I've already reached the top level, so I only need to gain proficiency

Chapter 382 Military theme begins! Is this enlistment for real?

After saying goodbye to the program crew of Heartbeat Star, Su Mu boarded the plane to the capital city.

Since then, the recording of Lian Zong has come to an end.

But after getting on the plane, he was still thinking about the words Song Yunqiao said to him before leaving.

To be honest, you can watch black stockings at any time. There is no need to wait until you meet in person, right?

Can't you secretly send him a few photos or something in private?

Besides, technology is so advanced now that we can communicate through video... well, we can just communicate through video.

So you really don’t need to wait that long.

Of course, Su Mu still couldn't tell Song Yunqiao these words, because he absolutely believed that she could do it.

Sumu and the other three went to the business class seats.

Xiao Juzi cast a questioning look: "Boss! What did Yun Qiao say to you in the end? Why did she run away shyly after saying it? And your expression is wrong, hum, let me guess, could it be that she Did she make some unknown promise to you? Could it be that she wants to wait for you to come back, and then the two of you will do something embarrassing together!"


After hearing Xiao Juzi's guess, Su Mu's lips twitched.

Don't tell her, let her guess it right. Is it so obvious?

"Go to the other side, no."

Of course Su Mu would not admit this kind of thing. After saying that, he went up and gave Little Orange a slap on the head, and then continued: "Why are you so curious about everything? If you have the energy, why not do some research and wait until you get to the capital city?" After that, how should we talk to Military Arts Media? I will join their trainee team, and you and Master Zhu will also go there together. Do not study the itinerary in advance to see if you can cope with it then. come over?"

Xiao Juzi covered her head with tears in her eyes and said aggrievedly: "Humph, isn't it just training? What else can you do? At most, you can go to the local armed police force, or find one near the capital city. Anyway, as long as you are in the capital city, Master Zhu and I can just find a hotel nearby to stay. Why is this so difficult?

Moreover, Junyi Media has already sent emails before, so there are no contract issues for the time being. Only after passing their half-year training can we talk to them about officially participating in the show.

So the next focus should not be on us, but on you, the boss.

By the way, do you have the confidence to pass their training and selection? After all, this is a military theme, and it's not enough to just show off. "

Listen to what Little Orange says.

Su Mu did not refute.

Indeed, as she said, whether he can participate in this drama and cooperate with Military Art Media in the future still depends on his subsequent performance.

According to Xu Jianzheng's previous statement, there should be many actors participating this time, and not just actors from their entertainment industry.

We even found some amateurs to participate. The so-called amateurs are actually people with military backgrounds.

In the end, 20 to 30 people will be selected to participate in the play.

To be honest, this type of casting was not common in the past few years.

After all, any film or television drama actually has a few top actors who are responsible for the box office. This drama is almost half of the success.

Anyway, what the producers and capital value is the revenue value of the show. As for the real quality and content, they don't particularly care.

No matter good or bad, having the public foot the bill is already a result they are happy to see.

But the current project does not seem to be based on common sense.

They organized the training camp in such a grand and formal manner, and it was obvious that they did not take the producers and capital seriously.

No matter what kind of relationship the person enters for training, the final result still depends on the situation of the troops after training.

Thinking of this,

Su Mu couldn't help but wonder what kind of script this would be, and whether it would be the same work as in the previous life.

Two hours later.

The plane landed at Beijing City Airport.

This place was quite familiar. The three of them went directly to the hotel they had booked near Junyi Media.

After settling in, I contacted Junyi Media.

It was Ning Houan who received Su Mu personally.

First of all, the two of them have worked together before and were familiar with each other during the Jingwu Heroes. Secondly, Ning Houan is the management of Military Art Media and has also been entrusted by Xu Jianzheng.

Therefore, Su Mu's reception was naturally his.

After meeting and chatting with Ning Houan, Su Mu finally understood why the training camp was advanced.

The chief director of the film this time is Yang Jifan.

