When it came to protection facilities, they thought it was a secluded building in the suburbs, but it was a big building in the magic district.

They remodeled and built a factory built to create demonic props back in the day.

I had a watch, but after Suzuki showed me the baron's brooch, ran an I.D., and was questioned about me too, I was given permission to enter the building.

I guess it's more scrutiny than the airship dock because that's all the frenzy curse is scary.

"What demonic props were you building?

"Looks like he was making a magic sword"

"You mean the magic blacksmith's workshop?

"Ha, no way. There aren't many magic blacksmiths in the world like that. A blacksmith, an alchemist, a magician, a profession that only allows people to excel in all the different professions in their field."

"Surely the hurdles are expensive."

Without growth cheats, it's going to be difficult.

... If you think so, would a canon with a superb magic blacksmith actually be quite a hard worker? Though it doesn't look like it at all.

"Here, I was experimenting with whether a magic bill written by a demon reporter could be inserted into a sword pattern to create a sword of its own abilities."

"Put the bills on the sword? That sounds interesting."

"Yeah. But it seemed subtle in performance. The effect lasted longer, but the bills were disposable, and it didn't seem like a good idea to buy them."

Right, well, that's subtle. The bill looks expensive.

I asked him what it would do, but it was really subtle.

Once they use the transfer tag, they can automatically escape when the sword breaks in the labyrinth. I thought it would be convenient because you can get out at the same time as you get pinched, but you can't use any other bills while you're putting in the transfer bills, and the effect is thin because the transfer bills are not activated when the sword is bounced off.

But that was still better.

If you use a healing tag, it becomes a sword that deals damage to the slashed opponent and causes them to heal. It may be convenient for torture, but the fight doesn't make sense.

The most elegant way to use it was to attach loud bills.

When we meet with swords with loud bills, they say the sound of swords and swords hitting each other gets very loud and makes the game compelling.

I went to a place where people were under the curse of frenzy.

It was my uncle who was in there everywhere.

The occupation looked like a carpenter, with one watch at the entrance and one inside.

Looks like you're imprisoned rather than protected if you're so tight.

"What about you? Will you look into it again?

"No, we're here to help you. This one is a magician who can use cursing magic. I will decurse the frenzy that affects you."

"True and Awesome!? Thanks"

"Wait, I don't know if I can curse you yet"

That's what I said to the old man who followed me.

I remember the dispel but haven't tried to see if it really works.

"Please. Trapped in a place like this, I've been like, 'Have you seen anyone suspicious lately?' 'Say all the names you know', and at the end of the sentence, 'Isn't your wife an anti-Goddess?' That's right."

Was that what they said?

Sounds like he hasn't been tortured, but you treat him like a criminal.

I'd be so mad if my family was suspected.

I sympathized.

"I can't believe it. If you look up my" age = history of not having a girlfriend, "you'll find out, but you don't have a wife."

Really sympathetic.

I look at men, I cast magic.


A pale light wraps the man up.

But that's not the only change I see.

"This should do it"

When I said that, the man on watch brought a blue liquid and drooled it over the back of the man's hand.

"That medicine changes red if you put it on someone who's cursed."

"Is that like checking starch with iodine fluid?

"You're right, in plain words."

They used this medicine to check for curses.

Well, I was wondering how you found all three of them, but this method would make it easy to find out.

Apparently, a magic research fellow performed a blood test after being able to confirm the existence of a curse. They say blood tests get more information at once than hair appraisals.

Even while Suzuki explained, the liquid in the back of the man's hand did not change.

"The curse has been de-cursed. Please go home."

"Ooh... ooh"

The man is grateful and touches his own hand.

"Thank you. You are the benefactor of life. Thank you very, very much."

"No, never mind"

As I was thanking the man who was crying and drooling over me, I dropped the man out of the room.

In another room the same curse is done and appreciated.

And when I left the room, a little fat man in flashy clothes called out.

"Thank you, Lord Suzuki, Lord Ichinojo. Now you can safely return the innocent home. Guhihihihi."

You're safe...... the two freed were treated as scattered criminals and looked like they were having a lot of hard work.

Puts an uncomfortable face on a man who laughs luxuriously.

It's like a toad laughing.

"Thank you very much for the compliment (don't defy this man because he is the king's direct inspector)"

Suzuki told me, I bowed my head too.

When I snuck up on my profession, I was a civilian.

However, the level is different from normal.

It was level 99.

Since coming to this world, I've seen plenty of people whose profession is civilian, but those people have at least about ten levels. I've never seen anyone go up to level 99.

What the hell, why?

"You can leave now."

The inspector said.

"We've only finished treating two people, though."

I asked.

"The other doesn't need to be treated"


"Right, you'll see when you get into that room. It's not funny to watch."

That's what the inspector said, he led me to my room, and just the two of us inside.

It was a small room.

Apparently it was used as a warehouse, and it was made in this workshop, with a type of sword to put bills in.

There is a small window in that room from which you can see the next room.

Unlike normal rooms, iron plates are affixed to indoor walls.

There was a man inside who was looking into and watching.

[Knight: LV35]

Pretty strong. And a quasi nobleman?

And when I saw someone who would be cursed, I was stunned.


There was a woman about twenty years old.

I have black horns on my head and black wings like bats on my back.

Sitting in a chair, I turned away unexpectedly.

Probably due to a whip.

And the leg part, the tendon, had been slashed.

The clothes seep red and black with blood, and the area where the skin is exposed is scratched. My hair, which would have been beautiful in the beginning, is also worn out and has blood paste on it.

"Terrible... what the hell"

"Nan... she's a demon clan"

That's what Suzuki told me.

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