180. Shopping

~ Phine's Perspective ~

"Even if I said I wanted something, I was in trouble..."

After making a fortune in Mandragora, we were on our way to town.

Fifty former orphans... I can't do it, so I've taken out about five of them for now. Let them teach the other orphans.

Still, the view is spectacular. There are demons, elves, beasts, and other people of all races walking around, but that's it.

This neutral country, Aarti, was originally a village, but it has developed rapidly since Ariake-sensei arrived. In a sense, it seems like a country that can govern because it is a teacher of Aliake.

How do I get to that level, Luigi?

Well, isn't there only training?

"No, it's not! It's a little more spiritual. Calm down, look at things from above and feel like you have a strategic advantage! I want to try it! I admire it!"

"You're thinking of something difficult." I'm more than that... "

"You should properly take the lead." I'm a little overloaded with dragons. "

And when I was talking to Lugi as usual, Curneh complained with a troubled face.


Ah, what's the matter now and then?

When I laughed lewdly, Curne said creepy.

Well, in the old days, when I said, "I don't know," I would have gone somewhere. Dragonette's Curneh would properly complain.

"I felt a sense of pride."

"Huh? I don't know what it means."

Curneh walked away with his eyebrows frowned.

After that, the five orphans follow in a nervous and restless manner.

“So, what should I buy?”

Mikhail, a former orphan and leader, as always.

Even he was in this state, so they couldn't afford to buy things freely.

"That's right, ah! Isn't that delicious?"

I find and point to a shop that sells skewers made from rabbit meat.

"Two copper coins a piece. How about that?"

"Oh, it's meat!" But can we afford such luxury? ”

"Are you going against the teachings of Wise?"

"No. However, there is a teaching that we should strive for poverty reduction, so please..."

"I've never used two copper coins!" Come on, come on, come on! Buy it! "

Ugh. But shouldn't we just donate?

That's why...

It's kind of a push question.

And that's where Sora the Elf came in.

“It's not that bad to buy something. The shopkeeper has three children.”

Ha, ha, ha?

Mikhail and the others are suddenly turning a blind eye to the unfolding of the story, but Sora doesn't sit around talking about it like that. Well, you know it well. You're going after this elf, aren't you?

“In other words, the money you spend will fill his children's stomach! I mean, you can eat delicious meat! The owner's children can also eat delicious meat! It's a win-win! It's the basics of trade!"

So, shouldn't we donate these two copper coins to the shopkeeper?

“That's because he wants it!”


“He is proud of his work! Get paid for yummy yakitori! It's rewarding and proud! Leaving that money behind is going to feel like blasphemy to me for making a delicious roast chicken! OK?”

I don't know.


Yeah, but...

Mikhail shakes his head to the side in a panic,

“It turns out it's not a bad idea to exchange by paying for it. It is true that even in Wise Christianity, by selling high pots, they received a large donation from believers. If we are happy, then we are both happy.”

“I think it's a scam, but once you understand it, it's fine.”

Hah, and Sora sighed. The drooping ears are a sign of fatigue.

Well then, let's all try it today by buying the yakitori that Sora recommended.

"" "Yes, yes, yes." "

Therefore, the former orphans are baked in juice and bought skewers seasoned with oil and salt.



I jumped up with my eyes round.

"Oh, I can't believe there was such a delicious thing in the world...!!!!"

The orphans were stunned.

"There are some more delicious things." Maybe I should buy some clothes. Now, please guide me to Curneh! "

"Why me!"

“I'm not too familiar with it, and Finne won't be very interested in it.”

I won't deny it, though.

I say with a sense of caution.

"Well, that's fine. Follow me." That said, I know only cheap shops. "

That's enough.

So I came to the clothing store next.

Of course, it's not a luxury shop that makes bespoke clothes, but an ordinary clothing shop that sells outdated clothes.

“I recommend this place because it's used, but I only keep it clean. How about that?”

"Isn't it okay?" It would be too soon for me to get injured because I'm wearing all the uniforms of Wise Christianity. Right, I think this is good...? "

"Wow! You don't have any sense, Lugi!" It's better to be flashy. Here, this or something. "

"Hahaha, if I was told to walk outside in these tight clothes, I might die myself."


"Stop fighting nonsense, now." By the way, I don't feel that there are only two of them in this store's lineup. "


Leaving us in shock, Curneh slowly searches for clothes and grabs some clothes.

"How about this?" Since Wise Christianity is a calm religion, wouldn't it be better to settle down in such a white place? I think it would be nice if it looked clean. The black fabric is not noticeably dirty, but it feels like it's the end of the game... By the way, Brigitte feels more combatant. It's just that these people are different. "I like bright red clothes without sleeves..." There are a lot of people at the level where my aesthetic sense shows a refusal, so it's easy to choose Wise clothes. "

There was a dragon with a wider field of vision than the Humans!

You should also ask about the significance of losing with care, Phine?

"Even Lugi is one of my kind!" It's forbidden to others! "

While making such an argument, Mikhail and the others bought some personal clothes using about one silver coin.

Suggested shirts in white, trousers in calm violets and khakis, and black belts.

It's simple, but it suits me well.

"I can't believe the day is coming when you can buy your own clothes." I didn't even imagine it. Thank you! "

"I didn't buy it for you, I bought it for my own money." Do the same in the future. Especially girls should pay attention to fashion. "

Yes, Curlnae-sama!

Another female orphan girl, not Mikhail, said with a strangely respectful gaze.

"No. Please don't." because I'm a classmate.... "

It was Curneh with a slightly troubled face.

By the way, I said, "Oh, my God?" I am surprised.

By the way, Lugi thought the same thing.

"If it had been before, I would have forced you to wear it...?"

Yeah, I thought so, too.

Then, Curnea, who listened to her ears, turned her face away from Pui.

"Is that so?" I've already forgotten. Come on, let's go. I'm starving. "

That's what I'll tell you later.

Well, whatever it is,

"Well, I was wondering what would happen at first, but it was good to be able to practice shopping properly." Nnnh, I'll eat it at lunch and disband it. "

That's right. Near here, the guild is the closest and tastiest.

"Hmm? Ah, that's right. The guild, huh?"

I have a lost look on my face.

Personally, I had a few thoughts.

Is there any reason why I shouldn't be able to do it?

It was when we all stopped on the side of the road and consulted.

"Oh, I'm sorry, kids."

A man bumped into Mikhail and apologized.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry." I was just taking a second look... "

I immediately shouted.

"Mikhail! Where's the coin bag!?"

Huh? Huh, where have you been?

The bag that he had lowered at his waist had disappeared in no time.

It's a pickpocket!

"I went that way!" Let's go after him! "

Lugi and the others were the first to react to my screams.

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