I've already reached the top level, so I only need to gain proficiency

Chapter 238: You who went abroad to fight were also targeted by him (big chapter)

[Wing Chun proficiency +1]

[Skill point +0.01]

[Wing Chun proficiency level LV3: 1/5000]

As the wooden pile was inadvertently split by the sumu wood.

His Wing Chun proficiency has also reached LV3.

This was his first time learning real kung fu in a real sense.

Of course, the reason why the wooden piles are broken may actually be a quality problem.

At least Su Mu himself knew that he was not yet at the point where Ye Gang was able to split wood with the force of his palms.

So it was really just an accident.

But what he didn't know was that the scene just now had spread throughout the film and television base.

In the eyes of everyone around him, Su Mu was like a well-hidden martial arts master.

Some people thought that Su Mu's obsession with boxing training was a bit wrong. After all, this was filming on a set, and the focus was wrong. Even if you practice for 24 hours, you can't really become a kung fu master.

But not even a few days had passed, and the wooden piles were all dry and broken.

Just tell me if he is a master...

Su Mu ignored other people's looks.

I am still practicing boxing crazily outside of filming.

Ye Gang is even invited to come over every now and then for one-on-one guidance.

This is different from the tricks Yuan Lang taught him when he was filming Xin Qiji.

Although there are also shadows of boxing.

But it pays more attention to practicality.

The real boxing moves are not very good-looking, and even a bit funny.

But Ye Gang's request is that Su Mu should not only practice lower body and boxing every day.

Wooden piles take at least six hours to form muscle memory.

So Su Mu made a plan for himself. He would get up at five o'clock every day, work on wooden poles for three hours, go to the studio to rest for another hour at noon, and practice boxing and basic skills during the free time during filming.

When I go back in the evening after filming, I have to come back for another three hours at night.

This is planned.

Qian Jida, Yuan Zheng and others were immediately dumbfounded.

You know, they are tired enough from filming every day.

Especially since Su Mu, as the protagonist, had a lot of fighting scenes, he filmed them one after another during the day.

I still need to practice when I get back.

If it weren't for machines, it's hard to imagine who could maintain this level of intensity.

This is to practice the rhythm of vomiting blood.

Yuan Zheng and Qian Jida also dissuaded Su Mu. In fact, there was no need to be so serious, even if the training plan was lightened a little.

But Su Mu refused.

Naturally, he didn't study so seriously just to compete with others.

In fact, Su Mu had his own plan.

On the one hand, I want to experience the psychology and external temperament of a true master with boxing skills.

After all, the spirit of a person with decades of kung fu must be different from that of ordinary people.

on the other hand,

Su Mu himself had thought deeply about it.

In addition to the movie "Ip Man", he will most likely make more action movies in the future to add weight to himself.

This is the only way for domestic actors to rise to the international level.

Although Su Mu just wants to make more money, the market will eventually come to an end. If he wants to make more, he must go to a bigger stage.

Looking at the Chinese entertainment industry, there are movie stars who can truly have a certain influence on the international stage.

Nine times out of ten, it all depends on action scenes and fists.

Even in his previous life, Su Mu's impression was that those who were recognized and sought after internationally were Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Jackie Chan... and a few other representative figures.

And all of them are shot through action scenes.

In a way, this method is faster and more direct.

Because no matter where they are, people like strong men and heroes more.

The content of the action scenes just fits this point.

As for the level of acting skills, it is related to the cultural environment of each country. It is difficult to make a criterion for this.

There are obviously people who can go global simply by relying on their acting skills.

Unless you are as hot as fire, or as handsome as you are, it is difficult to have any special advantages that are different from ordinary people.

Some people are big, and some are thick, but you are persistent. You are so different and outstanding that you can stand out with your eyes closed.

far away.

Ye Gang looked at Su Mu who was crazy about liver fist and couldn't help but look at Qian Jida.

"Mr. Qian, has Mr. Su always been so dedicated?"

Qian Jida: "Yes, it has always been like this."

Ye Gang: "Practice boxing actually needs to be done step by step. If the intensity is too high, I'm worried that his body won't be able to bear it. When I was young and practiced with my master, I might not be able to work as hard as him. Why don't you go and try to persuade me?"

Qian Jida smiled. Will persuasion work?

It was life-threatening to climb Mount Everest in the first place, so I still couldn’t stop it.

And Qian Jida knew Su Mu best. He wouldn't work so hard if he didn't have money, so he must be secretly planning to increase money.

