Mili liar... you said that returning to base is magic to transfer to a heterosexual house.

I should have noticed Mr. Margaret's name at a second point.

Mr. Margaret, I had no feelings for the other person like this one. She's taken care of me, and she understands and acts on my feelings - though I was scared when she attacked me by mistake.

But what I felt this time was pure fear.

I don't think it's just because it's same-sex.

If I had been confessed to my same-sex opponent, I wouldn't have said no without Hal. I don't feel that way. But I think the favor I got was something to be proud of.

But it was yesterday that we caught the man who became the Mad Warrior. In just one day, that secretary looked up my name, where I live, information about Hal and Caro, and my friendship with Kikkori, all during the secretary's work. I was afraid of its ability to act.

"I don't know, did that bring up the city's extraordinary budget"

"I completely forgot to give it back."

It wasn't the other way around.

Caro shares his thoughts when he sees a piece of paper that has been strongly gripped and snubbed.

"As far as this budget statement goes, the bureau seems pretty good. The emergency manual must have been well crafted. You can see somewhat of a run for safekeeping."

"Oh, speaking of which, Mr. Deputy Mayor is a little villain, but you said he was good."

"Oh, this budget is well misled, but you seem to be flowing into a crime guild. It seems true that little villains."

"What about little villain politicians being good?

"Clean white politicians are so great, but the world doesn't work that well. The Criminals Guild actually exists in every town and is said to be connected to the Lords. It may indeed be great to bring all the criminals caught to justice and rehabilitate them as Redeemers, but the status of Redeemers is so low that then they often make senior human beings soldiers among their criminal positions. Squad Zero, known as the non-existent unit, is a criminal unit."

"... Wow, that's a hard back to hear something"

The same thing would have happened in Japan in the past.

That hasn't happened lately, but at the time, he said, like a connection behind a politician and a guy in a fucked profession didn't appear on the front side, but it was a story everyone knew.

A crime guild?

Is that really what's in town - the average person won't know for the rest of their lives?

"By the way, you have two criminal guilds in this town. I know the location."

"I know!?"

Caro, you horrible kid!

"No way, you haven't visited the Criminals Guild to gather information, have you?

"No way, I didn't go."


Good, I'm relieved.

"You don't have to get inside, because if you have information you can get inside the Criminals Guild, you can get it outside."

I didn't feel safe.

Well, Caro wouldn't be the kind of hema to misidentify the safety margin for gathering information.

Isn't this kid better suited for detectives and police officers than pedestrians?

"Master, I finished putting the book down"

"Thanks, that'll help."

In front of me, all two hundred volumes of the comic strip "This is Yoyogi Park Station, Shibuya-ku" are arranged two meters apart.

"Book Exploration! This is Shibuya-ku Yoyogi Park Mae Station!

I activated a skill that shows where the comics are.

[Search Results: one hundred and fifty-first]

The titles and positions of each book appear in the brain ten at a time.

It helps not to show them all at once. My brain is going to flake if that happens.

"Caro, I could search up to one hundred and fifty-first volumes"

"Then it's about 300 meters, I'm in awe."

Caro confirmed it and widened the map of Maleigulli.

I was asked to make a copy of what was originally in Suzuki's house in a forgery.

Caro looks at the map and writes some circles.

"In the meantime, there are a total of thirty-seven suspicious places Kikkori told me, places Caro thought were suspicious, but if you do a book search in these ten places, you can cover them all"

Caro noted dots in ten places and drew beautiful circles of the same size around that point.

So if you explore books around here, you're likely to find Milky books?

That's an efficient way to find a book.

Maybe I don't need to look for Milky's book anymore than I have figured out Mr. Daijiro's flight path, but I'm not comfortable standing still.

"There are easier ways for Mr. Milky to find - I don't recommend Caro - but I don't want him to."

"Is there such a way?

I guess the fact that Caro doesn't want you to is a pretty unscrupulous way.

But why don't you just ask?

"Yes. I thought if Master Ichino was walking in town with a fellow named Felice, he would feel the smell and show up -"

"All right, we're gonna explore the books!

Caro will be gathering information in town, and me and Hal decided to go around town.

Just go where Caro wrote it down and do a book search.

Search from the center of town in turn. But Milky's book doesn't respond at all. Caro's prediction was that Milky was likely in a town inn, so the inn district searched carefully, but there was no response there either.

"If you can't pay me, get out!

"You can't get out of town, there's nothing you can do!

"Then I can change your baggage for gold."

"If we sell this, we're out of stuff to sell in the next town!

The owner of the inn and a traveling merchant-like man. The town is rough everywhere.

I'm getting anxious about whether it's really okay to be looking for a Milky book at a time like this.

In the end, there was no reaction to the book of purpose on Azawald Avenue, Japan Avenue, where inn streets gather, tourist destinations and shops, and it even came to the magic street in the back.

There are so many warehouses around here that it was likely that the books were stored there.

