I've come to the conclusion. I've told everyone seriously. "For some reason we all came here from different countries at the same time. I don't know if this is an accident or someone's conspiracy. I don't know if this is an undiscovered country, or a new world, or a dream, either. There is too little information right now to give a clear answer. I'm not lying, believe me. You guys remember what happened before, just like me. I mean, including me, we should each have a past we don't want to say. The past is the past, there's nothing more you can do, so you don't have to say it. I'm sure you guys want to go back to the old world, don't you? If you want to go home, won't you listen to my suggestion now? Everyone who listened to me got quiet." Why don't you guys team up with me and adventure together? I need your help, and instead, I'll be captain. This suggestion sounds very dumb, but I'm not like you guys right now, I'm so excited right now. I want to venture into this new, wider world. But I can't do anything by myself, so why don't you give me your help? "My thoughts seem so stupid, but everyone took them seriously.

"I'm not kidding! It's impossible to venture into a place you don't know like this! You gonna make an adventure story? Stupid. It's the most important thing for us right now to find a place where we all live!" Pacificio replied. "I know how you feel, I want to do the same. But we don't have any leads right now, and of course we don't know how to get home. We should all look for a way back if we are to make it home safely. It is faster for everyone to join forces in gathering information in this unknown world. That's not all, maybe Mr. Zion is the only one of us who can fight now. If a monster showed up, we'd be killed instantly. But if we put together, we'd have a better chance of living. Rest assured, I will disband this adventure team once I find a way home successful. You guys go back to your old world, and I'll stay here alone. So let's all team up before we find a way home." I said my opinion. "We do it, we do it! We also want to adventure, the original life is good, but it's boring! We're having a lot of fun right now. So do it, everybody! Adventure with us!" Safa replied well. Everyone who listened to Safa didn't disagree. "Okay! Let's get on the next agenda when we decide!" I'm glad, I'm so glad. Even my younger daughter met someone who wanted to do the same thing as me. I can't be happier.

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