Journey to the witch world

Chapter 393 Arrival

Time flies, three months have passed.

In the endless blue sky, a hint of darkness appeared. A dozen megalodons twisted their bodies and dragged the giant ship forward quickly. Captain Jones stood at the front of the deck, holding telescopes in both hands and looking forward.

There was deathly silence on the sea!

The three-month sea journey is coming to an end, and in a little while, the giant ship will reach the Lost Continent, but Jones's face is still serious, and his eyes are shining with dignity, staring at the silent sea level.

The Lost Continent is just behind the coastline, but it is not that easy to cross this sea. Even though Jones has driven a giant ship countless times and carried passengers to and from the two sides of the coast, he still did not dare to be careless.

Because this sea area is called the eye of the storm!

According to legend, after the end of the ancient world, the God of Ocean and Storm was defeated by the ancestor of wizards and disappeared. His power did not completely disappear, but fell into pieces into the sea.

The eye of the storm is a special area created by the power of Poseidon!

Like a lost continent, this sea area infected by divine power is full of terrifying pressure. The crazy sea wind may tear apart everything around it. No creature on the other side of the endless ocean dares to approach easily, so it seems to be a dead place.

"Is this the eye of the storm?"

At the entrance below the deck, Enzo came out and looked at the sea without a trace of waves, his eyes twinkling slightly.

Enzo had already done a lot of research before going to the Lost Continent.

The Eye of the Storm sea area is the last stop near the Lost Continent. The environment here is extremely special, and a wild storm is raging. If a ship is accidentally involved in it, it will immediately fall apart.

"Jones's giant ship has been traveling between the Lost Continent and the Northern Continent for decades. It shouldn't be a problem to cross the eye of the storm, right?" Enzo murmured to himself, looking at the increasingly calm sea.

"You bastards, cheer up!"

At this time, Jones, who was at the front of the deck, put down his telescope and roared at the busy fish-headed monsters on the deck, "The giant ship is about to sail into the eye of the storm. Everyone listen to my order and use full left rudder to accelerate!"

On the deck, the fish-headed monsters began to raise the sails and speed up.

The dozen or so megalodon sharks heading towards the giant ship seemed to have felt Jones' order, twisting their bodies desperately and swimming forward.


As the giant ship rushed straight into the silent sea, a sound like thunder appeared in vain not far away. The originally calm sea began to ripple, and then became extremely turbulent.

"Left full rudder, keep going!"

Jones waved his tentacles and began to issue orders. The giant ship cut through obstacles on the sea. The fish-headed monsters on the deck also completed their tasks with ease. They were obviously very familiar with this process.

Seeing the giant ship safely sailing into the eye of the storm, Jones felt slightly relieved.

However, at this moment.

To the right, there were waves on the sea, and then gradually formed a huge wave, rushing towards the giant ship, like a giant water wall.

"I will eventually dominate the ocean!"

On the deck, Jones saw the huge waves coming, but he did not panic at all. He sang a song in a deep voice that was like a mantra, and then waved his hand. On the sea not far from the giant ship, another huge wave rose in vain.

The next moment, two huge waves collided together, and their forces canceled each other out.

The giant ship took advantage of the residual power of the collision of the huge waves to move a long distance forward, but then, whirlpools appeared on the surrounding sea.

"Waterspout? This is a bit troublesome."

Looking at the whirlpools appearing on the surrounding sea surface, Jones frowned, and a solemn look seemed to appear on his ugly face.


Among the whirlpools on the surrounding sea, waterspouts rose into the sky. The strange sight made the place even more frantic, and the giant ship began to swing from side to side.

"Hold on! Don't panic!" Jones roared loudly.

On the deck, the fish-headed monsters tried their best to stabilize the giant wheel, but as more and more waterspouts came around, frantic repulsive force appeared, making the giant wheel more and more out of control. Even the dozen megalodon sharks responsible for pulling the giant wheel started to scream. A neighing sound.


The next moment, a waterspout rushed up in front, and a giant tooth shark was accidentally caught in the whirlpool and immediately fell apart. Because the iron chain was tied to the bow of the ship, the giant ship was pulled violently and shook.

