We're back in My World.

Already in My World, it was reported that the case of the curse of the frenzy of Maleigulli had been resolved, and today the celebration was to be held.

The officials at the bureau still work so much that they don't have time to go home, and the pedestrians can't get out of town, so I feel a little early to throw a celebration, but I decided to sweeten up to the generosity of the dark elves I mentioned.

While I was getting ready, I decided to head to church.

Because there's no way you're not reporting the situation to Flute.

Inside the church, there was one flute and an indoor cleaning.

"Hmm? Oh, wait. I'm almost done cleaning."

When Flute checked on me, he went back to wiping the chair with a dry cloth.

"Ah...... yeah. You want me to help? If you use magic, it'll all be over soon."

"It's fine because this is my job. It will also be the experience of the Redeemer."

I decided to wait silently for her to finish cleaning in an undisturbed place.

Five minutes to wait, I was in a church bench, drinking the green tea the flute brewed me. It's a little warm, but it has a good flavor.

"So, what are you doing for me?

"Oh. There's been some progress about the demons that were caught by the church."

That's what I told Flute what Suzuki told me.

"All the demons escape underground? A friend of Ichinojo's gave you a guide?

"I mean, I know a friend, but originally it could be because I put a centaur on him. Sorry."

That's what I said and I bowed my head.

"Why are you apologizing? I'd rather be thankful."

"But now the demons treat you like a total jailbreaker, right?

"The secret passage in the basement of the cathedral is a remnant of the Demon King's Castle era. It really leads to different places. Once you can get away there, you won't get caught. And then he said he'd hide himself and spend some time out of the reach of the church. Originally, we demons are good at hiding somewhere."

Contrary to my expectations, Flute felt more like he was even thanking the Joffreys. Is that all right with you?

"But you didn't break out of jail, did you?

"It's better to imprison just because you're a demon, and I'm sure Master Metias will protect you."

"Master Metias?

Why is Master Metias' name coming up here?

That's what I asked him, but Flute thought I didn't know about Master Metias, and he started explaining her.

"He's an unknown seventh pillar goddess, and he's called the Goddess of Destiny. We devils believe in Lady Methias. Because of that, the Church has been watching for a long time, and I couldn't live a busy life until I was under the protection of the Demon King. There were some clans who lived as nomads and many travellers because they might find out when they entered the town."

"Why can't I believe in Master Metias? The goddess Teto told me that she was a fine goddess."

"Do you know Master Metias? Besides, it's funny how you met Tet, the goddess... oh, but it's enough to make such a strange space, and maybe he's not lying"

"Oh, I'm not lying. Lady Livra, Lady Trail Rules and Lady Minerva have visited here in person."

"Is that where the goddess stops by? That's a great story."

Flute laughed when he showed his octagonal teeth.

"Why the Church doesn't recognize Master Metias as a god - one theory tells me there was a revelation in the Church from other goddesses, but I don't even know the details"

A revelation from another goddess?

That's a little different from what Teto said.

"Speaking of which, it looks like the Redeemer's level is rising, but are you doing something special?

"Oh, because the way the Redeemer saves experience besides defeating demons is to do a decent job and be appreciated by people. I still work for Bali."

When Flute said so, the church door opened and several dark elves came in.

They were overjoyed when they found me.

"Dear Ichinojo, we're going to practice our songs."

"Listen to me if you like"

"Mr. Flute plays in the organ, and we're all practicing."

The church also has an organ for once. It wasn't brought in by Milli, it was made by Pioneer herself, and she does the discipline.

Apparently it was a rewarding task following the shipbuilding work for her, who had recently run out of business building a ship.

A truly omnipotent homunculus.

When the flute sat in the chair placed in front of the organ, the dark elves also lined up in a row.

When the flute made a long noise, the dark elves spoke to pitch 'uh' to match it.

And then the performance begins.

The content of the lyrics was apparently a thank you to the sun, water and earth. It also seems like a hymn to the golden trees of the dark elves.

The song lasted about five minutes, we all bowed our heads and the song was over.

I want to applaud them for their performance.

"It was a beautiful song."

"" Thank you, Master Ichinojo ""

They kept their voices together and thanked me, and they seemed to rejoice at being praised.

I also speak to the flute sitting in front of the organ.

"You were good at playing organ."

"Thanks. I used to let him play it a few times in church."

So this is her job here?

Music relieves good stress in this world with little entertainment.

The portable DVD player, another mechanical entertainment, is occupied by someone else. "Next up is Sheena III's turn, Death. Death Wants Nyerpiece's Opening Medley"

The mechanical man. About that, Sheena III showed up at some point and made a request for a song to Flute. "Oh, okay."

Sheena III sings the song enthusiastically as Flute's piano plays.

Apparently, church music has become entrenched as one of this my-world entertainment without my knowledge.

I don't know about using it like karaoke BOX as a church, but it all sounds like fun, okay?

"Dear Ichinojo, listen to me. I put sixteen Dark Elves in bow precision."

said Lulurina, one of the dark elves.

"Sixteen Archery Accuracies?

"Dark Elves' bow training is divided into three parts: power training, precision training, and disability training."

"Power training strengthens the power of arrows, precision training stops distant attacks, disability training trains shooting in special environments such as moving and shooting from blind spots, ranking among the top sixteen"

"Lulurina was the sixteenth in yesterday's training."

To my inquiry, the Dark Elves explained to me sooner rather than later.

"Eh heh, I still have the power because I only practiced precision intensively. If I were you right now, I'd be three hundred meters away from the goblin brow."

"That's amazing - by the way, I knew it was first place"

"Yes, Lady Larael."

I knew it.

Well, it's enough to be a chief, and I've seen the skill of her arrows, but there was something amazing.

"The power of Lord Larael's bow crushes rocks, pierces prey a kilometer away, and even his enemies in the blind spot end with a single blow."

Strike a blind spot enemy.

That's what they said, and I figured.

"It's that obstacle training, but if someone could, like, brace a thread around a... and attack an enemy in a place where instead of a blind spot, an arrow would never hit him - how much would it be?

"Is that who you are?

"If I were you, I would definitely be ranked # 1."

"Instead of first place, you're in a hall where you're spoken to in oral language among dark elves."

Right, first place, hall of honor?

Rendezvous quickly, Marina.

You, you'll be a hero when you get here.

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