217. The Future of Stars (2)

(This is a continuation of the previous one)

"I'll" pair "Brigitte with Weiss."

”Oh, that's... a blend of old and new national religions?”

Lorelei, who hadn't anticipated it, was surprised, but Alicia kept telling him strictly.

"I hereby declare in the presence of my ancestors, the gods Brigitte and Weiss." Brigitte Sequence Tertiary Alicia. Lacqueray, the user of the Holy Spear. Royal Colette of the Geshpent Dragon, descendant of God. Ten Holy Fenrir, and the children responsible for the future of the stars saw this. and..... "

Alicia looks at me.

While shrugging my shoulders, I open my mouth to understand my role.

Let us be the Saviors of the stars, and let the Great Sage Ariake, the proxy of the goddess Isis, who rests inside the stars, admit it.

As soon as I said that, the Earth Gals, the aerial temple that was beginning to fall, [Gagon!!! "The sudden sound of braking, and the speed of falling began to slow down.

"I can't believe this ends..." Oh, it's so confusing. "

Lorelei's face turns blue as she puts her mind to the struggle of the future.

And at the same time, the students of the Human Demon Alliance School also looked stunned,

"I came to school as a mere student, but I'm going to be a living witness to a page of mythology sometime..."

“Yes, so am I. Is this an honor? However, my intuition keeps ringing alarm bells. Why is that?"

"Isn't that the right answer?"

Pino clung sharply to Curneh and Sora's folly.

"Pinot. And you're the one who talks so clearly." Well, you're a god all the time, aren't you? "

“With little power, you and your power are not so different. I'm not going back to that Weiss god, so please continue to do so. There's a lot of interesting things in the human world that I can't get tired of."

Saying that, I pointed to Lugi and Fine.

"Ahh, yes."

"Isn't that impure heterosexual intercourse!?" We have to get it under control. "

"Don't be ridiculous."

The two of them stopped Sora, and she quickly backed down.

Beyond her gaze, there were two men and women who would not get tired of such conversations, such as going out or not going out with each other, or if it was too early to get married.

Anyway, the stage that dominated the future of the stars closed.

However, there is still some aftertreatment left.

First of all, yes.

I wonder if it's him.

With that in mind, I drew a vision for the future in my head.

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