169. Play a dungeon game

~ Ariake Perspective ~

Well, you know what today's lesson is, don't you?

The most energetic Finne answered my question first.

"The dungeon you've been waiting for is definitely a strategy!" It's not a party, it's fun! I'm looking forward to it from now on ~ "

I'm not going to play, am I?

"I know! There, yes. I'm the daughter of an adventurer!"

That said, Fine's face was full of joy.

Well, it's subtle whether this should be called a precaution or a sentimentality.

The adventurer is looking for a thrill for everyone, and she can't do it without temperament. It's an outlaw, so her attitude is rather normal. Well, I'll be there to support you.

"Sora, the leader, won't forgive you!" Running through the dungeon is 100 weeks in the schoolyard! ”

I heard there's an adventurer party with leaders who are confusing the dungeon with the school hallway, but is it okay, Dr. Ariake?

Curneh said in a daze.

"Well, I guess it's okay." Besides, it's more dangerous to run through the dungeons than in the school corridor. "

You can find monsters, and you can fall into a trap.

Lugi nodded in earnest.

"I feel like the argument is out of place." Well, what do you think, Pinot? "

Curneh talks to Pinot, who doesn't talk much and is still twitching.

"I want to come home by dinner."

"Oh, that's an important point." Because camping is bad for your skin. "

"I don't plan to camp in the dungeon, so I don't think you'll have to worry about that." They come in early in the morning and come out in the evening. The goal is to see what the dungeon looks like once and for all. I tried fighting weak monsters. The name of the dungeon is "Abyssal Dungeon" with 300 tiers, but today the goal is to break through up to 10 tiers. "

Are you with me too?

In response to Finne's question,

"Sure. Let's go with me." But I'm also good at supporting people. "

When I say that, all the students say,

That's not what you're good at, right?

He was able to turn his gaze toward me.

Anyway, my classmates and one of the accompanying teachers (me) went to a nearby dungeon.

Now, it's the [Abyssal Dungeon], but the monsters that emerge in up to 10 levels are not strong.

At best, they are D-rank monsters such as Goblin, Slime, Cobolt, and Cannibal Bat.


"[Windbreath]! Alright, I've pushed the slimes against the wall!" Finish Lugi! "

Got it!!

"If you put three together, you won't have enough hands!" I'll help you! "

"It's okay to push in, but I'm a little hungry over my head!"

I'll do the pinos, too.

Even the children can afford to fight with us, trained by the best teachers.

Originally, it would be preferable to carry out the dungeon strategy with this amount of room.

When I was at the Brave Party, I was trying to find a way to take on high ranked quests.

Well, that's how Vivia was trying to contribute to world peace.

"No, uh-kun, that's just an honor." Beard and whiskers, now you're eating money and women again, right? "

"Oh, did you?" If that's the case, it's terrible. "

If it's not true, it's not true.

Now, I was the only one who was going to accompany me in this dungeon, but Alicia was going to follow me. When asked why,

"It's for the future."


"Well, I would like to personally take a closer look at how a child grows."

That's what made my cheeks blush.

I see.



I just nodded without responding. It doesn't have to be a word, as long as we understand each other's feelings.

I changed the subject a bit.

It's a good way to work together, isn't it?

That's right.

Alicia's face also quickly changed to that of a teacher. Such a place is indeed the third in the church sequence of the great holy lady.

"I think Aliake-san's practical training has been effective." We are all acting against the enemy. When Luigi and Fine tended to lose sight of the target, Curne stopped a cannibal bat from attacking from above. ”

Even dragons are surprisingly supportive.

"It's surprising when you look at Colette properly. After all, I have to look at everything."

While I was interacting like that, Finne made a map and went on.

It's not that big a dungeon, so I discovered a staircase that goes down to the second basement level.

"Alright, let's go down!" Everyone!! "

Fine took a vigorous step forward.

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"Whoa, stop. It's not safe to go to the second level yet."


I grabbed the collar of my neck, and Finne, hanging like a cat, was poking around.

"Sensei, you're too close to your heart!" You're still lowly!! "

It's like a protest.

"Watch carefully. Isn't this staircase a little too beautiful for the rough rocks in the dungeon?"

What? What do you say?

"I mean, no."

When I take a step,


The space that seemed to be a staircase suddenly became like a big mouth, and it came over to round me.

"" "Wow!?" "

There is something about that.



The phantom monster rounded me, and the toothless monster had an expression that said he didn't know what had happened.

[Attack Up] Grants

"Alicia, please."

Ahhhh ~

When she says that, she goes one step at a time.

"Hey, Alicia-sensei, Aubu...!"

Lugi raised her voice in a panic.

Of course, anyone who approached the monster with their bare hands would scream.


Three-Step Special, Saintess Punch!!!


Its straight fist penetrates the monster, and the wall behind it exerts a lewd attack.

I didn't need any skills.

I smile bitterly,

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I look forward to your continued support.♡"

I'm not sure, but that's what it looks like.

Well, anyway,

No, you're Ariake-sensei after all, aren't you?

"Yeah, it's really amazing."

"Your wife, Alicia, is amazing!" This is a good fit for a couple! ”

I mean, these two are stronger than dragons, right?

Alright, Ariake, Alicia...

The students were cheering.

"I hope you guys are impressed..." This is what a dungeon is like. Watch out for a little change of heart. Sometimes there's a big trap in there. "


Receive a reply.

That said,

"This is a kind of Mimic." It's a low level, staircase type. But it's unusual to see it from the first floor. "

"That's right. Hmm, the Saintess has a slightly unpleasant intuitive feeling..."

Yes, that's what Alicia said.


"Please help me!!"

"Why are you here?!!"

Looks like another adventurer.

They're screaming and running from one direction to the other.

"Why is such a monster (...) in such a low hierarchy!!!?!??"

Looks like you're in big trouble.

Oh, my God.

When I put my staff back on, I turned my attention to you.

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