I've already reached the top level, so I only need to gain proficiency

Chapter 377: Take the article from Entertainment and Finance home for a night tour?

Qian Jida was blocked from expanding his overseas business and thought it was just an episode.

At least so far, Su Mu feels that no one would have thought that selling the copyright of the film and television drama "The Good Doctor" abroad would be looked down upon.

After all, the reputation of this drama is quite explosive in Asia.

In addition, the CP between him and Song Yunqiao has been very popular recently. It can be said that the traffic is full and the commercial value is officially maximized.

Many people are looking forward to the success of domestic film and television works overseas.


Things did not develop as imagined.

Just after Su Mu decided not to sell, soon, a news report on entertainment and finance suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

This is a financial article about the entertainment sector.

In fact, this type of publication does not have much widespread attention. Even if it is about finance and economics in the entertainment industry, few people read it.

After all, most of the analysis is about entertainment media companies and has nothing to do with celebrities, so no one cares.

However, this article is different. It is directly titled "Add Money Entertainment" and it addresses an unexpected issue very accurately and to the point at the hottest time in Sumu.

[Entertainment Finance: Su Mu’s attempt to expand the international market has been blocked!

According to the editor's various investigations and news from abroad, the copyright of the Good Doctor film and television drama currently held by Jiaqian Entertainment is not selling very well overseas.

Of course, Asia is already in a state of saturation, but if you look at the overseas business sector alone, the returns are not as high as expected.

As far as I know, many European film and television companies do not pay too much attention to Chinese film and television dramas, and Jiaqian Entertainment's business channel expansion in the first half of the year was in vain.

Jiaqian Entertainment registered an overseas business subsidiary in the name of director Qian Jida. This company holds the copyright of Good Doctor. The editor guesses that this is the beginning of their preparations to expand their foreign film and television business.

But so far, I have never received relevant reports or explanations. Journalist friends overseas also revealed to me that their communication was not smooth and they asked Jiaqian Entertainment to make concessions on the price, otherwise they would not buy it.

In fact, this is also an expected result. Although Su Mu has a certain reputation internationally, in the final analysis, he only achieved his achievements by standing in the American film industry.

Now, he has boldly chosen to give up there and return to China for development. His sentiments are admirable, but from an economic perspective and a company management perspective, what he is doing is actually not correct.

The entertainment industry is also a vanity fair. If it is not backed by capital, the result of generating electricity for love can only be closed down and unable to survive alone.


Editor: Pan Xiaoxiao]

This article actually doesn’t write much.

But from these hundreds of words of narrative, many people have also read something.

That is to say, Good Doctor's sales overseas did not seem to be very good. It seemed that it had suffered from runs and price reductions. In the end, Su Mu chose to give up.

The second is the problem of Jiaqian Entertainment Company.

Once this report was released, it quickly attracted the attention of all parties.

Capital city, cultural building.

Xu Jian is looking at the computer in the office,

At this moment, the love story between Su Mu and Song Yunqiao was playing on the screen.

Then, the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised.

To say that in recent times, he is one of the most ruthless users of their CP.


At this moment, a man walked in outside the door.

Xu Jianzheng looked up and then smiled: "Lao Luo, why are you here?"

The person who came was Luo Zheng, the boss of Military Medical Media.

Luo Zheng: "Come and take a look when you have nothing to do. By the way, have you read the recent reports? About Sumu."

Xu Jianzheng nodded: "After watching it in the morning, I felt that it was a bit too much. After all, Su Mu is just an actor. Although he has opened a company and has another identity, there is no need to ask for anything too much. This should not be the case. It will affect our subsequent cooperation."

Luo Zheng nodded: "Military Art Media naturally has no idea, and this military-themed movie has been in preparation for so long, so we will not understand the entertainment value of an actor just because of his career development.

But I still have to say something in advance. Lao Xu, the bosses are attaching great importance to this filming. It is expected to cause a lot of repercussions next year, so there will be many people participating in the trial training to compete for roles. We select people, too. Whether he can meet the requirements in the training of the army will depend on his own performance.

You should also understand that this is a military theme. If it were any other one, I would have made the decision to choose the person directly, but not this one. Those are very serious and noble matters, and there is no room for sloppiness or falsehood.

Moreover, this time the script still restores that thrilling mission. "

Xu Jianzheng nodded: "Well, I understand everything you said."

