133. Trading Starts and Grows

- The Count of Neighborhood Land's Perspective -

"Y-you know, Count Rand!"We don't have anything to blame for!And yet, those Olti villagers attacked with a cowardly preemptive attack, and they ruined us! "

"Hmm. But you guys are a brave party, right?Is that how you made me so lightly bumped?To that mao girl? "

"Nnhhhhhhhhhh!?No, no, I'm lying!I'm telling you something!Anyway, they can't be trusted. It's a coward's den!Let's take real power from the Count and lock the Ariake up in an island run or a jail! "

"That hero, Ariake?" Leading a thousand adventurers to stop the invasion of the Magic Forest, he established a personal friendly relationship with the Elves, and even defeated the Demon Lord in the previous match.The other day, when you defeated the demon that had appeared in the holy city of Septeno for the first time in 300 years, you put that great hero in jail, saying that the Synod had come to the King at the request of the Brigitte Church?You can't possibly do that. Hahaha

When I smile bitterly,

"He's a hero, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!Shikishoooooooooooo!! "

In my words, Vivia Hernoa screamed in front of me.

Did you touch the wire?

"It's the office of the Countess's residence, so I want you to be quiet..."

"He's a fraud!"That's how it has been until now.This time, I'm going to be a village chief in a weak village!It's a bunch of power greed!!Moreover, the gatekeeper has a little help called Mao!It's not for adults to use children to protect the village!! "

It's true that even children who are strong enough to spoil a brave man should avoid overwork.

"I'm not being bothered, eek, eek, eek!"Boko is as good as I can get! Besides, I was holding back, and my friends must have been out of hand! Hey, you guys! "

Indeed, Delia, Prara and Elgar took turns.Besides, I guess it was Tilis.

When the brave looked back at them, they all closed their eyes and looked down.Tillis was the only one who smiled.

"You're right! I have no objection."

I don't have any affirmations, but that's okay.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

I'll be Nikon Niko.

Half of the talk.

It seemed like I'd found out that I wasn't dealing with him, but when I nodded, the brave snorted with satisfaction.

(I'm pretty flattered in a flower garden in my brain)

Well, now.

I think about the future, smiling at the words of Ariake, who is still complaining about something heroic.

I got the position of count pretty young, so I think I'm relatively cautious, but instead, I have a lot of intuition.

More often than not, it feels like the first sensation.

According to it,

"You must never turn against the enemy..."

I muttered.

Ahhn? Huh?

A brave man says something, but ignores it.

Well, if I were to say what I heard from the brave men in one word,




It may be said that.

It's not that I'm implicitly afraid, but what the hero Ariake has accomplished in this short period of time. In fact, I tried to use a pawn called the Brave Party as a detective, and actually grasped what I saw and heard from those mouths, and then I came to the conclusion.

The "overwhelming power" and "talent" are now gathered in the abandoned land that no one wanted to control as a territory on the verge of being destroyed.

A girl named Maou, mainly a great hero named Ariake Mihama.

But she's not the only one.

If you ask about the appearance of the village, there will be a lot more detached houses, and in addition, there will be very large mansions built.The inn is said to be "Anmitsu", but this is probably the trump card for the reconstruction of the village that Ariake, the hero, thinks about.

The Adventurer's Guild was cooperative with him.

The church is also not distinguished by Sir Lislet Arcanon, who is said to be that fox, saying, "He is my" prophecy "."

Then I will.

Only a count on this fringe, I must rightly fear that rare hero.

Maybe we're starting to see strange things happening in this countryside.

So how do you use them next? "

"Thinking like that, Tillis, who had been smiling for a while, stepped forward.

"Count Lando, if you'll excuse me."The mayor of Ariake has received the letter, so I will give it to you. "

"What? Tirith, when did you do such a thing?!"I don't need your permission...! "

However, while sniffing, Tillis gave me a light letter while saying something appropriate.

Now, speaking of the contents of the document,

I see. I see.

I was reminded that I was the one who was thinking about how to use it.

"When I started thinking about it, did Ariake tell you to give me this document?"

"You can't say that! I'm sorry!"

Answers were replied with a sloppy voice.When I was so clear, I had no choice but to smile bitterly.

The contents of the document were written between this Land Territory and the village of Orti, requesting that the "street be maintained".

In short, a document requesting a transaction.

As for the idea of hero Ariake, the situation in the village would have been conveyed to some extent through the inspector, so why don't you cooperate?That's what I'm talking about.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?I'm not sure I'm going to say no!Hey, Count Lando!!! "

and the brave scream,

(Of course you can say no.....)

My gut tells me.

"Yeah, that's a lot of actors over there."Besides, there's a lot of money to be made here. "

"What? What are you saying..."

I won't serve it to you, but I'll make a seal with my tongue wrapped around it.

These include materials imported from abundant elves and materials from large numbers of monsters.The trade is now conducted through individual merchants and guilds, but if we officially start trading with this county, it will be profitable for both sides.

Also, I'm personally interested in this inn "Anmitsu".

Therefore, in a nutshell, I instructed the Brave Party to tell them that "I got it" and that they would prepare the streets.

The brave man complains like a madman with a bright red face, so he gives Tirith the paperwork for now.

"You made a good deal, Count Rand.The people here are happy. "


That voice was heard from Tirith, but it was clearly a different voice.

Tillis was still smiling, but he didn't open his mouth.

Maybe it's your imagination.

"I don't care!" You're making a mistake!To a con artist like that! To a fake hero!If you don't adopt the opinion of this brave man... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

The hero was still crying out in regret.

"Oh my. It's nice to be young..."

Well then, it's time for you to leave.

Even if you become a poor lord, you'll be busy.The only advantage was that there was almost no war with the demons because of the countryside.

Thus, Count Rand officially began trading with the village of Orti.

Since then, wagons have been coming and going without interruption, and Orti has begun to flourish all at once.

And, unexpectedly, that inn.

In fact, the inn gradually became famous in the social world, and the count also went by occasionally, which became valuable as a place for celebrities.

Moreover, the heroic Ariake, the ruler of the village, has his wealth, strength, and fame.The influence on the social world began to increase, and some people began to say that it was a hidden frontier.

That's how Ariake began to succeed in redeveloping the village into the city through her own genius, which happened.

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