The other day, Talwi, who fought with the Demon King Dragon, why are you here?

And why are you slashing me?

"What are you going to...? 'Cause there's a fight here."

Talwi releases a poke. I used to flank a sharper thrust than I did when I fought Cancy, but suddenly the sword changes its course and hits my flank.

"Gu Hu..."

"... can't be slashed. You look like you're wearing unusual clothes."

It sucked. Without the clothes Larrael had made, they would have been completely slashed.

What a power.

How high level as a Talwi beast warrior is this speed...... no way.

"Are you using the blood of a beast"

Beast Blood - A skill of a beast warrior that dramatically increases strength and speed for ten minutes.

Will the skills emitted outside be fogged, perhaps because of the light beneath your feet, but not deactivated with regard to the circulation of blood in your body?

It's just such a disadvantage. Let's get the hell out of here.

"Return to Base (Home Return)! … will not activate after all"

I took the lucky hammer out of the item bag and shook it down against the door.

It's usually a hammer weighing a hundred kilograms plus being able to put an MP in for a moment.

This is not gonna break the door.

The noise of wow sounded indoors, but the door was intact.

"What a sturdy door"

That's what I say. I turn a hammer into an item bag.

You can't fight a Talwi opponent with a hammer that beats speed.

"Now you know. I can't get out of here."

"Oh, right, I'm not going to get out"

That's what I say. I sweat.

"Mr. Talwi. Are you sure? You're trapped, too. You're starving to death where you took me down, aren't you?

"You don't have to worry. I can get out of here when it's all over. I am."

Right - can Talwi go outside after all?

I took two bills out of the item bag.

One of these days, I broke a single bill.

"(Is that... a silence tag... what are you going to do?

It's a noiseless room, even if it's a tenth of a voice. Talwi's voice reaches me.

Bills are not skills. Looks like you can use it without any problems.

"(Hey, I was going to ask you to open the door)"

When I said that, I took out the loudspeaker.

Ten times the sound in a space where only a tenth of a volume of voice is heard.

I can use this to make a normal voice.

And activate your skills.

"It's Talwi! Ichinojo's defeated! Open the door now!

I said it in Talwi's voice.

Copycat skills, voice imitation.

I'm changing my voice. The voice emanated from the throat, so it was a skill that could be used as well as the blood of the beast.

... that?

I should have copied my voice completely, but there's no sign of the door opening.

"(Ha, that's an interesting skill. Right, is that how my voice sounds from others)"

"Open the door quickly! You hear me!

"(No use, the guys outside have already pulled it up when we got in here)"

Doesn't the backwash work?

Well, then...

"If I take you down, will you teach me how to get out of here?

"(Oh, okay. then also tell me why I do this)"

"Okay - well, hurry up and get out of the way"

I took the crumb juice out of the item bag to make a crumb, a favorite of millimeters, and smashed it.

Intense odor fills the room.

"(What, you stink haha!

Talwi's expression distorts into agony.

"What do you say, it'll be hard for the snotty white werewolves"

It's hard for me to be honest, too.

"(cowardly - but fun)"

Tarwi pulled out yet another one, the sword.


"(Do battles live or die? cowardice and evil roads are the essence of the battle)"

Two swords of Talwi strike me like a two-headed snake.

I saw Talwi's sword shattered. Because he was protecting his face, otherwise he's defenseless. Damage is transmitted over the clothes.

What is this...

I'll take the distance.

Shouldn't I be able to use my skills?


I try to release the spear... but it doesn't activate after all.

If so - once the white wolf fangs are delivered to the sheath, they are not living together!

and pull out white wolf fangs, but the skill is not activated just because it is normally pulled out.

While I was trying and mistaken, Talwi came at a distance and attacked me.

I still see my sword shattered.

On the defensive side.

You have the skills you can use to attack?

"Sounds like the silence tag has expired. Let's see if I can get this over with. The effect of the blood of the beast remains marginal."

"It would help if you could do that. I mean, there's one thing here."

"That's not gonna happen."

Talwi's sword strikes at me, causing more injuries.

Shit, I really lose like this.

The inability to use magic was miscalculation. If I could use magic, I would never lose.

Until now, I have relied too much on magic and skills.

More, we should have fought in a way that did not rely on magic or skills.

(Hmm? Oh, you mean that)

I watch Tarwi's sword move very closely.

I almost got confused by the snake-like sword movement, but it's all an illusion.

"If you shake the pencil, you'll look bent."

