I've already reached the top level, so I only need to gain proficiency

Chapter 427 I finally felt happy that it wasn’t the same track.

The Red Sun charity event has finally come to a successful conclusion.

The final platform viewing data almost completely crushed the Martha next door.

Of course, Guo Zhengrong didn't care much about this. What he wanted was to be able to complete their charitable purpose.

Meeting big stars, and even eating and playing games together gave those children who were already dark in the hospital some hope and fantasy, and at least life didn't look so bad.

At the same time, the Red Sun Hope Fund also attracted much attention after this day.

In the past, I asked for this and that, and even after running for a year, not many companies donated money. But with today's influence, Guo Zhengrong's phone has never been disconnected.

Many companies and caring people want to donate and seek funding windows.

At the end of the activity, Su Mu said goodbye to the children in the hospital, and then got into his RV.

I made arrangements with Master Zhu before I came here, and I would pick him up and take him back to the company when it was over.

Qian Jida and Xiao Juzi were both in the car at this time.

Although they did not follow during the event, they were actually outside paying attention to the live broadcast throughout the day.

Seeing Su Mu get into the car, Qian Jida said helplessly: "Brother, you are really good at handling things. Why didn't you tell me before that you were going to write a script on the spot?"

Su Mu: "You said it happened on the spot, but I didn't know in advance."

Qian Jida was a little surprised: "I'll go, so you really wrote this script now?"

Su Mu really wanted to tell Qian Jida that in fact this script was not written by him, but an excellent film work from his previous life.

But he was afraid that if he told him like this, the other party would think that he had some kind of geriatric syndrome. Su Mu smiled, and then said: "It's not just made up, after all, I heard Guo Zhengrong also said it before. I have some past experience with Lao Wu, so I got some inspiration.

If it hadn't been for what they had talked about before, I probably wouldn't have been able to write it. "

Qian Jida looked at Su Mu with some admiration. Although Su Mu had produced several excellent scripts in the past few years, he didn't know how Su Mu wrote them under such circumstances.

I only know that he had an interest in writing scripts before, maybe it was his previous stock.

But today I can see Su Mu typing and writing a script on the spot, and it seems that I have the same feeling as before. It seems that Su Mu is becoming increasingly invisible, like a deep well that can never be dug to the end.

Thinking of something else, Qian Jida changed the topic and said: "So are you really planning to make a charity movie? Are you playing a little too big?

If all the box office proceeds are donated, I don’t know if anyone will invest in us, or if you plan to claim the loss and get the money yourself for this movie.

Of course, I am not stopping you from doing charity work. The main reason is that if you do so, then we need to carefully calculate the money in the account.

Because we will have to add Kiwi and Huayi in the future, which will cost a lot of money. If this part cannot be freed up, it will be a bit troublesome. "

Su Mu also nodded after hearing this. In fact, what Qian Jida said was not unreasonable. Although making a movie, according to the current investment amount, it would only be one or two billion at most.

But if he wants to join a company in the capital industry, he knows how much it will cost.

If the shortfall of only 200 million yuan is not enough, it will indeed be a loss that outweighs the gain.

However, he made a bold statement in the live broadcast room that he would donate all the proceeds from the film to Red Sun. If he did not complete this matter, he would definitely be criticized by netizens.

Su Mu: "Okay, let's go back to the company first and make a thorough calculation. But it's best to find someone else to invest. In addition, as for actors, try to use our company's own actors. This can also give the newcomers some exposure."


Listening to Su Mu's words, Qian Jida's mouth twitched.

It's okay to use your own company's experts, but I have to find someone else to invest in the future. I really don't understand who will be taken advantage of.

Just as he was thinking about it, Su Mu spoke again, using the same familiar sentence pattern.

"You all come here first. Let me say a few words about today's charity event."

Little Orange: “…”

Qian Jida: “…”

Master Zhu: "Yeah."

Maybe it’s because I participated in charity today, so I feel deeply in my heart.

On the way back, Su Mu's speech could be said to be quite passionate.

From charity to poverty alleviation, from poverty alleviation to Buddhism, and finally from Buddhism to Shakespeare.

