Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 307: angel and devil

Lynn's calm but fiery words did not match his delicate appearance, showing a majestic masculinity as majestic and lofty as the Great Wall. Lin En, who was already dazzling, didn't know how dazzling he was when he said these decisive words, which made those with evil thoughts dare not look directly.

After grinding and training again and again, Lynn's originally unstable and solid temperament has gradually revealed clues.

Sherlock looked sideways.

He seemed to have something else to say, but seeing Lynn's heroic demeanor extinguished some of his original thoughts. It is precisely because it is rare that it is so valuable. Since entering the age of steam, the upper and lower levels of the will have gradually died, and the upper level has gradually decayed, and the chivalrous spirit has become more and more valuable.

"I'll wait for you to come out."

Mr. Detective said nothing, he turned and left the prison.

Lynn couldn't help scratching his head and muttering quietly.

"I hurt his self-esteem? Don't be so rude if you can't answer."

The little gentleman's deliberate muttering made several people in the other room could not help laughing, and their shoulders shrugged slightly. Sure enough, he is still an immature young man. In the eyes of these people who have lived through the sinister society, Moriarty is too naive, so naive that he can't bear to reason with him.

In fact, this is completely different from your senses and attitudes when you face a bear child and a child who wants to be a scientist wholeheartedly. They are all naive, but one is innocent and no one guides and indulges, and the other is innocent and positive and embraces beauty. Is naive wrong? Obviously naivety is not wrong, it is the lack of education and bad environment.

"It's no wonder you care so much about him. Anyone who is a smart knight likes him, but one knight is enough, and a pair of knights will die."

The sad-faced man also patted the hem of his clothes, and he seemed to congratulate Campbell.

Apparently the knights here are in pairs, referring to Yefne and Lynn.

[Steam City] Who doesn't know that the second daughter of the Campbell family is a troublesome knight, so Campbell rarely has a good face for this stubborn daughter, and no man can conquer her heart. Now that the knights are in pairs, they seem beautiful but a little dangerous. They are afraid that they will cause trouble, and this incident has already begun.

The meaning is clear at a glance.

"The daughter of the Campbell family is not so easy to win the heart." The old and arrogant man raised his head, and seemed to care nothing about the fact that Lynn and Yefne did not give a shit.

Of course, the blood of the Campbell family is withering, and if Lynn is really willing to give up his life, then Campbell is absolutely kind and kind like a Bodhisattva.

Sherlock walked out of the prison, and there was a deep smile on his originally tense face.

"Sherlock, what are you laughing at?"

Waiting at the door was a woman, with a coldness that no strangers should approach, and a relatively plump and tall figure. Standing next to Mr. Detective with her boots on her feet meant she was a little taller, like a bodyguard. Aurora Watson, this indifferent woman only changes when her eyes fall on Sherlock.

"Laughing is a good emotion. Watson, you should laugh more. You will look good when you smile."

"I tried my best to laugh at you last time, but it was filmed to make fun of me on purpose." Watson said Sherlock's boredom in one sentence. This behavior can be said to be three points straighter than straight men.

"That's different. I know you're really ugly when you're not smiling." Sherlock was speaking when he suddenly felt a chill pass from his neck, and immediately said in a serious tone. "I just laughed so much because I thought a funny guy might be more funny than I thought, he looked like a mix of a devil and an angel."

"Sherlock, the devil will be purified by the angel."

"Damn, you have no artistry at all, this is a romantic way of saying, my dear Watson, you should read more art collections in your spare time, instead of sharpening your dagger every day, I doubt whether you want to Murdered me, especially the last time you were sharpening your knife by your bedside."

Sherlock couldn't help complaining, but in his heart he was thinking about the memories of Lynn's performance just now.

As long as a person exists there, he is a source of information that can be analyzed. Lin En's performance just now was quite satisfactory, completely in line with all the subtle expressions a prisoner should have. But it is too well-established. As a smart person, he lacks the offensive desire he should have, and there is almost zero temptation.

Mr. Holmes was sure Lynn was hiding something.

It's just that Lynn's defense was too perfect. He didn't know what the darkness was hiding in this bright young man.

He was happy too.

Some roads are destined to be walked only by the coexistence of angels and demons. He is now looking forward to the future incomparably. Sooner or later, Lynn will reveal his darkness. For him, it is a future that can be predicted without deliberate guidance. [Mouth of Stitches] Silent, but whispers always flow Lynn soon waited for the person Sherlock said in the cell.

[Bundancer], the man who dared to shoot at the saint, His Excellency Alfred condescended to find Lynn. This median sequencer was very polite to the little gentleman. Even when Lynn stood up and saluted, he waved his hands to signal him to be more casual. When he came up, he first told Lynn what was missing here. He could ask someone to bring it in from outside.

Lynn also took advantage of the situation, and his beloved pocket watch was searched.

Alfred reassured him that the face of the pocket watch had cracked, and he had seen it sent for repairs, guaranteeing that it would be as good as new when it was returned.

Sequence 6 was so pleasant, Lynn scratched his head a little, and he didn't seem to please Mr. Alfred.

Of course, Lynn didn't know how the other non-entrants, under the heavy pressure like the top of a mountain, watched the lower part of the city just a little bit when the saint in [Fountain of Life] was suppressed last night. out of control. That feeling, as if being roasted on a fire.

And Lynn and others turned the tide! Just a basin of ice water washed down from the top of their heads, which is better than constipation!

Because of the terrifying pressure brought by Mr. Umbrella, no one would care about Lynn's flaws in his work. Of course, if there is no Mr. Umbrella, after the saints take action to forcibly suppress Clark's rebellion relying on [Zisui Bi], then Lynn's aggressive behavior will still be punished. There were some dissenting voices, and it was lucky that the edges and corners were not rubbed off.

after this incident.

Lynn's accumulated achievements, as well as his previous debts, plus the follow-up expansion of the [Suppression Bureau]. Alfred felt a little emotional in his heart, and Lynn was afraid that the headquarters would be entrusted with the important task of branch expansion.

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