Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 549: Changes in Journey to the West

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Since Duobao Tathagata, the leader of the eight hundred sects of Western teaching, lost two consecutive times, his life in Western teaching of eight hundred sects has become more and more difficult.

If it hadn't been forcibly snatching two ancient divine dao fruits from Chanjiao's hands a few days ago, he would have also learned from Taoism and opened up a great world for trials outside the decent thirty-three heavens.

I'm afraid that Duobao Daoist, who broke away from the Taoist sect, joined the eight hundred sects of the Western religion, and assumed the position of the leader, will really lose face.

Fly to the mountains.

There is a Taoist temple.

Congenital lunar under the laurel tree.

Su Xuanfan looked at the flying sword letters sent by the sects of various sects of the Taoist sect for nearly a hundred years, and said: "Senior Cihang, the battle for the fruit of the ancient gods has already fallen into a state of anxiety, why are you still fighting?" Do you have time to come back?"

Since the emergence of the ancient gods one after another, all the sects in the heavens and worlds that have practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm have participated in this feast.

The Youjian Taoist temple that flew to the mountain naturally became cold, and there was no one else except him and his family. _o_m

What a quiet day!

But he, Cihang, who came to Feilai Mountain in time, must be except for some big things, after all, no one would disturb him, the person who loves peace only because of some trivial things.

Cihang, dressed in military uniform, looked at Su Xuan who was leisurely under the laurel tree in Taiyin, and said in a cold tone: "Junior Brother Su, do you know that the Heavenly Demon Realm has also joined the competition for the ancient divine dao fruit, and now there are at least six of them? The ancient divine dao fruit has flowed into the hands of the Heavenly Demon Realm."

Not long ago, many sects with Daluo Jinxian realm practitioners sitting in formation, after dozens of consultations, have distributed the remaining ancient gods.

I thought that this time the catastrophe of Journey to the West, even if it swept all the heavens and worlds, would be able to survive the catastrophe of the Conferred Gods, but who would have thought that halfway, they would break out of a demon realm.

The ancient divine dao fruit is there, the demon king in the demon realm gets more, and the sects with Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners sit in the formation, so it is natural to dilute it accordingly.

In the matter of competing for the fruit of the ancient gods, no practitioner in the Daluo Jinxian realm would like his share to be inexplicably diluted.

At this time, Mo Shanshan came out of the temple with tea, and after offering Cihang a cup of tea, Mo Shanshan said calmly: "Senior Sister Cihang, today is different, how can the catastrophe of Journey to the West be compared with the catastrophe of conferring gods?

In addition, the distribution of the ancient gods and fruits is too perfect, and it may not be a good thing. The Dao is fifty, and the evolution of the Heavenly Dao is four or nine. Naturally, it cannot be perfect. "

The catastrophe of conferring gods is a family affair of the Taoist sect, so it can naturally be passed more smoothly, but the catastrophe of Journey to the West involves too much, if it is too smooth, it will definitely cause bigger troubles.

Su Xuan looked at his family's mountains, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then his eyes fell on Cihang who was dressed in military uniform, and he said: "Senior Sister Cihang, competing for the fruit of the ancient gods is like cooking small fresh food." , the diners sitting at the dining table divided the dishes too firmly, so the Heavenly Demon Realm also sat on the dining table."

This is not a difficult thing at all, even a practitioner of the Golden Immortal Realm can see the secret, but what if he sees it?

You have to obediently enter the urn, you must know that even if you are in the chess game, you have seen the chess game clearly, but you will still make it. Some people who are outside the chess game seem to be quite stupid. matter.

After Cihang drank the cup of tea, he held his forehead and said with a smile: "Understood, it seems that the master didn't intend to let us go through the disaster of Journey to the West so easily, but what does the master mean?"

As the Patriarch of Ci Hang Dao and one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu Palace in East Kunlun, she can still clearly see that these practitioners from the heavens and worlds, under the temptation of the ancient gods, have already had Fighting heart.

Coupled with the attack from the Heavenly Demon Realm, the situation in the entire heavens and myriad worlds has long been like a wild horse that has lost its rein, running towards an uncontrollable direction.

But those sects that control the reins can only let it go with the flow.

It's not that you can't, but that you don't want to. Everyone understands the truth, but if you really want to do it, no one will be so stupid to sacrifice their own disciples and family members to benefit others for nothing.


Putting his hands together, Su Xuan sighed and roared, pointing to the stack of flying swords on the table, and said: "This is the flying swords sent by those under his hand. We have a Taoist temple that has won a lot of money." The Ancient Divine Dao fruit is already enough, but the record is brilliant, but we are still too high-profile this time."

Among the many sects that participated in this competition for the fruit of the ancient gods, the Youjian Taoist Temple had a brilliant record under the blessing of the three religions.

The stock of twenty ancient Divine Dao Fruits has long been the leader, but it is not good to be too high-profile after all.

Cihang turned her head to look at Su Xuan when she heard the words, doubts appeared on her face, and she said, "You mean, what big move will our master make in the future?"

Su Xuan repeatedly waved his hands and said: "Hey, Senior Sister Cihang, I didn't say anything, so don't make wild guesses! Besides, he can't make wild guesses about this kind of thing!"

He really didn't say anything, after all, there are some things that really cannot be said.

Cihang smiled slightly, and she said: "Understood, then keep a low profile. Update without error@"

After all, Youjian Taoist Temple has been a bit high-profile recently, and her teacher's teaching is even more low-key. After competing for the five ancient gods, they no longer fight for them.

However, apart from Youjian Taoist Temple, Jiejiao is the most high-profile. Not only is it only half a star behind Youjian Taoist Temple in terms of the stock of ancient Shinto and even formed a coalition to attack the West together. Teach the actions of the eight hundred sects.

Su Xuan grunted, and said: "Senior Sister Cihang, there is one more thing we must always pay attention to, and that is the movements of Tang Sanzang and his party. After all, the release of the seal of the Ancient God Dao Fruit has broken away from the original catastrophe of Journey to the West. Each node of the presents a random state."

This is what makes him feel unbelievable. After all, what his teacher told him back then was to follow the route of Tang Sanzang and his party to unseal the ancient gods, but now his master obviously changed the routine!

Cihang said helplessly: "Tang Sanzang and his party disappeared. It seems that a practitioner from the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm took action. As early as half a month ago, Tang Sanzang had already disappeared, and even my senior brother Guang Chengzi gathered several Da Luo Jinxian practitioners to deduce it together, but he was never found."

In fact, she didn't need to be reminded by her, Junior Brother Su, she would naturally pay attention to the movements of Tang Sanzang and his party all the time, but who would have thought that the practitioner of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Realm would have already made a move.



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