Luo Zheng: "Almost everything has been arranged. When the time comes, they will enter the army for training. The time budget is at least six months to start, and it may even take a year to complete all training. During this period of time, These participants must become real soldiers, and only in this way can this movie be made well."

Listening to Luo Zheng's words, Xu Jianzheng smiled.

"I know. I have vaccinated Su Mu for these words a long time ago. As for whether he can be selected in the end, it depends on him. I recommend him, but he must also follow your selection criteria. But I still believe that Su Mu can do it, after all, he is not an ordinary actor."

Luo Zheng: "I have watched all of Su Mu's works in the past few years. I have to say that he is indeed a very powerful person. When Ning Houan approached him to make a kung fu movie, I felt that he had a lot of energy in him. Son.

However, it seems that his CP has been very popular recently, and he still needs to use this energy in the right place. In the entertainment industry, it is either about romance or some gossip. It is better not to go astray in the future. "

"Haha, you don't need to worry about this." Xu Jianzheng seemed to disagree: "Lao Luo, these are things for young people. What's going on in the entertainment industry? Who doesn't fall in love these days? Is there anything wrong with this? You didn't talk about it when you were young? Don't forget, we were still in the army at that time, and you secretly wrote letters to the outside world. Don't think I don't know."

After hearing this, Luo Zheng looked a little embarrassed: "Xu Jianzheng, just keep talking and don't mention the past things. They are all Chen Sesame's rotten millet. Now let's talk about this movie."

Xu Jianzheng chuckled: "Come on, you haven't said who the letter is written to yet, right? Let me guess, you didn't catch her in the end, so the sound of the waves is still there, right?"

Luo Zheng completely broke his guard, blew his beard and glared: "Xu Jianzheng! I'm telling you, if you ever mention this again, just wait for me to take revenge on you. When Su Mu goes to the army with those people, I will give him extra training .”

Xu Jianzheng looked proud: "Okay, you can add as much as you want. Don't you know that Su Mu's body is extremely good? Don't wear out all of you instructors by then."

Luo Zheng: "You..."

Fengjun Media.

In the office, Huang Wenshan, whose face was glowing red, was making tea for himself.

He has been living a cool life recently.

Ever since Lin Haoming embraced Su Mu, their company's business, although it can't be said to have taken off, has been steady, with no worries about film appointments or announcements, and it can be considered a steady development.

Moreover, his reputation as a divine fortune teller is becoming more and more resounding in the circle.

Even the company benefited from it.

"Mr. Huang, have you read the news today?"

Outside the door, Lin Haoming walked in and shook his phone: "The hugging group is talking about it. I want you to come out and figure it out and see what's going on."

Huang Wenshan put down the teacup and pondered for a moment.

He had read the article word by word in the morning and was indeed a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the copyright for the drama "The Good Doctor" was not sold well. This seems to be the first time I heard about Su Mu's career difficulties in recent years.

Lin Haoming: "Mr. Huang, I think this report should have some credibility, right? If it was really sold, Sumu should have announced it long ago, but it has been so long and it seems that there is no What's the reaction? It should be like this report said, the price of sumam has been severely reduced, so you don't plan to sell it?"

Huang Wenshan nodded.

After all, I have been in the industry for so many years, so I can see many things clearly.

Su Mu's character cannot be wronged, and it is his character not to sell.

Huang Wenshan: "That's true. I made a hexagram for Sumu this morning, but this hexagram is foggy for the first time in history."

Lin Haoming was stunned: "!!!"

In the past few years, Huang Wenshan had made many plans, and whatever he had planned for Sumu, they all came true in the end.

So he went from not believing it at all to becoming a loyal believer in Huang Wenshan.

And when Huang Wenshan said that there seemed to be some problems with Su Mu's recent hexagrams, he became a little nervous.

After all, he still pointed at the thigh holding Sumu and took off.

"What do you say, Mr. Huang?"

Huang Wenshan: "This hexagram is just average. The Liuyao Water Thunder Tunnel is a sign of a sluggish situation, as if the time is not mature enough, and the time has not yet come."

Lin Haoming was confused when he heard this: "Mr. Huang. Then you can give me a warm word. Is it okay to do it behind Su Mu?"

Huang Wenshan: "You can say it's okay, you can't say it's not. What you need is an opportunity. First there is a crisis, then there is a reversal of the situation, and finally you go against the current, and then you can achieve the great road."

