In the meantime, I was to tell everyone in My World about the exorcism of the Demon King Dragon.

"You're in luck. We saved you the trouble of going to the Eastern Continent."

"I'm worried about people from nearby villages."

Hal seems to be nagging because he wants to fight.

Caro is worried about the villagers, but he doesn't need to worry about you.

"Those villagers, with the money they got from selling the old dragon, they say it's time for all the villagers to go on a hot spring trip, so it's okay. I've heard it from the mercenary guild master, so I'm pretty sure."

"... worried and lost"

Yeah, I know how you feel. I felt just as worried and lost.

"Is it the Demon King Dragon..."

Listening to me, Larrael shrugged.

Larael, you know what?

"Yes. The Demon King Dragon - you're a dragon called to have a dark scale and two red horns. It has been passed down orally by earlier generations of Dark Elf chiefs. It was a long time ago, so they said you wouldn't be on this continent anymore, but you were still there."

Speaking of which, Lake Landau and the Great Forest are close, and the Dark Elves have a long life span. Is that kind of inheritance still there?

"Is there a weakness or something? If you stick a sword between your eyebrows, you'll die."

"I think if you stick your sword between your eyebrows, most animals will die."

"I'm sure Larael's right...... you've had this exchange during this time"

Doesn't information work in this world that dragons have weak eyebrows?

So, is there some other weakness?

Like reverse scales?

Oh, is that where I get angry when I touch it?

Me and Hal, Caro and I headed to the rendezvous place.

Meeting point is Mercenary Guild meeting room.

I got 30 minutes before the time I promised.

When I walked indoors, a set of - four adventurers were waiting for me first, even though I said I had half an hour left until the promised time.

"" "Ah!

The three of us found them first and raised our voices unexpectedly

"" "" Ah!

The four of them raise their voices again when they realize it.

That's where I was.

"Isn't that Suzuki!

"Nan Jun!? Really, it was Nan Jun's party that got the request!

I shake hands with Suzuki.

He is Kota Suzuki.

Like me, he was a Japanese who had transferred to this world and once met him in Dakat and fought the demonic pandemic with him.

All three women with Suzuki are familiar.

Miles is the one wearing nun clothes.

The swordsman woman is Cancy.

The toddler girl holding the stuffed animal is Shreil.

Miles of professions have changed from [apprentice magician] to [magician]. Other professions have not changed. Remains [Swordsman] and [Mage].

There is another major change, not just in the profession of miles.

They're all slaves to Suzuki... I thought so.

"Is that it? None of the three of you are wearing slave collars?

Yes, all three of them had crisp necks.

"Yeah, there's a lot going on. They've all been freed from slavery."

"Was it? Neither do I."

When I said that, I let Caro take off the collar of the slave he was modifying into an accessory.

Hearing that, the three women of Suzuki's companion looked at me with unexpected eyes.

The three of them watched me, like a hippo, so I guess they were surprised to hear I let Hull and Caro go.

Oh, boy.

We still have until the promised time, so we all decided to eat cup noodles for now.

The guy from Suzuki used to only eat stretched noodles.

"Sheena III pours hot water, Death"

"Oh, can I take care of that? Oh, there's no spitting hot water out of your mouth. There's a pot of hot water in the item bag, so pour it."

When I said it, Sheena III closed her mouth wide open. Looks like he was going to get some hot water out of his mouth after all.

I'm learning too.

"Why do I have you? Yikes!

I was putting a scratch in Sheena III pouring hot water in a solemn pot.

"Death from the beginning?

No, no, there's no way, is there?

"I've been there since the beginning," Hal said.

"You were there from the beginning," Caro said.

"Yeah, I thought you were the first kid to see it," Suzuki said.

"I thought you had beautiful hair," Miles said.

"I wasn't interested in us because we didn't seem very strong," said Cancy.

"... I just got candy balls... corny," said Shreil.

Just me!?

I'm the only one who didn't notice.

Hal and the others thought I was coming with them with permission.

"What are you really doing? Yikes!

"Talk about the Demon King Dragon, Death I was listening to!

"No, but you weren't there then."

That's for sure. Sheena should have slept in her room.

"I was listening closely, Death"

That's what Sheena III said, and she took something that looked like a machine on my back.

Were you bugged?

It's really a machine doll (Automata) with lots of features.

"It's Sheena III! Mechanical Doll (Automata) Death! The Demon King Dragon could be at the bottom of the lake. From Death, I'll leave your investigation to this Sheena III!