"what happened?"

"Jones! What are you doing?"

In the cabin below the deck, the passengers were staggering around and complaining of dissatisfaction, but at this moment, Jones' face was as gloomy as water.

"Shut up! You damn bastards!"

Jones roared low, and then ignored the noise in the cabin. He stretched out an arm and turned it into a tentacle. He swung it forward and broke the chain in an instant, thus getting rid of the interference of the whirlpool.

"Accept my rule, Ocean!"

Standing at the front of the deck, amid the wind and waves, Jones opened his arms. The divinity contained in his body resonated with the sea, as if forming a special power. The sea water below surged in vain, supporting the giant ship to rise continuously.


The next moment, the giant ship passed through whirlpools and fell into the sea with a loud noise. Then, the fish-headed monsters on the deck raised the sails wildly, and the giant ship moved quickly forward under the pull of more than ten megalodon sharks.

The hours passed quickly.

The endless ocean gradually became calm. Behind the giant ship, one could still see waterspouts rising straight into the sky. However, they were actually far away. The giant ship had already passed through the Eye of the Storm waters.

"After passing this sea area, you can reach the Lost Continent." Enzo murmured.

At this time, the scene of land faintly appeared ahead. At the front of the deck, Jones also had a smile on his face, and then shouted loudly.

"Come out, my passengers!"

"The Lost Continent you expect is just ahead. If you don't want to follow me back to the Northern Continent, then you can reach the end."

As Jones's voice spread throughout the giant ship, the passengers in the cabin also came to the deck one after another.

"Is that the Lost Continent?"

"It doesn't look like anything special?"

All kinds of passengers around were whispering and looking at the continent ahead. At this time, Old Snake also appeared next to Enzo and whispered.

"We are about to arrive at the Lost Continent, but if we want to truly step into that restricted area, we need to prepare other things."

"You mean the soul?" Enzo glanced at the other party.

"It seems you already know?" Old Snake was a little surprised, then nodded and said, "Yes, it is the soul. The Lost Continent is the place where the Dark Lord fell. If you want to step into it, you must offer enough Sacrifice.”

"And the soul is the Dark Lord's favorite sacrifice!"

"Are you ready?" Enzo raised an eyebrow.

"Of course." Old Snake's eyes flashed and he said, "The soul is an indispensable thing to step into the Lost Continent. It is also the currency of that continent and an item needed for everything!"

Enzo nodded thoughtfully.

Old Snake obviously knew more about the Lost Continent than he did. It was no wonder that the other party had been planning to go to the Lost Continent after escaping from the night maze. It was normal to make some preparations in advance.

While the two were talking, the giant ship had docked.

Heading to Luyu, which is known as the Lost Continent, Enzo could feel something abnormal before actually stepping into this land. This continent exuded an extremely strange aura, as if the world existed independently.

"Haha, we finally arrived at the Lost Continent."

"I won't have to hide around XZ anymore!"

As the giant ship slowly stopped, the two men in black robes cheered. They seemed to be wanted fallen wizards who came to the Lost Continent in order to survive.

"Legend has it that the Lost Continent is the burial place of the gods. After the end of the ancient times, countless gods fell here and their godheads were scattered. If we can find a piece of godhead, maybe we will have a chance to ignite the divine fire."

It was still the two fallen wizards. During the conversation, they couldn't wait to jump off the giant ship and landed on the Lost Continent. But then, their expressions changed.

"Offer your sacrifice, mortal!"

A low voice sounded in the ears of the two fallen wizards, and a seemingly irresistible force suppressed the two of them, causing their expressions to change dramatically and even breathing became difficult.

"Sacrifice? What sacrifice?"

The two fallen wizards turned pale, and quickly took out some magic stones, raised their hands above their heads, and said, "Unknown great existence, please accept our offerings!"

These two fallen wizards obviously don't know the rules of the lost continent.

They paid a price for rashly setting foot on the Lost Continent. After the inexplicable voice sounded in their minds, they forced the two to offer sacrifices. After not getting what they desired, the deep voice seemed a little angry.

"Ignorant creatures must pay the price for this!"