"..." Li Haoming had a dark look on his face, and he couldn't even understand it.

Huang Wenshan: "Anyway, just wait. Good things come in a long way, so don't worry. After all, this is Sumu."

Lin Haoming: "???"

A few days passed quickly.

The popularity of Su Mu and Song Yunqiao's CP is still at its peak. On the other hand, reports that Good Doctor failed to successfully log in overseas were forwarded by the media.

Audiences online also quickly started discussing this matter.

[ah? How did that happen? The Good Doctor is a hugely popular drama in Asia. Thailand and South Korea next door have already bought the rights to show it, and it has a pretty good reputation. What are those Europeans thinking? I don’t want such a good drama! ]

[Well, after all, it is made in China. It is good to be taken a look by them. In previous years, let alone rushing out of Asia, just visiting a few surrounding countries was considered awesome, so be content. ]

[Let me just say that Su Mu’s appetite may be a bit big. This has just left Hollywood, and of course they won’t give him face. Moreover, those companies have their own standards for selecting films. It is difficult for them to agree with Chinese dramas. ]

[Hmph, that’s just because they don’t know the goods. Su Mu’s film and television works are so good. It’s their loss if they don’t watch them. This is all a prejudice brought by the region. I hope Su Mu will not be affected by this matter, and must follow it carefully. Song will form a CP together. ]

[Yes yes~! Don't affect him and Song Yunqiao! There is no need to be liked by everyone, Asia can be popular and strong. ]

[Hmph, how can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan? Do you know why Su Mu came back from Hollywood? We just want our Chinese film and television works to make breakthroughs and develop! Do you shrink back when you encounter a little resistance? Let's not say those depressing words, just cheer for him. ]

There are different opinions online.

And at this time,

Su Mu's Weibo suddenly updated its status, triggering hot searches again.

[Su Mu V: Although I am just a bad actor, I never take advantage of others. I have the final say on how much my works are worth. Since they don’t like deliberately lowering prices, then we will act until they can’t hold them anymore. , don’t worry, everyone, China’s film and television will eventually go out, let the bullets fly for a while... ]

Just as he said before on the video call with Qian Jida.

If you want to gain the recognition of others and get them to voluntarily spend money, there is only one way to convince them with your true strength.

At this moment,

In the office of the general manager of Jiaqian Entertainment, everyone was having a meeting together.

Xiao Juzi, Master Zhu, Sun Liaojun, Xu Jiang, Zhang Huaan and others are all there.

However, the content of the meeting was not about the Weibo response.

"Have you thought everything through?"

Su Mu suddenly said seriously: "Let me just say a few words first. This... In the next issue, it will be up to me to choose the date place. First of all, you cannot go to places where other guests have been, such as visiting our company. Don’t even think about it.”

Little Orange raised her hand: "Me! I know~ Boss, just take Song Yunqiao out for a trip! The ancient towns and small mountain villages in the counties next to Galaxy City are fine! Then take a walk in the wild, in front of flowers and under the moon, hehe!"

Su Mu: "Yes."

Little Orange: "..."

Sun Liaojun: "How about... looking for a hotel's sky restaurant? The kind that reserves the whole place?"

Zhang Huaan shook his head: "This is too cliché."

Xu Jiang: "How about you take her to the Hengdian Film and Television Base? Take her to experience acting. I have friends filming there who can help you introduce her and make a guest appearance or something by the way. It would also be fun."

Listen to everyone's opinions.

"Don't you have any creativity?" Su Mu sighed helplessly.

Why travel around and go to Hengdian... He really admires these people.

Let’s not talk about whether it is possible or not. Even if we go out, it will be outdoors. When the time comes, there will be fans blocking the road, and we will not even think about leaving.

After Su Mu finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

a long time,

Everyone's eyes naturally turned to the man behind.

Master Zhu put down the Coke and said calmly: "Take it home and visit it for one night."

Xu Jiang: "666! It's so exciting!"

Zhang Huaan: "Master Zhu is awesome."

Little Orange: "Wow, I gave you a diamond ring last time, and I brought it home this time! It's so sweet! Ahhh! I'm looking forward to it!"

Su Mu: "Are you sure you are visiting... for one night?"

Master Zhu nodded seriously: "Yes."

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