I made ice cream with Sheena.

The ice cream for about fifty people came in considerable quantities.

"It's like a turkish-style ice cream when you put a neva ingredient of natto in this ice cream, Death."

"You don't have to. First of all, you don't even know Turkey, but you don't have a Turkish-style thing."

"I know Death. Where Turkish Stone Can Be Picked Death"

"You can't pick turkey stones in Turkey."

You really have a Russian knowledge of the planet.

And are you still dragging on the soybean lover character settings you used to joke about using Nato neva here?

"Ice cream's done, and we're going to sleep together."

"Okay, Death. You're a princess, aren't you?

"... you stood up and walked here. Walk home too."

That's what I said, and I took Sheena III to her room.

They can move to sleep mode on their own without having to punch them in the head.

"Sleep tight."

That's what I said, I turned off the lights in the room.

"Okay Death, Death entering Sleep Mode...... Oh, Death can I sleep listening to the opening of Nyerpiece?

"Sleep quietly."

"Yes, Death."

Sheena III said so and closed her eyes.

It's a machine doll (Automata), so I can't breathe or sleep.

Gently stroke Sheena III's head. The feeling of hair is not at all different from that of a human being.

... I will definitely help you.

That's what I said in my heart and I left the room.

I went back with the ice cream I could.

It had been an hour since the steak party, but everyone was bickering and waiting for me.

"Suke. What did you make today?

"Ice cream today..."

I put the ice cream in the cup and gave it to her and I noticed.

"... why are you here?

The woman you've been asking me about was not Hal, Caro, Pioneer, Nite, the Dark Elves, or naturally now sleeping Sheena III.

I left a note saying not to look for it, and the goddess who had made me disappear - it was Master Minerva.

To Master Minerva, I offer nature.

"Did you come to see if you were back unemployed? Rest assured, I have returned unemployed using a proper treasure ball of job deprivation."

"Yeah, you don't. I was looking for a place to die today."

Master Minerva said a hell of a thing.

Speaking of which, that was written in the letter.

"But I'm so happy to have such delicious food"

I mean, excuse not to die as usual... you mean you got a kick out of it? That's good. Good.

But I want you to stop visiting for a moment.

Hal, Caro, and Dark Elves are all in trouble about how to deal with each other.

She put some liquid on the ice cream.

Is it syrup?

"This isn't syrup, is it?

I was read my mind.

I would have liked a response to my desire to stop visiting for a little while.

If it's not syrup, what?

"This is alcohol."

"Oh, is that alcohol?"

I often hear stories about how to eat liqueurs and other ice creams.

It's called Master Tray Rules, does the goddess like alcohol?

"Teto and Libra don't drink much. I like Setrans, but I don't want you to drink too much. She gets belligerent when she drinks. He told me he likes to drink alone. Besides, it's only natural that I like alcohol. Because I'm the goddess of medicine."

"Oh, booze is the head of a hundred pills."

"Really? Why don't you be a liquor maker? If you raise the level of a pharmacist, you'll get a new job."

"We have two good doctors, so I'm going the other way."

That's what I said, I saw Caro and Liliana.

If you two are working hard, I don't think I need to bother going that way.

"Yes... I was hoping you could make a drink that tasted better than the one I'm making."

"Is that Master Minerva's alcohol - I'd love to try that"

I don't drink much, but I was interested in Minerva's, if it's Goddess alcohol.

"You want it? I'll give it to you."

Master Minerva laughed and removed ten vials from the valley of his chest.

How long the hell are you in there?

It's still slightly warm - this is Minerva-like temperature.

Well, again, I'm thinking of something extra.

"Thank you. What kind of alcohol is that?


"Oh, is that Nectar"

Right or right.

It's God's drink, isn't it?

No wonder Master Minerva, the real goddess, has it.

"Oh yeah!?"

I got a real nectar.

Instead, I'm getting too much.

Not only the old bookstore owner I promised, but enough to split it it between you and Doxco.

I know I should be happy, but I still dare say it.

My hard work this time.

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