Presentation of the mystery

~ Ariake Mihama/Memories of the day someone sent you a gift when you were young ~

"This is, this is. I built a village that gathered talent, but I didn't think there was anyone as talented as you.”

"Grandpa, who?"

"My journey began with that conversation..."

I... at that time, I was still young and called myself me.

This is the village of Rittonde.

Even in the Kingdom of Granheim, it is a rural town on the northern edge, and it is good to go to the pioneer village.

However, it was a good first time, and when people gathered, the development was progressing more and more.

What was distinctive was that skill checks and appraisals were always carried out on the people brought in. I was particularly attentive to my children.

Well, it was a time of unique skills, so I didn't feel uncomfortable. Depending on my skills, the Royal Palace was not a dream.

However, to me... I felt something was wrong with the sight.

I thought you were building an army. Because the old man who hosted it was happier to develop a skill that could be used to fight monsters than to develop them.

And while he had such an impression, the appraisal progressed one after another.

In the appraisal, it was found that Vivia, who came to this village and became familiar with her childhood, had the qualities of a hero, and Alicia had the qualities of a saint. Delia, Prara, and Elgar all had different skills and abilities.

But on the contrary, I knew I wasn't capable of that. I'm just a little curious boy who likes to read. [M]

"Nothing special..."

"This is, this is. I built a village that gathered talent, but I didn't think there was anyone as talented as you.”

An old man in an old robe looked down at me. [M]

I look up at the old man in my usual cool tone. [M]

"Grandpa, who?"

"Hmm, that's a sharp question. Let's just say I'm a traveler."

“Where are you traveling from, where are you traveling to?”

When he completely ignored the words for some reason,

"What, I was thinking of changing this world to a better one." In order to do that, we must develop human resources who can defeat the demons and build peace. That's why I'm traveling. "

"That's right. So?"

"Hmm. You have talent." Do you have parents? "

"No, I realized that I was alone." If I had helped you with a lot of work, I would have arrived here. "

"Hmm, if you noticed one?" Well, do you mean abandon the child? But, um, I didn't expect you to have such a rare status. It's like.... "

"Hey, what have you been talking about?" I'd like to read more about the book if possible..... "

"Haha. I'm sorry. Let's get straight to the point. I apologize for the lack of permission, but as I was just appraising, you have the qualities of a" sage "."


I gave him a gentle expression. [M]

On the other hand, the old man, who may not be good enough, speaks frankly.

"Goodbye, and I have the qualities of a great wise man." A rare talent for mastering all kinds of skills. I will give you the talent to blossom. And it's good to protect your friends. "

"Do you want to protect your friends? That's..."

"Yes, the children of this reclaimed land." Vivia and Alicia, they are blessed with many talents. You will be able to be a Porter for those who use the skills that the party supports. "

“Does that mean a good world is coming?”


The old man said with a gentle smile.

"I see, I see." I'll help them to the end. "

"He's a good-minded, clever boy. A gift will appear tomorrow. I'm sure you'll be good enough to take the world and your people to a great future.”

The old man further deepened his smile. I still remember thinking while I was a child, that it was a look that pushed and killed my inner laughter as if I had all the last pieces.

I pretended to be convinced on the surface, and after reading the Japanese book, I lay down in bed. [M]

And I thought about it.

I wonder if that guy was really naughty.

I had the illusion that I was being swallowed by something I might be good at.

But while I was thinking about it, I was invited to fall asleep.

And then,

"Farewell, Jin-chan♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪"

I was forced to awaken my consciousness with a voice that sounded like a loud order.

"Alright, that person seems to have made it possible for me, too, to go on a business trip, thanks to the traveling god doing whatever he likes!" But even if you can approach it, does it feel like a medium dream? After all, it was abhorrent that I was taken by surprise in the war to root out my strength. It's self-reflection, reflection, epiphany. "

After the loud command, he was talking to himself loudly.

The man is a woman with green hair wearing pure white clothes and wears something on her head.

There were wings on his back.

"It's a terrible dream." Tomorrow morning is early, and I'm dreaming, but let's go to bed early. "

"Wait, wait, wait, wait."

I'm diving into my futon trying to sleep in it.

Is it suddenly?

I can't help but be surprised, even if I'm always calm and calm.

"Men and women are seven years old, and they're all the same. That's right!"

"You know the difficult adage. By the way, my name is' Isis'. Are you Ariake Mihama?"

Are you going to step out of the futon?

"I haven't regained my strength yet, so I need to get close and strengthen my path." Otherwise, it is likely to disappear soon. Now, "Alle" is in a hurry to do things, and is free to operate in this world. So as a counter (quid pro quo), I've only been out for a moment in my dreams. If I could meet you in the real world, it would be more than a decade ahead. ”

“What are you talking about?????????”

“It's about helping your friends.”

Is that what you told me today?

"Yes, his story is true. But there is a mix of lies. I came to tell you that. His left eye looks to the future. However, its purpose is. The purpose of the Star Traveler is not so. We need to cross the stars one after another because he has to cross the stars to survive. In other words, for him, it doesn't matter if it's people or demons... oh, there's no time left!"

"Hey! That's where it matters! What, eh!?"

Her body was becoming transparent.

"I'm sorry, I really don't have time." I will just conclude. Help the brave, help the brave party. But you will guide them, not support them. Instead of letting you drown in power, direct you to let you control it! ”

"I'll guide you..."

"Yes, until they can stand alone in front of you, until the day you nest, be a wise man, and you must train as hard as a rooster! Or else!"

"Because they're going to die?"

That's what the old man said.

But she had a strange look on her face,

"They are, and this world is."

I doubted my ears.

Not just them. What do you mean, the world dies?

"Listen, Ariake-kun." Nurturing them is the only way to save their lives and save the world. That's why I left it to you, son of destiny, who was born a "great wise man who will change the future". Oh, by the way, I'll be following you in about 10 years. Please set your expectations. And by the way, Ariake-kun, you're kind of my type! I look forward to seeing you again in the future.♡ ”

"Please don't leave any strange lines at the end!" Ahh, it's gone!?!!? "

That's how I shouted, Gabari! and jumped up from the futon in the poor room.

"Haha," I said, taking a deep breath for now.

Oh dear, I closed my eyes after doing a trick that seemed like a habit in the future.

It was just a dream. Besides, it's pretty ridiculous.

However, I clearly remembered the girl's name earlier.


She was still a little naughty when she suddenly dived into the futon, but what she was saying was obvious.

It's about guiding and nurturing your friends until they become independent.

If so.

I wonder if things have changed a bit?

The old man said to support his friends.

Onee-san told me to guide and nurture my friends.

Well, they're both like that.

That's what I decided.

"Oh, my God."

While saying that, I decided to shift the future plan of living slowly in my head after about 10 years.

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