"Hal and Caro for a while, you two fight me"

"Doesn't your husband fight?

Hal asked strangely when I made a suggestion while changing my second profession to a magician.

"I'm not going to fight to the third tier for now. I want you to know how strong Hal and Caro are."

I'm a little nervous about Caro's strength. Even though how much she is freed up to the second profession and the status of the two professions adds up, the pharmacist is a non-combatant position, and the Queen of Dreams is a magical position.

Physical defense values are less than one-third of those of Hull.

"Caro asks me to use the fire ring I gave him and the magic attack. Never get close to demons. Right, we'll go in game format anyway."

"Is it a game format?

"It's about three meters. If a demonic or demonic attack approaches within about three meters of Caro, I'll move. If anything moves like me, Hal and Caro lose. Conversely, if it's all over without my turn, it's Hal and Caro winning. If Hal and Caro win, how about a reward?

"" I'll do it!

Two eyes emit a strong light.

Oh, that?

I'm so anxious to be so motivated? Before this, the pancakes I made with Sheena III were popular, so now let's fry the doughnuts? I've been thinking about it, but that's not the only atmosphere I can do.

One tier of the labyrinth, it was the slime that suddenly appeared.

And it's not just slime. The passage is filled with slime. Moreover, the body of the slime is translucent but too thick to visually know where the nucleus is.

Slime is hard to fight for Hull because physical attacks are hard to work with?

When I thought, my tentacles stretched endlessly from the slime and attacked us.

No matter how narrow the passage, the width of the passage is nearly five meters. You won't be able to cut everything off with a dagger.

Is that my turn now? When I thought, Hal instantly cut off all the tentacles.

Did the effect of the blade of the wind and the dragon fangs of the flame cause the blade of wind flame to roll up and burn out the tentacles?

But can we just keep using the magic of the dagger?

The magic of a dagger is not inexhaustible. Given the possibility of slime coming out this way, shouldn't we still back off once?

New tentacles are growing and moving.

It was when I tried to say that.


Caro cast his magic.

Then the tentacle movement stopped.

The magic of sleep.



Speak more magic than Caro has ever heard.

But was it underdevelopment? Nothing happens.

But that was a mistake.

The magic effect had already been activated.

[Ichinojo's level increased]

Yeah, my level's up - I mean, the slime's dead.

That was the proof that Slime's body disappeared to be swallowed by the dungeon, and only a large jelly-shaped ball, like a large demonic stone and a nucleus of Slime, remained on the spot.

"Caro, what's going on?

"It's magic that takes away the MP of the sleeping opponent. Because magical creatures cannot live without magic. I hope I take it, but it doesn't mean Caro's MP will recover. Before, when Ichino defeated the dragon, it was one of the magic of dreams."

Sounds like a dream demon queen's skill.

"There's no evidence left, and you're suitable for assassination. Could it be the strongest?

"If you are a normal organism, you will not die if you become magically depleted. Besides, golems and gargoyles don't sleep."

"Huh? Golem doesn't sleep? With a whistle tone or something."

"You don't sleep. Maybe the ability to sleep doesn't exist in the first place."

That's right. Surreal if you think about the golem snoring and sleeping.

"Is it the same that the pioneers don't sleep?

"The pioneers just don't need to sleep, they can sleep, so it's different."

Right, Nite will be sleeping on the bed in the suite soon, too.

However, those guys have state anomaly invalidation skills, so the sleep won't work.

Further after defeating the slime, there was a chest.

It's a chest that feels like a THE crate.

There are no signs of demons. It doesn't seem like a mimic.

Still, a crate?

"Caro, I've never seen a crate before, but who keeps that one?

"It is the labyrinth that produces the chest. It exists only in labyrinths that are difficult to reach to the lowest levels, like a labyrinth for advanced people. If you don't let a human enter the labyrinth, it's difficult to circulate your temper, so they say that's why. Incidentally, there are gemstones and precious ores inside."

Well, I guess the only reason I've never seen a crate before is because there was no advanced labyrinth in the labyrinth I attacked.

"I'll open it."

That's what Hal said and put his hand on the chest.

"Is it possible that a trap is being set?

"It's not the first time a trap has been set in a low-tier chest"

When Caro said that, Hal's hand moved.

"Hal!? What happened?

"An arrow jumped out of the chest. I managed to grab..."

"Oh, I can't believe there's a trap in a low-tier chest"

That's what Caro said and looked at the chest.

Inside the crate, along with Topaz's original stone, was like a bowgun.

When I opened the chest, the arrow seemed to be set free.

Master Ichino, this is an emergency.

"Ah... I knew it was"

That's what I say. Remove the bowgun.

Yeah, this is going to sell.

Something's been going on lately with all the emergencies, and my stomach's about to sag.

"Yes, a rare demon of the first-degree crusade - a trapdole is likely to be occurring"

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