Iron Powder and Spellcasters

Chapter 5: 10th Union Newscast

  Alliance news broadcast on May 10

  1. Column·Deep History

  "Army Building of the Republics in the Post-Sovereign War Era · Inter-Provincial Chapter (1

  Author: Bai Ruisi

   "The armed forces of the United Piedmont Republic belong to the whole people, and its task is to defend against all enemies inside and outside the Republic."

  —Constitution of the United Republic of the Piedmont

"The essence of military command power is the power conferred by the constitution, and its effect ranks higher than all legislation outside the constitution. The exercise of command power and its results are not responsible to the National Assembly, and the National Assembly has no right to the command of the army and its results. Raise questions, demand clarification and criticism."

  —"Advanced Command Program Piedmont Republic"

"... There was a farmer who had a dog, a good dog, strong and fierce; the farmer was afraid, so he bought a chain, a chain strong enough to hold the dog; the farmer came home and found that the chain was not long enough—if A thief came in over the wall from the backyard, wouldn’t the dog not be able to bite? So, the farmer tied one end of the chain around the dog’s neck, put the other end of the chain in the dog’s mouth, and let the dog hold it by itself.’ Now it’s finally safe The farmer said contentedly. As soon as he finished speaking, the dog bit him hard. The farmer was very surprised and asked: "Didn't I already tie you up?" The dog replied: "Yes, tie me to my yourself'."

  —Niccolò Giustinian, the ninety-seventh consul of the Seablue Republic and the first consul of the Vineta Republic, a joke told at a banquet

(to be continued)

  2. Advertising time

  Are you still troubled by the sticky soil? Are you still sighing for the expensive horses? Are you still unable to sleep at night because of the empty warehouse? Montessori Plow! Solve all your troubles! His Excellency the Tribune of Montagne designed it carefully, using lighter wood and reinforced with metal components, the coulters are made of first-class steel, and the height of the wheels can be adjusted freely. A HD horse can pull it.

   Xinken County well-known trademark, Tiefeng County inspection-free products.

  Real materials, ingenuity, look for Mengshi plow.

   (Thanks to the book friend [Honest Next Door Pharaoh XD] for providing the slogan)

  3. Continuous rental of advertising space

  (end of this chapter)

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