206. Lugi God VS Human Vito

With God Weiss and the Brigittes at their mercy, the rest of us have moved deeper into the temple.

There are no seams in the chalk wall, and it is not made by very human hands.

The temple that is established simultaneously at the moment of the birth of God is like the inherent barrier of God.

In other words, this place is exactly the same as being inside God Lugi.

You know what we're doing, you know what we're doing.

At the same time, you can set some kind of trap. But there is no such thing, we are the deepest of the temples.

I arrived between Lugi's claws and Kamikura.

The place was heterogeneous.

"Hey, what the hell is going on here..."

Phine raised her voice. I know how you feel.

Even though the route to this point was a beautiful white castle, the deepest part of the temple of the gods is exposed to the exposed inorganic rocks and skin. The ground is cracked and there are several deep cracks like the valley floor.

At the bottom of the crack, it was not clear whether it was lava or flame, but the sea of fire was burning to reject all life.

Is this the world you want, Lugi?

The deepest depths of the temple reveal the true landscape of God's heart. In that case, Lugi wants a new world and order in a world where only the power to deny and burn down whoever is in this grim landscape.

"You were early, Sensei. It could have been slower."

The answer to my question is still Lugi.

I stretched one on top of the peeling skin.

"Of course not. If you take the time, I won't be able to help you."

Help me?

Lugi smiles.

I nod.

"Oh, yes. You're a vampire half, and you have a special power to take in all sorts of powers." Of course, it wasn't meant to be a vessel that could become a god. But now you have power as a divine artifact, having been ceded to you as the heir to God Weiss. "

That's right, I'm strong now.

"No, I can still stop it now."

I say it while holding my staff.

"You are not a true god yet (......). For the first time, you will drink up the faith gathered in this temple and the open hell of God Weiss."

Do you want to get in the way?

Of course.

"Why? I..." I..... "

Lugi said quietly.

"I don't have the strength." I learned that it was too weak and all the important things would spill out of my hands. You can't protect your important companions if you don't have the strength, Doctor? That's what you know best, isn't it? But why are you interfering? "

It was a quiet voice. But it was also a resentful voice.

"Don't get me wrong, Luigi." I have no power. I'm just a porter. We only have bonds with our fellow human beings. "

It's a stupid thing to do, so you can make fun of me again!

"I'm not lying. Have I ever lied to you?"

"Enough! Talking to you will diminish your resolve!" I can't kill you anymore! "

"I can't help it." But, yes. I'm not a god. But you can say it if it's just a gift. "


I watched Lugi's eyes like he didn't know why.

I smile,

"Just because you don't see it, you're strong enough." If it had been you before, I might not have won. But you can win now. You're getting weaker, Lugi. "

"Really, really, really..."

Luigi murmured in a low voice,

"I'll definitely kill you, Doctor!" No, it's not! "

He screams as he releases something like a black shadow from his body.

"I want you to be part of me!" You should spend time with Phine, Sora, and Curneh all the time with me!! "

It can't be helped. Be prepared for one shot, Luigi.

Imagine the skills I use,

"Let's go, you guys!" Let Lugi eat a tight shot! "

In my words, Colette, Fenrir, and Fine, Sora, and Curneh.


and answered courageously.

And Pino, the only one, stared at the sight of our battle from a distance.

Thus, the lid of the battle between God Lugi and the humans was cut and dropped.

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