We got off in front of Mount Landau.

Walking through a deserted village, to the field, a large hemp bag was placed that had not been there before.

I can imagine what's in it, because of its size.

I guess the Demon King dragon did it to me.

We clapped and prayed silently.

You're not only interested in Talwi, you're looking at the village without silent prayer.

"Associate Baron Ichinojo!

The soldiers of the kingdom of Shiralaki are coming to me.

I looked familiar.

A soldier who stopped me in a jar on his way through the Great Forest to Dwarf's village.

"Why are you here?

"When we heard about the old dragon being struck down, we were nearby. We came to carry that material, too, and there the demon king dragon showed up and..."

"Really? -"

Well, were these the soldiers of the Marquis of Eutings who witnessed the Demon King Dragon?

"I'm glad you're all right."

"No, after the demon dragon showed up, we headed to Lake Landau, so fortunately, no casualties -"

"No victims? But what about that hemp bag?

I asked, pointing to a human sized hemp bag placed in the field.

"Oh, that's the fertilizer the villagers asked me to bring."

"It's confusing!

We were clapping for fertilizer.

Did Tarwi not clap because he found out because of the smell?

"Was Hal aware?

"Yes, because your husband had received Tianwei from Master Coshomale, I thought he was praying to Master Coshomale, who is also a goddess of farming by putting his hands together the fertilizer perfectly"

That's not true.

I just remembered that Lady Coschomare told me about the farming god.

In my heart, I only said Oak Goddess.

"Is the Demon King Dragon in Lake Landau?

"Yep. They won't come up after we get in the back of the lake"

"At the bottom of the lake - or in a cave in Mount Landau from the lake."

We headed to Lake Landau.

Miles decides to have them wait here.

I thought it was a little cute to fold my wings and walk nicely.

The lake was still eating aquatic plants by Sioux, but it's weird.

"The number is decreasing"

Obviously that number was decreasing.

About two thirds before?

"There's still the smell of blood"

"I feel it, too. It must have been eaten by the Demon King Dragon."

Hal and Tarwi said, feeling the smell sensitive as well.

"But why aren't the Sioux Gyus here running away when the Demon King Dragon said they had company eaten? Normally you run away, don't you?

Suzuki asked.

But the answer is already out there.

"I have Sioux Gew's disease. It's a disease that infects Sugie only, and if she gets that disease, she loses her fear. Even if my buddy gets eaten in front of me, Sugie won't get away with it. What do you say? If I use it as bait for my pouch. It's harmless to eat, isn't it?

"... no, I'll stop. I don't want to eat here and inspire the Demon Dragon."

Suzuki shook her head.

Well, you are.

I joked too.

But Sheena III didn't seem to be the only one taking it as a joke.

"Cow Pot Death! Try banging me on the head and it tastes like civilized openness, Death!

"You really like pot."

"Ha ha, the taste of civilized openness? My ex said, 'If you hit half your hair, you'll hear a causal relief. Tap on your total hair and you'll hear a royal retreat. Try banging on your head and you'll hear the sound of civilized openness', right?

Suzuki puts in the correction.

Was it that long of a poem?

I only know the last part of my head.

"What does that mean?

Hal asks, Suzuki answers.

"This is a poem that takes a lot of hard work to change a human condensed habit."

"Sure, it's hard to change the old system. Making something new means we have to break something now."

Say something like Talwi figured out.

Need to break something...?

If it can be repaired and used without bothering to destroy it, I think that's fine.

"Well, why don't you ask that machine doll (Automata) to check the lake first?"

Talwi said it, but I denied it.

"No, I'll check from the top of the lake first."

That's what I said.

"Ice cream!

Of the lake, I partially froze where Sugie wasn't and jumped on top of it.

And activate the eagle's eyes.

The viewpoint switches to underwater.

"Hey, what are you doing?

Talwi's voice was heard.

"I'm observing underwater with my skills... Ah!

"Nan, did you find anything?

I can hear Suzuki.

What was there was Sugieu's bones and some meat.

The prototype remains, barely corrupt.

They would have just eaten it.

"I found the leftovers of the Demon Dragon."

Apparently, there's no doubt that the Demon King Dragon is here.

I took a closer look at the lake.

Then, there is a large horizontal hole, where there is also the eating of Sugieu.

This horizontal hole was a different hole from where the old dragon was. Didn't you find it the last time you checked because you were hiding in the aquatic plants?

"There was a horizontal hole"

I turn my perspective back and use wind magic to move the ice right over where the entrance to the horizontal hole was.

I tried to look further back, it was then.

I found it.

"There he is! It's the Demon Dragon!

I saw a moving shadow in the water.

"Like my turn, Death. Hey!

Sheena III brackets Arakorn around her body, wrapping aquatic plants around her arms, saying such silly things.

"This isn't the same as when we were jewel turtles."

"It's okay, Death! Sheena has a means of escape in case of emergency, Death!

He didn't even ask me to stop him, and Sheena III jumped into the lake.

That idiot!

"Hal! Suzuki! Pull it up right now!

I'm trying to send instructions to Hal and Suzuki and Sheena III, but...

No one has a wilderness rope. Then who's got the rough rope?

"Oh, Pooch!

The guy from Sheena III, by the way, bracketed a wilderness rope on the tail of a pouch. When the hell?

Porch soared.

At the same time, signs are approaching from the bottom of the lake.

Pulled by Porch, Sheena III suddenly surfaced. But the signs I felt are not from Sheena III. Sheena III is a machine doll (Automata), so I can't feel the signs.

If so, the only sign I felt was the Demon King Dragon.

"They're coming!

I scream like that, but it's weird.

There is not one sign that it will come close. There are three.

No way - there are three Demon King dragons?

The next moment, Sheena III suddenly surfaced with it.

"I don't know. I took it, Dodes!

Sheena III proclaimed herself exalted.

- Take Centaur, Joffre and Elise.

"Why are you guys fishing? Yikes!

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