Is He Really The Protagonist?

Chapter 124 Spiritual Valley

The man was lying on a huge stone with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, revealing a pair of pupils that were like stars in the sky.

Xiao Bosheng sat up, blinked, and looked around. He could no longer see the shadow of Linghe. The fog around him turned back to ordinary fog, mixed with a touch of spiritual energy.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in himself, but did not react for a long time.

When I opened my eyes again, there were complex emotions that could not be concealed on my face: frustration, disappointment, sadness, unwillingness...

Linghe cannot help him advance.

After being in a daze for a while, he stood up and walked in a random direction, with a hint of heaviness in his steps.

Although he had already made some mental preparations, when he actually faced the result, he still felt uneasy and uncomfortable.

At this moment, Xiao Bosheng desperately wished that his spirit pattern was ordinary, without any special spirit pattern, instead of a star pupil.

Although the power of Xingpu was obvious to all, at least he could see the hope of advancing to ordinary spiritual patterns.

And now, he was like looking at a treasure through transparent glass. This treasure undoubtedly belonged to him only. It contained an extraordinary future, but he did not have the key.

In fact, with Star Pupils and memories belonging to another world, even if he is only at the first level, as an ordinary person, Xiao Bosheng cannot be mediocre.

But people are greedy by nature and always want to have more. Xiao Bosheng's greed lies in the pursuit of strong strength.

But now, he can't find his way.

Moving forward aimlessly, we came to a valley unknowingly. The valley was deserted, with all kinds of stones scattered throughout the valley, like tumors growing on the ground.

Spirit Valley.

Xiao Bosheng chuckled and felt even more uncomfortable.

The holy relics can only be used after the second level. Even if you gain something, you can't use it. Rounding it off is equivalent to no gain.

He went to all three places and found nothing. He was probably the first one in the history of Yuling.

Stepping into the valley, the topic of Linggu is the most discussed on the forum. The method of finding one's own holy relics in Linggu is relatively abstract. It is jokingly called by spiritualists who have not participated in it: picking up sheep excrement balls.

Every stone in the Spirit Valley that is smaller than the size of a normal adult man's fist represents a holy relic, but to obtain it, you need the approval of the holy relic.

How to specifically determine whether you have obtained the approval of a holy relic? The method is very simple, just pinch it with your hands.

If approved, the stone will break into pieces like an eggshell, and the holy relic will be lodged in the user's spiritual pattern. If the user has reached the second level, the isolation between the spiritual pattern and the outside world will be released, and the user can Summon the use of holy relics.

If it is not recognized, the stone will be unresponsive like an ordinary stone.

The above is a normal situation. Although the holy relics have no consciousness, they have spirituality and temper. Some holy relics look down on the user, so after the stone where they reside is pinched, it will crack like a ball of sheep shit, and the inside will The substance is in one hand.

Looking at the stones on the ground, Xiao Posheng thought for a moment and walked forward.

You can't look back in the Spiritual Valley, you can only walk forward, because you have crossed the things under your feet and moved forward. Even if you look back later, the things you gave up in front of you will not be waiting for you where you are.

Instead, they make you feel like squeezing a ball of sheep shit.

There is also a saying on the forum that there is not only one holy relic in the Spiritual Valley that will recognize you, but everyone can only take one away.

So don’t search for them one by one. Doing so will only reduce the number of holy relics that recognize you, and will also cause you to miss the one that suits you best.

The one who belongs to you will eventually be attracted and appear by your side as you move forward, so there is no need to rush.

Of course, this is just a statement, and its authenticity needs to be verified, because some people slowly walked around and did not meet the one that belonged to them.

There are fist-sized stones everywhere in the valley, each one representing a sacred relic. Walking here, it is difficult for a normal person to restrain the desire to pick up a piece.

But Xiao Bosheng was obviously not normal at this time. Ever since he came out of Linghe, he had shown a sense of discouragement.

It has been a year and he has not found a way to advance to the next level. Now his last hope is gone. He will probably waste his whole life at the first level. So what if you get the holy relic, deprive it of the possibility of choosing someone else, and imprison it in your own spiritual pattern?

Kong never showed up, and Xiao Bosheng didn't know what the right time was, so he could only go around here.

When he reached the middle of the valley, he missed a step, but he quickly regained his balance.

Looking at his feet, there was no unusual terrain, just a round stone that was spinning on the ground due to his movements just now.

He shook his head, ignored the spinning stone, and continued moving forward. Then there was the sound of rocks colliding behind him, and Xiao Bosheng turned around to look.

The round stone hit a piece on the other side and bounced off, then hit another side and was bounced away, flying straight towards him.

Subconsciously reaching out to catch it, Xiao Posheng felt a little helpless as he looked at the stone that had become quiet in his hand.

"Why do you have to find me? We are not suitable. You should become famous in the hands of those potential spiritual masters, instead of following me. I can't even see my own future clearly, and you can only live in the spiritual world. The lines are in disarray."

He shook his head and threw the stone away. The rounded stone drew an arc in the air and hit the ground on one side. Then, like a bouncy ball, it bounced several times and flew towards Xiao Bosheng again.


Xiao Bosheng ducked sideways, and the stone bounced again.

It's only three things, and it would be rude to hide any longer.

Reaching out to catch it, Xiao Posheng looked at the stone in his hand without saying anything. He squeezed it hard and the stone shattered like a fragile foam, and a pea-sized ball of light rushed out from it.

The light group circled in the air for a few more times, gradually getting larger, revealing the sacred relic hidden in it: a straight-edged Tang Hengdao, about one meter long, black as a whole, with cracks on the blade, and white streaks on the blade that reflected the cold. The light is sharp, the blade and handle are integrated, and there is no tangent.

As the sword-shaped holy relic fully manifested, Xiao Bosheng stretched out his hand, and with a flash of sword light, a drop of blood emerged from his fingertips, floated into the air, and merged into the blade.

As this drop of blood merged, the straight knife trembled violently, and then broke into several streams of light, all of which poured into his body.


Following his voice, the straight knife lodged in the spiritual pattern trembled, as if responding, but had no other reaction.

Feeling the message coming from his mind, Xiao Bosheng sighed and moved on, leaving Linggu not long after.

Outside the valley, Kong was sitting on the door panel waiting. When he saw him coming out, Kong patted the empty seat behind him.

"'Source' told me that I can take you away."

Xiao Bosheng sat on the door panel, a little unwilling to give up: "I can go to Linghe again."

Kong shook his head: "You should understand that even if you go again, the result will be the same. No matter how many times you try, the results that will not appear will never appear, and the things that can be done will never be without signs."

Xiao Bosheng felt a little powerless: "But I did encounter an unusual situation in Linghe."

Kong, who was sitting cross-legged, turned his head and looked at him: "I don't know what you encountered in Linghe, but I hope you understand that what belongs to you will eventually come, and what doesn't belong to you can't be forced."

Sitting behind Feijian, Xiao Bosheng was a little confused: "If this is the case, I just need to wait. Why bother working hard?"

“To be able to match it when it comes, and to have the ability to retain it when it leaves.”

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