ground, a girl from the Red Snake Brigade was lying humbly. The clothes on her upper body had long been taken off, exposing her youthful naked back to the air, and she softly prayed.


Katrina swung the soft whip and hit the naked girl's back, and a bloody wound appeared. A painful expression appeared on the girl's face, but there was a trace of joy in it. She couldn't help but tremble all over her body and let out a cry like cry. Suppressed whispers.

"In the name of the weeping goddess, all guilt will be dissolved in pain!" Katrina prayed in a deep voice with a serious face.

Then, the whip of thorns swung rapidly.

The members of the Red Snake Troupe kneeling on the ground endured the whiplash one after another. The pain made their whole bodies tremble, but there were expressions of pleasure on all of their faces.

A strange scene unfolded under the night cover. In the carriage not far away, a strange expression appeared on Enzo's face.

"what is this?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows, then shook his head, cutting off the line of sight with Shadow Crow.

During the time when the gods ruled the world, there were hundreds or even thousands of gods. Each god held different responsibilities, so their personalities and behavior styles were also greatly different.

Among them, many strange beings were born.

For example, the Weeping Goddess is obviously an ancient deity, but the way she spreads her faith is through pain and joy. According to the creed of the Weeping Goddess Church, all people are born guilty and must endure pain in order to gradually wear away their own power. Guilt.

At the same time, due to some indescribable reasons, according to the Encyclopedia of Gods, the goddess of crying, the goddess of joy and the goddess of desire are also called the "Three Gorgeous Gods".

The sky in the distance is slightly white, thin mist is drifting in the forest, and the sun is shining from the sky, passing through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the trees, leaving mottled reflections on the ground.

Enzo opened the carriage door and walked out.

"Good day, Sir Enzo!"

The people from the Red Snake Brigade had already started to pack up the camp and seemed ready to continue setting off. Katrina greeted Enzo.

Enzo smiled and nodded.

Looking at Katrina and the others in the Red Snake Troupe, he felt a strange feeling in his heart. Although he cut off the Shadow Crow's vision early last night, the whips and whispering sounds in his ears continued all night long.

After struggling for such a long time, the people in the brigade did not feel tired at all. Instead, they all looked energetic and satisfied.

"...What a strange god."

Enzo shook his head, unable to complain in his heart. No wonder the gods would be defeated by wizards and withdraw from the stage of history. There is such a weird god.

After a while, the brigade started to set off.

"Through this forest, you will find the Essos Plains, which is also the territory of the Kingdom of Night and the place protected by the goddess of the night."

While the Red Snake Brigade was traveling, Katrina talked with Enzo and introduced, "According to the normal speed, in another week, we can enter the Essos Plains, the border city of the Kingdom of Night, and the destination of our trade. Target."

On the side, Enzo listened quietly, with a polite smile on his face. Occasionally, he would speak out and ask some questions without leaving any trace.

Katrina knew everything and seemed very enthusiastic.

The hours passed quickly.

The Red Snake Brigade has been doing business in the Lost Continent for many years and is already familiar with this forest. By following the planned route, they can reach the Essos Plains within a few days.

"Get ready to take a rest." After a while, Katrina ordered.

The members of the Red Snake Brigade stopped advancing one after another, and the several Essos giant spiders responsible for pulling the carriage also lay on the ground, waiting to be fed.

"Shadow Crow!"

On the same spot, Enzo thought, and a group of shadows spread out around his feet, turning into shadow crows and flying into the forest.

After being promoted to a third-level wizard, the magic power in Enzo's body reached a very strong level, so wherever he went, he would habitually release shadow crows as his vision.

"what is that?"

Over the forest, shadow crows flew in all directions. Through the vision of one of them, Enzo suddenly noticed that a humanoid-like creature was hiding next to a boulder below.

Enzo's eyes narrowed.

In Shadow Crow's field of vision, next to a huge rock below, there is a humanoid beast, with its body covered in gray hair and its head resembling a combination of a sheep and a lion.