"Don't worry, Sumu is like this, and this intensity should only be the beginning. I estimate that the clock will be added after a while."


Listening to Qian Jida's words, Ye Gang was completely confused.

If you have to practice more, it will really cost you your life.

In fact, at first, he just thought that Su Mu wanted to learn moves and airs.

But Su Mu answered very seriously that if he wanted to learn some real Kung Fu.

As one of the few descendants of Wing Chun, Ye Gang was of course not so easy to agree to.

Normally, you have to accept a disciple seriously and then become a disciple before you can teach.

But Sumu directly offered 5 million.

Ye Gang had no choice but to agree.

There was no way, I really couldn't refuse this price, he gave too much.

I played in a ring competition on that TV station for a season, and the prize money was only 800,000 to 1 million. It was not a regular fighting league, and the level was not enough, so the prize money was naturally very small.

But even so, it is very difficult to get a bonus every year.

So five million is already a considerable amount to him.

in the following time.

Su Mu was completely immersed in the two tracks of training and filming.

Hitting a circle of wooden stakes in the Wing Chun path is considered a proficiency.

So as long as he is not filming, he is practicing Wing Chun in front of the wooden stakes.

It was a bit raw from the beginning.

Become more proficient.

From being proficient, he was promoted to being fluent.

Thousands of wooden stakes gradually formed a conditioned reflex in Sumu.

While waiting for Mount Everest, he had already improved most of his basic attributes to above 50 points.

This kind of physical fitness, which was completely higher than that of ordinary people, allowed Su Mu's body to quickly adapt to the rhythm of boxing practice.


The entire crew watched as Su Mu punched faster and faster in front of the wooden pile.

And Su Mu himself has become more precise in his control of Wing Chun as his proficiency increases.

The speed, strength, and distance of punches can all be controlled very well.

He even developed some of his own understanding of Wing Chun's boxing techniques.

He discussed it with Ye Gang several times.

After hearing this, Ye Gang almost poured him tea and called him Master.

The main reason is that I really can't figure out why I haven't understood Wing Chun as deeply as Su Mu has in the past few months after practicing it for more than ten or twenty years.

It’s so outrageous.

At the end of August, the weather is still hot.

At this moment, the studio was full of people.

These past few days have been relatively important fight scenes.

Except for Ip Man's final ring scene.

It's about being in a stadium with an enemy, and the scene where one fights ten is the most classic.

The story line tells the story of the male protagonist Ye Wen being arrested, and finally being forced to compete with other people in order to get food, and the more people he wins, the more he gets.

So in the end, Ip Man appeared and had to fight ten.

This scene was actually not easy to shoot.

You have to defend yourself to prevent your opponent from hurting you, and at the same time, you have to hit the mark with your punches. After all, this is filming, not real fighting.

It's hard to figure it out, and acting opposite others requires good coordination and a sense of distance.

Fists and feet have no eyes, and it would be bad if the movement range is too large and the opponent is really injured.

Most of the time, this kind of scene requires stuntmen to perform, or it is shot in slow motion.

In this way, the last camera can capture the position of the fists and feet.

at this time,

Yuan Zheng took the actors to arrange their positions on the set and became familiar with the fighting process over and over again.

Because later it turned into a dozen people beating Ip Man.

So every actor's position is critical.

At the same time, the camera position must constantly give close-ups of the male protagonist from space.

Yuan Zheng pointed to the center: "A few people here somersaulted and fell to the ground. Then the male protagonist flew kicks and used Wing Chun's boxing to control the opponent. The last one clamped his head between his legs and then punched dozens of times as if to vent his anger... …”

While talking.

Yuan Zheng looked at Su Mu: "These are no problem. If it doesn't work, we can slow down."

Su Mu shook his head: "No need."

Yuan Zheng: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Su Mu's confidence made many people present sweat.

In fact, no one on the set questioned Su Mu's strength. Instead, they knew that Su Mu punched hard, so they showed worried looks.

After all, this was a man who could crush a wooden stake with one punch.

If you don't hold back during filming and punch your opponent in the face, you won't get a direct concussion.

The key thing is that Sumu also asked not to slow down for the sake of shooting effect.

"You think Su Mu is... not a joke, right?"

"It's not like that. He practices wooden sticks every day, so he should be very good."

"Brother, the scariest thing is to be powerful. You can't beat me to death with one punch."

"The punch is too fast and difficult to control. It's hard to say."

Everyone was talking about it.

On the other side, Lin Qingman and other actors also came to watch.

After all, it's rare to see Su Mu's fight scene.

