I asked Lulina to set me up for a party. Liliana prepared ink for the demon reporter's bills.

I was supposed to be talking about not being able to set up a party because I don't have a demon reporter, and I asked him, and he said Lulina moved to a demon reporter to take the level.

I heard the Demon Reporter's level up is about writing letters, but how did he get to the level when he didn't have any growth cheats?

"So, let me focus on discovering and unlocking traps, are you sure you want to just give me some experience?

Larrael asked. She currently wears the knitted hat her mother used to wear to hide her ears. It was inside the item bag that Miri brought.

Larrael seems sorry because her rep is searching for and disarming the trap in this dungeon offense.

As for the fight, the play until just now will be void and I will join in.

"No, it's easy for us to fight thanks to Larrael's dedication to the trap. We're all defenseless against traps, and even if we distribute it to Larrael, we'll have enough experience."

When I defeat the demon, I get twenty times more experience, and when Hal and Caro defeat the demon, I get four times more experience.

The distribution of EXP is first of all a way for those who defeat the demon to get half of it and distribute the other half to all the parties.

As a result, people like Larrael who are thorough in their support gain less experience and are less likely to increase their level.

If the magician's level reaches 80, he can acquire a state abnormality recovery magic called dispel, but only a few people in the world are acquiring that magic, and I'm sure it matters around there. It would be difficult for a magician to stab a demon in a normal battle.

"Besides, if I let you into the party, you'll be freed to a second profession."

Currently, in addition to his original elf archer, Larael attaches a trapper, the top position of trapper, to his second profession. He's level one now, but if he gets to the next level, he'll have more skills about traps.

We continued our quest for the dungeon and arrived on two levels.

On one level, the rest of the crate was just a trap set near the stairs, but on two levels we found four traps. What a pitfall one of them was.

"Is this going through three tiers?

Silver coins are fixed in the same shaped pit as the patchy open floor. They said it was a trick that would fall if they came close to picking up silver coins.

"Sounds like it. If it had fallen defenseless, it wouldn't have been free."

"Right. I could have screwed up my ankle - but you can dig a hole a lot. Labyrinth walls and floors are really hard, aren't they?

"Because that's the trapdoll stunt. Mr. Larael, please."


Larrael uses tools to cleverly remove the frame of the pit. Then something like white cream emerges from the side of the hole drilled in the dungeon floor, blocking it all up. And the color of the cream quickly changed to earthy, the same color as the other floors.

Touch the restored floor and it's still a little soft.

"Wow. Really, the dungeon is alive."

I heard about what was left in the dungeon being taken in by the dungeon, but the floors that are thus restored also surprise me again.

If I thought so, I could hear the kacha kacha and metal bumping into each other.

What showed up was moving armor (living mail). It is similar in shape to the moving armor (Automata) invented by Mr. Daijiro.

"There won't be any bills in there,"

To that extent, you could take him down with a petite thunder - and I set up an acrapios wand, but Larael stops.

"Dear Ichinojo, there's a trap in that moving armor (Living Mail). Take a little more distance before attacking."

"There's a trap in your armor? Okay."

The moving armor (Living Mail) moves slowly, so we ran and took our distance.

"Petite Thunder"

A piece of thunderous magic pierced the moving armor (Living Mail).

At that moment, there was an explosion. Not a great deal of power, but it wouldn't have been unharmed if it had exploded at close range.

[Ichinojo's level increased]

[Magician Skill: Healing Magic ● improved his skills to Healing Magic ●]

"Cure Circle - Extensive Low Condition Anomaly Recovery Magic"

Sounds like you could use it when you have mass food poisoning.

"Master, it's Demon Stone and Ingot"

"Thanks, Hal"

I received the demon stone and ingot with my right hand and stroked Hal's head with my left hand.

The hem of the yukata is shaken. Looks like he's waving his tail again.

Being angry right after praise is like raising and dropping it, so I stopped paying attention this time.

"Um, do the Halwatarts attack the dungeons with their clothes all the time?

Sure, a dungeon offense would be strange in a yukata.

But previous clothes weren't special clothes either, they were just everyday clothes.

"Well, I don't think Hal would get hurt in case an enemy of this magnitude"

The truth is, I want Hal to have sturdy armor and shields, but she doesn't want to wear anything heavy because of her speed oriented fighting style.