I was in a hurry because I thought I could use my skills in a space where I couldn't use them, but I wasn't.

"It was an easy logic. Talwi, your attack is not a skill. A swordsmanship made of technology only."

If I say so, Talwi won't answer.

"Silence is considered affirmative."

"I can't beat you, the sorcerer, just when I know the answer"

"Well, I'll let you use your hands, too."

That's what I said, and Niya laughed.

"No, it's not my wife's hand. Is that the door in front of you?

When I said that, I took the lucky hammer out of the item bag again and punched the door with force.

It sounds amazing, but the door still doesn't deform.

Damn, what kind of material is it made of?



Talwi's got the door. - No, I see signs of it across the door.

Apparently, I noticed.

The door made a noise and slowly opened.

I don't need to look back.

You don't have to look back, I know who's here.

"Thank you for waiting, sir."

"No, it's just the right time, Hal"

From the beginning, I was aware of the possibility of this being a trap.

There's no way I can trust an inspector like that.

I sent the order and told Hal.

Just in case, like you tail me from where I left off.

There is also the presence of the beast man, so that he may come at a distance.

And in front of the temple, when I was locked up, I was sending a preaching order to open the door from the outside if I heard a second hammer.

"I really wanted to get out on my own."

When I said that, Talwi moved at a much faster rate than ever.

I don't know if you used a skill similar to the blood of a beast, or if you've been handing it down so far, or both.


"It's late."

I take Talwi's attack with my sword.


"Bad, it's true this one didn't mean it. Until Hal arrived, I let him play the fight as a time buyer to keep you away."

It was a huge mistake for me to be caught off guard and take a blow, but I still found that if I could even protect my face, there would be no great deal of damage.

"I played a fight. And I've never done anything like that before."

That's when she said, I move at a real rate, slashing her belly. It's a slap.

But that damage should be quite significant.


Oh, I don't need a bare gesture to play a fight.

Because I just didn't change it from a profession of magic specialization.

"The effect of the beast's blood has already expired. Mind you, get caught. I fought the Demon Dragon with you. If there's a situation, I'll ask, and in some cases I'll help."

"... duh, that's sweet. its sweet, i hate it but i like its strength. Damn, I'm afraid. What's the guard position?"

Talwi grins and rubs his mouth despite the fact that he is finally standing.

When I cut the edge of her lips, the blood spread to her cheeks, as a single line.

"Was this stinking liquid also to keep you from realizing that Halwatart had come outside? My nose is useless for a while."

"No, that crumb juice is just harassment"

In the first place, I didn't expect you to feel the smell of Hal out there.

"Your husband, he smells so bad"


Hal, stop saying that, it's like I stink.

"Sorry, Hal. You can wait outside without going inside. If you go out there, you'll smell it with purification."

"Not at all, no matter how much the battle is over, don't you feel nervous"

That's what she said and picked up the sword that was falling.

Me and Hal are on guard, but she keeps her sword in the sheath.

"It's a promise. You should have told me what I was up to."

That's right.

I've done a lot of roundabout that.

"My purpose is the ruin of the world and the salvation of the world"

"The ruin and salvation of the world?

What does that have to do with the end of the world?

Or is it something else altogether?

I don't have much information.

"Soon Malaygulli will be led to ruin"

"I don't know what that means. Tell me more."

When I said that, she took a single bill out of her nostalgia.

I took out the identity of that tag, and I couldn't have pulled out my sword, and I couldn't have made it in this place where my skills were sealed.


My voice was murky, and she broke the bill.

Suddenly, her figure can disappear.

"Your husband, what is it now?"

"Transfer bill...... I think"

But the transfer tag needs to be made in the dungeon, and should only be used in the dungeon you made.

"Is this part of the dungeon?

There shouldn't have been any other entrance that looked like an entrance, but Talwi didn't show up anywhere.

"Hal, hurry back to Maleigulli. I have a bad feeling."

I said - it was then.

"Mr. Hal, Mr. Hal, can you hear me?

Caro's voice was heard from Hal's chest.

Take the call tag that Hal was pinching in his chest.

Why are you pinching it in there? Oh, yes, because it's a place where you don't get in the way and you hear voices, yeah.

"What's the matter, Caro!

"Dear Ichino, are you all right? It's harder than that! Twelve thousand soldiers of the Tsaobar army have been contacted that they have begun an invasion of Maleigulli. '


I don't think Caro would lie.

Is it possible that ruin, led by Maraisgli, is about this?

What the hell is the purpose, Talwi?

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