I’ve Possessed the Demon Sovereign’s Body

Chapter 67: Are not fuel efficient lamps

洛 Chen Luoyang is upset at the moment.

意识到 He realized that he was facing a new test.

Previously, although King Kong, Laofu, Zhang Tianheng, housekeeper Yun Niang, and others were all around the leader, there was a big gap between the status of the two sides.

They are always in awe of the leader.

He has before him a free, moody capital.

As long as they are not too outrageous, a little difference is distorted in their eyes.

King Kong and others will automatically brain supplement, to help their bosses find excuses to pass.

Xiao Yuntian's relationship is relatively close.

But his temperament is quite different from that of the founder, and he is not a fellow traveler at all.

Close, but not close.

So from the personal experience, the understanding of the leader is also limited.

As for Ying Qingqing, don't care if a certain leader wants to make a family at first, after all, the time for both sides to know is still short.

But now, Chen Luoyang finds himself facing a person close enough to the leader.

Look at that title.


You Luo, your sister!

You call me Luoyang, how should I call you?

洛 Chen Luoyang has a headache.

In the presence of everyone, in front of everyone else, the man in front of the man was still following the rules in the presence of others, respecting him as the leader and meticulous manners.

But when only two people are alone in private, this title is a bit intimate.

Especially, she has a very casual tone.

Obviously accustomed to screaming.

Wording is full of ridicule.

Although when looking at the materials of his life experience, he inferred that the first of the Qinglong Temple was the **** confidant of the leader, but now it seems closer than expected.

"Ying Qingqing, she is smarter than you expected."

洛 Chen Luoyang's thoughts kept turning, but on the face, if nothing happened, he said calmly.

I was not sure how to deal with Chen Chuhua's situation for the time being, he chose to say some big and empty words first.

At the same time, Chen Luoyang communicated with a black pot in his mind.

Previously killed Demon Ming Fa by hand.

After the death of the master, including the old Confucian King Yi, the master died.

At last, a considerable amount of blood red agar was accumulated in the black pot.

I took out the information of a King of Wu, enough.

Chen Luoyang asked for information about Chen Chuhua.

However ...

The blood red agar in the pot was quickly bottomed out and all disappeared.

Then resumed again as before, no drop was consumed.

There was no blood word condensing.

this means……

太多 Too much blood red agar is needed.

Currently not enough.

Chen Luoyang: "........."

A **** stuck in his chest for three turns and almost scolded.

Is there anything wrong?

I should not be young enough.

Chen Chuhua is not enough?

Even if a martial arts king of the twelfth state of martial arts, the current blood red agar is enough.

You black pot ...

Is n’t it just for men, but not for women?

Chen Luoyang's heart spit out.

He suddenly remembered that all the people checked so far were male except Ying Qingqing and Chen Chuhua.

I just couldn't give an answer to these two girls.

After spitting in his heart, Chen Luoyang immediately re-run an experiment.

Zhang Tianheng's four women in the main branch of the eight major incense in Dianzhou.

洛 Chen Luoyang just picked a fairy to query.

The result ...

The black pot gives the answer instantly.

The red blood syrup consumed by is about the amount required by Wu Zong, and everything is normal.

Chen Luoyang's face was calm and uncomfortable.

"It seems that this pleasant person is very much in your favor." Chen Chuhua groaned, without asking Chen Luoyang, went up the stairs and came to his seat.

Skillful movements, completely used to look like nature.

洛 Chen Luoyang needs to control his body to relax.

Otherwise, the body is almost involuntarily tightened as the other party approaches.

初 Chen Chuhua laughed and said, "She will come to you to plead with me. Would you please let go of the three men in Jiange?"

"That doesn't matter," Chen Luoyang said, "you don't need to care, you can do whatever you want."

Sunda spoke casually.

Xun Shi was careful.

Try to avoid calling Chen Chuhua.

I don't even need to claim to be.

Yun Tian knows whether the leader used to call himself "the seat" before her.

洛 Chen Luoyang looked at the woman in front of her, and suddenly her heart moved slightly.

Xun Yingqing Qingxiu is slightly lower, not easy to hide.

Chen Chuhua in front of my eyes, will he hide quietly, in fact, he is not only in the twelfth state?

If it is a Emperor like Emperor Heizhe, the current pot of black pot is really hard to say whether it is enough.

If this is the reason why Chen Chuhua cannot get the information, then why she should hide the true cultivation is a very wise thing ...

哪 Which one is the truth?

"You say that, I'm assured." Chen Chuhua was very relaxed in front of Chen Luoyang, and smiled a little lazily: "She doesn't matter smarter than I expected. The point is, she is not smarter than you expected."

She blinked at Chen Luoyang: "Xia Chao also pays close attention to her, but even Jiange itself does not know her details."

Chen Luoyang looked at the men's beauty calmly.

His brain is moving fast.

Unfortunately, the information provided by the black pot does not directly reflect the relationship between people.

Everything can only be guessed from the deeds in the words.

Cases like Song Lun and Yang Xiaofeng are special cases.

Because Yang Xiaofeng was not born yet, his mother remarried, and he changed his father.

This matter, which is closely related to him, was documented, only to reveal his relationship with Song Lun.

For Chen Luoyang, Chen Chuhua in front of her eyes was a little ambiguous.

It seems to be fun, and it seems to be able to hear a bit of jealousy, but carefully pondering, it seems not.

What is the relationship between her and the leader besides teaching and subordinates ~ www.readwn.com ~

My loved ones.

I still say ... relationship between men and women?

Both are surnamed Chen.

洛 Chen Luoyang initially thought that they might be siblings.

This may be one of the reasons why the founder believes in Chen Chuhua.

But at this moment, the two are face to face, and Chen Luoyang looks at each other's facial features and cannot see any similarities with himself.

The two of them don't seem to be related by blood ...

If there is ambiguous **** between men and women on both sides, it doesn't seem like ...

洛 Chen Luoyang noticed a detail.

At the moment, the two are alone, and Chen Chuhua is obviously very relaxed and even jokes about his own leader, with a somewhat ambiguous tone.

I even went upstairs and came to myself.

However, she stopped about two steps away and stopped moving closer.

Does not mean anything.

The expression of intimacy is intimate.

But the shape is very proportionate.

I just don't know if I want to escape.

The beautiful maids who serve Chen Luoyang's diet, if Chen Luoyang does not take the initiative to signal, they are all in order, trembling and afraid to act rashly.

But Chen Chuhua did not flinch in any manner.

She didn't lean on it because she didn't intend to do so.

From this perspective, the relationship between the two does not seem to be ambiguous.

Is n’t he a natural cousin?

Hey or Yiyi?

Or is it just a coincidence?

洛 Chen Luoyang's thoughts turned in his mind, and his face remained calm, leaving the topic: "Rather than worrying about this, think about yourself, you are the eldest son of Li Yuanlong, you can hide it from others, but you can't hide Li Yuanlong himself."

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