His background and style are different from many directors. In addition to being rigorous and demanding, he also has a big temper and often does not give production capital credit.

But it was this kind of character that made him one of the top three box-office movies in China.

What surprised Su Mu even more was that he thought that the training camp should be taught by an armed police force in the capital city.

But he never expected that Yang Jifan actually found troops from a region.

"Why does this make it look like he's actually joining the army?" Su Mu looked at Ning Hou'an in surprise.

Ning Houan smiled: "What this drama wants is real effects, so of course we have to go to the real army to experience it. In addition, Military Art Media is backed by the Chinese military. After demobilization, most literary and art veterans basically The government will arrange for relevant companies on our side, so we still have this relationship.

The emphasis on this drama is also very high, and the higher-ups are supportive.

However, since you are going to the army, you must follow the formal procedures. When the time comes, you will be organized into a separate company. The next six months will be the official military life.

Once the training is almost complete, filming can begin.

To be honest, it is indeed a bit strict, but Yang Jifan also has his own reasons. This drama pays tribute to our Chinese martyrs and heroes, so no matter what, there is no reason to slack off. "

Listening to Ning Houan's explanation, Su Mu also nodded.

Ever since he agreed to Xu Jianzheng, he had been mentally prepared.

So no matter what the arrangement was, he happily accepted it.

The two chatted about the specific details again.

Immediately afterwards, Su Muning Houan asked for the script of this drama.

Originally, Ning Houan was hesitant to show it to Su Mu, because according to the rules, the script could not be released until the casting decision was made.

But after all, Ning Houan still has a preference for sumu.

If it hadn't been for Su Mu, his movie "Fist of Heroes" would not have reached a box office of 2 billion.

Finally, Ning Houan sent an electronic version of the script to Su Mu's mobile phone.

"Operation Red Sea?"

When Su Mu saw the name of this script, he was stunned.

Then he continued reading the following synopsis of the script: Outside the waters of Somalia, a Chinese merchant ship was hijacked, some crew members were killed by pirates, and others were made prisoners. The Jiaolong Commando responded calmly, sneaked into the merchant ship to conduct a raid, and successfully rescued all the hostages. Sniper Luo Xing was unfortunately hit in the spinal nerve while chasing pirates, and the missing position was replaced by Gu Shun. On the way back home, turmoil broke out in North Africa and the Film and Television Department. Terrorist organizations and rebels invaded the capital.

Su Mu actually still has a very deep impression on this movie.

In his previous life, he also watched several high-grossing military-themed movies in the cinema.

Apart from the record-breaking Wolf Warriors One and Two, the one that impressed him the most was actually Operation Red Sea.

He never thought that such deeds would happen in the parallel world.

He knows that from the core of the movie, Operation Red Sea is far from the top, and what this drama reflects is not individual heroism, but the entire collective and the military value displayed in this operation.

When Su Mu watched it in the cinema, tears filled her eyes.

From then on, he also understood that no wonder director Yang Jifan had such high demands.

After all, this type of movie is different from other movies. The content is based on the real deeds of Chinese soldiers who went abroad to carry out special rescue missions.

In this series of battles, almost everyone must have the qualities of a special soldier.

He remembered that after watching the movie, his mind was filled with all the shocking details shown in the film.

From the battle scenes to the weapons and equipment, including the real gunfight logic, the bloody scenes after every character is injured and sacrificed, and so on.

Looking back, I realize that to capture all these details well, it does require real experience and learning, and it definitely does not happen overnight.

It was said before that it was half a year, but maybe it wasn't enough.

Ning Houan looked at Su Mu who was in a daze and smiled and said: "Part of the subsequent filming will be in China, and the other part should also be shot abroad.

The conditions are of course difficult, but the production costs are also huge, with the support of the military.

Su Mu, you must seize this opportunity. I know that you are under a lot of pressure now that you have returned from abroad. People at home and abroad are watching you.

The previous film and television series The Good Doctor achieved good results in our Asia, but there should be some resistance in the European and American markets.

