Their ships made their way to a desert.

Looking at the barren desert, Ron had some headaches, because they had no means of transportation.

Now the only means of transportation is the duck on the boat.

That duck they almost stewed before.

Fortunately, Ron reminded Sanji, otherwise the food in the kitchen refrigerator would have been finished by Luffy Hoho.

But even so, it was half the scourge for Luffy.

They almost halved their food along the way.

“Saw a street!”

Usopp stood on the lookout and looked over there and shouted.

The reserves on their ships have almost bottomed out.

If they don’t go in to replenish resources, they really can’t resist going to Alabastan.

“Let’s go up and replenish supplies, I’m going to buy a big lock, can Miss Nami approve some funds.”

Sanji looked at Luffy with a headache, feeling that the kitchen was no longer his.

With Luffy in this scourge, sooner or later something else will go wrong in the kitchen.

It’s better to buy a lock early.

Shadow Song can stop this guy.

“The lock doesn’t work!”

Ron said in a deep voice.

How could the lock stop someone who wanted to steal food?

And this guy also has not weak strength.

Now Ron was feeling a bit of a headache, if Luffy was allowed to let it go.

Sooner or later, the food on their ship will go wrong.

But their ship was too small to put so much food.

“So what to do, you can’t let this guy eat like this all the time.”

Sanji rubbed his head, feeling that there was nothing he could do with Luffy.

Even the mouse trap doesn’t work.

This guy’s vigilance is getting stronger now.

Even Sanji wondered if this guy had some accomplices.

“We’ll have to get on a bigger ship later.”

“Otherwise, this ship will not be able to carry us on the way to the rest of the way.”

Ron touched the Merry, didn’t know if there was a ship spirit on this ship?

But this is inevitable, after all, the Merry has already begun to bear it.

Every meal of these people is huge.

If there is no way to replenish it, there is no way to fight with peace of mind.

And the Merry put a maximum of three days on it, and they will not be able to find the island in three days every time they go to sea.

There was a longer voyage after that, if the island was not found in time.

Aren’t they going to starve to death?

“Ah! Are we going to abandon the Merry? ”

Usopp looked at Ron in surprise and asked.

Unexpectedly, everyone actually made such a decision.

The Merry followed them along the way, and also received a lot of credit.

“Not now, it’s too early to tell.”

“Let’s wait for the future to speak!”

Ron spread his hands and said, not wanting to make this guy Usopp too sad.

This guy always other things.

It’s a mess at this time…

“Hahaha, we can expand it!”

Luffy suggested, but by this time Nami and Vivi were already dressed.

Wear cool, bare shoulders.

The orange hair fluttered slightly.

The youth of this age is completely exuded.

Let the eyes of everyone on board shine.

Even Ron couldn’t help but take a few more looks.

It’s really nice to dress up like this.

This is a cooler picture.

Ron subconsciously took out the camera and pressed the shutter.

There was a flash on board!

Everyone looked towards Ron.

“Bastard, you actually want to hide Miss Nami’s photo, hurry up and hand it over to me!”

Sanji was furious and wanted to snatch the camera from Ron’s hand.

But there is more greed in the eyes.

In the future, I was able to fall asleep holding Miss Nami’s photo every night.

Thinking of this, Sanji instantly became excited.

It was a great gift to him.

The movements on Sanji’s hands were a little faster.

“Stop messing around!”

Nami punches Yamaji in the head.

Glancing at Ron, the camera took a look.

Nami glanced at Ron appreciatively, but she didn’t expect Ron to shoot very well.

“Ah, this is a reward!”

Sanji lay happily on the ground, with a red heart in his eyes.

“Okay, let’s go to town quickly, we still need to buy some clothes, which can look like the people of Alabastan.”

“If this is the case, let it be left to Yamaji and Qioba, as for our words, let’s wait for news in the dark!”

Nami led everyone off the ship, and there was no point in being on board.

The rest of the group followed closely, and Luffy had some weakness on his face.

After all, the most of these two days is to replenish energy, and I haven’t eaten well.

Now even you can’t even eat and drink!

And Vivi and Ikalem were talking about something in the back. 、

Ikalem turned and rode the duck in the other direction.

Apparently intending to storm into the palace and report to the king.

This kind of thing, Ron and the others did not intend to stop it.


“How to say it here, it’s still a lot worse.”

Ron and the others were sitting in the restaurant eating big fish and meat.

