165. How do I get them to get along?

No, it's hard to get that many races to get along with.

I came back to the staff room and said with a smile.

I explained what happened to Laccarée and how to deal with it.

"How can you get along with me?" after all take the time to slow down..... "

Yes, when Laccarée is talking,

"I think it's slimy!" There, Bishibashi, coach! Coaching! It's coaching! "

Colette gave The Spartan's opinion.

"Colette is a surprisingly spartan teacher, isn't she?" Surprisingly. "

"Because Alicia, no matter how much they say, they don't reflect!" Then this is an iron fist sanction! It's the worst brace! "

Onee-sama, that means the school building will disappear.

"I see. For now, let's do 10,000 squats at a time." Power solves everything. "

"Ahahah, it looks like the human body will disappear (sweat)."

Lacqueray smiled bitterly.

"However, in fact, the hardest part of it is Lacqueray." I'm sorry. "

When I said that, Lacqueray looked surprised.



"Of course, the recipient of Laccarée is the training of spears, and he is also in charge of practical skills, but the main order is related to family medicine (manners) and general education. It will be difficult to teach such distinctive students at once. I'm sorry."

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

"There's a humbleness, Luckalai." Don't be so nosy. I know very well that you're doing your best. "

"Yes, sir! My Ariake-sensei!"

Laccarée said with her eyes shining and her cheeks dyed.

"Haa, this Msgr. Park." Hiroshi. Hiroshi, there's a new wife next door. "

"I-I 'm sorry, onee-sama, that's not what I meant!?"

"I know. It's self-evident that Luckarai isn't bad." This is the one who's to blame, right? Great wise man! "

For some reason, the sound of the effect "Gogogogogogogogogogogo..." rises from Alicia next to me.

Why on earth?

Sometimes I really don't remember, and this is how I get pressure from Alicia.

I defeated the evil god the other day, but it wasn't like that. "Well, that's a great wise man's joke..."

"Well, I'm in charge of history and language, and I only accept a few subjects, so I can't say that it seems great..."

And Fenrir opened his mouth as he watched our interactions in a relaxed manner.

It should be noted that Lorelei is in a wolf state now, and occasionally has a moff moff.

She has beautiful long straight hair styles like snow when she's human, but she has beautiful blue shiny hair when she's a wolf. The touch is soft enough to make you dream.

Moff seems to choose people, but Lorelei is "a girl with good guts," and she seems to be giving Moff's permission.

In addition, Bashuta, who is currently absent but is in charge of the reconnaissance of this peripheral country, will be discovered with one arm iced in a moped. It depends on how strict the screening criteria are.

In addition, I'm OK as a moff. Sometimes they snuck up on me like I was moping. In addition, sometimes Alicia drives away, and there are not many opportunities to be mofed.

Well, what were you talking about?

Yeah, we were talking about Fenrir's education policy.

"Isn't it necessary to make it contingent on the spot?" Is there a considerable difference in the way of thinking from race to race, and more importantly, from individual to individual? "

She continues to speak in an unconventional atmosphere.

For example, Phineh the son of man, is struck strong. On the other hand, it can be said that the disadvantage is that it feels like it is often a Maltese wind no matter how much it scolds. But it's indissociable from everyone. Meanwhile, Lughi, the son of the demon tribe, was thoroughly exhausted. Is it because of the demons? However, as an individual, he is a rather serious man, so if you reprimand him too harshly, you may be more concerned than expected. It also feels delicate in contact with other people. Isn't it necessary to pay attention to the balance around it? "

Yes, in fact, humans can be surprisingly durable. On the other hand, the demons weren't so aggressive, but they did it thoroughly when defending themselves.

And at the individual level, the level of communication varies.

Alicia nodded and added,

"Also, the elves have the same cleanliness as the elves." However, although the field of view is wide, it is also quite biased. I'll also say a lot of exclusive opinions ~ "

I often tell my classmates to drop out.

And Curneh's not much of a classmate, but that's like a dragon, right?

”I immediately broke up with Milord!”

Maybe one of them is the exception.

Well, I think it's easy to tell which one is the exception.

The rest, Pinot. She looks like a human race, but she's actually a different race...

But before mentioning her, Colette shouted.

"Mmm! We have to change our response by ourselves!" It's hard for me!!! Bye-bye! "

"Well, calm down."

I'm going to stroke Colette's head.

"But, Milord, I'm not sure I can do it well." I can't believe we're getting along. I may be disqualified as a teacher. "

I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you can think of it.

Don't make a fuss.


Colette looked up with a serene expression. With a little tearfulness.

"We're first-year teachers, too." All of a sudden, everything can't work out. I wonder if I can only do it while thinking about how I can benefit the students while we all talk together like today. After all, there are no manuals and no correct answers because there are no precedents for schools of many races. "

"Is that all right?" Even if I fail? "

"Fine. You might say it's irresponsible, but it's an opinion of the field, or it's like an irresponsible howl." Don't worry about it. We're aiming for the world 100 years from now. "

Well, I'm going to say something magnificent.

Alicia says in a dazed tone.

However, those eyes didn't seem to be teasing. She's the one who understands my feelings the best. There will be no doubt about it for the rest of your life.

“A world where all races can interact as they normally would in 100 years. That bridgehead. I'm trying to create a trigger. Let's get to work. and....."

I said that, and I looked over at everybody.

"We didn't become friends because someone forced us to do it. They're with us. I'm sure you'll be a good companion after all the events."

Is it true, or is it okay?

"This dragon is unexpectedly worried." It is good that I am watching. I'm sure she'll be a good mother. Wouldn't you like to be an educational mom? "

"What!? Isn't that different from this!?"

For some reason, a completely different topic had begun, but in any case, every day, we were also concerned about our classmates and proceeded with the classes.

(Well, in that sense, it might be better to incorporate a little more practical skills)

I thought of that a little bit.

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