Anyway, Qian Jida and Xiao Juzi were a little delirious by the end.

I don’t fully understand what Su Mu is talking about.

But I only know that it seems to make sense, but I don't know how serious it is.

After returning to the company, Qian Jida went to the finance department, and together they all sorted out the cash on the company's account.

I made a rough calculation for the next few companies I will invest in. If Kiwi and Huayi plus two other video platforms are combined, it will probably cost more than 4 billion.

Basically all the money on the company's account will be used.

If you don't want to let go of your children, you won't be able to trap the wolf. If you don't invest, how can you get high returns?

But if you add in the company's operational needs, then the rest may not be possible to shoot.

Qian Jida: “So, our question is, how to reduce costs?”

Su Mu shook his head: "Just find someone to invest, it depends on the price."


Early the next morning, the hot search terms on the Internet began to fly all over the sky.

After all, the content of yesterday’s live broadcast by two charities is quite worth recalling.

Although in the end a lot of popularity went to Sumu's side. But Martha's charity has also been recognized by many people. On that day, almost more than 30 million yuan of items were auctioned and invested in charity.

Moreover, many celebrities went there, there were performances, and there was a final basketball game. The outstanding performance of newcomer Ling He made him a little popular.

And it also became a hot search topic.

Hot search 1: Su Mu writes scripts

Hot search 2: Charity live broadcast

Hot search 3: Ling He dunk

Hot search 4: Martha’s highest auction price

Hot search 6: red sun


Super words: /Su Mu Charity Film Donation/New top candidate: Ling He/…

The online comment section quickly started to pick up steam.

[I really didn’t expect that a small charity organization would be made popular by Su Mu alone, but I really want to know how his script will be filmed in the end? All the remuneration from the film will be donated to charity. I wonder if anyone is willing to play with him? ]

[Didn’t the Martha next door use all the money from the auction yesterday for charity? Aren't they all the same? ]

[Many people didn’t watch the last basketball game. Ling He was so handsome! Flying dunk! Do you understand? This is quite explosive in the basketball world. The most important thing is that there are almost no people with his ability in the entertainment industry!

Many celebrities boast that they are in this school team or that school team, but according to my current observation, the only one who is really so good at playing is Ling He. ]

[666. Why are the two of you upstairs so weird? How much does one cost? ]

[I think you are the only ones who can boast. Do you want me to tell you about the records Su Mu has broken before? He's the only one, what's going on?

Do you know how many records Sumu has broken? Just playing basketball is enough for you to boast like this here. I think it’s a bit too much? ]

[What's wrong with blowing? You are only allowed to praise your own idols, but we are not allowed to do so? Furthermore, I think Su Mu’s live broadcast of writing scripts is a bit suspicious of attracting traffic. And you see, there is no telling when the filming of this movie will start. Even if it is a charity, it cannot be so big. Who is willing to invest in it? Woolen cloth? Moreover, today's actors are all profit-seeking, so few people probably want to act with him. ]

[Also, whatever you think, I just want to watch this movie anyway. I heard Su Mu say in the live broadcast room before that the name of this movie seems to be called I am not the God of Medicine. I think it is quite interesting, but it is a pity that I didn’t write it in the end. It's over, it just stopped just a little bit. ]

[Okay, we'll let you do it, Ling He is the most handsome anyway! I just like him playing basketball, he is the best in the world in basketball! Su Mu is great, but when it comes to basketball, he doesn’t even know our Ling He’s opponent! I do not care! ]

[666, it’s really 6 upstairs. ]


In the major comment sections on the Internet, the battle between the two camps has begun.

I don’t know who started it, but the fans just started arguing.

In fact, it can be seen that some accounts are deliberately setting the pace.

However, the effect is very obvious.

Soon, the entries of Su Mu and Ling He began to be ranked among the top three hot searches.

at this time,

In the office of Tianxing Media.

Qin Yufang was looking at hot searches on her phone, with the corners of her mouth slightly curved.

As a veteran who has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, she certainly knows how to take advantage of this wave of popularity.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how popular you are, as long as your opponents are popular enough, that's half the battle.