Several cooks in the kitchen are constantly busy.

Strings of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Obviously, these cooks have been busy in the kitchen for at least more than an hour.

There was no stop at all!

The group of people outside is so edible, everyone is like an invincible hole.

Plates of food were delivered, but all that came back were empty plates.

But they are also incredibly excited!

Is this a year without opening, opening for a year?

I really didn’t expect it!

“yes, I feel pretty much the same!”

Luffy kept stuffing things into the innermost part, and it seemed that his mouth was constantly bulging.

As long as it reached almost the same point, I swallowed it immediately.

It’s almost all about to be swallowed all the plates.

“I don’t know what happened to Yamaji and the two of them!”

Nami drank her drink with some bitterness on her face.

Sanji went shopping for clothes and food, but none of them came back now.

Nami expressed concern, after all, according to Yamaji’s personality.

Nine times out of ten, they are fascinated by the girls here.

If you don’t wait a little longer, it is estimated that you will not be able to come back.


There was a roar from the street outside.

Everyone sitting in the hotel frowned.

If they didn’t hear it wrong, it should be the sound of fighting and breaking things.

Is this such a mess?

“This should be a relatively calm place!”

Slightly embarrassed said.

I didn’t expect them to cause so much riot here.

“Forget it, this place is ruled by pirates, don’t expect good security!”

Solon said casually, glancing at his plate, his brows furrowed.

Slapped it that hand.

“Luffy, can’t you eat what is on your own plate?”

Solon didn’t expect this guy to be dead.

“Hurry up and finish eating, let’s get out of here!”

Ron quickly waved his hand and said.

If there is a mess here, it will not do them any good.

It’s better to leave here early.


At this time the door of the visit is pushed open.

A man walked in with some freckles on his face.

The upper body is red fruit, and there is some smile on his face.

“Hello guys!”

The man came over with a small bag and sat at everyone’s table.

Luffy was still immersed in the hard work, not looking up at all.

Solon frowned slightly and glanced at the man.

“What kind of person, is it a pirate hunter?”

“You actually want to trouble us here, really.”

Solon sighed softly and pushed out some of his scabbard slightly.

Now that they were eating, Solon didn’t really want to do it.

“Don’t worry, Sauron!”

Ron quickly stopped Solon, this guy is really impulsive.

“This is Luffy’s brother, Ace!”

“That is, the one who left a message for Luffy in the Magnetic Drum Country.”

Ron patted Luffy and pointed at Ace and said.

Luffy looked up confused, completely unaware of what was happening.

What about the dry rice that was still obsessed with just now, is there something to do with him now?

But seeing the familiar person, Luffy’s eyes widened suddenly.

Looking at the person sitting in front of him in disbelief.

“Ace! Long time no see. ”

Luffy exclaimed, and the whole tour was filled with Luffy’s voice.

“Hahaha, Luffy didn’t expect to see him for so long.”

Ace clapped his hand to Luffy without care.

But looking at Ron, he didn’t expect this young man to know his identity so clearly.

Although some news can be heard in the first half of the Great Voyage.

But the Navy will still try to suppress these news.

Let these people not know about the existence of the Four Emperors.

There are even the presence of these powerful pirates.

And Ron actually broke his words.

“You should be my brother’s deputy captain, the vice captain who just went to sea has a higher reward than the captain.”

“It really scared me, I thought Luffy had joined your pirates.”

Ace said with a loud laugh, looking at Ron in surprise.

Luffy’s words and deeds, Ace is paying attention to all the time.

But since Luffy entered the Great Voyage, there has been a lot less news.

Ace still learned that Luffy came from here according to some of his own special channels.

“I’m the captain!”

Luffy said without admitting defeat.

Unexpectedly, Ace actually recognized Ron as the captain.

Luffy immediately made up his mind that he would try to surpass Ron next time.

“Hahahaha, it seems that you still haven’t changed a bit!”

Ace laughed, feeling that Luffy was still as interesting as before.

But he was still very curious about Ron Ace.

“Shall we leave here now.”

“I just saw a group of navies looking for pirates here!”

Ace scratched his head and said, he wasn’t sure if it was the trouble he had caused or Luffy.

But it doesn’t matter, Ace feels like it doesn’t matter.


Ron nodded and went inside to pay the hotel.

Everyone casually purchased some things first and walked towards the port.

But without taking two steps, I heard shouts from behind.

“Straw Hat Kid, Ron!”

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