If there's no reaction here, we're out - now we're going to do a search across town, not in a suspicious place.

[Search Results, One]

I finally showed the results I wanted.

"I had a reaction!

"Congratulations, Master"

But one result?

Does Milky have only one book of his own?

Whatever it is, I'm going where the reaction came from.

"Laundry shop?

It was a shop named Red Laundry.

"Let's just go"

Me and Hal went into the laundry.

It's a little dim inside.

What a goose to wear when I first greeted you. And there are quite a few. There are thirty.


I raise my voice unexpectedly.

It's a dressing gesture that entertains people at the event, but it's a little scary to have thirty dressing gestures in a dim room.

"Are you a customer? I'm sorry, I surprised you."

From the back of the store, a round-eyed, brown-haired, handsome man appeared.

Oh, it's that launderer I saw at the bakery.

"Oh, excuse me. Louder than me."

"They said it was a dressing gear they were going to use at the event, and I washed it, but the event itself was canceled, and the people involved asked me to keep it for a while - Tohoho"

I feel like I've never seen anyone say Tohoho in real life.

Right, is it a dressing goose for an event?

That's a little disgusting to be shaped like gloves just in the hand area.

"So what shall we wash?

"Oh, no, I'm just here to do some searching - and I heard there's a comic book in this store by a guy named Milky."

"Milky? Huh? Did you have a book like that? Speaking of which, it's like there was a book in the luggage you left from a city official."

"I'm sure that's it. Can you show me that?

According to the search results, it's in the back room.

"But making your luggage look casual...... no, I get it. Let me show you to the back room."

The laundromat was a little reluctant, but he was supposed to lead me to the back room.

I've never been inside a laundromat before. Most of them were clothes kept from customers, etc.

"Heh, that's a lot of stuff"

I feel like I have a lot of uniforms, but I also have regular clothes.

Oh, these are the clothes Suzuki usually wears - well, I encouraged him to take them to the laundry.

Purification "We'll gather clothes from all over town. I don't care how much it costs." "Can I help you if you like? I can use purification, too."

Purification "I'm glad you did, but mine had a bit of a knack. For example, if I hang purification on re-dyed clothes, the color of the dyed area may peel off later. Hi. They're going to mistake the magic re-dyed part for dirt. So I'm using it independently to improve" magic improvement - is that what you're doing?

Is it like making a lot of oil when I use oil creatures?

"Would you like me to do something to wash it? If it's about a handkerchief, it'll be over soon. I have a reputation for not only being beautiful, but also being comfortable to use. I'll pay for it, though. You can wash your clothes, too. You can even get dressed."

That being said, the man took a bunch of beautiful clothes out of an item bag-like bag.

Do you have an item bag?

I wonder what the capacity is?

"Handkerchief - then why don't we ask for it? Why don't you ask for Hal, too?

"Now I'm going to ask for this scarf"

When she said that, she untied the scarf that was always wrapped around her neck and gave it to the man.

Second, I have eyes on my desk. There were a number of things available like the Seventh Eve booklet.

"Is that it? What about that bill?

"That's a note of caution when cleaned, isn't it? Write it on paper when there's a place that you can't get dirt out of by magic, when you have to replace a button, when you have something in your pocket, etc."

Yeah, that's a regular cleaner, too.

But I think you've seen that bill somewhere.

Purification "- Yes, I could" Oh, I feel the handkerchief glowing.

Did you even train in magic that magic can be improved this way?

I was a little concerned and looked into the man's profession.

At that moment, the dots and dots in me led to a single line.

I asked the man to make sure of the line.

"Speaking of which, bakeries often keep their work clothes, don't they?

"Yeah, I am. Speaking of which, you made a mistake at the bakery once, didn't you?

"We're also laundry uniforms for the City Hall, right?

"Yes, I am making it your pleasure. Especially these days."

said the secretary. Labyrinth Control officials can't go home these days, and they have to get dressed. Nonetheless, the uniform they wore was very clean. It's like washing up.

Labyrinth Management Division officials will not take uniforms to the launderer. Their uniforms are basically for one, so they can't keep their uniforms for days. But Labyrinth Management Division officials have two uniforms, and if they don't have time to go home, they don't have time to change. It's not weird that you're putting your uniform out in the laundry trying to change your mood.

"Suzuki - you seem to be keeping Viscount Suzuki's clothes, too. I saw it there."

"Yes, it's a request from your nobility, so let me take care of it with you"

Yeah, I told Suzuki to keep his clothes here.

"Speaking of which, there was a guy who said the florist commotion made him flour coated, but his clothes were beautiful, right? Did you get dressed? Like someone happened to have a change of clothes?


The smile disappeared from the laundry.

And I touch my back collar with a ton.

"It's possible to deliver a voice that can only be heard to that person if you also plant it in that dressed garment or behind the collar of the clothes that have finished laundry or in a 'communication bill'. For example," The Salvation of the World. "

The launderer doesn't answer.

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