"Deformed creature?" Enzo frowned slightly.

The next moment, he quickly denied the idea.

Because, in the sight of the shadow crows flying in the sky, more humanoid beasts appeared in the forest and kept moving closer to the Red Snake Brigade.

The number of those humanoid beasts exceeds a hundred, and they all have different shapes. They are obviously not of the same species, but they are gathered together for some unknown reason.

"Is this...a lycanthrope?"

Suddenly, Enzo's eyes flashed, and some possibility appeared in his mind.

Lycanthrope, a creature created by a wizard.

Modified creatures created by mixing human genes with beast genes. In most cases, lycanthropes have low intelligence, and their life and death are controlled by the wizard as the creator.

Enzo frowned slightly, his eyes getting colder.

Since a lycanthrope appears in the forest, it means that there is probably a wizard hiding around, and the other party's behavior towards the Red Snake Brigade appears to be very dangerous.


On the spot, several Essos giant spiders responsible for pulling the carriage suddenly stopped, seeming to have noticed something, and made a snake-like hissing sound.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Katrina's face became solemn. As a believer of the Weeping Goddess, she possesses the strength of a second-order life form with more than twenty points of spirit, giving her keen insight.


A beast roar sounded in vain, and the trees in the forest shook for a while. Then, a lycanthrope that looked like a combination of a dog and a monkey rushed out and pounced on a member of the Red Snake Brigade.


The indigenous young man in the Red Snake Brigade was thrown to the ground unexpectedly. The fishy smell hit his nostrils, and the ferocious teeth bit him fiercely in the next moment.

Blood spurted out immediately. The eyes of the monkey and dog beasts were scarlet, and deep roars came from their throats. The indigenous youths of the Red Snake Brigade struggled desperately for a moment and then lost their movement.

"Damn it!"

Looking at the scene happening in front of her, Katrina was filled with rage. She swung out the whip in her hand and hit the lycanthrope. The sharp thorns immediately rolled up a large amount of flesh and blood.

However, the lycanthrope showed no reaction.

The body transformed by witchcraft seemed to have lost the sense of pain. The beast-turned-man didn't even raise his head, biting the corpse under him to his heart's content.

At the same time, more and more lycanthropes appeared around.

"Alert!" Katrina shouted.

The members of the Red Snake Brigade immediately began to take action. The male members raised their shields and spears to form a defensive formation, and the Essos giant spiders also spit out black spider silk.

Sticky spider silk hung on the surrounding trees, blocking the charge of the lycanthropes, but those simple-minded low-level creatures, under the orders of the creator, still rushed towards the brigade crazily.

"In the name of the Weeping Goddess!"

Katrina's face was serious, and she and several female members of the surrounding brigade prayed together, and the crimson mist began to spread out.

"Is this... divine magic?"

Walking out of the carriage, Enzo looked at the hundreds of lycanthropes around him, but he did not rush to take action, but felt the breath of the crimson mist around him.

In the crimson mist, there is a trace of energy and breath originating from the gods.

Divine magic, a special magical ability.

In terms of their ability to manifest themselves, divine magic and witchcraft are very similar, but compared to each other, they are fundamentally different.

Different from witchcraft, divine magic is not composed of runes arranged and does not even require a cultivation process. It is essentially just a method given by gods to believers. Although Katrina can release divine magic, strictly speaking, she cannot possess divine magic. technique.

The way to obtain divine magic is to pray to the gods you believe in. Only after receiving the gift can you gain the ability to release divine magic.

However, since divine magic can be given, it can also be taken away.

Even though Katrina can now release divine magic, this ability may be taken away at any time as long as the Weeping Goddess has a thought!


All around, as Katrina and the other believers prayed, a red snake shadow gradually formed in the crimson mist, its ferocious bloody mouth opened, and its sharp fangs glowed red.

