Chapter 632

In the gray world, only Gaspar possesses color.

And such a world is normal for Gasper, and it is also a kind of torture.


Gasper said in a daze, he didn’t understand why this person who appeared suddenly wanted to remove his seal.

I don’t understand why Himeshima Juno brought him here, saying that he was a teacher? Then is it that way?

Gasper suddenly felt that someone was stupid than him.

“Is this your strength?”

But in this colorless and silent world, Mu Yun’s voice reached Gaspar’s ears.

“Are you okay???”

This is the first time that someone has the same color as himself in this gray world, and it is also the first time that someone can have power beyond their control under their own power.

“It’s okay, very good power, but unfortunately your Master’s is too jerky.” Mu Yun walked to Jidao Juna’s side and reached out to put his hand on Jidao Juna’s body.

The time when Juno Himeshima stopped, also began to flow again.

“This is?” Juno Himeshima looked at the gray world, a little surprised.

“Welcome to the world where time stops.” Mu Yun said to Jidao Junai with a smile.

“Is this time stop?” Himejima Juno looked around.

“Well, it’s boring.” Mu Yun curled his lips.

Time stops, it sounds NB, but it’s actually really NB, but for people who can’t master this kind of power.

This kind of power is very lonely, because in the time of stopping, no one can talk to you, and no one can talk to you here.

You seem to be a person isolated from this world. This is a kind of torture and also a kind of pain.

“However, you child, it’s okay. Although you can’t control it, but subconsciously, you still confine this power to this room and do a good job.”

Mu Yun praised Gaspar.

“Thank you.” Gasper was a little embarrassed, this is the first time anyone has praised himself so much.

“Then let us stop it now.”

Mu Yun asked Gaspar to stretch out his hands, and then put his own hand on Gaspar’s soft hand. I had to say that this hand had that kind of smell.

“Follow my magic.”

Mu Yun’s soft voice rang in Gaspar’s ears, a magical power that was not his own flowing in Gaspar’s arm.

Following this magical power, Gaspar came to his own eyes, and saw that magical power slam into his own eyes.

In order to chase it, Gaspar also hurried in.

In the next second, a purple light gleamed in Gasper’s eyes, the gray world began to flow, and the stopped time began to turn again.

“Okay, remember the feeling this time. This is your first step to control it.” Mu Yun said to Gasper.

“Hmm.” After the guidance just now, Gasper seemed to understand a little bit, and he nodded hard.

“But don’t be too rushed. I have left some of my magic power with you. This magic power will help you until you can control it freely. Now you can go and see this world of flowers with us.” Mu Yun touched it. Touching Gaspar’s head.

To be honest, Mu Yun still thinks that Gasper is quite fun. Unlike the cold cat like a kitten, Gasper seems to be a timid and shy child.

“Is that all right??” Himejima Juno said I don’t know what you did?

“How difficult do you think it is, who do you think I am? I am your teacher Mu.” Mu Yun said I was so powerful, you didn’t believe me.

“No, why did he fail to control this artifact?” Himeshima Juno asked.

“Because I’m afraid.” Mu Yun explained calmly.


“Yes, he was afraid of this power, so he didn’t accept it. You can imagine that if you raise a puppy, it likes you very much and pesters you every day, but you are afraid of it for a long time. What will the puppy become.”

“No, this is an artifact.”

“Artifact, what’s the matter? Does the artifact have no consciousness? Doesn’t the artifact know what its Host is? You have to understand that sometimes, you do choose the item, but sometimes, why not the item chooses you.”

“So, is it my problem?” Gasper interjected.

“Yes, Gasper, there is no right or wrong with power, no matter what kind of power it is, it depends on the person who uses them, so don’t be afraid and accept it. After all, you don’t want to be here for the rest of your life.” Mu Yun finished .

Just sat aside, waiting for Gasper to take the first step out of this room.

Mu Yun was not in a hurry anyway, this time it was originally to meet the family of Lias who had never appeared before, and by the way, Mu Yun was also a little interested in Gaspar.

According to Himejima Juno, Gaspar is a vampire and an abandoned vampire.

But in Mu Yun’s eyes, the child and Yuyifo’s appearance were a bit similar to the appearance of Yuyi Fox’s wife, Saabuki Otome.

Just one possessed, one seemed to be a fragment, Gasper’s soul was very powerful, otherwise he would not be given a choice by such an artifact.

And there seemed to be a divine weapon in his body, Mu Yun felt it was outrageous, this Lias was a bit awesome, and the family members he found here were who he was.

The potentials exploded one by one, anyway, it seems that Yuto Kiba’s potential can’t keep up with these people, it’s too much.

Under the gaze of Mu Yun and Jidao Zhu Nai, Gaspar slowly moved towards the door.

Gasper looks forward to the outside world. As a vampire, Gasper’s resistance to sunlight is completely different from that of ordinary vampires.

And he doesn’t hate the sun like other vampires, and he even enjoys the warmth brought by the sun.

But this is an alternative to vampires, a kind of disgusted existence, so Gaspar has been bullied by his fellow clan since he was a child.

It is also the reason why Rias was able to meet Gaspar. With such power, Gaspar was regarded as an outlier and was regarded as a taboo.

Only Lias and others did not dislike him, and regarded him as a dependent, and sometimes Lias would talk to Gaspar about her own affairs.

So Gaspar knew about the battle between Rias and Rissel, and couldn’t help Rias because he couldn’t control it. In fact, Gaspar was quite guilty.

But this time, with Mu Yun’s help, Gaspar had the power to be outward and also had the opportunity to control the power.

So Gaspar took the first step hard, and he was bathed in the sunshine at that time.

“It’s done well, so let’s accept my special training with Yicheng, Youdou and Kitty. Of course, Zhu Nai can come if you want.” Mu Yun appeared behind Gasper and encouraged. .

“I don’t need it anymore, I have my own training method.” Himeshima Juno shook his head.

“Really? You look a lot like a kitten.” In a word, Juna Jishima’s face changed suddenly, but Mu Yun didn’t say any more but led Gasper forward.

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