After the bookstore, I headed to the meeting place where Suzuki was waiting for me.

Outside Goats Rocky, Suzuki and Porch were the only ones waiting.

"Suzuki, wait. What happened to the Miles?

Are there no hidden places around you, or are you even shopping?

"They went on foot to the Cathedral of Cupirus Hill before they were set to go for Marais Gurli. Look, for Miles, it's a sanctuary over there, so he wants to go once. Nan Kun, what happened to Mr. Halwatart and the others?

"Hmm, I say it's you, but I can use the magic of summoning my people. So I'm just gonna go to Maraisgli and then I'm gonna call you both with that magic."

"Right... but I'm relieved. I thought you were depressed, Nan."


Speaking of which, I didn't tell Suzuki that Sheena III was reborn as an artificial human "cyborg".

But, what do you think, I might have trouble letting her meet Sheena from the man-made human Cyborg and find out she's not a machine, she's close to Homunculus. If we talk about homunculus, we're going to have to talk about the goddess and even the existence of jobless skills.

Or, if I let him see Sheena III right now, he might get bored.

"Oh... it's like the backup software for Sheena III, the card Suzuki gave me. I think I can fix it because of that."

"Yeah, what the hell! That's good...... I'm so glad"

Suzuki said that with real pleasure.

"When Sheena's fixed, let me thank you."

"Oh, then... na"

Sheena III's pounding won't fix it, but, well, if I can fix the bollocks, I'll have to introduce them to Joffrey and Elise as well.

"But without the Miles, maybe the Hulls should have come with us. I was worried about the capacity, and I was reluctant."

"Oh, yeah. Actually..."

Suzuki seemed sorry for me, for me - no, pointing behind my back.

Looking back, those who walk from the side of the city.

... It was Joffre, Elise, and Centaur.

What is that? What, Joffrey and Elise, who were always the only ones in charge of good health, but their faces are sinking today.

What's this all about?

No, I don't even have to ask.

I guess you care that Sheena III blew herself up. Do you want me to tell these guys that we're going to be able to fix Sheena III?

"Joe, I need a favor."

"- Please? What's wrong, suddenly?"

"Whatever you want, give me some food"

"We reminded ourselves that we haven't eaten much here lately."

I feel like it's only my heart.

These guys were in the cave the whole time until we saved them from the lake, weren't they?

"Is that it? But you guys didn't eat in town? You got the money for the Demon Dragon Crusade, didn't you?

Fighting the Demon King Dragon, Centaur was very active, so Suzuki suggested it, and it should have happened.

My reward was dragon nucleus, so it was irrelevant.

"Nan, you're a while away from getting paid. Because prey is prey. It'll take time to assess."

"Well, if you'd told me, I'd have lent you about money. Well, now it's food."

When I snort like that, I wonder if there's anything from the item bag.

"Joffrey, Elise, you don't hate anything, do you?

"Right, we don't eat rotten things"

"I guess I don't eat bugs"

"Well, then exclude the rotten ones and the bugs and think... you can squeeze quite a few"

"" Can you squeeze!? "

Rarely does Joffrey and Elise turn to the scratch.

There are many insects in the food that Mili brought. Where in Japan did you buy red ant eggs? So much so that there's even food. According to Kaimodan, they can eat in Thailand and elsewhere. Also, there were many fermented foods that were not rotten but had a unique odor. Naturally, think about it by excluding it.

"Can I have bread normally? There you go."

I gave Joffrey and the others a whole kilo of bread.

Shortly after, he was eaten by Centaur.

"Spit it out, spit it out, Centaur! That's our meal!

"We haven't eaten in days. Please."

...... what the hell, it's a very nostalgic exchange.

Yes, there was a similar exchange when Centaur ate a rare medal in the Labyrinth of Velasla.

"You still have a great appetite. Originally, Slowdonkey is famous as a livestock that doesn't really need a meal."

The sobbing joffreys.

"... where?

"Yeah... well, you mean there's an exception"

"Assuming Centaur spits out the bread, you can't eat anymore. There's more. Eat this way."

I had no choice, so now I decided to give Joffrey and Elise the right bread.

Peel off the vinyl and give it to both of you.

"Oh, thank you, Joe!

"Thanks, Joe."

"" I've never had such soft bread!

They both seem happy with the bread again.

"Speaking of which, Joffrey. You used to call yourself" Me, "didn't you? Why did you become 'me'?

"Because this one looks more like an adventurer! Even before you became a bandit, you said 'me' when you were an adventurer!

"That's a shallow reason..."

"Huh? Joffrey, were you a bandit?

"I don't care what you call a bandit. What a bandit. I'm not depraved of my profession, I'm quitting before I do anything wrong."

"Do you want some bread too, Suzuki? Shiga's specialty salad bread, Kochi's specialty hat bread?

Some of the item bags that Milli left behind were full of specialty breads from all over the country.

Some items were quite old due to consumption deadlines, so I guess I used to store and store my old purchases in different spaces.

"I don't know. There is also a limit to the poison deactivation time."


"By the way, that's the bread you two are eating, right? Though I've seen it as a child."

"Oh, it's smart bread that we boomed all over Japan before we were born."

It's for the students.

Most importantly, this bread is a bread that activates the brain and improves memory, so it never means the idiot will heal. There was no medicine to put on the fool.

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