After the phantom of the red snake appeared, the hissing sound also sounded around. The lycanthropes who originally rushed towards the brigade stopped one after another as if they were hypnotized, and the sculpture froze in place.

The next moment, a high-pitched roar sounded!

The beast-turned-people who were frozen in place had a strange luster in their eyes, and then they started fighting each other. The scene was extremely terrifying.

"A magical ability similar to mental manipulation."

Enzo's eyes flashed and he thought: "According to rumors, the Weeping Goddess is also called the Red Snake Goddess. She was an ordinary red snake in ancient times. By chance, she strayed into the Kingdom of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. Wisdom is unlocked only when infected by strength.”

"As the red snake opened up its wisdom, the Earth Mother also discovered this special existence, so she kept it as a pet. Until later, the red snake had the ability to transform into a human form, and charmed the Earth Mother's youngest son Ote Yi!"

"As a descendant of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, Oteei possessed the power of a demigod when he was born. However, due to his immature mind, he was charmed by the red snake and helped it steal the Golden Apples of the Mother Goddess of the Earth."

"The red snake that swallowed the golden apple was successfully promoted to a demigod creature, but because it was afraid that the Mother Goddess of Earth would hold it accountable, it fled the Kingdom of the Mother Goddess and took refuge with another of the four divine kings, the King of Light!"

"In the following thousand years, the red snake continued to charm powerful beings with its strange human form. Using its unique abilities, it finally ignited the divine fire and obtained the priesthood of the Weeping Goddess!"

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered.

The Weeping Goddess is a god in a unique way, and her most powerful thing is that she confuses people's hearts. According to legend, anyone who sees the Weeping Goddess' true face will become her most devout believer.

In the forest, the lycanthropes are killing each other under the control of the red snake phantom.

But at this moment, a low shout sounded in vain.

The bark of the trees not far away was wrinkled and cracked. A wizard in green robes came out and slammed the emerald green vine wand in his hand.


On the ground, a green vine covered with tree sacs came out, violently swinging its body, and shattered the red snake shadow in mid-air with one blow.

"Second-level wizard!" Enzo's eyes flashed.

The red snake phantom condensed by the believers using the power of faith, in a sense, represents a clone of the Weeping Goddess, but at this moment it was shattered by a blow. This green-robed wizard is obviously at least as strong as Reach level two or above.

After the red snake phantom was shattered, Katrina groaned, and the other believers around her turned pale, with blood spilling from the corners of their mouths, as if they had been counterattacked by the vine attack.

"I heard that most of the followers of the Weeping Goddess are young and beautiful girls. It seems that I made the right choice to ambush here for half a month!"

The green-robed wizard looked ugly, with an evil luster in his eyes. He looked at the Red Snake Brigade greedily, raised an arm as dry as a branch, and waved it gently.

Jingle Bell!

On the wrist of the green-robed wizard, there was a bracelet full of bells, which made a crisp sound as it shook gently.

It seemed to be a demonized item. Under the vibration of the bell, the lycanthropes who were killing each other around them regained their consciousness and once again surrounded and killed everyone in the Red Snake Brigade.

"Everyone, be careful, it's a wizard!"

Katrina shouted loudly, with an expression of extreme hatred on her face, and she whipped out the thorn whip in her hand.

In the Lost Continent, the power of the gods spread across the entire continent. Therefore, wizards have become a forbidden word. The hatred of wizard civilization is clearly expressed in the teachings of all gods.

If it were not for the existence of several powerful wizards beyond the fourth level among the wizards of the Lost Continent, I am afraid that the wizards in this land would have been slaughtered by the gods long ago, and the inheritance would be completely cut off.

"Snatch this batch of goods, sell these Weeping Goddess believers as slaves, and add the resources in my hand, enough to exchange for an opportunity to attack the third level! By then, I will be considered the number one person in this lost continent !" The green-robed wizard's heart was burning, and he chanted a spell in a low voice.

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