Therefore, I think the resources of this drama will also be a great help to you. If you work hard, we will support you.

Of course, I still need to give you a vaccination before this. The people participating in the trial training this time are all very powerful, and there are many military actors here in Military Art Media.

Compared with you, they have unique advantages. After all, they were originally in the army, and their relevant skills are already very mature and solid.

So to stand out from these people and get important roles, it still depends on your own performance.

Director Yang Jifan didn't recognize any of his relatives, so there was no other way. "

Listening to Ning Houan's instructions, Su Mu nodded.


Su Mu stayed in the hotel for two days, and then went to meet Xu Jianzheng and Luo Zheng of Junyi Media.

The content of the chat is also very similar.

Xu Jianzheng gave Su Mu confidence, while Luo Zheng told Mu some about Yang Jifan's character and the difficulties he would face next.

Then, on the fifth day, I was notified to report for the assembly.

The meeting point is the Military Art Media Building.

A lot of people came that day. In addition to some well-known actors, there were also some people who couldn't be named.

Looking around, there must be at least fifty or sixty people.

When gathering under the media building, we even saw a few acquaintances.

The thigh-hugging team has now assembled.

Lin Haoming, Chen Yang, Han Junxi, Johnnie To, and Yoo Seunghao all came.

At this moment, they were discussing quietly.

Chen Yang: "No, I heard through the grapevine before that Su Mu would come to attend? Why haven't I seen him coming now?"

Lin Haoming: "Don't worry, Mr. Huang's connections are fine, and the information he got is correct. Otherwise, he wouldn't have let us follow him."

Han Junxi: "I heard that director Yang Jifan is very ruthless. I'm still a little worried."

Johnnie To: "It's okay. I think the theme of this movie is Su Mu's style. Generally speaking, he won't be able to act in scenes that are too simple. As long as he can come, we can hug him from behind and keep up with his rhythm. There will be no problem."

Yoo Seunghao nodded: "You're right, just calm down."

"Look, Sumu!"

Just as he was saying,

Not far away, Su Mu came in pushing luggage.

The people around him quickly turned their attention.

"Look, Su Mu is here too?"

"Does he also want to act? Damn... I just saw him and Song Yunqiao competing for CP recently. I thought he would be filming an idol drama next, but I didn't expect that he would take this drama."

"That shouldn't be the case. He obviously has better resources. It's not a thankless job for him to come here. He won't suffer from this criminal, right?"

"Huh, no matter who he is, he has to be a dragon when he gets here. Director Yang Jifan's training camp is for the army. Relying on connections and traffic is useless in places like that. If you want to get a role, you have to rely on your ability. .”

"That's right, I heard that actors from the art troupe are also participating. Don't even think about playing this kind of subject with them."

At this time, someone was talking quietly.

Su Mu didn't know that someone had already shown a sense of competition and went to the back to mind his own business.


Yang Jifan and Luo Zheng walked in with people.

Yang Jifan wore glasses and still had that serious expression.

He glanced at everyone, paused slightly when he looked past Su Mu, and then he said: "Thank you all for coming to participate in the film training camp. The work will be very hard this time, but in order to make good works, just Some sacrifices have to be made, and the film is a tribute to our heroes, so please work hard and I will choose the right person to play the part.

I won’t say anything unnecessary. Next, the crew will arrange for everyone to get on the bus. In the following time, I will join you all to experience the real military life in the army. "

Very brief speech.

Immediately afterwards, everyone got into the car under the arrangement of the crew.

A total of three or two large vehicles were prepared. In addition to the actors, there were also people from the crew. Each vehicle had a camera to record the scene.

It seems like the training is going on from this moment on.

The bus was driving all the way.

When we arrived at the suburbs outside the capital city, we immediately saw the military area trucks coming to pick up people. There were many of them. The formations were huge and there were many people.

Everyone was stunned.

"Good guy, you are really going with the young people who have just joined the army!"

The car stopped.

A whistle!

"Attention everyone!"

"Get out of the car and line up! Speed!"

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