Sheena III introduced herself to everyone.

"Machine Doll (Automata)? Really?

Can't you believe Suzuki, stare at Sheena III?

Seeing how that Suzuki behaved, the three Miles gave a grumpy look.

Even the Machine Doll (Automata) opponents don't like it when a man they like looks at a woman other than themselves. As always, this guy is harem...... so is that a grand boomerang?

"True Death. This is the evidence death."

Sheena III took her neck off and showed it to her.

What you're doing is with a robot made by Dr. (Doctor), who just ramps.

"True... I thought this world was a fantasy world, but is it a world with SF elements as well? Maybe we can travel time or something."

Suzuki started discussing something.

But this Sheena III is a little fuzzy, even if SF is SF, not science fiction. I'm a resident of Dr. F. 's world view. What I'm doing is a worldview of Dr. T.

"That's not what you're saying. You have to be asleep."

"It's okay, Death. I was listening, Death. As long as we get the Dragon Nucleus, we're done fixing Sheena III, right, Death? Then a little impotence doesn't go into impotence, Death."

That might be true.

Besides, it is also true that Sheena III does help in the search for the bottom of the lake.

However, I do not intend to let you explore the Demon King Dragon. She's going to put that demon dragon in charge of the salvage if it sinks to the bottom of the lake after defeating it.

"Don't just be lame."

"So it's a deathbed that doesn't go into impotence."

Sheena III laughed Kerakera.

Look at that face,

"You really don't look like a robot."

That's what Suzuki says, holding a red tanuki in his hand. Shreil and Caro imitated that as well.

Suzuki looks like Tempura is a rear rider, and he hasn't put it inside. The same goes for Shreil.

Caro was putting tempura in first.

And the three open the lid at the same time.

"Master Ichino, excuse me first"

"Oh, taste it and eat it."

Suzuki and Caro cleverly used chopsticks and Shreil started eating buckwheat with a fork.

"I've only had 10% buckwheat noodles, but this is delicious too"

Suzuki said that.

I know I can only eat 10% buckwheat because I was allergic to wheat, but I was a little upset.

They say that the only buckwheat I eat is the three balls and 90 yen I sell in the supermarket.

And, two minutes later, the Red Tight and the La Emperor could also be done.

Hal and Miles, who took the La Emperor, eat in the soup of a back-ride.

"This tastes very intense - Master, may I add dried meat?

"Oh, good."

I don't expect the stock to come out immediately after adding the dried meat, but I know how it feels to look extravagant when there is more meat, so I allowed it.

"Oh, good. Can I have one of ours?

"Oh, Hal, there's a lot of them, so split them up a little bit"

"Yes, sir."

Hal gives the dried meat to Cancy.

And while eating dried meat, Cancy ate a large fry of oil.

"Is this tough meat?"

No. Did you mistake the candy guy, the tight udon, for having tight meat in it?

The fried oil is made of soy, so think of it as meat from the field and eat it.

That's what I thought, and I ate fried oil, too.

The stock is well stuck and delicious.

There are a lot of cup noodles, so I divided them into a little Suzuki.

Mix the cup baked noodles and the cup oil buckwheat.

Instead, I had a luxury duck named Simo Frikamo split. They say the amount of meat is about three kilos, and this alone makes 50,000 sence.

Cup noodles and fine meat - what's the high rate deal?

That's just bad, so I gave them tomatoes and other vegetables instead.

Let's all eat again.

If I thought so, Hal's ears moved piquely and he suddenly stood up.

"Hal, what's up?

"This smell, I felt it before -"

Hal sees the entrance to the door.

Someone's signs are coming up.

And the person came in.

"If you think it smells good enough, were you eating?"

A grown-up woman dressed in silver armor. Is he about thirty years old? There are ancient wounds on both cheeks like they were caught by a beast, which, unlike a tutu, entails the atmosphere of a real mercenary of war.

And the best characteristic - that means she was a white werewolf.

White, long hair bound behind, and characteristic beast ears.

If there was a similar race called the White Dogs, I wouldn't know, but it would be the White Wolves.

The White Wolves will not be surprised if the White Wolves on the Brave Side remain in the Southern Continent and mercenarize, because the story is that they fought divided into the Demon King's side, the Brave Side.

I looked at the profession.

[Beast Warrior: Level 104]

The occupation is the same beast warrior as Hull, but the level is over 100.

I don't know if the upper limit of the Beast Warrior's level is over 100, or if he used an upper limit breaker.

Hull's current level is 85.

