Chapter 628

Above the sky.

The two red figures collided.

One of them was wrapped in flames, and one of them was covered by red armor.

The collision between the two was fierce, so intense that there were only two voices in the entire competition arena, and the fighting of the others stopped because of the two.

“Is Hyoto-san so good?” Yuto Kiba stood beside the injured Rebel.

Seeing Hyoudou Issei who was at war with Rissel in the sky, his words could not help revealing a trace of confusion.

“Hmph, just borrowed the power of the divine tool.” Although Rebel was defeated, his mouth was still yelling.

Tacheng Kitten is similar to Kiba Yudou, but Kiba Yudou is also a magical emissary, and it is the same type as Hyoto Issei.

In other words, as long as Kiba Yudou liberated the artifact, he could actually be greatly improved, but the kitten knew that he had no artifact.

All I have is the power that I hate, but is power really wrong?

Thinking of what Mu Yun once said to her that night, the kitten’s heart wandered.

Ubeluna and Juno Himeshima are actually fortunate. They have seen a lot of battles of this scale. After all, they would actually have the same effect if they didn’t have this forbidden domain.

However, both Himejima Juno and Ubeluna knew that Hyodou Issei had not been a demon for long.

So all of this is attributed to Hyoudou Issei’s divine tool, the gods of the gods, and the red dragon emperor’s cage hand, which deserves to be called a divine tool that even gods can kill.

But this thing, only Himejima Juno knows, like Ubeluna is thinking about why this Hyoudou Issei is so powerful, what is his magical weapon? ?

In the sky, Mu Yun’s figure moved with Hyoudou Issei’s movement. To tell the truth, Hyoudou Issei felt that Mu Yun was really annoying.

Always disturbing himself, so he said, “Brother Mu, can you stop following me? You don’t know how many shots I have been hit because of you.”

“Boy, what are you talking about???” Reisel asked when he noticed Hyoto Issei talking, because there was no one beside Hyoto Issei. Who was he talking to? It should be said that he was fighting against himself, this person. I’m still distracted. Is this looking down on me, Rissel?

“Hey, Yicheng, I’m training you. Look, your Isshin can be hard to distinguish from this superior demon named Rissel. This shows that you have improved.”

“Haha.” Hyoto Ise wanted to say, if it wasn’t for you, I could kill him, okay?

“Besides, do you really think I was following you on purpose? Silly boy, I am your power bank.” Mu Yun said bitterly.

“Boy, do you look down on me?” Rissel rushed again furiously.

In fact, Mu Yun’s remark was not just a bludgeon, but a fact.

Hyoto Issei was encouraged by his own pulling out of seedlings. Theoretically, Hyoto Issei can’t use the forbidden hand now. After all, you are too high to see Hyouto Issei.

The reason why he was able to use Forbidden Hand was because Mu Yun was also the secret weapon that Mu Yun said last time.

It is not difficult for Mu Yun to participate in the war, but this does not hinder him. Mu Yun opened some plug-ins for these people.

Because of Kiba Youdou’s heart knot, even if Mu Yun helped him open the forbidden hand, he couldn’t open it by himself afterwards.

But Hyoto Issei is different. In the process of using Chiryu Emperor’s cage hands, Hyoto Issei and Chiryu Emperor’s cage hands have been deepening the relationship between the two sides.

Well, Emperor Chiryu’s cage hand is alive, so Hyoto Kazushima’s bad job is to kick the door, and the artifact is based on the spirit and emotion of the artifact.

And Hyoto Issei’s spiritual emotions can be said to be very rich, so the cage hands of him and the Chiryu Emperor will evolve faster.

But there is a flaw in this, that is, there is no explosive point.

If Mu Yun didn’t intervene, the chance of Lias and others losing in this ranking game was higher than 80%.

This is something that can’t be helped. Although the quality here is relatively high, the tears of Phoenix on Rissel’s side are really too BUG.

As a result, the fighting between the two sides was unfair from the beginning.

And this is also the biggest point that Rias loses noodles.

Maybe Rias lost, Hyoudou Issei’s emotions exploded, and he could enter the forbidden hand as he should.

But with me, Mu Yun, you still want to have this kind of thing, how do you say that Lias’s brother Sazeks calls himself brother.

Lias is the equivalent of her own cousin. Watching her cousin marry someone who doesn’t like it, you are afraid that you are not dreaming.

So Mu Yun pushed Hyoudou Issei, and with such a high-intensity continuous battle, you really can be supported by Hyoudou Issei.

Don’t be kidding, forbidden hand is not without consumption, mental consumption is one aspect, and magic consumption is also one aspect.

And the reason why Hyoto Issei can continue to carry out high-intensity battles is entirely because of Mu Yun, the spirit and magic power are all provided by Mu Yun.

Although after the battle, Hyoudou Issei would definitely feel aches all over, plus a splitting headache, and physical weakness, but now he is invincible.

“Yicheng, don’t underestimate Forbidden Hand, and don’t underestimate this divine tool on your body.” Mu Yun appropriately reminded Houtou Issei in his ear.

Finally, Rissel discovered the fact that it was unrealistic to want to kill Hyoudou Issei on his own. How damn this guy is so persistent.

And Phoenix’s tears are not unlimited use, this thing is too BUG, ​​except for the life and death battle.

At other times, Phoenix’s tears are restricted to be used twice in the ranked game. If it exceeds two times, it will be automatically judged to lose.

And now Rissel’s magic power is about to bottom out. In fact, it’s his own fault. He has nothing to do, pretends to be forced, makes it fancy, and consumes magic quickly.

However, this is also because Mu Yun acted as Hyoto Ise’s power bank.

If you compare the magic power of Rissel with Mu Yun, it is the water cup and the sea, which are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

But at this time, Hyoto Issei also had a problem, Immune to Death.

Phoenix’s body has the phoenix bloodline, which leads to physical attacks that cannot defeat him to some extent.

At this time, Mu Yun also stopped his magic and spiritual supply, and handed them all to Hyoudou Issei.

So Hyoto Yicheng understood the meaning of Muyun’s power bank.

“Boy, give up, you can’t beat me.” Rissel stood on the ground and looked at Houtou Issei proudly, thinking that he had the advantage if he didn’t know it.

“Really? Although your body can repair the damage caused by my attack, you can repair it several times.” Of course, this is Mu Yun reminding Hyoto Ise.


As a result, there was a brutal and inhuman beating in the game field, and Hyoudou Issei unilaterally beat Rissel.

Half an hour later, Rissel’s repair was slow, and his body was completely bloody and bloodied by Houto Issei.

“…Boy, do you know how important my marriage contract with Lias is to the entire underworld?” Rissel was a little crazy at this time.

“I don’t know, but I know, the minister doesn’t like you, it’s enough to know this.” After gathering the last trace of magic power on his body, Hyoudou Issei fired a huge magic cannon at Rissel.

With a “boom~~~”, Rissel’s body was teleported out of the field.

In the game field, the voice of taking Sanna sounded.

“Lias of RankingGame, win!”

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