"Dear Ichinojo, this is the ink I made from immortalized seeds"

Liliana brought the ink she had previously requested.

It's in a small vial.

"Is that all?

"I'm sorry, I'm only half done. And one more time, Mr. Lulina used it."

A single time would be a range of errors. I guess I used it when setting up party settings.

But even if it's half, I think it's pretty little.

The noodles were pretty big, and I thought I could do ten of these vials.

And I think it's been quite a while since I gave you the immersion.

"The ink used to create the Magic Correspondent's bills is laborious and less refined than normal ink."

"Was it? I thought I was writing a novel and couldn't work on it."

"... I was just writing a little during the break"

Were you writing?

Incidentally, the ink Liliana uses seems to be made from coal and oil. They said the oil was made from fruit collected in the woods.

"But Mr. Lulina helped me along, so I went pretty far."

"The level of Lulina's demon reporter was rising because she helped Liliana with her novel..."

But how many books did you write to get to level 10 in just a few weeks?

I think you should move to a novelist.

"Speaking of which, is any oil that makes ink okay?

"No, it doesn't mean anything. Now we make oil around the nuts that we can pick in this world."

Nuts? Few fruit trees should have been fruitful in the woods.

Speaking of nuts where oil can be picked apart from fruit...... oh well. I planted a lot of oak trees, etc. when I built the ship, so I guess I made oil from it.

"Sounds like if you need a type, you can have it."

I take the empty pet bottle out of the item bag.

"Oil Creative"

I used magic and made oil.

At first only one type of oil could be made, but now it is possible to produce oil for massage, salad oil, petrol for generators and several types of oil.

"This is amazing. It's like this, like color, good stickiness and good ink."

"That's a tar."

It's a highly irritating oil, so I don't really want to put it out. But it's closest to ink color, so I put it out for a try.

"Thank you, Master Ichinojo. Now we can go back to making ink."

"Wait a minute, please"

Grab Liliana's root, which is still about to run away.

"What is it? Dear Ichinojo,"

"I'm going to make a demon reporter's bill, you know how to make it?

"All you have to do is cut the paper into rectangles and write the letters as recipe suggests. This is the brush."

Liliana says so and gives me the feather pen.

It is not brand new and seems to be used quite a bit.

"Brand new brushes are hard to use, so use the brushes I use. I have a spare."

"Oh, that helps - by the way, these black feathers"

"Yes, it's chicken feathers. I asked Mr. Pioneer to help me make it too."

Oh, chicken feathers. For a moment, I thought it was crow feathers.

Originally, I've heard that I should use large feathers, but can I even use chicken feathers?

"Right, Nanawat. Send Liliana to the forest house. It's a nice ride."

When I said that, Nanawat, who had finished eating elephant meat, put her on her own back as she lifted her with her neck stuck between Liliana's crotches and her strength exhausted.

"Oh, wait, the oil..."

"Look -"

I wrapped a pet bottle of oil in a big cloth and gave it to him.

"Tell me when you find the easiest oil to use. I'll make it up to you in gallons."

I said jokingly, how much was a gallon?

I don't really remember, but it'll be fine.

"Thank you. Oh, Nanawat, slower, please. No, no, no!

Only the speed is fast.

But Nanawat is used to putting people on, so he won't be shaken off by mistake.

"Um, your husband"

Hal asked sorry.


"Master Ichinojo will have no problem riding Nanawat because he has horseback riding skills, but will Liliana be okay even though she doesn't have horseback riding skills?

"... ah"

Speaking of which, I had horseback riding skills.

Horseback riding is activated automatically not only when horses, but also when riding demons that are suitable for people like dessert runners to ride.

"... Hal, can you go check it out?

"Yes, I'll be right after you"

Hal went after Nanawat.

Yeah, well, you'll be fine.

Nanawat listens to my orders a lot, and I've fed him enough, so he won't be chasing chickens or turtles.

I walked into a log house that was close by. I go in a work shed when I make weapons,

In the meantime, let Sheena III's head, who walks into the log house and sleeps on the bed, eat the chops and sit in the chair in front of the table.

"Huh, it's an enemy attack!

Sheena III got up asleep.

"You're not the enemy. And you, you didn't end up right now."

That's what I said, cut the copy paper in the item bag with scissors and make it a rectangle.

"Enemy Death"

Sheena III says it again.

I told you he wasn't an enemy, he said he was deliberately bluffing for characterization.

If you want to sleep, sleep in your own room.

"When I washed and incorporated the Master's futon, I fell asleep with the smell of the sun, Death"

"There's no sun in my world."

"The smell of the sun smells like dead dandelions, Death."

Sheena III mentioned something outrageous.

What's going on in this guy's head, I want to disassemble it once and take it out... No, you had the dragon nucleus I picked up.

"That's a lie in theory. The truth is, they smell like sweat and sebum breaking down and dissipating. It's a relaxing scent."

"The Master is the Death of Knowledge!

"Yeah, I used to do a lot of research on the futon that that manufacturer was serving in preparation for the interview, trying to get a job with a bedding manufacturer. That's when I learned who the sun smelled like."

"So, did you take the interview?

