The siege net will be lifted today, so we were ready to leave in My World. As soon as the siege net is lifted, a magician who can use despelling will arrive in town, so I'm sorry to help.

It's been a long time since the three of us have made a carriage journey, as it seems the streets east from Maleigulli are well maintained.

Before I do that, I'm going to use my base return to get back to the floor once I've checked on Mr. Norn and the Maori.

In the meantime, after some work, we left my world to tell Suzuki that we were leaving town today.

Is that it? Is there no one there?

"Gentlemen, is it an errand?

"Lana says this is shopping time."

Hal and Caro said. Caro's guy, do you have a complete grasp of Lana's work schedule? If she's a manual human, she must be going shopping on schedule.

In the meantime, I decided to have tea in my living room.

I don't have Mr. Lana, so Caro brews me instead.

As the three of us sat in their seats and stretched their legs under the table to relax, Suzuki returned.

Suzuki raised her voice when she saw me.

"Nan, where have you been! Something terrible happened to me."

"Hey, Suzuki - your position, 'Oh, my goodness!' You looked like the lower end to come and say, 'but you have the protagonist correction."

"Yeah, I think so myself, but it was really tougher than that! There were a lot of people in town who activated the frenzy curse, and they stormed around. There are dead people out there too."


I tried to get up, hit my knee behind the table, and the hot drink I had on the table collapsed. Fortunately, it was after I drank my tea, but I don't care about that.

I thought the case was closed.

"Missing sending bills - someone used them."

"Did it mean it was tough, that the case was already sedated?

Caro asked. Yeah, if there's a case going on, there's no way Suzuki's here.

"Once... right. It's been over an hour since the incident, so it's also untied by the curse of frenzy. But the town's terrible. Because I thought the case was solved, but until now, the person I was normally talking to turns into a mad warrior and kills people around. Maybe my parents and kids will be mad warriors, not friends"

"If you didn't wear laundry clothes, you'd be fine, wouldn't you?

There was a receipt in my clothes.

Everyone on the launderer's customer list has been notified not to wear clothes washed in the launderer, and the magic research fellows should now have been around to check for curses in turn.

"That's what I'm not. There were inbox tags everywhere in town. Besides, be polite, put the effect of loud bills on the back. The word" world's salvation "came through like a town broadcast. With words that can also be taken as a statement of the killer."


"'To save people from this birdcage created by the Creator, we have to destroy the world once and for all - after destruction comes the salvation of the world'"

"God of Creation? Isn't she a goddess?

"Yeah, that's what he said - Nan, I heard you all over town, where the hell were you going?"

Suzuki roughed her breath for a moment like she blamed me, but she rethought and heard it purely in the form of a question.

"No, I was pulling a little... bad"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blame you. If there is an incident at the same time, you will not be stopped where you were alone. We were alarmed, too."

"Will it be too late for the siege of the King's army to be lifted?

Hal asked.

Suzuki shakes her neck to the side.

"It doesn't feel like the deputy mayor explained it. It's ironic, because there are no more latent cursed people in this case. Today, the siege will be lifted."

"You can't say Buddha to hell more than the dead are out there."

"Right - the mastermind remains unknown. But I think this time it will be over."

Suzuki sighed and said.

At the end of the day, I ended up with nothing but depression.

"I wonder if the only purpose of the killer was, after all, to commit a terrorist attack"

If so, it can be considered a great success.

Such an incident, instead of the history of the country, would be engraved in the history of the world.

Thanks to you, I've come to buy out what I need for my upcoming journey, but I don't have any open stores. At least until yesterday, the grocery store was open even in the sky.

This looks like you should buy it in the next town.


It looked like Caro was thinking something.

"Caro, are you worried about something? Something funny or something?

"Yes, if there's something strange about it, it's that the identity of the mastermind isn't revealed"

"Hmm? Because I used the sending bills so I wouldn't know -"

Except if you have the skills to tell the killer from your voice, but at least I don't.

"No, usually a statement of crime is what you use to make your existence and purpose widely known to the world. Even if I don't know who the mastermind is, I'm supposed to tell you the name of the organization."

Speaking of which, I've never even heard of an unidentified statement of a crime after a terrorist attack that occurs on Earth. It names some organization or organization.

"So you're saying this one's something else that made it look like terrorism?

"I hope that's still the case -"

"Or maybe the case isn't over yet."

Hal said to carry on Caro's explanation.

It's all not over.

The case isn't over yet?

Do you really reveal who you really are after it's all over?

No, whatever it takes. I think that's too much to think about.

And we even came before the novice labyrinth.

After all, I never entered this labyrinth.

When the town is settled, let's clear the Labyrinth for Intermediates and the Labyrinth for Beginners.

If I thought so, the guards were in and out of the novice labyrinth in a rush. Looks like something happened.

"Is something wrong?

I kind of asked.

"You are a friend of the Viscount's..."

"I'm late for my application. My name is Ichinojo."

That's what I said, when I showed you the brooch, which is a testament to the Associate Baron,

"And if you'll excuse me, Lord Associate Baron!

Say and salute.

This title, let me use it quite effectively.

"So, what happened?

"No, there were demons overflowing from the basement. It's just a weak demon, but it's a disturbing atmosphere."

"There's a demon from the basement... is the advanced dungeon okay? I think it would be dangerous for a demon over there to have a low-level demon."

"The advanced dungeons are closed, but according to adventurers who surveyed the first tier, they don't see any signs of more demons. On the contrary, they say the number of demons is rather very low."

"Less demons?

Could there be another trapdole, creating a trap on one tier?

"Thanks for letting me know"

I thanked him and went back to Hal and Caro where I waited away.

"Looks like there's just a lot of demons out there."

That's what I said to reassure the two of you, and you can hear the guards.

"Hey, the demon's coming up the stairs again."

"You're lying, this is your fourth time. Didn't the devil's temptation work out?"

"Okay, if it's a novice labyrinth. Now you can sell vegetables for a lot of money, right?

"I'm a carnivore - I wish beast demons would come out"

"Minotaur or something?

"That's good. Then it's a BBQ party for the whole unit."

Minotaur meat? I don't know what minotaur tastes like, but all the meat the labyrinth minotaur drops was beef.

The meat on the drop item was pretty big, so if you're going to eat it for two or three, it's enough, but I don't think you can eat every slice of it if you eat it in large numbers.

"It doesn't really seem like a big deal. Dear Ichino, there is a grocery store in the back street run by my grandfather who speaks Australian when he keeps doing business, even if the end of the world is here. Why don't you go there?

"You'd be open for grandpa's shop like that - just"

I still care about the labyrinth.

"Master, if you care about the labyrinth, why don't you go to the Adventurer's Guild once? We've gathered information over there, and even if you're not an adventurer, you can redeem the Demon Stone you've collected so far with your husband's title."

"Oh, right. Carol, I hope you don't mind going to the Adventurer Guild at Grandpa's on the back street."

"Yes, of course."

All right, do you want to go to the Adventurers Guild and gather information?

That's what I thought happened with the arrow tip.

"There's a demon looming from the labyrinth!

"Don't get more vegetables again"

"No, not vegetables! That 's--"

That's when the man who came up to the preaching blew up.

Hal reacts and rushes out as soon as possible, catching a man in an admirable blowup in the air.

What emerged from inside was a herd of minotaurs.

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