Knowing it was a trap, Ichinojo and Harwatart both headed to the tent where the king waited to pick up the chestnut in the fire - around that time.

Carol was lurking in the laundry.

Investigations into the case have already been carried out and are now completely deserted.

(Master Ichino is working hard. Caro has to work hard too)

That's what Caro says and puts him in the mood.

"Carol, are you here?

After shopping, Lana asked Carol to find Suzuki and tell her to come to this launderer. Tell him I have urgent business.

"I've been waiting, Mr. Coata. I have a favor to ask."

"... I have to get rid of the demons that showed up in town, is that more important than that?

"Of course. There's a limit to Mr. Coata exorcising demons by himself, but if you do what Caro says, you can defeat your enemies dozens of times more efficiently."

"... well. Yeah, I believe you. So, what am I supposed to do?

"Yes - please carry this outfit in your item bag"

"Huh? Take this?

Carol said wearing - something that was supposed to be used in impromptu meetings.

It would not have been acceptable to bring it up without permission, but it was yesterday that Kikkori finally succeeded in finding the location of the organizers of the impromptu meeting. It was supposed to be information that I didn't need anymore, but that worked.

On his way here, Carol gave the organizers the money and got permission to borrow all the clothes.

When I explained that it was to save the crisis in town, he lent it to me comfortably.

"But where are you taking this?

"It's Mr. Coata's house. I've asked Lana to temporarily hide about twenty of Ichino-sama's people."

Originally, it is unlikely that as many as twenty people would be called home without the landlord's permission, but the manual Lana has had was, 'If a diner brings a friend in the absence of her husband, she will give him maximum hospitality until his husband returns home', so even if she brings twenty people, she responded as per the manual.

"Friends? Hide?... maybe some devil tribe kids?

That's what Suzuki asked, remembering about Flute.

I also have a small lump in Suzuki's heart about her, and I wanted to see her once if she was safe.

Caro shook his head to the side.

"She's safe, but she's not there. We'll talk about the situation later. Anyway, please collect and move your clothes."


Suzuki nodded, putting all her clothes in the item bag.

And with Carol, I went back to my own house.

"Welcome back"

Lana bowed her head and welcomed Suzuki and Carol.

Doesn't seem like he's hiding anybody at all, it's the usual response, the manual response.

"Lana, where is everyone?

Caro asked.

"Yes, you're in the hall. This way, please."

Suzuki, who was led into the hall, was surprised there.

"Dark Elves Huh!?"

I was there because the dark elves were told the other day that they had been destroyed by the army of the Church. Besides, I was even more surprised that they were all women.

He did not know that dark elves were only available to women.

Before heading out to the king, Ichinojo proposed an operation to turn Halwatart into Carol with a change bracelet, and decided to further enlist the help of the Dark Elves in the security of the town.

In My World he told the Dark Elves.

"I know it's wrong to ask you to do this while I tell you I'll protect everyone. Still, I want to protect the town of Maraisgli - the people who live there. Please, help me."

There was no one to dispute it.

"I'm one of Master Ichino's people. If they are, the bow arms are certain. We'll dress you up and get you to shoot demons all over town."

"Each arrow is available in sufficient numbers. Make sure it helps."

Dark Elves are enemies of the Church, just like the Demons.

Asking her to cooperate like that cannot be tolerated for Suzuki, who is inherently a nobleman of the Kingdom of Shiralaki.

Still, he nodded.

"... ok. I've been ready since I helped that demon boy. Of course I don't talk about you guys. Don't tell anyone, Mr. Lana."

"Yes, we will follow a manual that should not disclose your secrets"

"But can you handle bows and arrows in a wearing guru?

When I look at the size of the clothes worn out by Suzuki, it really looks like the string is going to hit the clothes worn part when shooting the arrow.

In the first place, I have bad vision. There's nothing more unfavourable about dealing with bows.

"I train every day, so I'm fine."

Larrael said with the rabbit's wearing head.

The training of dark elves' bows is varied. Training in the dark originally includes training in areas with poor vision and training with wounded companions on their backs.

There's nothing like a lack of precision just because you're wearing a goose.

As a result, a total of twenty dressed troops were to appear here.

"Oh boy, what shall I say to the guards"

But this is all the bowing excellence - Suzuki thought it was comforting indeed.

Talwi and the Demon King - while both fled, we were picked up in the middle of the enemy land.

"Master, let's get some rest"

"Oh, yeah."

Fortunately, no one comes into the tent alone, whether it's the king's order or the effect of brainwashing.

At least I want to rest here until the aftermath of the beast's blood heals.

Once we hid behind the throne and rested, waiting for the effect of the beast's blood to expire.

I heard noisy noises from outside the tent.

Pretty noisy.

"Your Majesty! It's important!

"Where is Your Majesty?"

Hal poked his sword at the pigeon tail of the soldier who tried to raise his scream as he laid it on his sheath.

The soldier groaned and fell.

"Your husband - it's dangerous to be here any longer -"

"Right. It's starting to move a little bit - we're getting out of here."

Mega heel on Hal, heeled on me too.

The pain draws away.

But what's so important right now?

When I thought that, I felt it.

There are two mighty signs that you're approaching this way.

No way. The brave guy just said, "Danger over there."

When I thought so, a giant nail tore the tent apart.

Seeing those huge claws as if they were dragons, I screamed unexpectedly.


It was Fenrill who sliced the tent and showed up.

And the girl in sailor clothes on that back shows up.

"Yay, stay! Long time no see!"

When I thought the demon king had left, the old demon king - Miri - showed up on Fenrill.

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