"Then you'll have to wear a sturdy cloth"

"No matter how sturdy or soft the cloth, if it comes under sword or magic, I'll be with you."

Besides, clothes made of thick cloth seem to be hard to move, and I still hate Hal.

"Then maybe you should make clothes the same way we do. 'Cause if you can't at least prevent it like a sword, you'll be in trouble."

"" "Huh?

Not only me, but Hal and Caro seemed to be the first to hear it, and I asked back.

It was as if the dark elves' clothes would have prevented an attack by the sword.

"Yes, if you make clothes with dark elf secrets, you can flush shocks and slaughter across the board"

"Really? Can I touch you for a second?

"Yes, anywhere you like"

That's what they said, yes, well, then let me touch your chest - not the kind of guy you could say, so I let him touch your shoulder.

With a silky touch, it doesn't look like it can absorb the attack.

"Doesn't it weigh or something?

"I don't think it's any different than regular clothes"


This can be worn by a speed-oriented hull or a powerless caro.

Finally, I wear light armor too, but other than that, I want to wear it because I'm defenseless. I've been worried lately that my magic might be too powerful to burn my clothes in the aftermath.

Just in time.

"But it's a dark elf secret, isn't it? Can you tell me?

"It was a secret, to make the fight a little more advantageous when it became a battle to protect the golden tree. You don't have to keep it a secret when you let us live in My World, Master Ichinojo"

"Is that true, too? Well, do me a favor. Do you have what you need?

"You don't need the material because it can be picked in My World. I plan to ask for the cooperation of Master Pioneer, may I?

"Oh. I'm sure of his clothes-making arm. It would be helpful if you could make it look less like our everyday clothes."

Hal and Caro in yukata are attractive too, but they still seem more attractive with their regular clothes.

Further down the dungeon, there was a room with six crates.

Two of those chests were open and four were closed, but there were signs of enemies from all four of them. Mimic, I guess.

Apparently there's no sign of a trap.


Hal unleashes a slash in a ranged attack.

The chest smashed to pieces. At the moment of crushing, a black one appeared in the chest wearing a white surface like a noble surface. Apparently, that was Mimic's main body.

Apparently the contents are still alive even though the crate was broken, and the surface is looking at this one.

You saw your buddy get hit, the three remaining crates opened at the same time, and a black thing popped up wearing a white side as well.

"That's disgusting. It's like slime."

"The chest is an outer shell and the contents are said to be viscous - evolutionary slime. You're like a snail. And by the way, there's been some discussion in the Society about why we're wearing the surface, but we don't know the answer."

"I don't know what kind of snails are alive when they destroy a shell."

I was poisoned when I heard Caro explain. The snail shell doesn't get very naked.

"If left alone, in a few days the surface of the body will solidify and form a chest," he said.

Hal put up his sword and said.

More miscellaneous about Mimic.

Is the part of the chest like skin?


Caro used magic - shortly afterwards, one Mimic was attacked by a Mimic whose crate was broken. The magical effect of her charm caused her to break with others.

They're all filled with gaps in unexpected fellow attacks.

"Petite Stone, Petite Fire, Petite Water, Petite Wind"

I unleashed the magic of four attributes on four mimics, and it's all hit.

I took out three mimics.

"Mimic is resistant to earthly and dark attributes. The weaknesses are fire and light."

"Bye, Petite"

He was overkill for a dying Mimic, and instantly Mimic could disappear.

"... Master Ichinojo is amazing. Usually, once you use magic, you need cool time."

Larrael honors me with a surprise third, a praise third, and a shudder third.

"Oh, normally I don't seem to be able to, but I can ignore cool-time when it comes to magic. I can't use the same magic in a row."

Master Coschomare said it seems to be caused by his liberation to the fifth profession.

Because magic can be used at the same time, a magic blend that would otherwise require special skills can be performed. When I first went, it was the town of Belasura.

Petite water and petite fires were used to create hot water.

At that time, I never thought I was using advanced magic.

"Dear Ichinojo, the level of trapper has increased and we now know where the trap is extensively"

"Oh, that helps. So, are there any traps around here?

"Yes, slightly. But the trap seems to be concentrated on the lower tier."

Concentrating on the lower hierarchy?

"Do you know which neighborhood?

"Just below this room."

Right down there - then it's convenient.

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