The low voice sounded again, and the two fallen wizards looked panicked. The next moment, it was as if an invisible hand grabbed their hearts, and a strong pulling force pulled their souls out of their bodies.

"No!!!" In a desperate voice, the two fallen wizards fell.

According to the rules of the Lost Continent, after entering this restricted area, if you cannot sacrifice enough souls, you will become a sacrifice.

The deaths of the two fallen wizards did not cause much reaction.

Most of the people who could take a giant ship from the Northern Continent to the Lost Continent had some knowledge of this restricted area, and there were only a few people who came rashly, so when the next few passengers got off the ship, they all completed the sacrifice in their own way.

On the deck, Enzo glanced at Old Man Snake.

"Well, it's our turn." Old Snake smiled, raised an arm, and a ball of light appeared in his palm, which seemed to be combined by many souls.

Enzo looked calm and took out a soul body.

This was something he had prepared before heading to the Lost Continent, the soul as a sacrifice.

Afterwards, the two also got off the giant ship.

"Offer your sacrifice, mortal!"

As soon as he landed on the ground, a voice came from Enzo's mind. It seemed extremely weird to appear out of thin air, but Enzo remained calm and raised the soul body in his hand above his head as his own sacrifice.

Suddenly, the soul body disappeared!

This means that Enzo has completed his sacrifice to the Lost Continent, gained the qualification to set foot on this land, and the voice in his head has disappeared.

At the same time, Old Snake also completed the sacrifice.

Most of the passengers on the giant ship have disembarked. Only a few passengers who do not understand the rules of the Lost Continent and have not prepared their souls are pale but dare not disembark. The fate of the two fallen wizards just now is still vivid in their minds.

"What a miserable bunch of guys."

Old Snake was somewhat gloating about his misfortune. Those passengers who had not prepared any sacrifices, if they used their souls as sacrifices, would have no choice but to follow the giant ship back to the Lost Continent, which would be a waste of three months.

"This is the importance of intelligence," Enzo sighed in his heart.

When Old Snake invited him to go to the Lost Continent together, he did not mention the soul sacrifice. This was obviously malicious. Although he did not necessarily intend to kill Enzo with this, he wanted to use this information to restrain Enzo. .

Not long after, those who stepped into the Lost Continent had completed their sacrifices.

Here, the journey has completely ended. The passengers on the giant ship are heading in different directions. The Lost Continent has always been known for its chaos. There are no rules here. Survival depends entirely on one's own strength.

Enzo glanced sideways without leaving any trace.

At this time, Jorah had also completed the sacrifice and was walking in one direction alone. The two fallen wizards who had had issues with him before seemed hesitant to take action, but finally chose to give up.

"Wise choice." Enzo sneered in his heart.

When the three fallen wizards joined forces, none of them were a match for Jorah. Now that there are only two left, there is no chance of winning. What's more, this is already a lost continent, full of unknown dangers everywhere.

Excessive consumption of magic power is tantamount to seeking death!

"I wish you all good luck in the Lost Continent!" On the deck, Jones looked at the scattered passengers and said with a big smile, and then ordered his men to turn the giant ship around and return to the northern continent.

After a while, only two people were left on the beach.

"Now that we have arrived at the Lost Continent, shouldn't it be time for my cooperation with Mr. Enzo to begin?" Old Snake said quietly.

"Okay." Enzo nodded.

Then, he took out the two maps in his hand and merged them with the two maps of Old Snake to get a complete piece of information.

"Good, that's it!"

Old Snake's eyes flashed and he said hoarsely, "The first step has been completed. Next, we only need to use the information on this map to find the location of the ruins of the God of Slaughter."

"But before that, let's get rid of these little mice first."

After saying that, Old Snake raised his head and looked forward.

Enzo's face was expressionless, and a wand appeared in his hand. Even without Old Man Snake's reminder, he had already noticed the malicious auras and several fallen wizards lurking not far away.

"Treat us as fat sheep?" Enzo sneered in his heart.

The fallen wizards who were lying in wait were also passengers on the giant ship. However, they did not leave the beach after completing the sacrifice. Instead, they hid in a planned way and seemed to plan to take action against the two of them.

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