"No, they dropped me in paperwork review"

I was training for an interview because I didn't have a written exam, but I didn't expect them to drop me just sending the paperwork.

"What do you know about me with a resume?"

"Well, that's good, Death. That's why the master met Halwatart."

"Exactly, but don't let Hal get away with it"

"Because of that, I was able to become master of Sheena III, from Death."

"At that time, I truly thought I would use any hand to get a job."

That's what I twitched.

It's also a pity that the last resort is my sister Conne.

"So, what's the master doing, Death?

"This is it."

I showed him the paper I cut into a rectangle.

"Seventh Eve Death! Sheena wants a can of crab, Death!

"It's not the New Year's Eve. And how about a wish for dinner? Besides, if you want to eat a whole crab instead of a can anyway. Oh, I already have a lot of scratches."

I use a feather pen and write letters on salads and bills.

I don't hesitate to write letters either because of the recipe or because I've never seen them.

Plus, I can write pretty fast thanks to my quickpen skills.

"All right, I got it. It's a telecom bill."

Call bills can talk to distant people in two sets.

Unlike a family order that unilaterally delivers your voice, you can talk for a certain amount of time.

Just fine, try it on Sheena III.

"Sheena, I'm going to experiment with whether you can make a call on this bill, so can you go to the next room?

"Okay, Death! Death Becomes an Experimental Body (guinea pig) for Master!

Think of a way to say it.

Well, I'm not complaining because this is the position we're asking for.

Sheena III went to the next room, so I use the comm card.

"Sheena, can you hear me?

"" Death I hear ""

Because the walls are thin, or Sheena's voice in the next room can be heard together.

All right, the first experiment is a success.

Next, I cast magic.

"Silent Room"

I used life magic that could block the sound.

With this, I can completely block the sound from the outside.

"Sheena, can you hear me?

"Yes, I can still hear you, Death."

I stopped hearing voices from outside the room, but I heard Sheena III.

Seems fine.

Next, he disarmed the silent room (silent room), exited My World and dived into the lowest level of the labyrinth.

"Sheena, can you hear me?

I asked, but I haven't heard back.

"Sheena, can't you hear me?

I still don't have a reaction.

Is this not possible to communicate from Azawald to My World, or from inside the dungeon to outside the dungeon?

I'm back in my world.

Sheena, come here.

I called Sheena III and asked if I heard her for the third time. After all, he didn't get a voice on Sheena III.

She was also speaking from Sheena III, so she can't seem to make any mutual calls.

"Master, can I make a call with My World door open?

"Speaking of which, you didn't try that."

Quickly, I tried to experiment with whether I could use the call tag with My World door open, but the ink on the tag was burning and burning and I couldn't use it.

Can I use it for about three minutes?

"Is communication skills a one-sided voice delivery skill? Well, I guess it's impossible to bring the world together and deliver a voice. What's a setup tag?

"It's a charade you use to use party settings."

"Oh well. Is this the bill to change the party"

That's the bill Lulina made for me.

"What's a range tag? I don't know the most about bills."

"This is the Zadez you use when you're a demon reporter."

"Oh, well, you had that skill"

The backside is a skill that allows you to write and use letters on the table and back of a bill.

The silence tag is the one that turns off the sound, and the loud tag is the one that you use to make your voice louder.

I asked Sheena III that in the space where the silencer was torn, all the volume would be one-tenth, and if something using the loudspeaker spoke, the volume would be ten times higher.

Recording bills seem to be bills that allow you to record and play your voice.

"What are outgoing and receiving bills? It's not like a telecom bill?

"The outgoing and receiving bills are two sets of bills, and the receiving bills can detect where the outgoing bills are located, Death. This lasts about a week since I made it, Death."

"You mean disposable transmitters and receivers. Stalker would be thrilled to have a wiretap."

"I think you can do it with a call bill, Death. If you set up more than one sheet, Death can ask that many times when you want to. Because bills are expensive, no one should use them like that, Death."

"Huh? Are the bills expensive? I thought there were no stores for sale."

"So is the cost of raw materials Death, but the ink is high Death. The doctor who can dispense medicine for demon reporters is quite high level, and he said it would take a day to dispense a dose of ink from Death."


So, I guess people used to be pretty rich trying to print massive bills of demon reporters in the border town of Dacat, hiring massive quantities of pharmacists.

"Hmm? I mean, is Liliana actually good?

"From Dark Elf Death. With so much basic magic, it's easier to combine and raise levels in large quantities than humans (fumes), Death."

Yeah, speaking of which, I was about to run out of magic when I raised my alchemy level, too. Caro also had a hard time with that when he was a Level 1 pharmacist. Is that right, Dark Elves have a lot of MP so it's easy to raise the level of formulation as well?

"Sir, we're back."

"Hal, welcome back. Was Liliana okay?

"Yes, it seemed fine. I was falling looking around in front of the house, so I brought it to my room."

That's not okay.

I was reviewing Liliana until just now.

Afterwards, I made several different types of bills that might be used, such as recovery bills and attack bills.

I think it can be used for Caro's self-defense, and it seems like it can be used instead of the Hal's potion when it comes to having to. See, drinking potion when you're full is a pain, isn't it?

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