(If it's just local power, Hal with a second occupation status might be a little stronger...)

But given the experience not on the level, if you fight with one hit, there's a chance Hal will lose.

"Surprised. I didn't think there was a white werewolf other than me. Besides, it smells like a warrior of war that year."

"I was surprised, too. It's been over a decade since I've met the same White Wolf tribe. My name is Halwatart."

"I'm Talwi. You're the Icino Joe and the Coata. [M] I have heard more from the Alliance Master. You think they're both the owners of Masterful Injustice?"

That's what Talwi says, shakes hands with us.

Did Stefania appreciate me that way?

I've only seen you twice, but don't get a little lighted up when you appreciate me that much.

"Dear Ichino, may I have your ear?"

Caro whispers beside me.

"Mercenary Talwi. They say he's the best mercenary in this country. If we go into a match, the troops she's in won't lose, and the record goes up to eighty straight wins or something."

The best mercenary in the country - is she?

"So, Mr. Talwi. I'd like to ask you one thing about this request, this request, why this number? If the Demon Dragon is your opponent, it's not weird to fight in the army, is it?

Suzuki asked.

Speaking of which, I guess. The first person to witness the Demon King Dragon was the Marquis Eutings' unit.

Then it is not mundane if the soldiers of the kingdom of Shiralaki are fighting.

"It lies in the ability of the Demon King Dragon. The Demon King Dragon has the power to disable below a certain amount of damage...... right, my others in this are Ichinojo and Cota, Halwatart. These three will damage the Demon Dragon."

"Wait a minute! Are you saying we're weak?

It was Cancy who complained.

Cancy will soon have the swordsman at level 59.

Never weak.

No, I'd rather say it's pretty strong.

He was originally a gladiator, and he would have a fighting sense.

But still, there is undeniably a huge difference compared to Suzuki and Hull.

"Weak. No matter how good the sword moves -"

Before Talwi finished saying it, Cancy pulled out her sword.

The battle was momentary.

Cancy's sword was broken by the sword Tarwi pulled out.

The speed was considerable.

"I can't flip an overwhelming difference in status"

Status violence.

It was something I always did.

Cancy stared at her broken sword and threw it down on the spot.

"... Shit, I didn't think there was a difference so far. Our loss."

Cancy, did you also realize that your strength would not extend to Talwi, or that that sword would not reach Talwi?

Still, I couldn't help but be sure of my strength.

I couldn't get away with anything and tried to show my strength whenever possible - I guess.

So Talwi didn't say anything about Cancy pulling out her sword.

I guess she knows. Cancy's remorse.

"We'll let Shreil and Caro and I go around to voicemail. Take the miles. People who can use healing magic better stay close."

"Right - and you're not human. Breathing sounds, I can't feel my anger"

"Yes Death! Sheena III is a Machine Doll (Automata) Death!

Sheena affirms.

... Wow, did you find out it was a machine doll (Automata) at first sight?

Excellent observation like a caro.

"Well, then I'll have you come with me. I'd love to see how the Machine Dolls (Automata) fight."

Unfortunately, none of his combat skills are.

For once, I tried using a thought trace.

Her emotions are filled with anticipation and struggle.

I guess I'm looking forward to fighting the Demon King Dragon.

Even Hal just before the battle said there would be a little more mixed emotions.

Talwi looks more like a battle junkie than Hal.

"Mr. Talwi. Does magic work on demon dragons?

"Talwi is fine. Magic is a weakness in light attributes, ice attributes. Conversely, they have strong resistance to dark and fire attributes. What? You have a fine knife, but you're a magician?

"The four swordsmen are not balanced. I'm going to turn to backup."

I took the Acrapios wand out of the item bag and said:

"That's a shame. I thought I could compete with you."

"I don't really like to fight. Oh, yeah, next time you deal with Hal. Of course, not seriously, with a wooden knife."

"Right. I'm sure it's a pleasure again."

Tarwi sighs as he sees Hal's tail move softly.

"You said Halwatart. White werewolf stuff, you have to try to control your movements by your own will as much as your tail. No matter how strong you are, if you're fighting between the same white wolves, that's all you can read your thoughts. If I can control that move, I'll fight for you."

"- Thank you for your advice."

That said, Hal tried to look at his tail, but he can't seem to see it very well.

Could it be that Hal's one didn't realize his own tail was moving?

Hmm, next time I'll give you two metal mirrors for training. As far as I'm concerned, I want Hal's tail to stay this way because it's one of the charm points.

"Let's go."

That's what Talwi says.

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