In an instant it turned into a small black spot.Fly back to the East Naval District.

three minutes later.

Wait until the soldiers at the border arrive at the scene fully armed.I only saw a group of miscellaneous people dressed up lying on the side.It was tightly bound by a steel cable.

On the other side, two people who looked like hostages at first glance were lying behind a large rock.Everyone seemed to have passed out.The soldiers at the border guard were dumbfounded.

Either way, pepper is still a slap in the face.Just no one woke up.

The soldiers were also speechless, and Zhizhi carried this group of people on the car and transported them back to the border camp.Waited about an hour.This group of talents woke up one after another.The criminal gang fighters are too lazy to care.

Now that there are two hostages, it will definitely be more effective to ask the hostages for their confessions than a criminal gang.Simply pack it up for the group of criminal gangs and throw them in the small dark room.Talk to the two hostages.

"You two, can you see how many fingers I have stretched out?" A squad leader of the border guard stretched out two fingers.Shaking at the two hostages. "Two."


Although the two hostages have not recovered from the shock just now.

But at this time they also know that this is a warrior of Huaxia, and they are absolutely safe.

The squad leader nodded, looking.

Both of them were still awake.So began to take the testimonials.

"We received anonymous reports that there were criminal gangs carrying out smuggling and kidnapping cases." "Are you the victims?"

The two hostages nodded and stammered nervously.Good hanging did not faint again.

The squad leader reassured the two of them a little.

Continue to ask: "Then, about who rescued you." "Do you have any specific impressions?"

"We have confirmed that gang of criminals, and they are the most wanted criminals in the country." "Can you tell us about the whole incident?" The two hostages looked at each other.After hesitating for a while.

He said excitedly: "I can't remember how we were kidnapped." "But we were rescued by a steel armor!" Hearing this.

The squad leader was stunned.Did you just confirm it?

The two of them have no problem with their spirits, and they can count them on a few fingers.So how can you just start talking nonsense now?Steel armor?What the hell! ·


Chapter 441: A special gift for you!

at this time.

The squad leader felt helpless.Now the confession is no longer looks.

What kind of mental stimulation did this hostage receive?

The people who will save them in the future imagine themselves as superheroes in their own fantasies.understandable.

In that stressful situation after all.The human brain is easily deceived.But what about these criminal gangs?And this time.

A recruit who was in charge of taking the confession.Suddenly thought of something.Get your phone out.

Pick out a video and show it to the two hostages.

"Is this the steel armor you're talking about?" And that video.

It was the clip of Sui Tianhua saving people on the highway at that time.Immediately.

Both hostages jumped up excitedly.

"Yes! It's very similar! It's very similar! It's just such a guy!" "But the details are not the same, and it feels more scary than this." "However, this should be correct!"

"Especially the blue helmet, I remember it very clearly!" "It's exactly the same!" These sounds.It scared the headmaster.Subconsciously leaned over to check.Suddenly realized.It was such a thing!It's been over half a year since this happened.I almost forgot about it myself.but.

at this time.

He became even more suspicious.

Is this armor really the secret weapon of the Huaxia Military Region?Why are you helping Huaxia everywhere?

And why hasn't it been disclosed to all of them?

Looking at the place in the video, it should be the highway near the East China Sea.Are they all running to the border now?

The new soldier was also very excited at this time.

Said: "Squad leader, this should be true in all likelihood." "The brothers on the other side just now, when questioning the criminal gang. "

"They also said that something like a black and white robot beat them up." "It can't be penetrated by swords and grenades, and it can't be wrong!" The squad leader nodded and said, "Keep up with the news."

"Let them come and bring people back, and then ask if there is any news like this." "This matter is not under our control at night, wait for the news from above."

at this time.

A time of shock at the border.Ye Feng was already lying on the bed.Fall asleep peacefully.

But if you say sleep, you actually close your eyes and rest your mind.It's almost three o'clock now.

It's only two and a half hours before I get up at XNUMX:XNUMX in the barracks.He didn't want to be disturbed by the wake-up number when he fell asleep.Just lay on the bed and think for a moment.unconsciously.

Two and a half hours passed quickly.

Accompanied by the familiar wake-up number.The door of Ye Feng's laboratory was pushed open.It was Jie Yuhua and Nie Ruoli. "Genius, you haven't slept yet?"

Jie Yuhua saw that Ye Feng couldn't see any sleepiness on Ye Feng's face.frowned.

Now the third generation of armor has been completed.Ye Feng still didn't sleep like that.The body collapses when I endure it.This will not work!

