The capital of the kingdom of Tsaobar, Maleigulli, was laid with an unprecedented post-war vigilance.

Around the city are the same Tsaobar army soldiers.

That number is said to exceed 10,000.

"But isn't it too much? If the goal is to keep no one out of town, I think it's enough to seal the gates."

The new American guard said from above the outer wall, sweating cold.

When I got a little bit out of it, I took a step back because the stone thrower for the siege caught my eye.

Exhale once and get your breath ready.

"Concentrate on the mission."

"I know. Than that, seniors. Where were all those soldiers?

"The Royal Army. You've decided to stay in Wangdu. Look, you see that tent over there, right?

A senior guard sees a luxurious red tent that can be seen from the front gate and in the back of the center.

Never point a finger.

"I hear His Majesty the King is in there."

"What? You have not only the King's army but His Majesty himself just to seal the sick?

"That's all I'm saying, the curse of frenzy is horrible."

That's what the senior guard said, looking at the other side.

Even now, the gates are being followed by the residents' response.


Not only the main entrance, but all the gates have been sealed off, and I cannot explain the curse of frenzy.

The curse of frenzy can be investigated if a blood test is performed.

However, due to the small number of magic investigative researchers who are able to perform blood tests, it is not possible to perform an appraisal of all.

And the King's Army envoy says there must be a spellman in town spreading the curse of frenzy, so you can't let him out until you've secured that culprit.

"Ha... Whatever. Wouldn't you like to finish it soon? I wanted to go to a peer-to-peer magazine impromptu, but this is gonna sell it all out."

"Don't worry, there can't be an impromptu meeting in this state. Deferred, deferred."

"Is that true? That? But how do you know that, Senior? Oh, speaking of which, seniors, you've been hoping to be closed for a long time today, haven't you?

"Don't remind me of anything extra"

"Do you... Hmm?

Suddenly, a rookie guard looked up.

"What's up?

"I felt your gaze, do you blame me?

"Sight from the top? Was he even a bird?

"It's probably my fault. Besides, do you still have lunch?"

That's what the rookie guard said, sighing.

The eagle's eyes were lifted that some soldiers were good.

Is it also a skill to notice the gaze?

I didn't know what kind of conversation we were having, but we were definitely looking up (this way).

"Dear Ichino, how was it?

"There's a lot of soldiers on the walls and you're nervous. Armies outside the town had some siege weapons, such as stone throwers, but not so many. Maybe two hundred cavalry. I knew it was a placement where no one would let you out."


I was gathering information with Caro.

The basics were gathering information in Caro's listening, but it's hard to gather information about being out of town. That's where my eagle eyes come in handy.

Using the skill of looking over the whole town from above, information that cannot be seen from within the town comes in.

If we stay too close to the outer wall, we'll be suspicious, so we'll walk down Showa Street.

"Anxiety is spreading throughout the town."

"But there's not that much confusion. I thought there might be a riot."

"There's a dungeon in town. Thanks to you. Because novice dungeons in this town drop as much food as they call them grocery bin dungeons."

"Do you have a lot of plant-based demons?

"So is the demon, but there's also meat. Some herbivores eat plant-based demons."

"A herbivorous demon eating demons... no, I guess I'm not mistaken. The food chain in the dungeon."

"It's just like nature to be at the top of it."

That's what Caro said and laughed.

Currently, the general use of dungeons for beginners is prohibited, and adventurers and mercenaries hired by the Adventurer and Mercenary guilds are going to collect food.

They say after tomorrow, rations will be given to the town's residents as a priority.

Speaking of which, the town where the dungeon is located has no garbage problems either.

Because if you leave the garbage in the dungeon, the dungeon will absorb it on its own.

"Ha, wait in town for a while? If they find out it's all my fault, they'll slap me from the pedestrians."

"It's not Master Ichino's fault. I'm more concerned about the military moving faster than that."

"Early? It's been about a week since I found out the curse of frenzy was widespread."

"It's a week too early to get 10,000 soldiers ready. In the first place, 10,000 is too many."

"... right. It's like we're in a war. If they sing trumpets from out of town, they're going to surrender."


Caro asked.

If I said a song on all sides, it might have been translated into the proper vernacular in this world, but if it's just a song on all sides, can't it make sense?

"It's something that used to happen in my world. When the king of the land of Chu stood in the castle, the man surrounding him sang the song of his own country. So, the great man of the country said he was desperate to realize that people from other countries than his own had already surrendered..."

Where I can't be sure, it tells the story of my lack of academic achievement.

Maybe there is, but I can't be sure.

Would there have been a world history textbook or something in a millimeter item bag?

"I wonder what it was like to be the one singing"

"Who was singing?

"Yes. You were singing to surrender the king of your country, weren't you? Were you compelled by the enemy to sing, or were you hoping to surrender to the king of your own country but live?"

I couldn't answer Carol's question.

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