Remember in a second【】

In the imperial city!

The morning fog gradually dissipated, and the civil and military ministers of the last court came out of the main hall one by one. They were dressed in a glorious purple, and there were many beasts in costumes.

Regarding what happened in the main hall, many civil servants of the empress line whispered to each other, talking about the scene that happened in the court hall.

Xia Hou, the great general of Zhenbei who has worked so hard, will die under the forest because of a word from the master of the academy. This makes it difficult for the proud Tang people to accept.

Today, the gentleman at the back of the academy can let Xiahou return to his old age, so which adult will it be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

The court has always been cold, and the tragedy in the first year of the apocalypse, in the hearts of these adults, has long been thrown away. The court was originally a place for people to drink tea. The case of General Xuanwei has long been a certainty. Things.

But who would have thought that someone in General Xuanwei's mansion was still lucky enough to escape the massacre, and became the successor of the divine talisman master Yan Se, the master's personal disciple, and the little maid next to him would even take over as Xiling Guangming Da... The post of priest.

So the case back then was overturned, and Xia Hou, who committed this tragedy, was about to retire, but these adults who had struggled in the court for many years did not think that the Great General of Zhenbei would be able to retire peacefully.

The heavy vermilion palace door was pushed open, and Tang Guo Wenwu walked out of the doorway, and saw Ning Que standing at the head of the stone bridge and Xiling's daughter of light.

Prince Li Peiyan, who was walking at the forefront, looked at the two masters and servants standing on the bridge, and his heart was already ignited. Xiahou, who had fought for many years, was old. Now, Mr. Shisan from the mountain behind the academy came to provoke him. Glaring at him, he said, "Mr. Shisan, why are you here? Do you want to assassinate a great general who has made great achievements in battle and is about to retire under this bright and bright world?"

His Majesty Tang's brother, Prince Li Peiyan's voice resounded outside the palace gate, and Tang Guowen and Wu, who were walking behind for a while, also walked forward quickly.

University scholar Zeng Jing looked at the black and thin maid standing next to Ning Que, the thirteenth student of the academy, whose lips trembled uncontrollably. That was his poor daughter!

On the stone bridge, Ning Que didn't hesitate to ask questions, but simply replied, "Your Highness, I'm not some idiot, so why would I do such a stupid thing, but since I'm here, it's so natural. do something."

Li Peiyan asked again: "Mr. Shisan, what exactly do you want to do?"

He couldn't see through Ning Que, so it was difficult to guess what Ning Que would do next. Since they couldn't guess it, they couldn't predict it. If there was one person spilling blood outside the gate of the palace today, no matter whether it was Ning Que or Xiahou, the Tang Kingdom would be plunged into turmoil.

Ning Que ignored Li Peiyan, and just stared at Xiahou with hatred, he said: "In the first year of Tianqi, General Xuanwei's mansion was ransacked, and from the moment I fled from the capital, I was ready to take revenge." Prepare, I have prepared a full fifteen for you.

According to Tang law, I cannot kill you, so General Xiahou, do you dare to fight me to the death? "

There was a moment of silence outside the noisy palace gate. Many civil servants and military generals looked at Ning Que with strange eyes. In their eyes, even though Ning Que was the master's direct disciple and the successor of the divine talisman teacher Yan Se, he could not be compared to the top of Dongxuan. There is a huge disparity between him and the peak of martial arts. This is not like a duel, but more like seeking his own death.

Xiahou walked out from behind Li Peiyan. He looked at Ning Que who was standing at the head of the stone bridge, and said, "Ning Que is your choice. A life-and-death duel is probably your best choice."

This is a very courageous decision. He has rarely seen such courageous people in the army. It is a pity that courage is very good, but it is extremely stupid.

Ning Que is collecting information about him, but he has been collecting information about Ning Que for more than ten years. For a selfish person to make such a choice, it seems that Ning Que really hates him. Xuanwei General Lin Guangyuan But he gave birth to a good son.

Ning Que took out the well-written letter of war, cut his palm, and the blood-stained letter of war floated in front of Xiahou in the cold wind. It is said that even if they never die, it is naturally doomed that in the near future, two people with extremely famous names will have a one-on-one life-and-death duel.

The civil and military officials of Tang State looked at the blood-stained letter of war in astonishment. Such a result was very sudden. Even if they wanted to overturn the case, they should not have used such drastic means.

In the thin wind and snow in the distance, Su Xuan, who was fishing in the moat, looked at the scene in front of the palace gate, cheered up, because a dramatic turning point was about to appear, and such a turning point would subvert the cognition of Tang's civil and military officials .

After Mo Shanshan looked away, he said, "Mr. Thirteen's choice is very courageous, but when Dongxuan Peak is facing the peak of Martial Dao, it is no different from a mantis' arms."

The gap between Ning Que and Xiahou's realm is difficult to make up. Although it is true that practitioners in impossible places can fight across borders, how much can Ning Que, who has just entered the academy, learn?

Su Xuan lifted the pole, put the carp into the barrel, and said: "This seems to be the most stupid choice, but it is the best choice for Ning Que. Speaking of cultivation, the realm is the most important reason, so with the master's reason, who would dare to kill Ning Que?"

Don't look at the master's words that he doesn't care about Ning Que, but in fact the master really accepts Ning Que as a disciple, not for the purpose of breaking the situation.

After Mo Shanshan patted the snowflakes off Su Xuan's blue Taoist robe, he said, "But what's the point of such a duel? Xiahou can't kill Ning Que, and Ning Que can't kill Xiahou."

Su Xuan smiled slightly, looked at Xu Shi who hurried out of the palace gate, and said calmly: "Of course it is very interesting, if I hadn't come to Chang'an, Xiahou might die, for the head teacher

^0^Remember in one second【】

Yan Xiahou knows too much, but since I am here, Xiahou naturally doesn’t have to die. A living Xiahou is very beneficial to the When the fellow saw the fellow, his eyes were full of tears. After seeing the fellow for the first time, there is no reason to see the fellow again, but the fellow does not go to see the fellow, and the fellow goes to see the fellow by himself.

Mo Shanshan looked at the palace gate in the distance again, and after a long time, she said, "Mr. Su, what role did you play in this duel?"

Although Su Xuan had never talked about these things with her, Mo Shanshan, who had a delicate mind, still guessed some truths from some clues.

Su Xuan turned sideways, threw the hook, and said: "That's a very long story. When I have a chance in the future, I won't be as busy as I am now. I will tell you a story all the way."

This is indeed a very long story, perhaps a story that can be told for days and nights!




Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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