Ye Feng didn't notice Jie Yuhua's careful thoughts.

He just smiled and said, "You two are just right."

"I went out to play last night and brought you two gifts back." Ye Feng said, from the drawer next to him.

He took out the pair of limited edition 1911s seized from the fat boss last night and put them on the table.See these two guns.

Jie Yuhua and Nie Ruoli were almost instantaneous.His eyes flashed with excitement.

Rushing forward, one picked up one and put it in his hand to observe.

"Isn't this the limited edition 1911 released by a company over there in Eagle sauce last year?"

"I remember a total of 500 units were sold at the time, priced at $4999, an expensive batch!" "Genius, where did you get this thing?"

Nie Ruoli's research on guns is really fanatical to the core.

It was immediately recognized that this was no ordinary 1911.He subconsciously told the origin of the gun.

Ye Feng nodded and said, "This, you can understand it as a trophy." "Last night I was bored and flew to Bianhuang to think about the scenery."

"I happened to meet a group of criminal gangs, and this is what the boss holds in his hand." ".々 I think this thing should be quite expensive, so I'll just bring it back directly to you." "If you like it, go find it. Master Fu, please register and be equipped with guns." At this time.

Jie Yuhua and Nie Ruoli were too excited.

I didn't know exactly where Ye Feng got this thing.I just thought about going to Master Fu to register this thing as my own gun.Actually.

The guns in the army are basically standard weapons.

It is allotted by the army, and it is impossible to buy whatever you want like the Eagle Sauce soldier.but.

Jie Yuhua and Nie Ruoli are two special ones.

They have files in both the police and the military, and do not belong to either party alone.It is only an agent who can be mobilized by the country and is currently based in the East Naval District.not to mention.

They are now mainly Ye Feng's bodyguards.The martial (good Zhao) outfit on the body is more casual.It's not that they go out on a mission every day fully armed.It was quite easygoing.In the end.

What guns they carry basically depends on what they are sent to.if they go through the proper channels.

For example, the prizes won by their excellent performance, or the trophies that the country does not care about at all and are not very important.Guns obtained in this way.A report can basically be approved.What's more, the source of this thing is "Ye Feng".That's almost like a green light machine all the way.

They just told Teacher Fu that this gun was a gift from Ye Feng.Teacher Fu directly passed the approval.after all.

Ye Feng can build whatever he wants, missiles are trivial.Even if you really build a gun to play with, no one will care.

Chapter 442: Courageous!And pirates hijacking cruise ships?

After waiting for a while.

Master Fu and Xie Yuhua Nie Ruoli came to Ye Feng's this time.

Jie Yuhua and Nie Ruoli no longer had that kind of smile on their faces.Instead, he looked nervous and serious.

Including Teacher Fu, they are all so serious.Ye Feng was stunned when he saw it.

Did you break the law?Is this thing difficult to report first?Before he could be the first to get confused.Master Fu took out his cell phone.Show a news to Ye Feng. "Little Leaf, look at this." Ye Feng scratched his head.

I thought my heroic incident last night was exposed.After looking at it, Hao Xuan didn't spit out the coffee in his mouth.What the hell?

Pirates take hostages for ransom! ?This is what should happen in this era! ?The news reports clearly.It was about eight o'clock yesterday afternoon.

A tourist cruise ship departing from Europe.While passing the Galle Sea coast.He was hijacked by the surrounding pirates.Yes.

The cruise ship was hijacked by pirates.And not Soma pirates.

It is the wild pirates of the Te Galle Sea.

Feelings, this is Captain Jack's reincarnation and picking up his old job again! ?The Galle Sea is an open sea surrounded by almost a cluster of desert islands.These deserted islands, without exception, have no nationality.Just a group of public areas.

The area was originally peaceful.There have been no problems with this route over the years.Who would have thought.

Just yesterday.

A pirate hijacks a cruise ship.What a big cruise ship with a displacement of five tons!

There are at least a few hundred people above, all of them are big local tyrants who are rich and have nowhere to spend.This group of pirates came out of nowhere.

It can be said that they are well-trained, and they are not comparable to Somali pirates.All kinds of standard weapons can be compared with mercenaries.Well-trained and full of firepower.

It was taken directly to the cruise ship within half an hour, and everyone was tied up with five flowers.Logically speaking.

This should have nothing to do with Huaxia.

After all, this kind of thing, basically (??) Which country is closer, and which country is going to pay.On the coast of the Galle Sea, even eight poles can't hit China.


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