「Let’s call it a day.」

We ran to a park in the middle of buildings.

After taking a break on a bench, Sugita was the first one to get up.

「No, wait a minute.」

I held Sugita back.

There is something I wanted to verify.

「It was crazy seeing so many people down. Luckily, we seem to be okay. It’s good that we left before other people see us.」

What Sugita said sounded reasonable.

However, in this situation, it was natural for him to be concerned about himself first.

「What makes you so sure you won’t lose consciousness in the future?」

「….what are you saying?」

Sugita’s face clouded.

「You know more than you’re telling us, don’t you?」

Thinking about it, it is doubtful how he knew rumors about the club.

Unless you are someone who’s very active in researching or has connections to the underworld to begin with, you won’t be able to get that kind of information.

The variants must have been spreading some information as bait but I don’t think they would do it that openly.

「……I get it. I didn’t mean to get you involved in this day’s event. I’ll tell you why as my apology.」

Sugita sat down on the bench again and began to talk.

「I’ve had a girlfriend since high school. We were going to get married when we graduated from college.」

Sugita gritted his teeth and his face contorted in frustration.

「However, she died so easily. It was because of those drugs…. I was busy working on a paper for college and wasn’t able to get in touch with her. By the time I finished my paper and went to her room, it was already too late. She was drugged. There’s no way she would lay her hands on them. I believe she was deliberately drugged by the guy who liked her but I never got any proof….」


Yui covered her mouth.

「So, I’m trying to get them to admit that the drugs that killed her were illegal. The police might already be working on it but I wanted to do something myself.」


That makes sense if you ask me.

「I apologize for using you as baits. You are right.」

Sugita bowed deeply.

「I don’t know about you but I don’t think you should be getting involved with drugs. Or is there a reason why you’re looking into this?」

Yui and I looked at each other.

「I knew it. You didn’t seem like junkies or people who would just get into drugs without thinking. Are you going to tell me what’s going on?」

I shook my head in silence.

「I see. It can’t be helped. However, I’d like to exchange information with you. Wouldn’t you mind at least exchanging contact information?」

「I don’t.」

We exchanged contacts with Sugita and left the place.

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