On the surface, it seemed that Martha's side did not have a big advantage in yesterday's charity event, and Ling He worked so hard on the court that the final live broadcast room number only hovered around 10 million viewers.

On the other hand, at Red Sun, the three platforms combined have already exceeded 100 million.

The conversation between Qin Yufang and Li Shasha at that time also showed a special feeling of disappointment.

But in fact, she had already thought about how to operate the next day.

In fact, her purpose was to give Ling He more exposure and popularity and help him reach the top position as soon as possible.

So as long as it can be tied up with Su Mu a little bit, it's basically done.

Just like now, no matter how the fans below discuss Sumu, someone will always mention Ling He who played next door that day, and this is enough.

At present, the initial results are good, and Ling He's hot search has entered the top three, just below Sumu.

Putting away her phone, Qin Yufang turned around and sat back at her desk.

Then he looked up and saw Ling He hurried in, as well as his manager and assistant beside him.

Qin Yufeng smiled and said, "Did you see the hot search?"

The three of them nodded.

Qin Yufang: "Your performance yesterday was very good, but we still need to continue to work hard. Opportunities are given to those who are prepared. Now that this wave of popularity has been given to you, it will depend on how big a wave you can make in the entertainment industry. .”

Hearing Qin Yufang's words, Ling He was a little surprised and confused. After all, her face looked bad yesterday, but why did it change now.

The agent beside him quickly understood the reason.

"So Mr. Qin, are you responsible for the operation of this hot search?"

Qin Fang smiled and nodded: "Although I was the loser in the previous competitions with Su Mu, I have always felt that no one will always lose. Just like this time, it seems that Su Mu occupies the top of the popularity list. , but in fact, didn’t Ling He go up with him?

Now Ling He's name has gained a foothold in the hot searches. As long as fans mention Su Mu, there will definitely be people arguing about Ling He. "

"Mr. Qin, what should we do next?"

Qin Yufang: "In two days, we will update Ling He's Weibo and ask him to take on an idol drama with S-level resources. With this wave of popularity, Ling He will definitely rise to the top.

Now he is attracting fans very quickly, so he must not miss this opportunity. "

"I know Mr. Qin."

A brief meeting was held, and then several people took Lin He out.

Qin Yufeng looked at their backs with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Feeling the warmth of Sumu felt very secretly happy. It seemed that this moment was the most exciting and happiest time for her in the past few years.

After all, he was hit hard in the front.

But this time, she felt like she was going to succeed.

Add money entertainment company building.

At this time, many employees in the reception hall were peeking in curiously.

The reason is that there are several heavyweights in the reception room.

"I'll go, Zhang Huaimou, the famous director!"

"Does our company have any new projects?"

"Have you seen the other three? I've seen it in a business magazine before. These are the bosses of the three major platforms!"

"I'll go, it seems the company is doing something big... the boss is awesome."

Everyone was talking in low voices, and they were all surprised as to why these big guys in the industry suddenly came to the company.

But at this moment, anyone with a discerning eye can also see that the atmosphere between these people is somewhat strange.

Zheng Quan took a sip of the tea in front of him and sneered: "I mean, you two have nothing to do in the company, so you know how to send undercover agents to inquire about my movements all day long? Why do you go wherever I go?"

Zhao Zhouming: "Zheng Quan, what you said is wrong. What do you mean staring at you? You are obviously staring at us, right?"

Yu Hong agreed with a smile: "That's right, you are the evil one to file the complaint first. Besides, this road is not owned by your family. We can come here whenever we want. Are you in charge?"

Zheng Quan chuckled: "I advise you two to give up. This time the movie is covered by our kiwi fruit, and I will accept the money."

Zhao Zhouming: “Damn, you’re the only one who has money, so that’s obvious to you, right?”

Yu Hong: "Then why don't you ask Director Zhang? I'm here just for the movie, so you can take care of it?"

Zhang Huaimou was watching the excitement from the side, and only then did he react, and then smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you guys are arguing. Anyway, I am here with the crew, and I am not on the same track as you."




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