Yuan Zheng: "What this action scene requires is to work together so that the filming can be more realistic and coherent. We all braced ourselves and got ready to start filming."

Soon, following Yuan Zheng's command.

All actors and cameras are ready.

"Ip Man, Game 103, Ike God!"


As the baffle falls, the machine position begins to rotate.

The shooting started.

Some people with bruises on their bodies were escorted to the martial arts gym.

At this moment, there were at least twenty or thirty men in white Taoist uniforms sitting around.

I saw a group of arrested civilians coming in.

Everyone showed a playful and hateful smile.

Someone asked for food, and then came the rules of the game.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the opponent's methods were extremely cruel. Even if he won the fight, he would beat the challenger to disability and inflict humiliation.

At this moment, the camera focused on Su Mu.

The character Ip Man has a backbone deep in his bones.

Although in the first half of the play, he was still very reserved and unwilling to reveal too much.

But everything broke out in this scene.

Seeing a familiar person having his hands and feet broken, anger surged into his heart for a moment.

Su Mu's expression was perfectly controlled, and his eyes seemed to kill people.

At the same time, both fists were clenched tightly.

He slowly walked to the center of the venue, and then looked upward.

"I want to hit ten!"

The momentum is natural.

Su Mu stretched out his hands and opened the starting position of Wing Chun.

People in white Taoist uniforms gathered around.

next moment,

No one reacted, even though they already knew the direction of the plot in advance, as well as the order and route of the fights arranged by Yuan Zheng.

But the moment Su Mu took action.

It still shocked everyone.

It’s fast, and it’s clean and a bit like a machine!

Da da da.

The fists landed like raindrops.

Such intensive and fast movements, but each punch was perfectly placed and stopped just a tiny distance in front of the opponent's body.

The footage simply doesn’t capture the flaw in fist and face collisions.

It's like a real hit.

The surrounding actors began to cooperate with Su Mu's moves.

If he hadn't trained in martial arts for several years, he might not be able to keep up with Su Mu's rhythm.

Even Yuan Zheng and Yuan Lang were dumbfounded by this scene.

"Master, you see what I said is right, he is really a master!"

Yuan Zheng was surprised: "That's not right. When Xin Qiji was there, he was just a beginner."

Yuan Lang: "I remember that he was also very fast on horseback at that time, and he mastered the movement routines in two or three weeks. He was really not an ordinary person."

Yuan Zheng: "If it were you in my place, would you be able to do it?"

Yuan Lang shook his head crazily: "Master, you still don't know what my level is? I can do all the movements, but I can't do it with such precision."

Yuan Zheng's eyes were excited: "Unexpectedly, this Sumu can bring surprises to people every time I see it. If you have this kind of strength, maybe you can really fight in a few years!"

Yuan Lang looked envious.

the other side.

Lin Qingman and the surrounding actors also looked at it in surprise.

"Before, Su Mu practiced wooden stakes every day. I thought it was random."

"No wonder, I work so hard every day just for this moment!"

"Oh my God, Teacher Su Mu will be my idol from now on!"

"Qingman, look, Teacher Su Mu is so fierce!"

Lin Qingman looked at him urged.

We have now reached the final stage of this scene.

Su Mu brought all of Ip Man's emotions into his boxing moves.

Even though you can't see too many expressions during the fight, you can still see his anger and hatred for his enemies from his movements.

This is a technique achieved after reaching LV5 behavioral imitation proficiency.

Now it is combined with Wing Chun, which is about to reach LV3 perfection.

Once he's fighting, it's hard to take your eyes off him.

Su Mu held down the person who fell to the ground and punched wildly.

He clamped the man's head between his knees, and then punched the door with his fist!

"Click! OK!"


A hearty fighting scene ended with Yuan Zheng's call to stop.

But at this moment, no one in the studio moved for a long time.

Every move Su Mu made just now affected the atmosphere and the emotions of the people around him.

So even if they call to stop, many people have entered the state and are unable to extricate themselves.

A feeling of hot blood boiling inside.

It gives people goosebumps.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Someone suddenly clapped, and then everyone around started cheering.

The next day.

Sumu got up early.

They practiced until Qian Jida and Xiao Juzi came to deliver breakfast.

Little Orange: “Boss, you are trending again!”

Su Mu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qian Jida: "What's going on?"

Qian Jida smiled: "Some paparazzi showed you practicing boxing, and since you took the role of Yuan Zheng's crew, V, the kicker, seems to be eyeing you."

Su Mu: "..."

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